If you want to run for office you need to be a member in good standing.
Send bio to:
101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans
3570 Green View Pkwy
Sumter, SC 29150-7066
Duties of the Board of Governors are extracted from the By-Laws of the
101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Organization,
Article's I & II.
Duties of the President
Term of Office - 2 years
A. The President, or such Officer as he may designate in writing, shall have the power to make and execute for, and in the name of the "Organization" such contracts and leases as may have received the prior approval of the Board of Governors.
B. Shall chair all of the Board of Governors, the "Organization" Assembly and the National Chapter meetings.
C. Shall vacate the chair immediately after completion of the election of the New President.
D. Shall appoint all chairpersons for all committees.
E. Shall be Ex-Officio Member of all committees of the "Organization".
F. Shall carry out all orders given by the Board of Governors.
G. Shall prepare the agenda for all meetings, regular or special.
H. Shall have the power to act in an emergency without permission of the Board of Governors.
I. Shall make a report of the emergency and his actions, in writing, to all members of the Board of Governors within one (1) week after his decision to act.
J. Shall cause an investigation by competent authority of any allegation of a criminal act against the "Organization" and is bound to prosecute if the findings warrant it.
K. Shall have the authority to excuse members of the Board of Governors, for cause, from a meeting.
L. Shall be a member of, and the President of, The National Chapter and conduct the election of the Chapter Delegate at a chapter meeting at the Annual Reunion, prior to the membership assembly meeting.
M. Shall not make any political statement, or political endorsement, speaking for the "Organization", without the prior approval of the Board of Governors.
Duties of the Vice-President
Term of Office - 2 years
Shall carry out the duties of the Office of President in the absence of the President, and be responsible for the execution of any duties assigned to him by the President.
Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
Term of Office - 2 years
A. Shall be responsible for recording the activities of the "Organization" and maintaining appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records of the "Organization".
B. Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated by the President in connection with said meetings, and shall be responsible for carrying out orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
C. Shall maintain a list of the members of the Board of Governors, including their home addresses and home phone numbers.
D. Shall keep minutes of the meetings of the "Organization", and cause them to be recorded.
E. Shall perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the office, as may be assigned by the President.
F. Shall be responsible for overseeing the “ORGANIZATION” publication and the distribution of same to the membership.
G. Shall keep records of the receipts and disbursements of all monies and securities of the "Organization”.
H. Shall not pay an unauthorized invoice.
I. Shall pay for all authorized invoices.
J. Shall receive all monies and securities, and deposit the same in a depository approved by the Board of Governors.
K. Shall submit his records, for audit, to the audit committee chairman in sufficient time so as to ensure its being in his hands at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Reunion.
L. Shall prepare a financial report of the "Organization" and submit it to the Board of Governors at the Board of Governors meeting at the Annual Reunion each year.
M. Shall be responsible for conduct of Quartermaster Sales Items.
N. Shall be responsible for all organizational equipment.
Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms
Term of Office - 2 years
A. Shall maintain order and proper decorum during all meeting of the Organization".
B. Shall be the custodian of the colors and color guard equipment and ensure they are available for all required functions.
Four Year Governor
Term of Office - 4 years total
Shall perform duties as assigned by the President.Note: Upon election of the new Four (4) Year Governor (every 2nd year) the current Four (4) Year Governor becomes the Two (2) Year Governor and serves for a period of Two (2) Years.
The National Chapter Delegate
Term of Office - 2 years
*Shall be elected for a period of two years by the current regular membership of the National Chapter every two years either in person or by absentee ballot at the Annual Reunion prior to the "Organization" Assembly Meeting.
*May also be one of the "Organization" Officers.
The Local Chapter Delegate
Term of Office - 2 years
*Shall be elected by the Local Chapter Current Regular Members,every two years either in person or by absentee ballot, prior to the annual reunion..
*Shall be elected for a period of two (2) years.
*May also be one of the "Organization" Officers.
Web Master
Term of Office - Indefinite
*Shall be appointed by the President.
*Will be responsible for the maintenance of the web site.
*Ensure web site bills are paid with reimbursement by Secretary/Treasurer.
*Have basic knowledge of html programming.
Send bio to:
101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans
3570 Green View Pkwy
Sumter, SC 29150-7066
Duties of the Board of Governors are extracted from the By-Laws of the
101st Airborne Division Vietnam Veterans Organization,
Article's I & II.
Duties of the President
Term of Office - 2 years
A. The President, or such Officer as he may designate in writing, shall have the power to make and execute for, and in the name of the "Organization" such contracts and leases as may have received the prior approval of the Board of Governors.
B. Shall chair all of the Board of Governors, the "Organization" Assembly and the National Chapter meetings.
C. Shall vacate the chair immediately after completion of the election of the New President.
D. Shall appoint all chairpersons for all committees.
E. Shall be Ex-Officio Member of all committees of the "Organization".
F. Shall carry out all orders given by the Board of Governors.
G. Shall prepare the agenda for all meetings, regular or special.
H. Shall have the power to act in an emergency without permission of the Board of Governors.
I. Shall make a report of the emergency and his actions, in writing, to all members of the Board of Governors within one (1) week after his decision to act.
J. Shall cause an investigation by competent authority of any allegation of a criminal act against the "Organization" and is bound to prosecute if the findings warrant it.
K. Shall have the authority to excuse members of the Board of Governors, for cause, from a meeting.
L. Shall be a member of, and the President of, The National Chapter and conduct the election of the Chapter Delegate at a chapter meeting at the Annual Reunion, prior to the membership assembly meeting.
M. Shall not make any political statement, or political endorsement, speaking for the "Organization", without the prior approval of the Board of Governors.
Duties of the Vice-President
Term of Office - 2 years
Shall carry out the duties of the Office of President in the absence of the President, and be responsible for the execution of any duties assigned to him by the President.
Duties of the Secretary/Treasurer
Term of Office - 2 years
A. Shall be responsible for recording the activities of the "Organization" and maintaining appropriate files, mailing lists and necessary records of the "Organization".
B. Shall conduct all correspondence not otherwise specifically delegated by the President in connection with said meetings, and shall be responsible for carrying out orders, votes and resolutions not otherwise committed.
C. Shall maintain a list of the members of the Board of Governors, including their home addresses and home phone numbers.
D. Shall keep minutes of the meetings of the "Organization", and cause them to be recorded.
E. Shall perform such duties as are herein specifically set forth and such other duties as are customarily incident to the office, as may be assigned by the President.
F. Shall be responsible for overseeing the “ORGANIZATION” publication and the distribution of same to the membership.
G. Shall keep records of the receipts and disbursements of all monies and securities of the "Organization”.
H. Shall not pay an unauthorized invoice.
I. Shall pay for all authorized invoices.
J. Shall receive all monies and securities, and deposit the same in a depository approved by the Board of Governors.
K. Shall submit his records, for audit, to the audit committee chairman in sufficient time so as to ensure its being in his hands at least two (2) weeks prior to the Annual Reunion.
L. Shall prepare a financial report of the "Organization" and submit it to the Board of Governors at the Board of Governors meeting at the Annual Reunion each year.
M. Shall be responsible for conduct of Quartermaster Sales Items.
N. Shall be responsible for all organizational equipment.
Duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms
Term of Office - 2 years
A. Shall maintain order and proper decorum during all meeting of the Organization".
B. Shall be the custodian of the colors and color guard equipment and ensure they are available for all required functions.
Four Year Governor
Term of Office - 4 years total
Shall perform duties as assigned by the President.Note: Upon election of the new Four (4) Year Governor (every 2nd year) the current Four (4) Year Governor becomes the Two (2) Year Governor and serves for a period of Two (2) Years.
The National Chapter Delegate
Term of Office - 2 years
*Shall be elected for a period of two years by the current regular membership of the National Chapter every two years either in person or by absentee ballot at the Annual Reunion prior to the "Organization" Assembly Meeting.
*May also be one of the "Organization" Officers.
The Local Chapter Delegate
Term of Office - 2 years
*Shall be elected by the Local Chapter Current Regular Members,every two years either in person or by absentee ballot, prior to the annual reunion..
*Shall be elected for a period of two (2) years.
*May also be one of the "Organization" Officers.
Web Master
Term of Office - Indefinite
*Shall be appointed by the President.
*Will be responsible for the maintenance of the web site.
*Ensure web site bills are paid with reimbursement by Secretary/Treasurer.
*Have basic knowledge of html programming.