Headquarters, 1st Battalion ( Airmobile), 502d Infantry
APO San Fransico 96383
SUBJECT: Annual Historical Supplement
1. Reference:
a. AR 870-50
b. 101st Airborne Division Reg 870-4
2. Enclosed is the annual supplement to the unit history for the 1st Battalion, 502d Airborne Infantry, during calendar year 1968.
3 Office, Chief of Military History
1 HQS 101st Airborne Div.
1 HQS 2nd Bde, 101st Airborne Div.
5 ea company 1st Bn, 502d Infantry.
25 S3 1-502d Infantry
10 March 1969
Unit History
1st Battalion, 502 Airborne Infantry
1968 Chapter
PREFACE: This annual supplement to the unit history of the 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry in a brief narrative description of the units activities during combat operations in Vietnam which took place throughout the calendar year.
The Battalion was just beginning contact operations in Vietnam on January 1. The Battalion arrived in Vietnam during December 1967. After the Battalion arrived at Bien Hoa, on 15 December 1967, it moved to Chu Chi, Vietnam, where the Battalion was located at the start of this reporting period. The Battalion had made four separate contacts with the enemy during December 1967, resulting in 6 friendly wounded, by hostile actions and 3 killed by hostile action. The Battalion killed 4 enemy by body count in those engagements.
The Battalion has numerous news articles and photographs on file at the Battalion which compliment this narrative description of the Battalion’s activities.
NARRATIVE: The Battalion conducted training and maintenance at the garrison in Chu Chi for preparation of future contact operations on January 1 and 2 January.
SUPPLEMENT HISTORY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1968. As 1968 opened, Headquarters and Headquarters Company was located at Cu Chi , RVN. Commanding was Captain Terrance Neil Spiegelberg. The calendar year 1968 presented the Company with logistical and administrative problems, in support of the numerous operations conducted by the Second Brigade. Significant personnel turbulence was experienced during the year. Most of this was due to the big “DEROS Hump” in November. The Security Platoon conducted patrols at Cu Chi with very little contact.
From 22 to 29 January, the Company moved from Cu Chi to Phu Bai Airfield. This move was conducted by Air Force C-130 aircraft. The Brigade began operation, “Jeb Stuart”. During this time we received logistical support from FSA Mac Donald, located at LZ El Paso (Now Camp Eagle). Re-supply was accomplished by vehicles, and adequacy depended on road conditions and clearance. On 27 January the Company moved to LZ El Paso by road convoy. This greatly reduced many of our logistical problems.
LZ El Paso come under 60mm mortar fire the morning of 31 January. Bravo Company 326 Medical Battalion reported 4 killed in the action and 4 wounded in the action. Counter mortar fire engaged the enemy position with unknown results. February saw the Brigade in the middle of operation, “Jeb Stuart”. Many logistical problems occurred under the constant moving concept used by the Brigade. There was a great shortage of TA 50-901, clothing, batteries, LSA, all types of class IV barrier material, demolitions, hand grenades, trip flares, booby traps, and claymore mines.
First Log command was unable to provide shower, laundry service, potable water, and graves registration section. The lack of these services created severe health and sanitation problems. On February 1968, Captain James P. Downey assumed command. The security Platoon operated between LZ El Paso and LZ Jane. They participated in the securing of QL#1.
In March the whole Brigade HQ’s moved to LZ Sally. This would be the final move by the Brigade in 1968.
On March 10, operation “Jeb Stuart” came to a close. Many lessons were learned during the very successful operation. Valuable lessons that would be put to use in later operations.
On March 10, operation “ Carentan I” started. Treatment, evacuation and hospitalization of casualties was accomplished by the 571st Medical Detachment to Company B, 326 Medical Battalion. For more serious injuries, the patients were sent to 22nd Surgical Hospital, located at Phu Bai. The decision is made there to further evacuate the injured personnel to Japan, or the USA.
On 3 Jan - Battalion conducted combat assault. 1st lift airborne 08:07 hrs. Last lift completed 09:17 hrs.
Bravo and Alpha discovered numerous Booby-Traps and fresh sign. Delta made heavy contact. Battalion set up for night in company (+) NDP's. All NDP's mortared during the night.
Casualties: (slight) 23 WIA (Evac) 13 WIA.
Results to date:
Friendly: 19 WIA, 1 KIA
Enemy: 10 NVA (BC)
On 4 Jan - During early morning hours, the NPD of A & D received rockets in their perimeter. During daylight hours Battalion conducted search and destroy operations. Charlie made heavy contact and was supported by gunships and artillery. Charlie had 10 WIA. Bravo moved to support Charlie and came under heavy contact with 7 KIA, 1 WIA. One man discovered MIA.
Results to date:
Friendly - 36 WIA 1 MIA 8 KIA
Enemy: - 27 KIA (BC) 2 WIA (POW)
KELMAN, WAYNE H. CPL 21 04-Jan-68 C CO
ROY, JAMES WILLIE, 3RD SP4 20 04-Jan-68 C CO
5 Jan - Battalion continued search and destroy missions around Cu Chi.
Bravo linked up with a tank unit and returned to area of contact to find MIA. Body found and identified as missing man. Other companies had negative contact and returned to Cu Chi for night.
Change: 1 MIA to 1 KIA
6 Jan - Battalion continued training and remained in perimeter of Cu Chi. During the night hours movement heard around perimeter. At 21:30 hrs. a light was shined on a bunker and a sniper shot one man
Results: 1 WIA
7 Jan - Battalion conducted heli-borne lift to LZ X-Ray and set up for night.
8 Jan - Battalion conducted search and destroy mission vicinity of LZ X-Ray. No contact made.
10 Jan - Battalion conducted movement back to and closed on Cu Chi. No contact.
11 thru 14 Jan - Battalion conducted training in preparation for upcoming operations.
14 Jan - Battalion heli-lifted to LZ Gold. Choppers received ground fire but no contact was made. Perimeter formed.
15 Jan - Battalion conducted search and destroy mission from LZ Gold. Scattered very light contact made. Neg. results.
16 Jan - During the early morning hours, Alpha Company’s ambush on river, fired on sampan.
Results, 4 NVA KIA (BC). Battalion formed into NDP's for night.
Results to date:
Friendly: 37 WIA 9 KIA
Enemy: 5 WIA/POW 31 KIA (BC)
17 Jan - Battalion continued with search and destroy mission. Light contact during time period. A bunker and tunnel complex was found and destroyed.
Results: Enemy: 1 VC KIA (BC) AK - 47 Captured
18 Jan - Flame throwers were used on tunnels as Battalion continued its search and destroy operations.
19 Jan - Battalion returned to Cu Chi and had light contact during the period.
Results: 5 WIA
Results to date:
Friendly: - 42 WIA 9 KIA
Enemy: - 5 WIA/POW 32 KIA (BC)
20 Jan to 4 Feb - Battalion conducted recon in force operations in new AO with light contact.
1 WIA Captured, and 1 AK-47 captured.
5 Feb - During the early morning hours the NPD of Alpha was heavily engaged by a reinforced NVA company. Heavy contact from 03:26 hrs. till 09:30 hrs, when enemy broke contact. Patrols were sent out to assess the situation. Contact made with estimated NVA platoon, 5 NVA KIA (BC). Company sized sweeps sent out resulting in heavy contact and 20 more NVA KIA (BC). Alpha and Bravo extracted. Delta made negative contact.
Battalion set up NDP's around Quang Tri for the night.
Friendly: 33 WIA 1 KIA
Enemy: 0 WIA 25 KIA (BC) 100 KIA (Estimated)
Captured: 2 MG's, 2 AK-47, 1-82mm and 1-60mm Mortar.
6 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri. Very light contact with negative results.
7 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations SE of Qunag Tri with scattered heavy contact throughout the day. Delta reinforced by Recon and Bravo made contact with estimated NVA reinforced companies.
Friendly - 6 WIA and 2 KIA.
Enemy - 25 NVA KIA (BC).
Companies moved to NDP's by dark. Estimated 100-150 NVA KIA during the day.
BROWN, RAYMOND SP4 20 07-Feb-68 D CO
8 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations southeast of Quan Tri Light contact was made during the day. Received message from Bde "Aerial observation and other sources gave 1/502 credit for 250 NVA KIA (BC) for period 4 thru 8 Feb 1968
Friendly - 82 WIA 12 KIA
Enemy - 6 WIA/POW 305 KIA (BC) 100 KIA ( Estimated )
During the night, Alpha and Bravo NDP were infiltrated by sappers. Attacks very heavy.
Casualties - 8 KIA, 19 WIA, 11 NVA KIA (BC)
NORTON, THOMAS SP4 20 09-Feb-68 A CO
12 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations east of Quang Tri and security LZ Jane. Contact light with 1 WIA by booby-trap.
13 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri and security of LZ Jane. Negative contact made.
14 Feb - During the reporting period the battalion continued S&D operations to the southeast of Quang Tri and continued to furnish security along QL #10 northwest to Hai Lang.
15 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations with moderate contact made. Combat assault by Bravo received S/A and A/W fire during 2nd lift. Negative contact made after that. Alpha and Charlie made contact while sweeping. Results: 1 WIA, Enemy: 14 KIA
16 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations with 2 combat assaults by Alpha and Charlie. Heavy contact Results
Friendly: - 1 KIA, 13 WIA, 1 MIA,
Enemy: - 18 KIA (BC)
Results to date:
Friendly: - 116 WIA 1 MIA 21 KIA
Enemy: - 6 WIA/POW 348 KIA (BC) 100 KIA (Estimated)
17 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri and conducted one combat assault with Alfa company into the same area as contact of yesterday.
Heavy contact resulted in 1 KIA and 11 WIA with negative enemy assessment.
18 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri with light contact and negative results.
19 Feb -Battalion continues search and destroy operations with mission of security of QL #1 in A.O. During this time period 3 VC KIA (BC) by ambush and 1 US WIA later KIA by mine on QL #1.
20 Feb -Battalion continued with S&D and security mission. Light contact during the day with 1 NVA KIA (BC) by ambush.
21 Feb - Battalion continued with operations and had scattered light to moderate contact by Bravo. Results:
Friendly - 1 KIA, 1 WIA
Enemy: 4 NVA KIA (BC)
22 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and security QL #1 southeast of Quang Tri. Operations by Alfa resulted in 2 KIA by grenade attack during security of LZ Jane. Bravo while sweeping, made heavy contact with Charlie getting ambushed while moving to Bravo's aid. Delta also in heavy contact during the day.
Friendly; - 5 KIA, 32 WIA
Enemy: - 12 NVA KIA (BC). Estimated NVA battalion in area.
MC GEE, HERMAN PFC 21 22-Feb-68 A CO
ZAMORA, EDWARD SP4 20 22-Feb-68 C CO
23 Feb - Search and destroy operations continued with security of QL #1. Scattered light contact made with 2 WIA by BBT
24 Feb - Search and destroy operations continued with security of QL #1. Scattered light contact made with 1 WIA by BBT.
25 Feb -Provided security of QL #1 and bridge ( 460400) in preparation for 26 Feb operation.
26 Feb - Battalion cleared and secured assigned section of QL #1 and conducted combat assault with 3 companies. During the period, light combat was experienced and Alfa NDP was probed by sappers.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 2 WIA
Enemy: 7 NVA KIA (BC)
27 Feb - Continued search and destroy operation southeast of Quang Tri and cleared and secured Q.L.#1. Two combat assaults resulted in heavy contact by Bravo and light contact by Charlie.
Friendly: - 12 WIA
Eneny: - 2 NVA KIA (BC)
28 Feb - Battalion moved to FS B Noran, 14 km northwest of Hue, began operation in new AO and Charlie occupied position for preparation of LZ Sally.
29 Feb - Began search and destroy operations in new AO. Alpha and Delta moved northwest from An Lo bridge. Alpha taken under fire by estimated company of NVA. Alpha pulled back and called for and received air strikes, artillery, and gun ships.
Results: 5 NVA KIA (BC)
Results to date:
Friendly: - 1 MIA, 177 WIA, 31 KIA
Enemy: - 6 WIA/POW, 377 KIA (BC), 100 KIA (Estimated)
1 Mar - Battalion began operations in Quang Tri district from FSB Nora, An Lo Bridge and continued construction of FSB Sally. Alpha moved to Ap Lai Xa (YD 638310) where they had made heavy contact on 29 Feb 1968. They found no enemy but villagers stated that there had been approx. 200 NVA/VC in the village and that they had been up most of the night dragging off their dead. Delta made light contact in vic. YD 642298 and Battalion CO's C&C ship used to kill 16 NVA.
Results: 16 NVA KIA (BC) by Strike's C&C.
2 Mar -Battalion continued search and destroy operations and made light contact throughout the day. Booby-Traps caused 3 WIA.
3 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations from An LO Bridge to ( YD 671311) Ap Duc Trong. Bravo and Charlie made heavy contact from village and called for all available fire support and pulled back. After heavy contact for 4 hours, B&C were withdrawn by air. During extraction battalion commanders C&C received heavy fire wounding battalion CO, his RTO, battalion S-2, and command pilot. Battalion S-2, DOA at Evans.
Friendly: - 17 WIA 4 KIA
Enemy: - 1 WIA/POW 13 KIA (BC) 48 KIA (Estimated)
4 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and conducted joint sweep with PF's, vic. An Lo Bridge. Results: 2 NVA KIA (BC). Recon made light contact and had 2 men WIA.
5 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations with light contact. 1 man WIA from punji pit.
6 Mar - Heavy contact made by Delta company at 13:43 hrs. vic. YD698304 (W-Shaped vill). Delta broke contact at 16:12 hrs. and were extracted from hot LZ after using all available fire support on village. Estimated 2 reinforced companies in the village. Results
Friendly: - 5 KIA 25 WIA 2 MIA
Enemy: - 58 KIA (BC) Confirmed by aerial observation
CARR, ALVIN PFC 19 06-Mar-68 D CO
7 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and made 3 company size C/A's resulting in moderate contact. Bravo recovered the bodies of the 2 MIA from Delta.
Friendly: - 1 KIA 1 WIA 2 MIA (to KIA)
Enemy: - 30 KIA (BC)
8 Mar - Battalion continued operations and Alfa made heavy contact near An Dong Lam (YD 680318). After 3 hours of heavy fighting Alfa was ordered to pull back leaving 3 KIA bodies because of intense fire.
Friendly: - 3 KIA 17 WIA 2 MIA
Enemy: - 35 KIA (BC) 4 WIA/POW 50 KIA (Estimated)
9 Mar - Battalion conducted joint 3 company assault on village complex center of mass YD6731. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie remained in heavy contact from 09:00 hrs. to 14:45 hrs. Air Strikes, artillery, naval gunfire, and organic weapons, used against suspected 2 Bn's of NVA in villages.
Friendly: - 3 KIA 17 WIA 2 MIA
Enemy: - 35 KIA (BC) 20 KIA (EST)
10 Mar - Companies engaged in heavy contact vic YD6731. Charlie and Alfa recovered 5 MIA (KIA). Alfa reported finding 38 more bodies from yesterday's action and killed 10 more.
Enemy: - 46 NVA KIA (BC) Artillery 3 WIA/POW
11 Mar - Battalion conducted joint operations and swept Ap Duc Trong with ARVN's. Contact was light and ARVN's found 46 NVA KIA (BC) by artillery and captured 3 more.
Enemy: - 46 NVA KIA (BC) Artillery 3 WIA/POW
12 Mar - Battalion continued operations and made light contact.
Enemy: - 2 VC KIA (BC) 1 VC POW
13 Mar- Battalion made light contact during the day and an ambush from Charlie fired on 70 -80 NVA with artillery.
Enemy: - 3 NVA KIA (BC) 25 WIA (EST)_
14 Mar - Continued operations and moved companies to LZ Sally for marshalling and stand down.
15 Mar - Continued operations and found 1 NVA KIA (BC) by small arms, one day old. Received credit for 48 NVA KIA (BC) by artillery on March 11.
Enemy: - 49 NVA KIA (BC)
16 & 17 Mar - Battalion conducted limited operations and made negative contact.
18 Mar - Battalion conducted full operations but made little contact until Delta spotted 10 VC around a fire at 21:30hrsa. vic. (575287). With PF's, the Delta element surrounded and opened fire on the VC.
Enemy: - 6 KIA (BC) 3 WIA/POW 1 KIA (EST)
19 Mar - Alfa, Bravo, and Delta remained at Sally. Charlie moved to (615235) and began preparing FSB Strike. No contact.
20 Mar - Limited search and destroy operations around Sally conducted. Fortification of FSB Strike continued.
21 Mar - Limited search and destroy operations continued. Alfa ambushed 10 VC and later found a small tunnel complex.
Enemy: - 5 VC KIA (BC) 2 VC WIA/POW
24 Mar - The Battalion made only light contact except for Delta which received heavy fire from village at ( YD618198). All available fire support was utilized.
Friendly: - 1 KIA 8 WIA 1 MIA
Enemy: - 3 KIA (BC) 10 KIA - WIA/POW
26 Mar – (Not found in the Daily report, the following information is provided from Memory) Cpt Greg Mills established a small 4.2 mortal FSB Lyon. C Co was flown in to guard FSB Lyon and B Co was in the valley to the West of FSB Lyon 629223 (hill 285) in heavy contact with the enemy. An error in adjustment of the 4.2 mortar fire resulted in heavy casualties. Retired General Cushman, 2d Bde Commander at the time, recalled this as the worst memory of his military career.
28 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and experienced several changes in command personnel.
MAJ Shachnow went to S3
CPT Greenhouse went from D to S2
CPT Speedy went from C to Asst. S3
1LT Wise went to C as CO
Alfa Company OPCON to 3d Marine Div.
29,30, & 31 Mar - The Battalion continued search and destroy operations in Quang Dien District and defense of An Lo Bridge and LZ Sally. Very light contact was made with negative results.
Results from 19 Dec 1967 to 1 April 1968
Friendly: - 48 KIA 333 WIA 4 MIA
Enemy: - 613 KIA (BC) 26 WIA/POW 210 KIA (EST)
1 Apr - Company “A" OPCON 3d Marine Division. The other units conducted normal operations with negative results.
2 Apr - Company "A" OPCON to 3d Marine Division. Company "B" captured 2 tax collectors in village. vic YD5731. They also destroyed 3 bunkers and 3 VC KIA. Company "D" had 1 man injured by BBT.
3 Apr - Company "A" returned to the battalion from 3d Marine Division. There was negative enemy contact in the Battalion.
4 Apr - A day of light contact with company B receiving sniper fire vic. YD5927. Negative friendly or enemy casualties. Company "D" had a grenade thrown in their perimeter. They engaged with small arms resulting in 1 VC KIA.
5 Apr - Company "A" provided mine sweep on QL#1 from An Lo to Camp Evans. 1 platoon moved by truck to vic. YD6030 to act as a blocking force in support of company B conducting RIF from vic. YD5829 to vic. YD6127. They engaged only 1 sniper but had 1 US KIA and 3 WIA from BBT. They found BBT's, a sub machine gun, 3 B40 rockets and several other small arms.
6 Apr - A day of light contact throughout the battalion. Company "D" engaged 10 VC vic. YD4840 resulting in 3 VC KIA.
7 Apr - Company "D" continued searching area vic YD4864 resulting in 5 VC KIA. The other units conducted search and clear operations and ambushes with negative contact.
8 Apr - Company A found an arms cache while conducting RIF vic. YD5325. They found 3 M1 rifles, 1 SMG, 160 rounds S/A. Company "B" received automatic weapons fire vic. YD6025, suffering 2 WIA. They returned fire with unknown results. Company "C" (-) remained at Camp Evans preparing for future operations and conducting training.
9 Apr - Company "A" received their log vic. YD5425. Shortly thereafter they moved approximately 200 meters NE. Early the next morning 50 VC attacked deserted log sight using long cane poles to flip satchel charges. Company "A" made contact with the enemy suffering 2 KIA and 1 WIA. Enemy losses were 2 VC KIA. Company B found 9 122mm rockets (complete).
10 Apr - Company "A" NDP vic. YD5325 received satchel charges, RPG rounds, and S/A fire. Negative casualties) They returned fire with unknown results. Company D conducted security of Phong Dien Bridge and local ambushes. One of these ambushes vic. YD4937, engaged 4 VC with negative results. Recon killed 3 VC vic. YD 5231.
12 Apr - The only contact was by company B. They engaged 5 VC vic. YD5830 with negative results.
13 Apr - 13 April is the day that 1/502 Infantry was released from the mission of security of Camp Evans. The CP moved from Camp Evans to LZ Sally.
14 Apr - The day was a day of relaxation for the battle weary troopers of 1-502 as they had stand down at Wunder Beach.
15 Apr - A day spent in completing the move to LZ Sally. The units took re-supply and prepared for future operations.
16 Apr - The battalion went OPCON to the 1st Brigade until, 30 April. During this operation the records were destroyed in a rocket attack.
TERRY ARIE CPL 24 30-Apr-68 A CO
1 May - Battalion moved back into Quang Dien District by helicopter and began RIF operations and security of An Lo Bridge and clearing of Q.L.#1. "C" sprang an ambush at (706348) on 5 NVA, killing 2 (BC). Later 2 VC were captured as they walked into the NPD. After interrogation it was learned that they were going to vic. 715330 to act as guides for NVA. At 05:30hrs. the NDP received SA fire and suffered 1 WIA. At 06:35hrs. they moved to the village ( 715330 ) and swept it finding a grave approximately 24 hours old with 4 KIA.
Friendly: - 1 WIA
Enemy: - 6 KIA (BC) NVA - 2 WIA/POW
Alfa returned from OPCON to 1-501 Infantry after 3 day operation (Battle of Phuoc Yen). They received credit for 80 NVA KIA (BC)
4 May - Cordon by A, B, and Recon with other 2nd Bde elements at vic. 692303. Contact was heavy during the night by elements seeking to escape the Cordon. Artillery was called for and adjusted as well as use of small arms. At first light a sweep of the area revealed; Enemy: - 26 NVA KIA (BC) 2 VC KIA (BC) 3 VC POW
5 May - Battalion continued RIF and security missions. A & B cordoned vill. vic. 700304 and had 1 WIA from grenade while enemy losses were 1 NVA KIA (BC), 2 NVA WIA/POW 6 May - Battalion continued its pacification operations. A company NDP was under sporadic contact from 03:35hrs. till 05:45hrs. and had 2 WIA from SA fire, from estimated reinforced squad. First light check revealed 1 NVA KIA (BC).
B company established 3 ambushes. At 21:40hrs. one ambush fired on 4 NVA across the river from them. No Assessment could be made. At 07:45hrs. another ambush fired on 5 NVA in a sampan. Results, 5 NVA KIA (BC) and sampan sunk. Bravo combat assault vill. vic 750291 and encountered heavy fire.
Formed a cordon of the vill with Delta and called in air strikes and artillery.
C company ambush killed 2 NVA KIA (BC).
Delta combat assault to 748294 and were pinned down by heavy fire. Went into cordon with Bravo suffering 2 KIA 7 WIA.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 9 WIA
Enemy: 8 NVA KIA (BC) 4 NVA KIA (Est)
7 May - Bravo swept vill at first light, vic 750290 and made contact. Results, 3 WIA: 5 NVA KIA (BC). Charlie made contact at 08:00hrs and remained in contact throughout the day, vic 748307. There was heavy MG, light MG, AW and SA. Called in artillery and air strikes.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 11 WIA 4 MIA (later confirmed and recovered as KIA)
Enemy: - 5 NVA KIA (BC)
8 May - Battalion continued RIF and security missions of An Lo and QL #1.
"A" made contact at YD715294. Cordoned the village and called in air strikes.
"B" Company sprung an ambush on 30 NVA with organic weapons. First light revealed 16 NVA KIA (BC).
"C" Company suffered 2 KIA and 2 WIA from sniper fire.
9 May - Bravo found 15 NVA KIA (BC) from air strike at 724294.
Charlie CA'd to YD715302 and made heavy contact, suffering 2 KIA and 3 WIA. Established ambushes around the area of contact and captured 1 NVA who crawled up to one of the positions while trying to escape.
Delta made moderate scattered contact during the day and killed 8 NVA (BC).
Recon found 3 NVA KIA (BC) in a grave at YD723311.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 2 WIA
Enemy: - 26 NVA KIA (BC) 1 POW
10 May - Battalion continued RIF and security missions in AO and made moderate to heavy contact.
Charlie had a running fight with 2 NVA snipers that led into a village at 7?9333, where they received heavy fire that killed their point man and prevented his recovery. Air strikes were called in and caused 10 NVA to leave their bunkers and run into Charlie's positions.
Friendly: - 1 KIA, 1 WIA, and 1 MIA (KIA),
Enemy: - 11 NVA KIA (BC). Delta made contact at 715328 and called for an air strike. After the strike a sweep of the area revealed 13 NVA KIA (BC).
Recon found 8 NVA KIA (BC) at 720296, killed by air strike, the day before.
Friendly: - 1 KIA 1 WIA 1 MIA (Later recovered as KIA)
Enemy: - 32 NVA KIA (BC)
11 May - Light contact was made during the day and Charlie recovered their MIA (KIA) and found 1 NVA KIA (BC)
12, 13, and 14 May - Light contact made during this time as the Battalion continued the RIF and security missions in the AO. On the 14th, Recon and Bravo operating with PF's from Quang Dien, killed 1 NVA (BC), 2 VC (BC)
15,16 and 17 May - Light contact made as the battalion was credited with 6 VC KIA (BC) and 2 VC POW.
18, 19 May - Light contact and the Battalion received 2 WIA from snipers.
20, 21 May - The Battalion continued the RIF operations and security mission of An Lo and QL#1. During those 2 days only light contact was made.
Friendly; - 1 WIA
Enemy: - 4 VC KIA (BC) : 1 VC WIA (Escaped)
Delta, while conducting the road sweep from An Lo to Evans, spotted a mine but before they could remove it a civilian bus ran over it. Results, no one injured but the bus was heavily damaged.
22 May - Bravo Company, while on a RIF vic. 694305, received fire from the vill. After returning fire and artillery, they swept the area and found 2 NVA KIA (BC) and captured 5 NVA/VC POW's in their bunkers.
Delta fired artillery on suspected enemy positions then swept thru the area and found 3 VC KIA and 1 NVA KIA.
Results: - 3 NVA KIA (BC) : 5 POW
23, 24, and 25 May - Battalion made light contact throughout the period while conducting RIF and security missions throughout the AO.
Results from these operations were:
Friendly: 1 WIA BBT
Enemy: 8 VC KIA (BC)
26 May - As the battalion continued operations in the AO, Charlie suffered 6 WIA from a BBT, 105mm round and Delta made heavy contact vic. 691312. They returned fire and called in artillery and estimated the enemy element as an NVA company (-). 14 WIA.
Enemy: : - 20 WIA
27 May - The Battalion made light contact during the day's operations.
Friendly: - 1 WIA BBT : 1 KIA BBT Enemy: : - 1 VC KIA (BC) : 1 VC POW
28, 29, 30, and 31 May - The Battalion continued RIF operations in the AO and security mission of An Lo Bridge and QL#1. During this period contact was very light and resulted in 7 VC captured with weapons.
Results from 19 December 1967 to June 1 1968:
Friendly: - 59 KIA : 393 WIA
Enemy: :- 852 KIA (BC) : 250 KIA (EST) : 129 WIA/POW
1 Jun - Light contact. Bravo Company caught 2 VC coming out of bunkers. 2 VC KIA (BC).
Delta company ambushed 6 VC, 1 VC KIA. Later found 2 more trying to run away. 2 VC KIA.
2 Jun - Battalion RIF with PF's, Bravo joint RIF with PF's, vic. YD7140. Found that almost all of the gates entering the Vill. were BBT with grenades. These grenades were blown in place. As they swept through the village they received light contact and returned fire, wounding 1 VC who fled. They also blew several BBT's in place but 1 PF was killed when he stepped on a 105mm BBT.
3 Jun - Battalion continued operations. Alfa secured An Lo and conducted RIF with 1 platoon of PF's, at vic. YD6231. PF's attacked and killed 3 VC and had 3 WIA.
Bravo combined operations. Sweep resulted in 1 WAI from fire at vic. YD7132 and 3 NVA KIA in bunkers at vic. YD7131, by H/G.
Recon 1 KIA, 105mm BBT.
4 Jun - Battalion continued operation and road sweep. Co B conducted a CA to vic. 699288 and conducted S&C operations with negative contact.
5 Jun - Contact was light, with 2 Hoi Chanh's coming into Co. A's NDP. They had 1 AK-47 and 1 SKS.
6 Jun - Battalion continued operations with Delta working with Rome plow. Contact was light, capturing 1 VC, and 10,000 pounds of rice, 1 SKS and 2 VC KIA, and wounding 1 more who escaped.
7 Jun - Battalion continued sear of villages in the AO, capturing 1 VC. 10,000 pounds of rice, 1 SKS, and 2 VC KIA and wounding one more who escaped.
8 Jun - Was a day of heavy activity with all units reporting at least light contact. The Bn killed 4 VC, captured 4 VC and 2 M-16, 1 AK-47, 1 Czech MG and ammo. US troops had three slightly wounded by shrapnel. Two of the VC captured was in a sampan hauling rice down the river. They said that VC used this method quite often.
9 Jun - Co. "C" and Co. "A" combined for a cordon search of an area vic. YD7030. The cordon resulted in 2 VC KIA and a large cache containing weapons, ammo, clothing and food. There were 23 bunkers in the area, 15 had been used recently. ( all destroyed) In vic YD7133 numerous punji pits were encountered.
Co. C found 5 tons of rice.
Co D and PF's continued operating with Rome plow. Their progress report showed, 200 meters of hedgerow, 45 bunkers destroyed. During the day, 8 VC KIA, 6 VC captured, 1 of these was a messenger who had a document from his commander stating, his men could not fight due to lack of food, weapons, and ammo. There were 5 friendly WIA from BBT.
10 Jun - Co. "C" and Co. "A" continued sweep of cordon established 9 June while D Co. continued Rome plow operations. They requested and received an air strike vic. YD6931. Co. "C" and "A" had light contact, capturing 7 VC, 5 tons of rice while they had 1 friendly KIA and 4 WIA. The Rome plow destroyed another 36 bunkers. The PSYOPS plane flew over the AO making leaflet drops and loud speaker broadcasts.
MILLER LARRY T : PFC : 23 10-Jun-68 : D CO
11 Jun - The cordon operation was completed with 6 more VC KIA, 1 Hoi Chanh, 9 ½ tons of rice were discovered. Also a directive came out on this day from Brigade that said all elements operating independently would have compass, map, radio, and strobe light.
Co. "A" had one friendly WIA (US)
COLLINS TOBY ERNEST : PFC : 20 : 11-Jun-68 : E CO
12 Jun - Very light contact. 2 VC KIA. Co. "C" found 19 tons of rice. 1 PF was WIA by a BBT.
13 Jun - The PF's joined Co. A and B in a joint operation resulting in 5 VC KIA, 5 VC captured, VC Hoi Chanh, 2 - AK-47's, 1- M-16, and 1- B40, were captured. 1 PF and 1 US were WIA. < br>Co. D continued to support Rome plow which destroyed 5 acres of village, 75 bunkers, and 300 meters of hedgerow.
14 Jun - Battalion continued search and clear operations in AO and security of An Lo Bridge. Light contact with 1 VC KIA, 8 VC's and 1 NVA captured, 1 VC captain. The VC KIA was a lieutenant. The Rome plow continued operations, destroying 100 meters of hedgerow and 20 bunkers. Alfa also destroyed 20 bunkers and a small cache.
15 Jun - A cordon and a sweep of the village vic. YD6432 2 was conducted. The area was heavily BBT'd. As a result, 1 man was WIA, and 2 KIA. [C Co 5 KIA’s, AKIN was a new replacement who just arrived in noon supply chopper. Everett Carter, who was in Sally when the casualties were reported, rejoined C Co who had been moved to An Lo Bridge to regroup after heavy casualties, believed ASKIN was KIA as AKIN hadn’t had a chance to be known yet. Per Keith Askin. An air strike was requested to destroy BBT's in the village.
Bravo Co. was in contact being under mortar fire and SA most of the day. They killed 5 VC and captured 3 Hoi Chanh's. Rome plow continued destroying 450 meters of hedgerow, 5 acres of village and 70 bunkers.
16 Jun - Co. "A" initiated ambush, killed 3 VC, captured 2 VC (WIA) and 2-AK47's. Co. "D" was released from Rome plow and "A" assumed Rome plow security. Rome plow destroyed 500 meters of hedgerow and 88 bunkers. PF's conducted patrols and had light contact. 2 friendly WIA. Co. "B" had 2 WIA.
17 Jun - Co. "C" combined with tanks for RIF vic YD6233, with negative contact. Co. "A" , with Rome plow destroyed 93 bunkers, 400 meters of hedgerow and uncovered 3 bodies. One VC was detained. Co. "A" had 1 US WIA.
18 Jun - Co. "C" and tanks conducted RIF. Tanks were utilized to recon by fire and fired canister rounds at suspected BBT.
"A" Co. continued Rome plow security. Rome plow destroyed 650 meters of hedgerow and 120 bunkers.
"D" Co. and PF's conducted joint operation at vic. YD6930, finding 5 VC bodies and 1 SKS, vic.YD6930. PF's with "D" killed 1 VC.
19 Jun - Battalion continued operations with very light contact. Killed 1 VC. Rome plow destroyed 80 bunkers.
20 Jun - Battalion continued search and clear operations. 6 VC KIA (one of these was district economic chief) captured 3 AK44's, 1 Czech MG, and 1 SKS.
"A" security for Rome plow. Rome plow destroyed 400 meters of hedgerow and 90 bunkers.
21 Jun - Co. "C", Co. "D", and 1 ARVN Co. combined for a search and clear operation, vic YD7232.
Enemy: 1 VC KIA, 3 VC captured, 7 weapons captured.
22 Jun - The 4/3 ARVN Battalion operated in our AO, vic. While moving into position they were ambushed and later mortared, receiving 6 KIA and 10 WIA. PF's killed 6 VC, captured 1 AK47, 1 AK44, 1 SKS, and 1-90mmrr. In this operation the PF platoon leader was KIA.
23 Jun - Joint operations were conducted with ARVN and PF's/ Light contact. PF's captured 7 VC in a sampan.
"A" Co. captured 1 VC in NDP. He was Hoi Chanh. He then helped "A" and PF's look for the rest of his unit. ARVN had 2 men WIA by BBT, 1 by SA.
24 Jun - Battalion continued search and clear operations. Very light contact. Enemy is becoming very evasive.
Results: 1 VC KIA, 5 tons of rice seized.
25 Jun - Very light contact. A NDP was probed on ground and mortared. 2 friendly WIA's. 3 VC were captured and 2 Hoi Chanh's.
26 Jun - A joint operation by A and B Co.'s was conducted with B blocking vic. YD7132 and A sweeping, from south towards their blocking position. Results: B killed 6 VC and captured 2. A killed 2, and captured 1. Along with several weapons.
27 Jun - The Battalion conducted defense of An Lo, RP security, and search and clear operations. Very light contact. US captured 2 VC. PF's received 6 Hoi Chanh. They said all their leaders had been killed by airborne. There were 2 US WIA from BBT.
28 Jun - Co. B, set up blocking position while PF's conducted eagle flight. Resulting in B killing 6 VC. PF's killed 4 VC, captured 3 VC. Delta Co. had 1 KIA and 6 WIA as result of BBT.
29 Jun - Co. A, conducted RIF vic. With PF's. Captured 1 VC and SKS. Found 2 tons of rice and 1 VC KIA by artillery.
Co. B, continued working with Rome plow. Rome plow destroyed 500 meters of hedgerow, 400 meters and 100 meters of village and 83 bunkers.
30 Jun - Co. A, set up blocking position on NW side of village vic. YD6832, while PF's swept through, from SE, resulting in 3 VC KIA, 5 VC captured.
Co. C, had 1 KIA and 1 WIA by BBT.
1 July - Battalion continued search and clear operation. Elements from "Pistol Pete" (Sweet Banner 65), PF, Recon and Alfa combined in a joint operation vic. YD6338. Results: 2 VC KIA. Later 1 NVA and 1 VC Hoi Chanh to "A". PF's with "A". killed 3 VC, captured 3 VC.
2 July - Battalion continued operation with 5 tanks attached to "D", 4 dozers (RP) to "B". Contact light with 1 VC KIA (stay behind ambush) 1 US and 1 PF WIA by BBT.
3 July - Because of heavy BBT in vic. YD6129 artillery preps followed by air strikes were used prior to troops entering the area.
CO. "C" got 1 VC KIA, had one WIA from sniper fire.
CO. "A" had 3 WIA by Chi Com grenade. "A" captured 3 VC.
4 July - Battalion continued operations with security for An Lo, mine sweep and search and clear operations. One eagle flight was flown. An air strike was called in on vic. YD6029. Contact was light. Gun ships, KIA 3 VC, 3 bodies ( 2 VC and 1 NVA ) KIA by artillery were discovered buried. The Battalion encountered many BBT's suffering 4 WIA and fifteen tons of rice were recovered from cache.
5 July - Battalion continued search and clear, and Rome plow operation. Resulting in 3 VC KIA and 4 VC captured. A Hoi Chanh was taken up in a chopper for PSYOPS purposes. 1 US KIA by BBT and 1 WIA.
6 July - Light contact was made. "B" had 1 WIA from BBT and PF's had 1 KIA from BBT. Several weapons and small caches were found and 1 VC KIA.
7 July - A busy day with Co. "A" working to resettle refugees. The Battalion flew eagle flights and one CA vic. YD6930. Total results were; 10 VC captured/WIA, 4 VC KIA and 1 NVA captured. One eagle flight observed cache, with 10 SKS's and 60mm tube. Numerous other SA were captured by Battalion.
8 July - Very light activity in AO. Refugees still being moved. 1 VC captured. Pf's got 3 Hoi Chanh's.
9 July - Light sporadic contact throughout the AO. PF's combined with US in joint operation including 2 separate CA's. The results were 3 VC KIA, 10 VC captured, 3 Hoi Chanh, and numerous caches and equipment discovered.
10 July - Although Battalion conducted full scale operation with PF's, making 2 CA's, the enemy was elusive. Several weapons were found, 4 NVA KIA and 1 VC KIA.
11 July - Operations continued with CO. "D" securing An Lo and working with dozer. "C" searching in vic. YD6530 for caches. Other units conducted search and clear operations. Light contact with 1 VC KIA and 2 Hoi Chanh's. The Hoi Chanh said they had given up because of the Rome plows and eagle flights. They said 20 other VC fled to the mountains, that day.
12 July - Company "D" continued Rome plow operation south of An Lo on the west side of the river. They continued to destroy bunkers, buildings, and found small caches. "A", "B", and "C" continued search and clear operation with light contact. Company "A" had 2 US WIA by BBT. Company "B" found excess of a ton of rice and captured 1 VC, vic. YD7132. One Hoi Chanh, turned himself into Company "B".
13 July - Company "B", Recon and PF's established cordon around village in vic. YD6438, with Sweet Banner 65 to sweep from the south. The totals were; CO. "B": 4 VC KIA, 4 weapons, PF's; 19 VC KIA, 16 weapons, 4 VC captured, 2 VCS. Company "D" continued Rome plow work. Company "C" found 5 tons of rice.
14 July - Company "A" continued RIF vic. YD6026 to YD 6128. They had 2 US WIA by BBT. Company "B" and Recon, CA'd to YD6929 and YD7029, and continued search and clear operation. Company "C" searched and cleared, vic. YD6630. Sweet Banner 65, vic. YD6334, had contact. Killed 7 VC and captured 2 VC. They also found 12 AK44's, in one cache.
15 July - The Battalion continued operations in the same locations. The enemy is becoming more evasive and less willing to fight. The day had very little enemy activity. 2 Hoi Chanh's turned themselves into PF's.
16 July - Company "A" security of An Lo and Rome plow. Company "B", Recon and PF's are still working in the fish hook area center of mass YD7029. They found 9 VC KIA, 2 NVA KIA. They also discovered 20 NVA KIA in plastic bags in the river, vic. YD7029. This is further evidence of the blows dealt to VC/NVA.
17 July - Company "B" continued search and clear in Phouc Yen village. They discovered 6 SKS, 3 AK47's, 1 Chicom 9mm pistol, 1-82mm mortar, various ammo and comm. equipment and 7 NVA KIA. They also killed 2 VC by ambush. Recon conducted CA, vic. YD6129. LZ was Red and door gunner on gunship WIA, enemy broke contact and fled.
18 July - Company "A" security of An Lo and Rome plow.
Company "B" continued search and clear in fish hook area finding several weapons and misc. gear.
Company "C" and 2 platoons of PF's conducted RIF, vic. YD6528. Company "D" RIF, vic. YD6530.
An air strike was called in vic. YD6332. Later assessment: 5 VC KIA. PF's had 3 Hoi Chanh's. Gunships killed 9 VC YD6434.
19 July - Battalion continued to secure An Lo and conduct search and clear operations with light contact.
Company "C" found 4 tons of rice, vic. YD6630.
Company "D" had sniper fire (in-effective), enemy broke contact and fled.
Recon received 3- 60mm mortar rounds with negative casualties.
20 July - Company "D" sprung an ambush on 2 VC. Killed 1 VC. Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge. "B","C", and "D" continued search and clear operations with negative contact.
21 July - Companies "A", "C", and Recon cordon village, vic. YD6432 and searched, resulting in 2 NVA KIA and 1 NVA captured. Also captured weapons and destroyed BBT's in the area. CS was dropped from a helicopter after the cordon was set up. Company "B", RIF in vic. YD7231, wounded 1 VC. Company "D" sprung ambush vic. YD6129 on 1 VC, negative assessment.
22 July - Battalion continued search and clear operations. Company "A" made contact with 2 VC, vic. YD6132 with negative results. Company "B" sprung ambush, vic. YD7132 resulting in 1 VC KIA, 2 VC WIA, 10 VC captured. "B" killed 1 VC earlier, vic.YD7233.
23 July - Company "A" secured An Lo and RIF in vic. of bridge. They killed 2 VC, vic. YD6132. They also captured 1 VC, vic. YD6132.
Company "B" continued RIF operations, vic. YD7332 and YD7133. Resulting in 3 VC KIA, 2 VC POW and 2 VCS. They also captured several weapons.
Company "D" was security for Rome plow. The Rome plow hit a 250# bomb, vic. YD6128, destroying the dozer. The driver was not injured.
24 July - Very light contact with Battalion continuing search and clear operations.
Company "A" defense of An Lo Bridge.
Company "B" detained 11 VCS, vic. YD7233 (Later classified IC).
Company "C" had 1 US WIA and killed 1 VC in operation, vic. YD6323.
25 July - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and assisted in security of Rome Plow.
Company "C" with 1 platoon of PF's, found 1 VC KIA by artillery.
Company "B" and "D" continued search and clear operations with negative contact.
26 July - Battalion continued search and clear operations with all companies receiving at least sniper fire. When fire was returned, the enemy fled. The VC are now in smaller groups. 1 US, from "C" Company was wounded by BBT.
27 July - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and mine sweep.
Company "B" conducted joint operations with 7 platoons of PF's. RIF to village C/M, YD6830 with blocking positions at YD6729 and YD 6333. Then 4 platoons of PF's CA'd, vic. YD6629. Totals for the day, PF: 1 VC KIA, 7 VC captured and numerous weapons. "B" Co. : 9 VC KIA. One of these was C114 Company Commander, and later a female VC (Quang Dien LNO ) was killed.
Company "C", RIF, vic. YD6132 and YD6333. They hit 250# BBT. Results: 4 WIA (scout dog KIA) at vic. YD6232. They captured 4 VCS.
28 July - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge. Company "B" conducted RIF to village C/M YD6828, where a few small caches were found and numerous BBT's, but negative contact. Company "C" no caps. Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde. PF CA'd to YD7029. RIF to village C/M YD7030. Results: 3 VC KIA (1 was platoon leader and another assistant platoon leader of Tan Taun Lai.)
29 July - Company "A", secured An Lo Bridge and mine sweep.
Company "B" conducted RIF operations to village C/M vic. YD6829. Results, 11 VC KIA (gunships killed 3 more vic. YD6530), 3 VC POW and 1 Chieu Hoi.
Company "C", Rome plow security.
Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde. PF's CA'd to vic. YD6631 and YD6530 and conducted sweep and block for Company "B". Results, 2 VC KIA, 4 VC and 1 AK47, captured.
30 July - Battalion continued search and clear operations with negative contact. Battalion concentrated on caches and BBT. A total of 6 Chieu Hoi's surrendered.
31 July - "A" Company secured An Lo Bridge. "B" continued RIF. "C" had contact, vic. YD6431 but enemy fled. Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde. Recon received 2 RPG rounds, vic. YD6432 but never saw enemy.
1 Aug - Company "A", secured An Lo Bridge and established local ambushes.
Company "B", RIF, vic. YD6529.
Company “C”, Rome Plows security.
Company "D", sprung ambush, vic. YD6930, on 2 VC, 1 VC KIA. Log bird fired on 3 NVA, vic. YD2331.
Recon moved into the area finding 1 NVA KIA and 2 NVA WIA.
2 Aug - Battalion continued normal operations with Company "A" securing An LO Bridge, mine sweep, and local patrols. One ambush killed 1 VC, vic. YD6339. Patrols killed 2 VC, vic. YD6833 and captured 2 VC, vic. YD6334.
Company "B" conducted CA to vic. YD6928 and captured 2 VC, vic. YD6334.
Company "B" conducted CA to, vic. YD6928, with negative contact.
Company "C", Rome Plow security.
Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde.
3 Aug - Battalion conducted normal operations with company "B" killing 1 VC in spider hole.
4 Aug - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge, RIF to village, vic. YD6432. They encountered BBT but no VC.
Company "B", RIF C/M, vic. YD6630. They killed 1 VC and captured 3 VC, 1 VCS, vic. YD6432.
Company "C" received SA fire from village , vic. YD6232 and called artillery, with negative assessment.
Company "D", OPCON, 1 327. Recon RIF YD6836.
5 Aug - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and conducted Eagle Flights to the north, into "Street" area.
Company "B" killed 3 VC and captured 2 while on RIF operation, vic. YD6630.
6 Aug - Battalion continued RIF operations and secured An Lo Bridge. Several small caches were discovered and Company "C" killed 1 VC.
7 Aug - Battalion conducted RIF operations. Company "C" conducted CA and engaged 1 VC with negative assessment.
8 Aug - Battalion continued with RIF operations. Company "C" conducted CA and Recon had established ambushes. Recon had light contact with 3 VC, negative assessment.
9 Aug - Intensive operations, including Eagle Flights by Co. "B" and CA by Recon. Total for the day were: 2 VC captured by Co. "B". "B" also come under mortar attack and had 3 WIA.
10 Aug - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and established ambushes. They sprang ambush, vic. YD6131, resulting in 2 NVA captured. The NVA said they were from the 9th NVA regiment. "A" Co. encountered many BBT's, resulting in 2 KIA and2 WIA.
"B" Co. RIF to vic. YD6534. Company "B" killed 1 VC and captured 2 while conducting RIF operation to vic. YD6334. They continued RIF to the south, finding a base camp. Resulting in 5 VC KIA, 5 VC captured and 3 VC. Several weapons were also captured. Later while in NDP, "B" Co. was mortared, hit with SA fire and RPG. "B" Co. had 1 KIA and 11 WIA.
11-16 Aug - Battalion continued RIF, security of An Lo Bridge, and Rome plow operations with very light contact. Company "A" was taken off of An Lo security and "B" Co. replaced them.
Company "D" is at FSB Georgia.
17 Aug - Company "A" received 60mm mortar fire, vic. YD6133. They called for artillery but first light check proved negative assessment. Company "B" secured An LO Bridge and worked with Rome plow.
18 Aug - Contact was light with "B" Co. capturing 2 VCS. 1 VC WIA was brought into CP by his parents. He was evacuated to 22d Surgical.
19 Aug - Company "C" detained 3 VCS while conducting RIF operation, vic. YD6334. While moving VCS to an LZ, one VCS detonated a BBT, injuring all 3 VCS and 2 US. Company "D" received several mortar rounds at FSB Georgia, resulting in 1 US WIA.
20 Aug - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD6131 with negative contact.
Company "B" secured An Lo and security of Rome plow.
Company "C" discovered 3 VC bodies, vic. YD6333 that had been result of Company "A's" action on, 27 July.
Company "C" also captured 1 VC WIA, vic. YD6433.
21 -22Aug - Contact extremely light. Company "D" was sent to LZ Sally for RRF duty. They utilized this time to get new equipment and resupply.
23 Aug - Company "A" RIF, vic. YD6133. They were utilizing local sampans to search river and one capsized. 1 US drowned.
Company "B" security of An Lo and Rome plow operation.
Company "C" conducted CA to , vic. YD6031. Results were 3 VC KIA, 1 VC captured and 2 Cheiu Hoi's.
Company "D", killed 2 VC, vic. YD6729 in bunkers.
24 Aug - Company "A" engaged small VC force, vic. YD6133 with SA. Negative assessment. They also engaged 6 sampans resulting in 2 VC KIA.
Company "B" secured An Lo. The enemy tried a small scale ground attack which was repelled. Negative casualties.
Company "C" conducted RIF, vic. YD6333, killing 2 VC, vic. YD6729 in bunkers.
25 Aug - Received a report that C114 LF VC company was located in a village, vic. YD6830. Company "D" was sent to cordon the area. Early that morning 7 VC tried to swim the river. Results: 7 VC KIA. 1 other VC KIA in river later. A search of the village the next day resulted in no enemy being found.
26 Aug - Company "A" RIF operation and Rome plow security. They found 2 VC in bunker. They had been dead about a week. No other contact.
27 Aug - Company "A" sprang ambush on 2 VC, vic. YD6123, resulting in 1 VC KIA. Received 3 RPG rounds, vic. YD6131, 3 US WIA. There was light contact with 2 other groups of VC ( 2-3). 1 VC KIA, vic. YD6134.
Company "B" continued security of An Lo. They captured 1 VC female, vic. YD6334.
Company's "C" and "D" continued RIF operation with negative contact.
28 Aug - Battalion continued normal operation. The only contact was by ambushes. Company "C" called artillery on approximately 9 VC, 400-500 meters Northeast of vic. YD6033, with negative results.
Company "D" observed movement in front of their ambush. They fired SA and threw grenades, resulting in 1 VC KIA.
29 Aug - Very light contact. 1 VC was captured in a bunker by Company "A", working with Rome plow.
30 Aug - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD5132, resulting in 1 VC KIA and 16 VCS captured. Recon made contact, vic. YD6830. They engaged 2 VC but they fled. Company "B" killed 2 VC, wounded 2 VC, while operating, vic. YD6438.
31 Aug - Company "A" was the only unit to have contact. They killed 1 VC, vic. YD6830.
1 Sep - An ambush by company "D" engaged 1 VC, vic. YD6730, resulting in 1 VC KIA and a weapon. Recon was sent to vic. YD7231, where log bird had fired on 3 NVA. Recon got 1 NVA KIA, 1 NVA and 1 VC captured.
2 Sep - No significant contact but the Battalion continued to encounter many BBT's.
3 Sep - Company "A" found 2 VC bodies in a bunker, vic. YD6232. Company "B" found about 3000lb of rice. Recon found 2 VC graves.
4 - 5 Sep - No contact was made. Company "C" replaced company "A" on An Lo Bridge security.
7 Sep - Company "A", killed 1 VC and captured 2 , vic. YD7030. Company found weapons cache with 26 weapons, vic. YD6234. Company "C" secured An Lo Bridge and established local ambushes. Recon killed 2 VC and captured 1 VC, vic. YD7334.
8 Sep - Company "A" captured 2 female VC, vic. YD7030. They killed 2 VC and captured 2, vic. YD65?? The VC fled, dropping 2 weapons. Blood trails were found but no bodies.
Company "B" killed 1 VC and discovered 18 individual weapons and 8 MG, vic. YD6234.
Recon killed 2 VC, vic. YD7333.
9 Sep - Very light contact. Company "B" sprang an ambush on 2 VC, vic. YD6035, resulting in 2 VC KIA.
10 Sep - Company "A" continued RIF, vic. YD6630, finding 5 tons of rice, killing 1 VC in a bunker and capturing 2 VCS. "A" Co. engaged 5 VC, vic. YD6730 from ambush. Negative results.
Company "C" moved to FSB Mongoose, OPCON to 1/501.
Company "D" moved to An Lo Bridge to assume bridge security.
11 Sep - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD6631.
Company "B" sprang and ambush, vic. YD6133 on 2 VC, resulting in 1 VC KIA. This VC was tax a collector. "B" Co. also had security of Rome plow and RIF operations with negative contact.
Company "C" OPCON to 1/501.
Company "A" secured An, local patrols around bridge. They detained 1 VCS.
Recon ambushed 3 VC, killing 1, vic. YD7031
12 Sep - Company "A" engaged 2 VC in a bunker, vic. YD6729. 1 killed and 1 captured. They had contact with 2 or 3 VC, twice more but negative assessment.
Company "B" continued Rome plow security and RIF operations with negative contact.
Company "C" , OPCON 1/501.
Company "D" security of An LO.
13 Sep - Company "A" continued RIF operation, vic. YD6731, capturing 1 VC.
While on Rome plow security, "B" Co. received SA fire, vic. YD6332. A cordon was formed around the village and artillery was called in. A sweep of the area resulted in 9 VC KIA and 10 VC POW, and several weapons. One of the POW's was the CO of the H319th and another cadre finance officer was captured.
14 Sep - Company "B" continued cordon, calling in artillery and air strikes. Final results for the day were 8 VC KIA, 11 VC POW, 4 VCS. The other units continued normal activity with negative contact.
15 - 17 Sep - Battalion continued RIF operations, Rome plow operation, and security of An LO Bridge. The enemy was evasive and there were only two light sniper contacts, with negative assessment. The units continued to encounter BBT and find small caches.
18 Sep - Company "A" sprung an ambush, vic. YD6729 on 1 VC, resulting in 1 VC KIA. Company "B" provided security for Rome plow. Company "C" still OPCN to 1/501.
19 Sep - Company "D" had light contact with 2 VC, vic. YD6630 with negative results. Recon engaged 5 VC, vic. YD7130 with negative results. They later engaged 1 VC from ambush in the same area, resulting in 1 VC KIA.
20 Sep - Company "A" security of An LO. Company "B", OPCN to 1/501. Company "C" RIF vic. YD6530. They had 2 light contacts with 3 VC, vic. YD6628 and 4 VC, vic. YD7029, with negative assessment.
21 - 23 Sep - Normal activities continued with no contact. Company "B" found 1 ammo cache, vic. YD6029.
24 Sep - Battalion continued RIF operation. Company "B", OPCON to 1/501. Company "D" killed 2 VC, vic. YD6234. Recon engaged 2 VC, vic. YD6913 resulting in 1 VC captured.
25 Sep - Company "A" security of An Lo and local patrols and ambushes. Company "B" on operation at Phu Vang. Company "C" and "D" continued RIF operation. Recon captured 1 VCS, vic. YD6930
26 Sep - A day of very light contact. The only unit to make contact was company "D". They ambushed 2 VC, resulting in 2 VC KIA.
27-28 Sep - The Battalion continued normal combat operations, but there was no enemy contact, in these two days.
29 Sep - Company "A", security of An Lo and mine sweep. Company "B" had movement near one of their ambushes, vic. YD6532. They engaged with SA fire, with negative results. A look-out on the tower at An Lo, spotted 15 individuals, digging-in. Artillery was called in…..results unknown.
30 Sep - Company "C" replaced company "A" on An Lo Bridge security. Company "C" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6731. Company "B" detained 7 VCS, vic. YD6135.
1 Oct - Company "A" conducted RIF. Vic. YD6530. They engaged 2 VC with SA fire, resulting in 1 VC KIA. One of their day ambushes KIA 1 VC, vic. YD6928. Company "B" engaged 3 VC with SA fire and clamors, vic. YD6031, with negative assessment.
2 - 3 Oct - No enemy activity or contact during this period.
4 Oct - Company "A" set up blocking positions, vic. YD6729 for 2 platoons sweeping from southeast. Company "B" had 2 Cheiu Hoi's lead them to an arms cache, containing 2 60mm mortars and 18 individual weapons, 1000 rounds of ammo, 8 clamors (Chi Com), 10 rifle grenades, and 2 RPG rounds. Company "C" received 2 mortar rounds at An Lo. Negative casualties. Recon had stand-down at LZ Sally.
5 Oct - Company "A" conducted RIF and ambushes, vic. YD6730 with negative contact. Company "B" found 1 SKS, ammo and other equipment, vic. YD6538. At vic. YD 6130, Company "B" engaged 1 VC with negative assessment. Company "D" at Phu Vang.
6 Oct - The Battalion (-) (with the exception of "D", at Phu Vang) continued normal operations with negative contact. We did provide 4 EM to NP on a check point to look for VC and draft dodgers. The EM worked with elements from Pistol Pete, from vic. YD7529 to vic. YD8332. They detained 183 people who were classified as follows.
IC 131
ARVN deserters 1
Military age males 41
VC 1
10 Oct - Negative contact.
11 Oct - Company "A" is at Phu Vang. They have security for one/S on highway 551 and occupied strong points along POL pipline, security of pumping station, Hue Bridge and LCU ramp.
Company "B" RIF, vic. YD6929 and night ambushes.
Company "C" security of An Lo and local patrols and ambushes.
Company "D", RIF, vic. YD6629. Killing 1 NVA in a bunker and captured 1 VCS.
Recon had negative contact.
12 Oct - Company "A" still at Phu Vang, with the same mission. Company "B" and "C" continued RIF operation and ambushes with negative contact. Company "D" captured 4 VC in vic. YD6629 in bunkers. They also captured 2 M-16, 1-.45 pistol and a light MG. Recon continued RIF and night ambushes with negative contact.
13 Oct - Company "A" operating at Phu Vang. Company "B" had one and WIA, vic. YD6930 by sniper. They returned fire but had negative assessment. Company "C" security of An Lo, mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. Company "D" receiver SA firs, vic. YD6628. They returned fire with SA, MG and M-79. A sweep of the area produced 4 VC KIA. Recon captured documents from a sampan, vic. YD7233. The VCS in sampan escaped.
14 Oct - The Battalion continued RIF and ambushes with negative contact. The documents found on one of Company "D's" KIA's, of 13 Oct, showed that one of them was a company CO., Hoang Van Trung, of K300B.
15 Oct - Company "B" was only unit to have contact. They engaged 2 VC in sampans, vic. YD7129, resulting in 2 VC KIA.
16 Oct - The Battalion had negative enemy contact on this day. It was, however, and important day as it was the day we assumed security of FSB T-Bone. Company "C" lifted to T-Bone at 16:00hrs.
17 -18 Oct - TIR missions, ambushes and eagle flights, failed to develop contact.
19 Oct - Battalion continued RIF operation, security of An Lo, T-Bone and company "A" at Phu Vang. No contact made. Company "C" found small cache, vic. YD7230
20 Oct - Company "A", at Phu Vang. Company "B" security of An Lo and mine sweep. The 1/3 ARVN regiment, working in our AO, vic. YD6529, found 2 VC bodies attributed to company "D", 8 days ago. Company "D", engaged 3 VC, vic. YD6438, with SA fire,. Negative assessment. Company "C", 36 element, at T-Bone.
21 Oct - Negative enemy contact. PSYOPS personnel, led by Chu Hoi, captured 60mm mortar. Two PACV's from Pistol Pete, started operating in northeast part of our AO, bounded by Song Bo and Jung Rivers. They picked up 1 VCS. Our S-3 acted as aerial observers for this operation.
22 Oct - Company "A", at PhuVang. Company "B" security of An Lo and mine sweep. Company "C" worked with PACV's from PistolPete. Company "D" was the only unit to make contact. They engaged 3 VC wounding 1. The other 2 fled carrying the wounded with them.
23 Oct - Company "B" while on An Lo Bridge security, engaged 1 VC with small arms. Negative assessment. The S-3 air sighted 2 VC from log bird and engaged, resulting in 2 VC KIA and 2 weapons.
24 Oct - Company "A" lifted from Phu Vang to vic. YD8130. Company "B" security of An Lo. Company "C" lifted from T-Bone to Phu Vang to assume security mission of company "A".
25 Oct - The only unit making contact was company "D". They engaged 2 VC with negative assessment. They found 3 cases of RPG rounds and other ammo, vic. YD6453.
26 Oct - Company "A" detained 1 VCS, vic. YD7132. Company "B" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "C" (-) Phu Vang. Company "D" OPCON to 1/501, "C" Company, 26 element, T-Bone. Recon FSB Apache.
27 Oct - The Battalion had negative enemy contact. The last light recon flight engaged 1 VC, unknown results, but captured 10 grenades, 1-.45 pistol, 4 rucksacks and some documents.
28 Oct - Company "A" ambushes, vic. YD7233, received SA fire. They engaged 2 VC with negative results. 1 IS WIA. Company "B" security of An Lo. Company "C" (-) at Phu Vang. Company "D" OPCON to 1/501. "C" Company, 26 element, FSB T-Bone, security.
29 -30 Oct - No contact made.
1 Nov - Company "A" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6630. Company "B" security of An Lo ,mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. Company "C" (-) Phu Vang, providing security for mine sweep of highway 551, occupied strong points on POL pipeline, security of pump station and LCU ramp. Company "D", OPCON to 1/501. Recon at Apache. Co. "C", 26 element, at T-Bone. Negative contact.
2 Nov - The units continued operations in the same vic., except that Company "D" returned to An Lo and Company "B" went OPCON to 1/502. There was negative contact.
3 Nov - Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact.
4 Nov - Company "A" RIF, vic. YD6630. Company "B" OPCON to 1/501. Company "C" at Phu Vang. Company "D" security of An Lo Bridge. recon security of FSB T-Bone. There was negative contact.
5 Nov. - Company "A" was lifted by "hook" to FSB T-Bone. Their mission, to provide security and conduct local patrols and ambushes. Company "B" OPCON to 1/501. Company "C" (-), Phu Vang. Company "D" security of An Lo, mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. No contact.
6 - 7 Nov - Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact. Company "B" returned to LZ Sally. Company "C" returned from Phu Vang and lifted to vic. YD5815 for RIF operations.
8 Nov - This day marks another important day in the history of the Battalion. On Nov. 8 and AO extension into the sands area referred to as "the street". Company "B" and 4 platoons of PF's, conducted a CA, vic. YD5840 and YD6040 and set up cordon with 1 platoon of tanks from which saturation patrols could be run. Naval river patrol boats, were used as a blocking force, vic. YD6041 and YD5942. The C&C, drew SA fire and returned fire on suspected enemy locations with negative results. Company "B" hit a 105 BBT injuring 2. Patrol boats detained 5 VCS but they were later classified as IC and released.
9 Nov - Company "A" continued security of FSB T-Bone. Company "B" continued cordon with PF's and tanks. They received SA fire, vic. YD6039 with negative casualties. They returned fire with negative results. They had 1 KIA and 1 WIA from a 105mm BBT. Company "C" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD5717. Company "D" security of AN Lo Bridge.
10 Nov - Company "B" was the only unit to have contact, engaging 2 VC with SA, vic. YD6140, resulting in 2 VC POW. They tripped 60mm BBT, resulting in 3 WIA. The 1/502, received a new "First Strike". LCT Davis replaced LTC Carter as the Battalion Commander. General Zais, General Trung, several other generals and numerous Division VIP's attended the ceremony at LZ Sally.
11 Nov - Company "A" security of T-Bone, local patrols and ambushes in the area. Company "B" continued operation in "street" area. They had light contact with estimated 2 VC but there were negative casualties. Company "C" RIF from vic. YD5818, southeast to vic. YD5717. Company "D" security of An Lo Bridge. Recon RIF from LZ Sally to YD 6124.
12 Nov - Company "A" switched security missions with Company "D". Company "A" lifted , via "hook" from An Lo to FSB T-Bone. Company "D" lifted , via "hook", from T-Bone, to An Lo. Company "B" engaged 2 VC from ambush with clamor and SA fire, with negative assessment. Company "C", form ambushes, observed movement, threw hand grenades, with negative results.
13 Nov - Company "A" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" had 1 platoon of PF's lifted in via log bird to YD5939. The tanks attached to Company "B", continued to work with unit on RIF missions. Company "B" found 1 BBT (homemade), vic. YD6139, resulting in 4 VC KIA and 1 VC POW. Later, vic. YD6238, 2 VC KIA in bunker. Company "D" operating in mountains, near FSB T-Bone, spotted 4 VC. They called in ARA and artillery with negative assessment. Recon sighted a "red-filtered-light", vic. YD6121 and called in artillery with negative assessment.
14 Nov - Company "A", while on security mission at An Lo, received 6 rounds of 60mm mortar fire. Negative causalities. Company "B" continued operation in "Street" area, vic. YD614?, resulting in 3 VC KIA and 4 VC captured, along with 1 AK47. The VC were all hiding in bunkers. Company "D" found a cave , vic. YD6219 with 1000ft. of det-cord, 1 mine and ammo.
15 Nov - The Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact. All units are conducting classes in spare time as the Battalion is experiencing a large turnover of personnel, returning to CONURC.
16 Nov - Company "A" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" conducted CA from vic. YD6337 to YD6023. Negative contact. Company "C" lifted, via "hook", from FSB T-Bone to LZ Sally for stand-down and resupply. Company "D" lifted, via "hook" to FSB T-Bone and assumed security of FSB T-Bone. Recon engaged 3 VC in sampan, resulting in 2 VC KIA and captured 1 AK and 1 .32 cal. Pistol. Recon lifted ,via log bird to Omaha.
17 Nov - Recon departed Omaha to vic. YD6038, to establish blocking position. They were joined by 1 tank platoon and 1 PF platoon. Company "C" CA'd to vic. YD6040 and started sweeping towards the blocking force. At vic. YD6038, Recon killed 1 VC.
18 Nov - Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact. One of the tanks, opcon to Company "C", hit an AP mine with negative damage. Company "C" released Recon and tank platoon from opcon and was lifted via "hook" to FSB Birmingham. They became OPCON to 2/501.
19 Nov - Company "A" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6321 with negative contact. Company "C" OPCON to 2/501. Company "D" security of FSB T-Bone. 1 platoon to 1 PF company, conducted joint saturation patrols, vic. YD6724. Recon destroyed 2 bouncing betty mines and captured 4 VC, vic. YD6140.
20 Nov - Company "A" security of An LO Bridge, mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. They found 1 bouncing betty mine, vic. YD6123 and destroyed in place. Company "B" found 2 250lb. Bomb while conducting RIF operation, vic. YD6231. They destroyed it in place. Company "C" OPCN to 2/501. Company "D" security of FSB T-Bone. 1 platoon of PF's was lifted by log bird to work jointly with Recon, vic. YD6040.
21 Nov - Company "A" sent their 26 element to FSB Panther, OPCON to 2/501. Company "B" conducted RIF to FSB T-Bone and assumed security mission of T-Bone. Company "C", OPCON to 2/501. Company "D" conducted RIF to vic. YD6418. Recon killed 6 VC and captured 4 VC, 1 French MG, 2 AK47's, and 1 M-79, documents and ammo, vic. YD6630.
22 Nov - Company "A" lifted from An Lo via "hook" to vic. YD7133. Recon and "D" Co. , 36 element, security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" received 2 platoons of PF's to assist in RIF operation, vic. YD6125.
23 Nov - Company "D" found Battalion sized base camp, vic. YD6318, with 60 bunkers, 20% of which had overhead cover. The area looked like a platoon sized element had used the bunkers in the last 24 hours. Recon and PF's captured 2 VC, vic. YD6630. One of them identified 12 VC supply personnel. They are being checked now.
24 - 25 Nov - Company "D" was the only unit to have contact. They engaged 3 VC, vic. YD6218, resulting in 3 VC KIA.
26 Nov - Company "A", lifted via "hook" to FSB T-Bone and conducted RIF to vic. YD6219. Company "B" security of T-Bone with local patrols and ambushes. Company "C" released from OPCON 2/501 and lifted from FSB Birmingham to LZ Sally. Company "D" had contact at YD6120 with 1 VC. Negative assessment. "D" Co., later moved via "hook" to AN Lo Bridge and assumed mission of securing bridge.
27 Nov - Company "D" engaged 1 VC, vic. YD6218 while on RIF operation. Results: 1 VC KIA. Later in the day, they found 5 graves ( results of earlier contact in area) Recon and PF's, killed 4 VC and captured 1 VC and 5 weapons, vic. YD6536.; Company "C". OPCON to 2/501.
28 Nov - Company "A", security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" security of T-Bone, with B16 OPCON to 2/501/ Company "C" OPCON to 2/501. Company "D" killed 2 NVA. Captured 1 AK47 and 3 magazines and found 5 graves. Vic. YD6218. Recon conducted RIF from vic. YD6433 to AN Lo.
29 Nov - The only contact was Company "D". 1 man KIA by sniper. Company "D" searched the area thoroughly but the enemy had fled.
30 Nov - Company "D" was the only unit to make contact. They engaged 3 VC. Vic. YD5640. The enemy fled leaving their rifles and equipment. They sighted 5 more VC but all were out of SA range.
1 Dec - Company "A" conducted RIF to vic. YD6220. They engaged 3 NVA resulting in 2 NVA KIA and 1 NVA captured, along with 2 AKs, and 1 French MG. "A" Co., OPCON to 2/501. Company "B" security of T_Bone with "B" Co., 26 element, OPCON to 2/501. Company "C" moved by vehicle from LZ Sally to secure An Lo Bridge. "First Strike", while flying over AO saw a VC. The VC turned out to be wounded and "First Strike" captured and evacuated via log to 326 med. (This POW furnished intelligence very useful in future mountain operations)
2 Dec - Company "A" engaged 2 VC, vic. YD6220, resulting in 2 VC KIA, 2 AKs, 2 rucksacks and equipment and documents captured. Company "B", security of T-Bone with local patrols and ambushes. "A" Co., 26 element and "B" Co., 16 element, OPCON to 2/501. Company "C" (-) security of An Lo. Company "D", CO. "C" 16 element, Recon, 1 tank platoon and 2 PF platoons (OPCON to "D") established a cordon, center of mass, vic. YD595390. Several BBT's were encountered, resulting in "C" Co, 16 platoon leader KIA and 2 PF WIA. 2 VC were KIA. 1 VC captured with 2 AK47. The cordon also found 1 60mm mortar, 1 RPG, a MG and approx. 700lbs. Of rice.
3 Dec - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD6220. They received sniper fire from the northwest. The fire was returned with negative assessment. "A" Co, 26 element, OPCON to 2/501. Company "B" security of T-Bone. Company "C" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "D", with Recon, platoon of tanks and PF's continued cordon operations. They found 1 fresh VC grave ( KIA by artillery) and 1 bouncing betty mine. PF's killed 2 VC and captured 1 weapon, vic. YD6338.
4 Dec - The only significant activities were by Company "D" as the cordon continued. They found 2 RPG rounds and 2 AP mines. Shortly after noon the cordon was terminated. Recon conducted move via "hook" from vic. YD5034 to Omaha. From Omaha, they conducted CA to vic. YD6928.
5 Dec - The Battalion continued normal operations. The only unit to make contact was Company "D". They engaged 2 VC. Vic. YD5934, resulting in 1 VC KIA and 1 AK47 captured. Recon was lifted back to LZ Sally from vic. YD6829, by log bird.
6 Dec - Company "A" (-) moved from vic. YD6120 to FSB T-Bone. "A" Co. 36 element was lifted via "hook" from LZ Sally to T-Bone. Company "A" replaced Company "B" as T-Bone security. Company "B" RIF from T-Bone to vic. YD6519. While moving into their NDP. Company "B" observed movement. Vic. YD6417 and called in artillery. A first light assessment proved negative. Company "C" security of AN Lo Bridge. "C" Co. 16 element with 1 platoon of PF's, conducted RIF to vic. YD6132 where they set up a blocking position for 2 platoons of PF's that conducted a CA to vic. YD6134, then swept towards blocking positions. There was negative contact. Company "D" conducted RIF operations, vic. YD64537. Recon at LZ Sally as RRF for Bde.
7 Dec - Company "A" secured FSB T-Bone and conducted local patrols and ambushes. Company "B" conducted day and night ambushes, vic. YD6518. Company "C" secured An Lo Bridge, security for mine sweep, and conducted local patrols and ambushes. Company "D" conducted RIF to vic. YD6040. They engaged 2 VC resulting in 1 VC WIA and 1 M-26 and rucksack captured. Recon remained at LZ Sally.
8 Dec - Although Recon was the only unit to make contact (they engaged 1 VC at their NDP with negative results), the Battalion conducted several unit moves by "hook". Company "C" moved from An Lo to vic. YD6922. Company "D" moved from vic. YD6139 to An Lo. Recon moved to vic. YD6139 from LZ Sally.
9 Dec - The only unit to have contact was the Recon platoon. They sprung an ambush on 1 VC at vic. YD6139, resulting in 1 VC KIA. Another ambush at vic. YD5939, killed 2 VC with small arms.
10 Dec - On this day we lost the "Street" section of our AO to the 3/5 Cav., for an 8 day operation. Recon and "C" Co. 26 element, went OPCON to 3/5 Cav. For 4 days (10-13). The only contact made was by Company "D", when they engaged 3 VC, vic. YD6124, with negative results.
11 - 12 Dec - Company "A" secured T-Bone. Company "B" conducted RIF operations, vic. YD6118. They engaged 5 VC while operating in this area, but the VC fled with negative assessment. Company "C" (-) is OPCON to 1/501. "C" Co. 26 element, is OPCON to 3/5 Cav. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. Recon is OPCON to 3/5 Cav.
13 Dec - Company "A" secured T-Bone with platoon RIF, vic. YD6222. This RIF utilized 2 scout dog teams. A "hook" was utilized to move one 4.2 and one 81mm mortar and crew to Apache for practice firing and was then lifted via "hook" to T-Bone. Company "B" RIF operations, day and night ambushes, vic. YD6218. Company "C" (-) is OPCON to 1/501. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. Recon is OPCON to 3/5 Cav.
14 Dec - Company "A" secured T-Bone with 1 platoon on local RIF operations. The unit concentrated on rebuilding and improving fortifications of T-Bone and unit training. Unit training is being stressed in all units as the turbulence of personnel has been a point of concern for the Battalion Commander. Company "B" conducted RIF, vic. YD6188. They found a bunker complex (negative signs of recent use), vic. YD6117 and destroyed it. Company "C" (-) released from 3/5 Cav. And returned via "hook" to LZ Sally. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. Recon released from OPCON to 3/5 Cav. And returned to LZ Sally, via "hook" to be RRF.
15 Dec - Company "A" secured FSB T-Bone and conducted local patrols and ambushes. "C" Co. 26 element was OPCON to Company "A". They conducted RIF operation from LZ Sally to vic. YD6020. While concluding RIF they heard a SA shot. On investigation, they found freshly cooked rice along side the trail, vic. YD6121 and later 3 VC. The VC fired on Co. "B". ( negative casualties). Fire was returned and the VC fled. Gunships were called in on suspected locations. Upon searching the area, negative bodies were found, but they did find 3 hooches which contained various gear, ammo, propaganda material and personal effects. Two blood trails were also found. Co. "B", followed the blood trails with negative results. Company "C" is OPCON to 1/501. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. "D" Co. 16 element, CA'd to vic. YD6019 and became OPCON to Company "B". Recon moved by vehicle from LZ Sally to An Lo where they utilized a super contact team.
16 Dec - Company "B" had light contact, vic. YD6119. They engaged 3 VC resulting in 1 VC KIA and2 VC WIA. "B: Co. had 1 US slightly wounded. Company "C" (-) returned to LZ Sally (from OPCON to 1/501) via "hook" from FSB Sandy. Recon platoon (with 2 platoons of PF) departed An Lo to RIF, vic. YD6131. "C" Co. 26 element, conducted Eagle flight from LZ Sally to vic. YD6238. Gunship escort engaged 2 VC with negative results.
17 Dec - Company "A" security T-Bone with "A" Co. 16 element RIF to LZ Sally. Company "A" (-) was lifted via "hook" from T-Bone to LZ Sally. Company "B" continued RIF operations, vic. YD6121. "B" Co. sprang and ambush, vic. YD6120 against unknown size enemy element. Illumination and artillery were called in with negative results. Company "C" (-) was lifted from LZ Sally to FSB T-Bone. "C" Co. 26 element and 2 PF platoons conducted search and clear operation, vic. YD6139. The area had just been swept by 3-5 task force, but "C" Co. 26 element and PF's killed 3 VC and captured 2 weapons. Company "D" secured An LO Bridge.
18 Dec - On this day there was no enemy contact. Company "B" was lifted via "hook" from vic. YD6221 to An Lo Bridge and replaces Company "D" on Bridge security. Company "D" moved via "hook" from An Lo to vic. YD6321.
19 Dec - Another day of light contact. One of Company "D's" ambushes received SA fire. They called in artillery with negative results. "B" Co. 16 element, Company "A" and Recon established cordon around villages to the southeast of AN Lo, along the Song Bo river. Center of mass, vic. YD6429. The road QL#1 was blocked off by MP's and all traffic checked. The Vietnamese National Police and local PF's swept through cordon.
The results were:
Detained 180
Classified 156 - IC
14 - Draft age men
4 - Deserters
6 - VC
20 Dec - Cordon operations were continued the next day with the following results:
Detained 43
Classified 31 - IC
10 - Draft age men
1 - Deserter
1 - Civil Offender
There was negative enemy contact on this day.
21 Dec - Company "A" had no actual contact but found one NVA/VC base camp. The bunkers contained 3 rifles, various cooking utensils, food and ammo. They also found 2 fresh graves (VC KIA by artillery) Recon and 2 PF platoons conducted search and clear operations, vic. YD6028. They killed 7 VC and captured 3 VC. The VC were all hiding in spider holes and bunkers. Also captured were 3 weapons, ammo, and some documents.
22 Dec - The Battalion continued to conduct extensive RIF throughout the AO. Company "D" however was the only unit to make contact. They engaged 2 VC, vic. YD6119, resulting in 1 VC KIA and 1 US WIA. "D" Co. captured 1 AK47, ammo, and gear. Later in the same area they discovered a cache with SA ammo, RPG round, 25lb. Salt and 2 SKS bayonets.
23 Dec - The only contact was by "D" Co. as they killed 1 VC with small arms fire, vic. YD5921.
24 Dec - Very little activity as the Battalion returned to static positions in observance of the Christmas truce, to start at 1800hrs. Early in the morning. Company "D" killed 1 VC from ambush with a claymor.
25 Dec - Christmas day found Company "A" at LZ Sally, Company "B" at An Lo, Company "C" at T-Bone, and Company "D" at LZ Sally, with Recon at An Lo. The Battalion observed the Christmas truce and enjoyed a Holiday meal.
26 Dec - Company "A" conducted a CA to vic. YD6040 and conducted search and clear operations in vic. of LZ. The results were, 1 VC KIA, 1VC POW, 3 weapons, 750lb. Rice, uniforms, gear, ammo, an some documents were captured. The other units resumed offensive combat operations but had negative contact.
27 Dec - Company "A" had 7 people WIA by BBT they encountered. Many BBT's in the area, vic. YD6140. Company "C" operating in vic. YD6218, found 4 bodies, killed about 3 or 4 days earlier. They also found 2 M-72 LAW's and 1 RPG round. They engaged 2 VC with SA, vic. YD6219 with negative results.
28 Dec - Company "A" continued RIF operation. Vic. YD6140, finding 300lb. Spoild rice and 1 ton polished rice. Company "D" had 1 US WIA by BBT, vic. YD6128. They detained two VCS, vic. YD6326.
29 Dec - Company "A" had 2 WIA from AP mines, vic. YD6334. Company "B" and 2 PF platoons conducted CA to, vic. YD5940. They found and destroyed a BBT, vic. YD5940. In the same area they found a bunker, with ammo, magazines, Vietnamese water purification tablets. Later they found a graveyard, vic. YD5939 with signs stating in Vietnamese, "Stay out Booby Trapped Area".
30 Dec - Company "A" secured An Lo. Company "B" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6040. They destroyed a 105mm round and an 8 inch round, and found small (200lb) cache of rice. At vic. YD5841 they engaged 1 VC resulting in 1 US WIA. Negative enemy assessment. Company "D" secured T-Bone with 1 platoon ("D"-26) conducting RIF around T-Bone. Recon remained at LZ Sally as RRF.
31 Dec - The Battalion continued combat operations but had negative contact. Company "" found 2000lb of rice, 2 VC in graves ( result of Recon's previous contact) and 5 AP mines.
Transcribers notes:
There are no entries on the original for Jan.1 or Jan.2.
The document starts with Jan.3, 1968. Under the "NARRATIVE" section, it explains that the Battalion conducted training and maintenance at garrison in Cu-Chi, for preparation of future contact operations on 1 and 2 January. (Worded kind'a "Dutchy" but that's the way it was written.)
There are no entries for March 25th - March 27th, on the original.
There was no entry for April 11th, on the original.
There are no entries for the dates 17 April through 30 April, on the original.
There are no entries for May 2, or May 3, on the original.
There is no entry for 6 September on the original.
There are no entries for 7 October - 9 October on the original.
The March 24th entry is shown as the following; _ WIA/POW. That's why I put the "?".
The format for KIA,WIA,POW, etc is slightly different on the original but the content is the same. I tried to duplicate the text exactly, in content.
There were some areas that were un-readable. Some map corrdinates and possibly some abbreviations.
I have read and re-read it so many times in typing it’s possible I overlooked something.
Bob Darmstatter 2Sep99
Headquarters, 1st Battalion ( Airmobile), 502d Infantry
APO San Fransico 96383
SUBJECT: Annual Historical Supplement
1. Reference:
a. AR 870-50
b. 101st Airborne Division Reg 870-4
2. Enclosed is the annual supplement to the unit history for the 1st Battalion, 502d Airborne Infantry, during calendar year 1968.
3 Office, Chief of Military History
1 HQS 101st Airborne Div.
1 HQS 2nd Bde, 101st Airborne Div.
5 ea company 1st Bn, 502d Infantry.
25 S3 1-502d Infantry
10 March 1969
Unit History
1st Battalion, 502 Airborne Infantry
1968 Chapter
PREFACE: This annual supplement to the unit history of the 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry in a brief narrative description of the units activities during combat operations in Vietnam which took place throughout the calendar year.
The Battalion was just beginning contact operations in Vietnam on January 1. The Battalion arrived in Vietnam during December 1967. After the Battalion arrived at Bien Hoa, on 15 December 1967, it moved to Chu Chi, Vietnam, where the Battalion was located at the start of this reporting period. The Battalion had made four separate contacts with the enemy during December 1967, resulting in 6 friendly wounded, by hostile actions and 3 killed by hostile action. The Battalion killed 4 enemy by body count in those engagements.
The Battalion has numerous news articles and photographs on file at the Battalion which compliment this narrative description of the Battalion’s activities.
NARRATIVE: The Battalion conducted training and maintenance at the garrison in Chu Chi for preparation of future contact operations on January 1 and 2 January.
SUPPLEMENT HISTORY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1968. As 1968 opened, Headquarters and Headquarters Company was located at Cu Chi , RVN. Commanding was Captain Terrance Neil Spiegelberg. The calendar year 1968 presented the Company with logistical and administrative problems, in support of the numerous operations conducted by the Second Brigade. Significant personnel turbulence was experienced during the year. Most of this was due to the big “DEROS Hump” in November. The Security Platoon conducted patrols at Cu Chi with very little contact.
From 22 to 29 January, the Company moved from Cu Chi to Phu Bai Airfield. This move was conducted by Air Force C-130 aircraft. The Brigade began operation, “Jeb Stuart”. During this time we received logistical support from FSA Mac Donald, located at LZ El Paso (Now Camp Eagle). Re-supply was accomplished by vehicles, and adequacy depended on road conditions and clearance. On 27 January the Company moved to LZ El Paso by road convoy. This greatly reduced many of our logistical problems.
LZ El Paso come under 60mm mortar fire the morning of 31 January. Bravo Company 326 Medical Battalion reported 4 killed in the action and 4 wounded in the action. Counter mortar fire engaged the enemy position with unknown results. February saw the Brigade in the middle of operation, “Jeb Stuart”. Many logistical problems occurred under the constant moving concept used by the Brigade. There was a great shortage of TA 50-901, clothing, batteries, LSA, all types of class IV barrier material, demolitions, hand grenades, trip flares, booby traps, and claymore mines.
First Log command was unable to provide shower, laundry service, potable water, and graves registration section. The lack of these services created severe health and sanitation problems. On February 1968, Captain James P. Downey assumed command. The security Platoon operated between LZ El Paso and LZ Jane. They participated in the securing of QL#1.
In March the whole Brigade HQ’s moved to LZ Sally. This would be the final move by the Brigade in 1968.
On March 10, operation “Jeb Stuart” came to a close. Many lessons were learned during the very successful operation. Valuable lessons that would be put to use in later operations.
On March 10, operation “ Carentan I” started. Treatment, evacuation and hospitalization of casualties was accomplished by the 571st Medical Detachment to Company B, 326 Medical Battalion. For more serious injuries, the patients were sent to 22nd Surgical Hospital, located at Phu Bai. The decision is made there to further evacuate the injured personnel to Japan, or the USA.
On 3 Jan - Battalion conducted combat assault. 1st lift airborne 08:07 hrs. Last lift completed 09:17 hrs.
Bravo and Alpha discovered numerous Booby-Traps and fresh sign. Delta made heavy contact. Battalion set up for night in company (+) NDP's. All NDP's mortared during the night.
Casualties: (slight) 23 WIA (Evac) 13 WIA.
Results to date:
Friendly: 19 WIA, 1 KIA
Enemy: 10 NVA (BC)
On 4 Jan - During early morning hours, the NPD of A & D received rockets in their perimeter. During daylight hours Battalion conducted search and destroy operations. Charlie made heavy contact and was supported by gunships and artillery. Charlie had 10 WIA. Bravo moved to support Charlie and came under heavy contact with 7 KIA, 1 WIA. One man discovered MIA.
Results to date:
Friendly - 36 WIA 1 MIA 8 KIA
Enemy: - 27 KIA (BC) 2 WIA (POW)
KELMAN, WAYNE H. CPL 21 04-Jan-68 C CO
ROY, JAMES WILLIE, 3RD SP4 20 04-Jan-68 C CO
5 Jan - Battalion continued search and destroy missions around Cu Chi.
Bravo linked up with a tank unit and returned to area of contact to find MIA. Body found and identified as missing man. Other companies had negative contact and returned to Cu Chi for night.
Change: 1 MIA to 1 KIA
6 Jan - Battalion continued training and remained in perimeter of Cu Chi. During the night hours movement heard around perimeter. At 21:30 hrs. a light was shined on a bunker and a sniper shot one man
Results: 1 WIA
7 Jan - Battalion conducted heli-borne lift to LZ X-Ray and set up for night.
8 Jan - Battalion conducted search and destroy mission vicinity of LZ X-Ray. No contact made.
10 Jan - Battalion conducted movement back to and closed on Cu Chi. No contact.
11 thru 14 Jan - Battalion conducted training in preparation for upcoming operations.
14 Jan - Battalion heli-lifted to LZ Gold. Choppers received ground fire but no contact was made. Perimeter formed.
15 Jan - Battalion conducted search and destroy mission from LZ Gold. Scattered very light contact made. Neg. results.
16 Jan - During the early morning hours, Alpha Company’s ambush on river, fired on sampan.
Results, 4 NVA KIA (BC). Battalion formed into NDP's for night.
Results to date:
Friendly: 37 WIA 9 KIA
Enemy: 5 WIA/POW 31 KIA (BC)
17 Jan - Battalion continued with search and destroy mission. Light contact during time period. A bunker and tunnel complex was found and destroyed.
Results: Enemy: 1 VC KIA (BC) AK - 47 Captured
18 Jan - Flame throwers were used on tunnels as Battalion continued its search and destroy operations.
19 Jan - Battalion returned to Cu Chi and had light contact during the period.
Results: 5 WIA
Results to date:
Friendly: - 42 WIA 9 KIA
Enemy: - 5 WIA/POW 32 KIA (BC)
20 Jan to 4 Feb - Battalion conducted recon in force operations in new AO with light contact.
1 WIA Captured, and 1 AK-47 captured.
5 Feb - During the early morning hours the NPD of Alpha was heavily engaged by a reinforced NVA company. Heavy contact from 03:26 hrs. till 09:30 hrs, when enemy broke contact. Patrols were sent out to assess the situation. Contact made with estimated NVA platoon, 5 NVA KIA (BC). Company sized sweeps sent out resulting in heavy contact and 20 more NVA KIA (BC). Alpha and Bravo extracted. Delta made negative contact.
Battalion set up NDP's around Quang Tri for the night.
Friendly: 33 WIA 1 KIA
Enemy: 0 WIA 25 KIA (BC) 100 KIA (Estimated)
Captured: 2 MG's, 2 AK-47, 1-82mm and 1-60mm Mortar.
6 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri. Very light contact with negative results.
7 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations SE of Qunag Tri with scattered heavy contact throughout the day. Delta reinforced by Recon and Bravo made contact with estimated NVA reinforced companies.
Friendly - 6 WIA and 2 KIA.
Enemy - 25 NVA KIA (BC).
Companies moved to NDP's by dark. Estimated 100-150 NVA KIA during the day.
BROWN, RAYMOND SP4 20 07-Feb-68 D CO
8 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations southeast of Quan Tri Light contact was made during the day. Received message from Bde "Aerial observation and other sources gave 1/502 credit for 250 NVA KIA (BC) for period 4 thru 8 Feb 1968
Friendly - 82 WIA 12 KIA
Enemy - 6 WIA/POW 305 KIA (BC) 100 KIA ( Estimated )
During the night, Alpha and Bravo NDP were infiltrated by sappers. Attacks very heavy.
Casualties - 8 KIA, 19 WIA, 11 NVA KIA (BC)
NORTON, THOMAS SP4 20 09-Feb-68 A CO
12 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations east of Quang Tri and security LZ Jane. Contact light with 1 WIA by booby-trap.
13 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri and security of LZ Jane. Negative contact made.
14 Feb - During the reporting period the battalion continued S&D operations to the southeast of Quang Tri and continued to furnish security along QL #10 northwest to Hai Lang.
15 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations with moderate contact made. Combat assault by Bravo received S/A and A/W fire during 2nd lift. Negative contact made after that. Alpha and Charlie made contact while sweeping. Results: 1 WIA, Enemy: 14 KIA
16 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations with 2 combat assaults by Alpha and Charlie. Heavy contact Results
Friendly: - 1 KIA, 13 WIA, 1 MIA,
Enemy: - 18 KIA (BC)
Results to date:
Friendly: - 116 WIA 1 MIA 21 KIA
Enemy: - 6 WIA/POW 348 KIA (BC) 100 KIA (Estimated)
17 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri and conducted one combat assault with Alfa company into the same area as contact of yesterday.
Heavy contact resulted in 1 KIA and 11 WIA with negative enemy assessment.
18 Feb - Battalion continues search and destroy operations southeast of Quang Tri with light contact and negative results.
19 Feb -Battalion continues search and destroy operations with mission of security of QL #1 in A.O. During this time period 3 VC KIA (BC) by ambush and 1 US WIA later KIA by mine on QL #1.
20 Feb -Battalion continued with S&D and security mission. Light contact during the day with 1 NVA KIA (BC) by ambush.
21 Feb - Battalion continued with operations and had scattered light to moderate contact by Bravo. Results:
Friendly - 1 KIA, 1 WIA
Enemy: 4 NVA KIA (BC)
22 Feb - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and security QL #1 southeast of Quang Tri. Operations by Alfa resulted in 2 KIA by grenade attack during security of LZ Jane. Bravo while sweeping, made heavy contact with Charlie getting ambushed while moving to Bravo's aid. Delta also in heavy contact during the day.
Friendly; - 5 KIA, 32 WIA
Enemy: - 12 NVA KIA (BC). Estimated NVA battalion in area.
MC GEE, HERMAN PFC 21 22-Feb-68 A CO
ZAMORA, EDWARD SP4 20 22-Feb-68 C CO
23 Feb - Search and destroy operations continued with security of QL #1. Scattered light contact made with 2 WIA by BBT
24 Feb - Search and destroy operations continued with security of QL #1. Scattered light contact made with 1 WIA by BBT.
25 Feb -Provided security of QL #1 and bridge ( 460400) in preparation for 26 Feb operation.
26 Feb - Battalion cleared and secured assigned section of QL #1 and conducted combat assault with 3 companies. During the period, light combat was experienced and Alfa NDP was probed by sappers.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 2 WIA
Enemy: 7 NVA KIA (BC)
27 Feb - Continued search and destroy operation southeast of Quang Tri and cleared and secured Q.L.#1. Two combat assaults resulted in heavy contact by Bravo and light contact by Charlie.
Friendly: - 12 WIA
Eneny: - 2 NVA KIA (BC)
28 Feb - Battalion moved to FS B Noran, 14 km northwest of Hue, began operation in new AO and Charlie occupied position for preparation of LZ Sally.
29 Feb - Began search and destroy operations in new AO. Alpha and Delta moved northwest from An Lo bridge. Alpha taken under fire by estimated company of NVA. Alpha pulled back and called for and received air strikes, artillery, and gun ships.
Results: 5 NVA KIA (BC)
Results to date:
Friendly: - 1 MIA, 177 WIA, 31 KIA
Enemy: - 6 WIA/POW, 377 KIA (BC), 100 KIA (Estimated)
1 Mar - Battalion began operations in Quang Tri district from FSB Nora, An Lo Bridge and continued construction of FSB Sally. Alpha moved to Ap Lai Xa (YD 638310) where they had made heavy contact on 29 Feb 1968. They found no enemy but villagers stated that there had been approx. 200 NVA/VC in the village and that they had been up most of the night dragging off their dead. Delta made light contact in vic. YD 642298 and Battalion CO's C&C ship used to kill 16 NVA.
Results: 16 NVA KIA (BC) by Strike's C&C.
2 Mar -Battalion continued search and destroy operations and made light contact throughout the day. Booby-Traps caused 3 WIA.
3 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations from An LO Bridge to ( YD 671311) Ap Duc Trong. Bravo and Charlie made heavy contact from village and called for all available fire support and pulled back. After heavy contact for 4 hours, B&C were withdrawn by air. During extraction battalion commanders C&C received heavy fire wounding battalion CO, his RTO, battalion S-2, and command pilot. Battalion S-2, DOA at Evans.
Friendly: - 17 WIA 4 KIA
Enemy: - 1 WIA/POW 13 KIA (BC) 48 KIA (Estimated)
4 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and conducted joint sweep with PF's, vic. An Lo Bridge. Results: 2 NVA KIA (BC). Recon made light contact and had 2 men WIA.
5 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations with light contact. 1 man WIA from punji pit.
6 Mar - Heavy contact made by Delta company at 13:43 hrs. vic. YD698304 (W-Shaped vill). Delta broke contact at 16:12 hrs. and were extracted from hot LZ after using all available fire support on village. Estimated 2 reinforced companies in the village. Results
Friendly: - 5 KIA 25 WIA 2 MIA
Enemy: - 58 KIA (BC) Confirmed by aerial observation
CARR, ALVIN PFC 19 06-Mar-68 D CO
7 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and made 3 company size C/A's resulting in moderate contact. Bravo recovered the bodies of the 2 MIA from Delta.
Friendly: - 1 KIA 1 WIA 2 MIA (to KIA)
Enemy: - 30 KIA (BC)
8 Mar - Battalion continued operations and Alfa made heavy contact near An Dong Lam (YD 680318). After 3 hours of heavy fighting Alfa was ordered to pull back leaving 3 KIA bodies because of intense fire.
Friendly: - 3 KIA 17 WIA 2 MIA
Enemy: - 35 KIA (BC) 4 WIA/POW 50 KIA (Estimated)
9 Mar - Battalion conducted joint 3 company assault on village complex center of mass YD6731. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie remained in heavy contact from 09:00 hrs. to 14:45 hrs. Air Strikes, artillery, naval gunfire, and organic weapons, used against suspected 2 Bn's of NVA in villages.
Friendly: - 3 KIA 17 WIA 2 MIA
Enemy: - 35 KIA (BC) 20 KIA (EST)
10 Mar - Companies engaged in heavy contact vic YD6731. Charlie and Alfa recovered 5 MIA (KIA). Alfa reported finding 38 more bodies from yesterday's action and killed 10 more.
Enemy: - 46 NVA KIA (BC) Artillery 3 WIA/POW
11 Mar - Battalion conducted joint operations and swept Ap Duc Trong with ARVN's. Contact was light and ARVN's found 46 NVA KIA (BC) by artillery and captured 3 more.
Enemy: - 46 NVA KIA (BC) Artillery 3 WIA/POW
12 Mar - Battalion continued operations and made light contact.
Enemy: - 2 VC KIA (BC) 1 VC POW
13 Mar- Battalion made light contact during the day and an ambush from Charlie fired on 70 -80 NVA with artillery.
Enemy: - 3 NVA KIA (BC) 25 WIA (EST)_
14 Mar - Continued operations and moved companies to LZ Sally for marshalling and stand down.
15 Mar - Continued operations and found 1 NVA KIA (BC) by small arms, one day old. Received credit for 48 NVA KIA (BC) by artillery on March 11.
Enemy: - 49 NVA KIA (BC)
16 & 17 Mar - Battalion conducted limited operations and made negative contact.
18 Mar - Battalion conducted full operations but made little contact until Delta spotted 10 VC around a fire at 21:30hrsa. vic. (575287). With PF's, the Delta element surrounded and opened fire on the VC.
Enemy: - 6 KIA (BC) 3 WIA/POW 1 KIA (EST)
19 Mar - Alfa, Bravo, and Delta remained at Sally. Charlie moved to (615235) and began preparing FSB Strike. No contact.
20 Mar - Limited search and destroy operations around Sally conducted. Fortification of FSB Strike continued.
21 Mar - Limited search and destroy operations continued. Alfa ambushed 10 VC and later found a small tunnel complex.
Enemy: - 5 VC KIA (BC) 2 VC WIA/POW
24 Mar - The Battalion made only light contact except for Delta which received heavy fire from village at ( YD618198). All available fire support was utilized.
Friendly: - 1 KIA 8 WIA 1 MIA
Enemy: - 3 KIA (BC) 10 KIA - WIA/POW
26 Mar – (Not found in the Daily report, the following information is provided from Memory) Cpt Greg Mills established a small 4.2 mortal FSB Lyon. C Co was flown in to guard FSB Lyon and B Co was in the valley to the West of FSB Lyon 629223 (hill 285) in heavy contact with the enemy. An error in adjustment of the 4.2 mortar fire resulted in heavy casualties. Retired General Cushman, 2d Bde Commander at the time, recalled this as the worst memory of his military career.
28 Mar - Battalion continued search and destroy operations and experienced several changes in command personnel.
MAJ Shachnow went to S3
CPT Greenhouse went from D to S2
CPT Speedy went from C to Asst. S3
1LT Wise went to C as CO
Alfa Company OPCON to 3d Marine Div.
29,30, & 31 Mar - The Battalion continued search and destroy operations in Quang Dien District and defense of An Lo Bridge and LZ Sally. Very light contact was made with negative results.
Results from 19 Dec 1967 to 1 April 1968
Friendly: - 48 KIA 333 WIA 4 MIA
Enemy: - 613 KIA (BC) 26 WIA/POW 210 KIA (EST)
1 Apr - Company “A" OPCON 3d Marine Division. The other units conducted normal operations with negative results.
2 Apr - Company "A" OPCON to 3d Marine Division. Company "B" captured 2 tax collectors in village. vic YD5731. They also destroyed 3 bunkers and 3 VC KIA. Company "D" had 1 man injured by BBT.
3 Apr - Company "A" returned to the battalion from 3d Marine Division. There was negative enemy contact in the Battalion.
4 Apr - A day of light contact with company B receiving sniper fire vic. YD5927. Negative friendly or enemy casualties. Company "D" had a grenade thrown in their perimeter. They engaged with small arms resulting in 1 VC KIA.
5 Apr - Company "A" provided mine sweep on QL#1 from An Lo to Camp Evans. 1 platoon moved by truck to vic. YD6030 to act as a blocking force in support of company B conducting RIF from vic. YD5829 to vic. YD6127. They engaged only 1 sniper but had 1 US KIA and 3 WIA from BBT. They found BBT's, a sub machine gun, 3 B40 rockets and several other small arms.
6 Apr - A day of light contact throughout the battalion. Company "D" engaged 10 VC vic. YD4840 resulting in 3 VC KIA.
7 Apr - Company "D" continued searching area vic YD4864 resulting in 5 VC KIA. The other units conducted search and clear operations and ambushes with negative contact.
8 Apr - Company A found an arms cache while conducting RIF vic. YD5325. They found 3 M1 rifles, 1 SMG, 160 rounds S/A. Company "B" received automatic weapons fire vic. YD6025, suffering 2 WIA. They returned fire with unknown results. Company "C" (-) remained at Camp Evans preparing for future operations and conducting training.
9 Apr - Company "A" received their log vic. YD5425. Shortly thereafter they moved approximately 200 meters NE. Early the next morning 50 VC attacked deserted log sight using long cane poles to flip satchel charges. Company "A" made contact with the enemy suffering 2 KIA and 1 WIA. Enemy losses were 2 VC KIA. Company B found 9 122mm rockets (complete).
10 Apr - Company "A" NDP vic. YD5325 received satchel charges, RPG rounds, and S/A fire. Negative casualties) They returned fire with unknown results. Company D conducted security of Phong Dien Bridge and local ambushes. One of these ambushes vic. YD4937, engaged 4 VC with negative results. Recon killed 3 VC vic. YD 5231.
12 Apr - The only contact was by company B. They engaged 5 VC vic. YD5830 with negative results.
13 Apr - 13 April is the day that 1/502 Infantry was released from the mission of security of Camp Evans. The CP moved from Camp Evans to LZ Sally.
14 Apr - The day was a day of relaxation for the battle weary troopers of 1-502 as they had stand down at Wunder Beach.
15 Apr - A day spent in completing the move to LZ Sally. The units took re-supply and prepared for future operations.
16 Apr - The battalion went OPCON to the 1st Brigade until, 30 April. During this operation the records were destroyed in a rocket attack.
TERRY ARIE CPL 24 30-Apr-68 A CO
1 May - Battalion moved back into Quang Dien District by helicopter and began RIF operations and security of An Lo Bridge and clearing of Q.L.#1. "C" sprang an ambush at (706348) on 5 NVA, killing 2 (BC). Later 2 VC were captured as they walked into the NPD. After interrogation it was learned that they were going to vic. 715330 to act as guides for NVA. At 05:30hrs. the NDP received SA fire and suffered 1 WIA. At 06:35hrs. they moved to the village ( 715330 ) and swept it finding a grave approximately 24 hours old with 4 KIA.
Friendly: - 1 WIA
Enemy: - 6 KIA (BC) NVA - 2 WIA/POW
Alfa returned from OPCON to 1-501 Infantry after 3 day operation (Battle of Phuoc Yen). They received credit for 80 NVA KIA (BC)
4 May - Cordon by A, B, and Recon with other 2nd Bde elements at vic. 692303. Contact was heavy during the night by elements seeking to escape the Cordon. Artillery was called for and adjusted as well as use of small arms. At first light a sweep of the area revealed; Enemy: - 26 NVA KIA (BC) 2 VC KIA (BC) 3 VC POW
5 May - Battalion continued RIF and security missions. A & B cordoned vill. vic. 700304 and had 1 WIA from grenade while enemy losses were 1 NVA KIA (BC), 2 NVA WIA/POW 6 May - Battalion continued its pacification operations. A company NDP was under sporadic contact from 03:35hrs. till 05:45hrs. and had 2 WIA from SA fire, from estimated reinforced squad. First light check revealed 1 NVA KIA (BC).
B company established 3 ambushes. At 21:40hrs. one ambush fired on 4 NVA across the river from them. No Assessment could be made. At 07:45hrs. another ambush fired on 5 NVA in a sampan. Results, 5 NVA KIA (BC) and sampan sunk. Bravo combat assault vill. vic 750291 and encountered heavy fire.
Formed a cordon of the vill with Delta and called in air strikes and artillery.
C company ambush killed 2 NVA KIA (BC).
Delta combat assault to 748294 and were pinned down by heavy fire. Went into cordon with Bravo suffering 2 KIA 7 WIA.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 9 WIA
Enemy: 8 NVA KIA (BC) 4 NVA KIA (Est)
7 May - Bravo swept vill at first light, vic 750290 and made contact. Results, 3 WIA: 5 NVA KIA (BC). Charlie made contact at 08:00hrs and remained in contact throughout the day, vic 748307. There was heavy MG, light MG, AW and SA. Called in artillery and air strikes.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 11 WIA 4 MIA (later confirmed and recovered as KIA)
Enemy: - 5 NVA KIA (BC)
8 May - Battalion continued RIF and security missions of An Lo and QL #1.
"A" made contact at YD715294. Cordoned the village and called in air strikes.
"B" Company sprung an ambush on 30 NVA with organic weapons. First light revealed 16 NVA KIA (BC).
"C" Company suffered 2 KIA and 2 WIA from sniper fire.
9 May - Bravo found 15 NVA KIA (BC) from air strike at 724294.
Charlie CA'd to YD715302 and made heavy contact, suffering 2 KIA and 3 WIA. Established ambushes around the area of contact and captured 1 NVA who crawled up to one of the positions while trying to escape.
Delta made moderate scattered contact during the day and killed 8 NVA (BC).
Recon found 3 NVA KIA (BC) in a grave at YD723311.
Friendly: - 2 KIA 2 WIA
Enemy: - 26 NVA KIA (BC) 1 POW
10 May - Battalion continued RIF and security missions in AO and made moderate to heavy contact.
Charlie had a running fight with 2 NVA snipers that led into a village at 7?9333, where they received heavy fire that killed their point man and prevented his recovery. Air strikes were called in and caused 10 NVA to leave their bunkers and run into Charlie's positions.
Friendly: - 1 KIA, 1 WIA, and 1 MIA (KIA),
Enemy: - 11 NVA KIA (BC). Delta made contact at 715328 and called for an air strike. After the strike a sweep of the area revealed 13 NVA KIA (BC).
Recon found 8 NVA KIA (BC) at 720296, killed by air strike, the day before.
Friendly: - 1 KIA 1 WIA 1 MIA (Later recovered as KIA)
Enemy: - 32 NVA KIA (BC)
11 May - Light contact was made during the day and Charlie recovered their MIA (KIA) and found 1 NVA KIA (BC)
12, 13, and 14 May - Light contact made during this time as the Battalion continued the RIF and security missions in the AO. On the 14th, Recon and Bravo operating with PF's from Quang Dien, killed 1 NVA (BC), 2 VC (BC)
15,16 and 17 May - Light contact made as the battalion was credited with 6 VC KIA (BC) and 2 VC POW.
18, 19 May - Light contact and the Battalion received 2 WIA from snipers.
20, 21 May - The Battalion continued the RIF operations and security mission of An Lo and QL#1. During those 2 days only light contact was made.
Friendly; - 1 WIA
Enemy: - 4 VC KIA (BC) : 1 VC WIA (Escaped)
Delta, while conducting the road sweep from An Lo to Evans, spotted a mine but before they could remove it a civilian bus ran over it. Results, no one injured but the bus was heavily damaged.
22 May - Bravo Company, while on a RIF vic. 694305, received fire from the vill. After returning fire and artillery, they swept the area and found 2 NVA KIA (BC) and captured 5 NVA/VC POW's in their bunkers.
Delta fired artillery on suspected enemy positions then swept thru the area and found 3 VC KIA and 1 NVA KIA.
Results: - 3 NVA KIA (BC) : 5 POW
23, 24, and 25 May - Battalion made light contact throughout the period while conducting RIF and security missions throughout the AO.
Results from these operations were:
Friendly: 1 WIA BBT
Enemy: 8 VC KIA (BC)
26 May - As the battalion continued operations in the AO, Charlie suffered 6 WIA from a BBT, 105mm round and Delta made heavy contact vic. 691312. They returned fire and called in artillery and estimated the enemy element as an NVA company (-). 14 WIA.
Enemy: : - 20 WIA
27 May - The Battalion made light contact during the day's operations.
Friendly: - 1 WIA BBT : 1 KIA BBT Enemy: : - 1 VC KIA (BC) : 1 VC POW
28, 29, 30, and 31 May - The Battalion continued RIF operations in the AO and security mission of An Lo Bridge and QL#1. During this period contact was very light and resulted in 7 VC captured with weapons.
Results from 19 December 1967 to June 1 1968:
Friendly: - 59 KIA : 393 WIA
Enemy: :- 852 KIA (BC) : 250 KIA (EST) : 129 WIA/POW
1 Jun - Light contact. Bravo Company caught 2 VC coming out of bunkers. 2 VC KIA (BC).
Delta company ambushed 6 VC, 1 VC KIA. Later found 2 more trying to run away. 2 VC KIA.
2 Jun - Battalion RIF with PF's, Bravo joint RIF with PF's, vic. YD7140. Found that almost all of the gates entering the Vill. were BBT with grenades. These grenades were blown in place. As they swept through the village they received light contact and returned fire, wounding 1 VC who fled. They also blew several BBT's in place but 1 PF was killed when he stepped on a 105mm BBT.
3 Jun - Battalion continued operations. Alfa secured An Lo and conducted RIF with 1 platoon of PF's, at vic. YD6231. PF's attacked and killed 3 VC and had 3 WIA.
Bravo combined operations. Sweep resulted in 1 WAI from fire at vic. YD7132 and 3 NVA KIA in bunkers at vic. YD7131, by H/G.
Recon 1 KIA, 105mm BBT.
4 Jun - Battalion continued operation and road sweep. Co B conducted a CA to vic. 699288 and conducted S&C operations with negative contact.
5 Jun - Contact was light, with 2 Hoi Chanh's coming into Co. A's NDP. They had 1 AK-47 and 1 SKS.
6 Jun - Battalion continued operations with Delta working with Rome plow. Contact was light, capturing 1 VC, and 10,000 pounds of rice, 1 SKS and 2 VC KIA, and wounding 1 more who escaped.
7 Jun - Battalion continued sear of villages in the AO, capturing 1 VC. 10,000 pounds of rice, 1 SKS, and 2 VC KIA and wounding one more who escaped.
8 Jun - Was a day of heavy activity with all units reporting at least light contact. The Bn killed 4 VC, captured 4 VC and 2 M-16, 1 AK-47, 1 Czech MG and ammo. US troops had three slightly wounded by shrapnel. Two of the VC captured was in a sampan hauling rice down the river. They said that VC used this method quite often.
9 Jun - Co. "C" and Co. "A" combined for a cordon search of an area vic. YD7030. The cordon resulted in 2 VC KIA and a large cache containing weapons, ammo, clothing and food. There were 23 bunkers in the area, 15 had been used recently. ( all destroyed) In vic YD7133 numerous punji pits were encountered.
Co. C found 5 tons of rice.
Co D and PF's continued operating with Rome plow. Their progress report showed, 200 meters of hedgerow, 45 bunkers destroyed. During the day, 8 VC KIA, 6 VC captured, 1 of these was a messenger who had a document from his commander stating, his men could not fight due to lack of food, weapons, and ammo. There were 5 friendly WIA from BBT.
10 Jun - Co. "C" and Co. "A" continued sweep of cordon established 9 June while D Co. continued Rome plow operations. They requested and received an air strike vic. YD6931. Co. "C" and "A" had light contact, capturing 7 VC, 5 tons of rice while they had 1 friendly KIA and 4 WIA. The Rome plow destroyed another 36 bunkers. The PSYOPS plane flew over the AO making leaflet drops and loud speaker broadcasts.
MILLER LARRY T : PFC : 23 10-Jun-68 : D CO
11 Jun - The cordon operation was completed with 6 more VC KIA, 1 Hoi Chanh, 9 ½ tons of rice were discovered. Also a directive came out on this day from Brigade that said all elements operating independently would have compass, map, radio, and strobe light.
Co. "A" had one friendly WIA (US)
COLLINS TOBY ERNEST : PFC : 20 : 11-Jun-68 : E CO
12 Jun - Very light contact. 2 VC KIA. Co. "C" found 19 tons of rice. 1 PF was WIA by a BBT.
13 Jun - The PF's joined Co. A and B in a joint operation resulting in 5 VC KIA, 5 VC captured, VC Hoi Chanh, 2 - AK-47's, 1- M-16, and 1- B40, were captured. 1 PF and 1 US were WIA. < br>Co. D continued to support Rome plow which destroyed 5 acres of village, 75 bunkers, and 300 meters of hedgerow.
14 Jun - Battalion continued search and clear operations in AO and security of An Lo Bridge. Light contact with 1 VC KIA, 8 VC's and 1 NVA captured, 1 VC captain. The VC KIA was a lieutenant. The Rome plow continued operations, destroying 100 meters of hedgerow and 20 bunkers. Alfa also destroyed 20 bunkers and a small cache.
15 Jun - A cordon and a sweep of the village vic. YD6432 2 was conducted. The area was heavily BBT'd. As a result, 1 man was WIA, and 2 KIA. [C Co 5 KIA’s, AKIN was a new replacement who just arrived in noon supply chopper. Everett Carter, who was in Sally when the casualties were reported, rejoined C Co who had been moved to An Lo Bridge to regroup after heavy casualties, believed ASKIN was KIA as AKIN hadn’t had a chance to be known yet. Per Keith Askin. An air strike was requested to destroy BBT's in the village.
Bravo Co. was in contact being under mortar fire and SA most of the day. They killed 5 VC and captured 3 Hoi Chanh's. Rome plow continued destroying 450 meters of hedgerow, 5 acres of village and 70 bunkers.
16 Jun - Co. "A" initiated ambush, killed 3 VC, captured 2 VC (WIA) and 2-AK47's. Co. "D" was released from Rome plow and "A" assumed Rome plow security. Rome plow destroyed 500 meters of hedgerow and 88 bunkers. PF's conducted patrols and had light contact. 2 friendly WIA. Co. "B" had 2 WIA.
17 Jun - Co. "C" combined with tanks for RIF vic YD6233, with negative contact. Co. "A" , with Rome plow destroyed 93 bunkers, 400 meters of hedgerow and uncovered 3 bodies. One VC was detained. Co. "A" had 1 US WIA.
18 Jun - Co. "C" and tanks conducted RIF. Tanks were utilized to recon by fire and fired canister rounds at suspected BBT.
"A" Co. continued Rome plow security. Rome plow destroyed 650 meters of hedgerow and 120 bunkers.
"D" Co. and PF's conducted joint operation at vic. YD6930, finding 5 VC bodies and 1 SKS, vic.YD6930. PF's with "D" killed 1 VC.
19 Jun - Battalion continued operations with very light contact. Killed 1 VC. Rome plow destroyed 80 bunkers.
20 Jun - Battalion continued search and clear operations. 6 VC KIA (one of these was district economic chief) captured 3 AK44's, 1 Czech MG, and 1 SKS.
"A" security for Rome plow. Rome plow destroyed 400 meters of hedgerow and 90 bunkers.
21 Jun - Co. "C", Co. "D", and 1 ARVN Co. combined for a search and clear operation, vic YD7232.
Enemy: 1 VC KIA, 3 VC captured, 7 weapons captured.
22 Jun - The 4/3 ARVN Battalion operated in our AO, vic. While moving into position they were ambushed and later mortared, receiving 6 KIA and 10 WIA. PF's killed 6 VC, captured 1 AK47, 1 AK44, 1 SKS, and 1-90mmrr. In this operation the PF platoon leader was KIA.
23 Jun - Joint operations were conducted with ARVN and PF's/ Light contact. PF's captured 7 VC in a sampan.
"A" Co. captured 1 VC in NDP. He was Hoi Chanh. He then helped "A" and PF's look for the rest of his unit. ARVN had 2 men WIA by BBT, 1 by SA.
24 Jun - Battalion continued search and clear operations. Very light contact. Enemy is becoming very evasive.
Results: 1 VC KIA, 5 tons of rice seized.
25 Jun - Very light contact. A NDP was probed on ground and mortared. 2 friendly WIA's. 3 VC were captured and 2 Hoi Chanh's.
26 Jun - A joint operation by A and B Co.'s was conducted with B blocking vic. YD7132 and A sweeping, from south towards their blocking position. Results: B killed 6 VC and captured 2. A killed 2, and captured 1. Along with several weapons.
27 Jun - The Battalion conducted defense of An Lo, RP security, and search and clear operations. Very light contact. US captured 2 VC. PF's received 6 Hoi Chanh. They said all their leaders had been killed by airborne. There were 2 US WIA from BBT.
28 Jun - Co. B, set up blocking position while PF's conducted eagle flight. Resulting in B killing 6 VC. PF's killed 4 VC, captured 3 VC. Delta Co. had 1 KIA and 6 WIA as result of BBT.
29 Jun - Co. A, conducted RIF vic. With PF's. Captured 1 VC and SKS. Found 2 tons of rice and 1 VC KIA by artillery.
Co. B, continued working with Rome plow. Rome plow destroyed 500 meters of hedgerow, 400 meters and 100 meters of village and 83 bunkers.
30 Jun - Co. A, set up blocking position on NW side of village vic. YD6832, while PF's swept through, from SE, resulting in 3 VC KIA, 5 VC captured.
Co. C, had 1 KIA and 1 WIA by BBT.
1 July - Battalion continued search and clear operation. Elements from "Pistol Pete" (Sweet Banner 65), PF, Recon and Alfa combined in a joint operation vic. YD6338. Results: 2 VC KIA. Later 1 NVA and 1 VC Hoi Chanh to "A". PF's with "A". killed 3 VC, captured 3 VC.
2 July - Battalion continued operation with 5 tanks attached to "D", 4 dozers (RP) to "B". Contact light with 1 VC KIA (stay behind ambush) 1 US and 1 PF WIA by BBT.
3 July - Because of heavy BBT in vic. YD6129 artillery preps followed by air strikes were used prior to troops entering the area.
CO. "C" got 1 VC KIA, had one WIA from sniper fire.
CO. "A" had 3 WIA by Chi Com grenade. "A" captured 3 VC.
4 July - Battalion continued operations with security for An Lo, mine sweep and search and clear operations. One eagle flight was flown. An air strike was called in on vic. YD6029. Contact was light. Gun ships, KIA 3 VC, 3 bodies ( 2 VC and 1 NVA ) KIA by artillery were discovered buried. The Battalion encountered many BBT's suffering 4 WIA and fifteen tons of rice were recovered from cache.
5 July - Battalion continued search and clear, and Rome plow operation. Resulting in 3 VC KIA and 4 VC captured. A Hoi Chanh was taken up in a chopper for PSYOPS purposes. 1 US KIA by BBT and 1 WIA.
6 July - Light contact was made. "B" had 1 WIA from BBT and PF's had 1 KIA from BBT. Several weapons and small caches were found and 1 VC KIA.
7 July - A busy day with Co. "A" working to resettle refugees. The Battalion flew eagle flights and one CA vic. YD6930. Total results were; 10 VC captured/WIA, 4 VC KIA and 1 NVA captured. One eagle flight observed cache, with 10 SKS's and 60mm tube. Numerous other SA were captured by Battalion.
8 July - Very light activity in AO. Refugees still being moved. 1 VC captured. Pf's got 3 Hoi Chanh's.
9 July - Light sporadic contact throughout the AO. PF's combined with US in joint operation including 2 separate CA's. The results were 3 VC KIA, 10 VC captured, 3 Hoi Chanh, and numerous caches and equipment discovered.
10 July - Although Battalion conducted full scale operation with PF's, making 2 CA's, the enemy was elusive. Several weapons were found, 4 NVA KIA and 1 VC KIA.
11 July - Operations continued with CO. "D" securing An Lo and working with dozer. "C" searching in vic. YD6530 for caches. Other units conducted search and clear operations. Light contact with 1 VC KIA and 2 Hoi Chanh's. The Hoi Chanh said they had given up because of the Rome plows and eagle flights. They said 20 other VC fled to the mountains, that day.
12 July - Company "D" continued Rome plow operation south of An Lo on the west side of the river. They continued to destroy bunkers, buildings, and found small caches. "A", "B", and "C" continued search and clear operation with light contact. Company "A" had 2 US WIA by BBT. Company "B" found excess of a ton of rice and captured 1 VC, vic. YD7132. One Hoi Chanh, turned himself into Company "B".
13 July - Company "B", Recon and PF's established cordon around village in vic. YD6438, with Sweet Banner 65 to sweep from the south. The totals were; CO. "B": 4 VC KIA, 4 weapons, PF's; 19 VC KIA, 16 weapons, 4 VC captured, 2 VCS. Company "D" continued Rome plow work. Company "C" found 5 tons of rice.
14 July - Company "A" continued RIF vic. YD6026 to YD 6128. They had 2 US WIA by BBT. Company "B" and Recon, CA'd to YD6929 and YD7029, and continued search and clear operation. Company "C" searched and cleared, vic. YD6630. Sweet Banner 65, vic. YD6334, had contact. Killed 7 VC and captured 2 VC. They also found 12 AK44's, in one cache.
15 July - The Battalion continued operations in the same locations. The enemy is becoming more evasive and less willing to fight. The day had very little enemy activity. 2 Hoi Chanh's turned themselves into PF's.
16 July - Company "A" security of An Lo and Rome plow. Company "B", Recon and PF's are still working in the fish hook area center of mass YD7029. They found 9 VC KIA, 2 NVA KIA. They also discovered 20 NVA KIA in plastic bags in the river, vic. YD7029. This is further evidence of the blows dealt to VC/NVA.
17 July - Company "B" continued search and clear in Phouc Yen village. They discovered 6 SKS, 3 AK47's, 1 Chicom 9mm pistol, 1-82mm mortar, various ammo and comm. equipment and 7 NVA KIA. They also killed 2 VC by ambush. Recon conducted CA, vic. YD6129. LZ was Red and door gunner on gunship WIA, enemy broke contact and fled.
18 July - Company "A" security of An Lo and Rome plow.
Company "B" continued search and clear in fish hook area finding several weapons and misc. gear.
Company "C" and 2 platoons of PF's conducted RIF, vic. YD6528. Company "D" RIF, vic. YD6530.
An air strike was called in vic. YD6332. Later assessment: 5 VC KIA. PF's had 3 Hoi Chanh's. Gunships killed 9 VC YD6434.
19 July - Battalion continued to secure An Lo and conduct search and clear operations with light contact.
Company "C" found 4 tons of rice, vic. YD6630.
Company "D" had sniper fire (in-effective), enemy broke contact and fled.
Recon received 3- 60mm mortar rounds with negative casualties.
20 July - Company "D" sprung an ambush on 2 VC. Killed 1 VC. Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge. "B","C", and "D" continued search and clear operations with negative contact.
21 July - Companies "A", "C", and Recon cordon village, vic. YD6432 and searched, resulting in 2 NVA KIA and 1 NVA captured. Also captured weapons and destroyed BBT's in the area. CS was dropped from a helicopter after the cordon was set up. Company "B", RIF in vic. YD7231, wounded 1 VC. Company "D" sprung ambush vic. YD6129 on 1 VC, negative assessment.
22 July - Battalion continued search and clear operations. Company "A" made contact with 2 VC, vic. YD6132 with negative results. Company "B" sprung ambush, vic. YD7132 resulting in 1 VC KIA, 2 VC WIA, 10 VC captured. "B" killed 1 VC earlier, vic.YD7233.
23 July - Company "A" secured An Lo and RIF in vic. of bridge. They killed 2 VC, vic. YD6132. They also captured 1 VC, vic. YD6132.
Company "B" continued RIF operations, vic. YD7332 and YD7133. Resulting in 3 VC KIA, 2 VC POW and 2 VCS. They also captured several weapons.
Company "D" was security for Rome plow. The Rome plow hit a 250# bomb, vic. YD6128, destroying the dozer. The driver was not injured.
24 July - Very light contact with Battalion continuing search and clear operations.
Company "A" defense of An Lo Bridge.
Company "B" detained 11 VCS, vic. YD7233 (Later classified IC).
Company "C" had 1 US WIA and killed 1 VC in operation, vic. YD6323.
25 July - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and assisted in security of Rome Plow.
Company "C" with 1 platoon of PF's, found 1 VC KIA by artillery.
Company "B" and "D" continued search and clear operations with negative contact.
26 July - Battalion continued search and clear operations with all companies receiving at least sniper fire. When fire was returned, the enemy fled. The VC are now in smaller groups. 1 US, from "C" Company was wounded by BBT.
27 July - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and mine sweep.
Company "B" conducted joint operations with 7 platoons of PF's. RIF to village C/M, YD6830 with blocking positions at YD6729 and YD 6333. Then 4 platoons of PF's CA'd, vic. YD6629. Totals for the day, PF: 1 VC KIA, 7 VC captured and numerous weapons. "B" Co. : 9 VC KIA. One of these was C114 Company Commander, and later a female VC (Quang Dien LNO ) was killed.
Company "C", RIF, vic. YD6132 and YD6333. They hit 250# BBT. Results: 4 WIA (scout dog KIA) at vic. YD6232. They captured 4 VCS.
28 July - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge. Company "B" conducted RIF to village C/M YD6828, where a few small caches were found and numerous BBT's, but negative contact. Company "C" no caps. Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde. PF CA'd to YD7029. RIF to village C/M YD7030. Results: 3 VC KIA (1 was platoon leader and another assistant platoon leader of Tan Taun Lai.)
29 July - Company "A", secured An Lo Bridge and mine sweep.
Company "B" conducted RIF operations to village C/M vic. YD6829. Results, 11 VC KIA (gunships killed 3 more vic. YD6530), 3 VC POW and 1 Chieu Hoi.
Company "C", Rome plow security.
Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde. PF's CA'd to vic. YD6631 and YD6530 and conducted sweep and block for Company "B". Results, 2 VC KIA, 4 VC and 1 AK47, captured.
30 July - Battalion continued search and clear operations with negative contact. Battalion concentrated on caches and BBT. A total of 6 Chieu Hoi's surrendered.
31 July - "A" Company secured An Lo Bridge. "B" continued RIF. "C" had contact, vic. YD6431 but enemy fled. Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde. Recon received 2 RPG rounds, vic. YD6432 but never saw enemy.
1 Aug - Company "A", secured An Lo Bridge and established local ambushes.
Company "B", RIF, vic. YD6529.
Company “C”, Rome Plows security.
Company "D", sprung ambush, vic. YD6930, on 2 VC, 1 VC KIA. Log bird fired on 3 NVA, vic. YD2331.
Recon moved into the area finding 1 NVA KIA and 2 NVA WIA.
2 Aug - Battalion continued normal operations with Company "A" securing An LO Bridge, mine sweep, and local patrols. One ambush killed 1 VC, vic. YD6339. Patrols killed 2 VC, vic. YD6833 and captured 2 VC, vic. YD6334.
Company "B" conducted CA to vic. YD6928 and captured 2 VC, vic. YD6334.
Company "B" conducted CA to, vic. YD6928, with negative contact.
Company "C", Rome Plow security.
Company "D", OPCON, 1st Bde.
3 Aug - Battalion conducted normal operations with company "B" killing 1 VC in spider hole.
4 Aug - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge, RIF to village, vic. YD6432. They encountered BBT but no VC.
Company "B", RIF C/M, vic. YD6630. They killed 1 VC and captured 3 VC, 1 VCS, vic. YD6432.
Company "C" received SA fire from village , vic. YD6232 and called artillery, with negative assessment.
Company "D", OPCON, 1 327. Recon RIF YD6836.
5 Aug - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and conducted Eagle Flights to the north, into "Street" area.
Company "B" killed 3 VC and captured 2 while on RIF operation, vic. YD6630.
6 Aug - Battalion continued RIF operations and secured An Lo Bridge. Several small caches were discovered and Company "C" killed 1 VC.
7 Aug - Battalion conducted RIF operations. Company "C" conducted CA and engaged 1 VC with negative assessment.
8 Aug - Battalion continued with RIF operations. Company "C" conducted CA and Recon had established ambushes. Recon had light contact with 3 VC, negative assessment.
9 Aug - Intensive operations, including Eagle Flights by Co. "B" and CA by Recon. Total for the day were: 2 VC captured by Co. "B". "B" also come under mortar attack and had 3 WIA.
10 Aug - Company "A" secured An Lo Bridge and established ambushes. They sprang ambush, vic. YD6131, resulting in 2 NVA captured. The NVA said they were from the 9th NVA regiment. "A" Co. encountered many BBT's, resulting in 2 KIA and2 WIA.
"B" Co. RIF to vic. YD6534. Company "B" killed 1 VC and captured 2 while conducting RIF operation to vic. YD6334. They continued RIF to the south, finding a base camp. Resulting in 5 VC KIA, 5 VC captured and 3 VC. Several weapons were also captured. Later while in NDP, "B" Co. was mortared, hit with SA fire and RPG. "B" Co. had 1 KIA and 11 WIA.
11-16 Aug - Battalion continued RIF, security of An Lo Bridge, and Rome plow operations with very light contact. Company "A" was taken off of An Lo security and "B" Co. replaced them.
Company "D" is at FSB Georgia.
17 Aug - Company "A" received 60mm mortar fire, vic. YD6133. They called for artillery but first light check proved negative assessment. Company "B" secured An LO Bridge and worked with Rome plow.
18 Aug - Contact was light with "B" Co. capturing 2 VCS. 1 VC WIA was brought into CP by his parents. He was evacuated to 22d Surgical.
19 Aug - Company "C" detained 3 VCS while conducting RIF operation, vic. YD6334. While moving VCS to an LZ, one VCS detonated a BBT, injuring all 3 VCS and 2 US. Company "D" received several mortar rounds at FSB Georgia, resulting in 1 US WIA.
20 Aug - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD6131 with negative contact.
Company "B" secured An Lo and security of Rome plow.
Company "C" discovered 3 VC bodies, vic. YD6333 that had been result of Company "A's" action on, 27 July.
Company "C" also captured 1 VC WIA, vic. YD6433.
21 -22Aug - Contact extremely light. Company "D" was sent to LZ Sally for RRF duty. They utilized this time to get new equipment and resupply.
23 Aug - Company "A" RIF, vic. YD6133. They were utilizing local sampans to search river and one capsized. 1 US drowned.
Company "B" security of An Lo and Rome plow operation.
Company "C" conducted CA to , vic. YD6031. Results were 3 VC KIA, 1 VC captured and 2 Cheiu Hoi's.
Company "D", killed 2 VC, vic. YD6729 in bunkers.
24 Aug - Company "A" engaged small VC force, vic. YD6133 with SA. Negative assessment. They also engaged 6 sampans resulting in 2 VC KIA.
Company "B" secured An Lo. The enemy tried a small scale ground attack which was repelled. Negative casualties.
Company "C" conducted RIF, vic. YD6333, killing 2 VC, vic. YD6729 in bunkers.
25 Aug - Received a report that C114 LF VC company was located in a village, vic. YD6830. Company "D" was sent to cordon the area. Early that morning 7 VC tried to swim the river. Results: 7 VC KIA. 1 other VC KIA in river later. A search of the village the next day resulted in no enemy being found.
26 Aug - Company "A" RIF operation and Rome plow security. They found 2 VC in bunker. They had been dead about a week. No other contact.
27 Aug - Company "A" sprang ambush on 2 VC, vic. YD6123, resulting in 1 VC KIA. Received 3 RPG rounds, vic. YD6131, 3 US WIA. There was light contact with 2 other groups of VC ( 2-3). 1 VC KIA, vic. YD6134.
Company "B" continued security of An Lo. They captured 1 VC female, vic. YD6334.
Company's "C" and "D" continued RIF operation with negative contact.
28 Aug - Battalion continued normal operation. The only contact was by ambushes. Company "C" called artillery on approximately 9 VC, 400-500 meters Northeast of vic. YD6033, with negative results.
Company "D" observed movement in front of their ambush. They fired SA and threw grenades, resulting in 1 VC KIA.
29 Aug - Very light contact. 1 VC was captured in a bunker by Company "A", working with Rome plow.
30 Aug - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD5132, resulting in 1 VC KIA and 16 VCS captured. Recon made contact, vic. YD6830. They engaged 2 VC but they fled. Company "B" killed 2 VC, wounded 2 VC, while operating, vic. YD6438.
31 Aug - Company "A" was the only unit to have contact. They killed 1 VC, vic. YD6830.
1 Sep - An ambush by company "D" engaged 1 VC, vic. YD6730, resulting in 1 VC KIA and a weapon. Recon was sent to vic. YD7231, where log bird had fired on 3 NVA. Recon got 1 NVA KIA, 1 NVA and 1 VC captured.
2 Sep - No significant contact but the Battalion continued to encounter many BBT's.
3 Sep - Company "A" found 2 VC bodies in a bunker, vic. YD6232. Company "B" found about 3000lb of rice. Recon found 2 VC graves.
4 - 5 Sep - No contact was made. Company "C" replaced company "A" on An Lo Bridge security.
7 Sep - Company "A", killed 1 VC and captured 2 , vic. YD7030. Company found weapons cache with 26 weapons, vic. YD6234. Company "C" secured An Lo Bridge and established local ambushes. Recon killed 2 VC and captured 1 VC, vic. YD7334.
8 Sep - Company "A" captured 2 female VC, vic. YD7030. They killed 2 VC and captured 2, vic. YD65?? The VC fled, dropping 2 weapons. Blood trails were found but no bodies.
Company "B" killed 1 VC and discovered 18 individual weapons and 8 MG, vic. YD6234.
Recon killed 2 VC, vic. YD7333.
9 Sep - Very light contact. Company "B" sprang an ambush on 2 VC, vic. YD6035, resulting in 2 VC KIA.
10 Sep - Company "A" continued RIF, vic. YD6630, finding 5 tons of rice, killing 1 VC in a bunker and capturing 2 VCS. "A" Co. engaged 5 VC, vic. YD6730 from ambush. Negative results.
Company "C" moved to FSB Mongoose, OPCON to 1/501.
Company "D" moved to An Lo Bridge to assume bridge security.
11 Sep - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD6631.
Company "B" sprang and ambush, vic. YD6133 on 2 VC, resulting in 1 VC KIA. This VC was tax a collector. "B" Co. also had security of Rome plow and RIF operations with negative contact.
Company "C" OPCON to 1/501.
Company "A" secured An, local patrols around bridge. They detained 1 VCS.
Recon ambushed 3 VC, killing 1, vic. YD7031
12 Sep - Company "A" engaged 2 VC in a bunker, vic. YD6729. 1 killed and 1 captured. They had contact with 2 or 3 VC, twice more but negative assessment.
Company "B" continued Rome plow security and RIF operations with negative contact.
Company "C" , OPCON 1/501.
Company "D" security of An LO.
13 Sep - Company "A" continued RIF operation, vic. YD6731, capturing 1 VC.
While on Rome plow security, "B" Co. received SA fire, vic. YD6332. A cordon was formed around the village and artillery was called in. A sweep of the area resulted in 9 VC KIA and 10 VC POW, and several weapons. One of the POW's was the CO of the H319th and another cadre finance officer was captured.
14 Sep - Company "B" continued cordon, calling in artillery and air strikes. Final results for the day were 8 VC KIA, 11 VC POW, 4 VCS. The other units continued normal activity with negative contact.
15 - 17 Sep - Battalion continued RIF operations, Rome plow operation, and security of An LO Bridge. The enemy was evasive and there were only two light sniper contacts, with negative assessment. The units continued to encounter BBT and find small caches.
18 Sep - Company "A" sprung an ambush, vic. YD6729 on 1 VC, resulting in 1 VC KIA. Company "B" provided security for Rome plow. Company "C" still OPCN to 1/501.
19 Sep - Company "D" had light contact with 2 VC, vic. YD6630 with negative results. Recon engaged 5 VC, vic. YD7130 with negative results. They later engaged 1 VC from ambush in the same area, resulting in 1 VC KIA.
20 Sep - Company "A" security of An LO. Company "B", OPCN to 1/501. Company "C" RIF vic. YD6530. They had 2 light contacts with 3 VC, vic. YD6628 and 4 VC, vic. YD7029, with negative assessment.
21 - 23 Sep - Normal activities continued with no contact. Company "B" found 1 ammo cache, vic. YD6029.
24 Sep - Battalion continued RIF operation. Company "B", OPCON to 1/501. Company "D" killed 2 VC, vic. YD6234. Recon engaged 2 VC, vic. YD6913 resulting in 1 VC captured.
25 Sep - Company "A" security of An Lo and local patrols and ambushes. Company "B" on operation at Phu Vang. Company "C" and "D" continued RIF operation. Recon captured 1 VCS, vic. YD6930
26 Sep - A day of very light contact. The only unit to make contact was company "D". They ambushed 2 VC, resulting in 2 VC KIA.
27-28 Sep - The Battalion continued normal combat operations, but there was no enemy contact, in these two days.
29 Sep - Company "A", security of An Lo and mine sweep. Company "B" had movement near one of their ambushes, vic. YD6532. They engaged with SA fire, with negative results. A look-out on the tower at An Lo, spotted 15 individuals, digging-in. Artillery was called in…..results unknown.
30 Sep - Company "C" replaced company "A" on An Lo Bridge security. Company "C" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6731. Company "B" detained 7 VCS, vic. YD6135.
1 Oct - Company "A" conducted RIF. Vic. YD6530. They engaged 2 VC with SA fire, resulting in 1 VC KIA. One of their day ambushes KIA 1 VC, vic. YD6928. Company "B" engaged 3 VC with SA fire and clamors, vic. YD6031, with negative assessment.
2 - 3 Oct - No enemy activity or contact during this period.
4 Oct - Company "A" set up blocking positions, vic. YD6729 for 2 platoons sweeping from southeast. Company "B" had 2 Cheiu Hoi's lead them to an arms cache, containing 2 60mm mortars and 18 individual weapons, 1000 rounds of ammo, 8 clamors (Chi Com), 10 rifle grenades, and 2 RPG rounds. Company "C" received 2 mortar rounds at An Lo. Negative casualties. Recon had stand-down at LZ Sally.
5 Oct - Company "A" conducted RIF and ambushes, vic. YD6730 with negative contact. Company "B" found 1 SKS, ammo and other equipment, vic. YD6538. At vic. YD 6130, Company "B" engaged 1 VC with negative assessment. Company "D" at Phu Vang.
6 Oct - The Battalion (-) (with the exception of "D", at Phu Vang) continued normal operations with negative contact. We did provide 4 EM to NP on a check point to look for VC and draft dodgers. The EM worked with elements from Pistol Pete, from vic. YD7529 to vic. YD8332. They detained 183 people who were classified as follows.
IC 131
ARVN deserters 1
Military age males 41
VC 1
10 Oct - Negative contact.
11 Oct - Company "A" is at Phu Vang. They have security for one/S on highway 551 and occupied strong points along POL pipline, security of pumping station, Hue Bridge and LCU ramp.
Company "B" RIF, vic. YD6929 and night ambushes.
Company "C" security of An Lo and local patrols and ambushes.
Company "D", RIF, vic. YD6629. Killing 1 NVA in a bunker and captured 1 VCS.
Recon had negative contact.
12 Oct - Company "A" still at Phu Vang, with the same mission. Company "B" and "C" continued RIF operation and ambushes with negative contact. Company "D" captured 4 VC in vic. YD6629 in bunkers. They also captured 2 M-16, 1-.45 pistol and a light MG. Recon continued RIF and night ambushes with negative contact.
13 Oct - Company "A" operating at Phu Vang. Company "B" had one and WIA, vic. YD6930 by sniper. They returned fire but had negative assessment. Company "C" security of An Lo, mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. Company "D" receiver SA firs, vic. YD6628. They returned fire with SA, MG and M-79. A sweep of the area produced 4 VC KIA. Recon captured documents from a sampan, vic. YD7233. The VCS in sampan escaped.
14 Oct - The Battalion continued RIF and ambushes with negative contact. The documents found on one of Company "D's" KIA's, of 13 Oct, showed that one of them was a company CO., Hoang Van Trung, of K300B.
15 Oct - Company "B" was only unit to have contact. They engaged 2 VC in sampans, vic. YD7129, resulting in 2 VC KIA.
16 Oct - The Battalion had negative enemy contact on this day. It was, however, and important day as it was the day we assumed security of FSB T-Bone. Company "C" lifted to T-Bone at 16:00hrs.
17 -18 Oct - TIR missions, ambushes and eagle flights, failed to develop contact.
19 Oct - Battalion continued RIF operation, security of An Lo, T-Bone and company "A" at Phu Vang. No contact made. Company "C" found small cache, vic. YD7230
20 Oct - Company "A", at Phu Vang. Company "B" security of An Lo and mine sweep. The 1/3 ARVN regiment, working in our AO, vic. YD6529, found 2 VC bodies attributed to company "D", 8 days ago. Company "D", engaged 3 VC, vic. YD6438, with SA fire,. Negative assessment. Company "C", 36 element, at T-Bone.
21 Oct - Negative enemy contact. PSYOPS personnel, led by Chu Hoi, captured 60mm mortar. Two PACV's from Pistol Pete, started operating in northeast part of our AO, bounded by Song Bo and Jung Rivers. They picked up 1 VCS. Our S-3 acted as aerial observers for this operation.
22 Oct - Company "A", at PhuVang. Company "B" security of An Lo and mine sweep. Company "C" worked with PACV's from PistolPete. Company "D" was the only unit to make contact. They engaged 3 VC wounding 1. The other 2 fled carrying the wounded with them.
23 Oct - Company "B" while on An Lo Bridge security, engaged 1 VC with small arms. Negative assessment. The S-3 air sighted 2 VC from log bird and engaged, resulting in 2 VC KIA and 2 weapons.
24 Oct - Company "A" lifted from Phu Vang to vic. YD8130. Company "B" security of An Lo. Company "C" lifted from T-Bone to Phu Vang to assume security mission of company "A".
25 Oct - The only unit making contact was company "D". They engaged 2 VC with negative assessment. They found 3 cases of RPG rounds and other ammo, vic. YD6453.
26 Oct - Company "A" detained 1 VCS, vic. YD7132. Company "B" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "C" (-) Phu Vang. Company "D" OPCON to 1/501, "C" Company, 26 element, T-Bone. Recon FSB Apache.
27 Oct - The Battalion had negative enemy contact. The last light recon flight engaged 1 VC, unknown results, but captured 10 grenades, 1-.45 pistol, 4 rucksacks and some documents.
28 Oct - Company "A" ambushes, vic. YD7233, received SA fire. They engaged 2 VC with negative results. 1 IS WIA. Company "B" security of An Lo. Company "C" (-) at Phu Vang. Company "D" OPCON to 1/501. "C" Company, 26 element, FSB T-Bone, security.
29 -30 Oct - No contact made.
1 Nov - Company "A" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6630. Company "B" security of An Lo ,mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. Company "C" (-) Phu Vang, providing security for mine sweep of highway 551, occupied strong points on POL pipeline, security of pump station and LCU ramp. Company "D", OPCON to 1/501. Recon at Apache. Co. "C", 26 element, at T-Bone. Negative contact.
2 Nov - The units continued operations in the same vic., except that Company "D" returned to An Lo and Company "B" went OPCON to 1/502. There was negative contact.
3 Nov - Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact.
4 Nov - Company "A" RIF, vic. YD6630. Company "B" OPCON to 1/501. Company "C" at Phu Vang. Company "D" security of An Lo Bridge. recon security of FSB T-Bone. There was negative contact.
5 Nov. - Company "A" was lifted by "hook" to FSB T-Bone. Their mission, to provide security and conduct local patrols and ambushes. Company "B" OPCON to 1/501. Company "C" (-), Phu Vang. Company "D" security of An Lo, mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. No contact.
6 - 7 Nov - Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact. Company "B" returned to LZ Sally. Company "C" returned from Phu Vang and lifted to vic. YD5815 for RIF operations.
8 Nov - This day marks another important day in the history of the Battalion. On Nov. 8 and AO extension into the sands area referred to as "the street". Company "B" and 4 platoons of PF's, conducted a CA, vic. YD5840 and YD6040 and set up cordon with 1 platoon of tanks from which saturation patrols could be run. Naval river patrol boats, were used as a blocking force, vic. YD6041 and YD5942. The C&C, drew SA fire and returned fire on suspected enemy locations with negative results. Company "B" hit a 105 BBT injuring 2. Patrol boats detained 5 VCS but they were later classified as IC and released.
9 Nov - Company "A" continued security of FSB T-Bone. Company "B" continued cordon with PF's and tanks. They received SA fire, vic. YD6039 with negative casualties. They returned fire with negative results. They had 1 KIA and 1 WIA from a 105mm BBT. Company "C" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD5717. Company "D" security of AN Lo Bridge.
10 Nov - Company "B" was the only unit to have contact, engaging 2 VC with SA, vic. YD6140, resulting in 2 VC POW. They tripped 60mm BBT, resulting in 3 WIA. The 1/502, received a new "First Strike". LCT Davis replaced LTC Carter as the Battalion Commander. General Zais, General Trung, several other generals and numerous Division VIP's attended the ceremony at LZ Sally.
11 Nov - Company "A" security of T-Bone, local patrols and ambushes in the area. Company "B" continued operation in "street" area. They had light contact with estimated 2 VC but there were negative casualties. Company "C" RIF from vic. YD5818, southeast to vic. YD5717. Company "D" security of An Lo Bridge. Recon RIF from LZ Sally to YD 6124.
12 Nov - Company "A" switched security missions with Company "D". Company "A" lifted , via "hook" from An Lo to FSB T-Bone. Company "D" lifted , via "hook", from T-Bone, to An Lo. Company "B" engaged 2 VC from ambush with clamor and SA fire, with negative assessment. Company "C", form ambushes, observed movement, threw hand grenades, with negative results.
13 Nov - Company "A" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" had 1 platoon of PF's lifted in via log bird to YD5939. The tanks attached to Company "B", continued to work with unit on RIF missions. Company "B" found 1 BBT (homemade), vic. YD6139, resulting in 4 VC KIA and 1 VC POW. Later, vic. YD6238, 2 VC KIA in bunker. Company "D" operating in mountains, near FSB T-Bone, spotted 4 VC. They called in ARA and artillery with negative assessment. Recon sighted a "red-filtered-light", vic. YD6121 and called in artillery with negative assessment.
14 Nov - Company "A", while on security mission at An Lo, received 6 rounds of 60mm mortar fire. Negative causalities. Company "B" continued operation in "Street" area, vic. YD614?, resulting in 3 VC KIA and 4 VC captured, along with 1 AK47. The VC were all hiding in bunkers. Company "D" found a cave , vic. YD6219 with 1000ft. of det-cord, 1 mine and ammo.
15 Nov - The Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact. All units are conducting classes in spare time as the Battalion is experiencing a large turnover of personnel, returning to CONURC.
16 Nov - Company "A" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" conducted CA from vic. YD6337 to YD6023. Negative contact. Company "C" lifted, via "hook", from FSB T-Bone to LZ Sally for stand-down and resupply. Company "D" lifted, via "hook" to FSB T-Bone and assumed security of FSB T-Bone. Recon engaged 3 VC in sampan, resulting in 2 VC KIA and captured 1 AK and 1 .32 cal. Pistol. Recon lifted ,via log bird to Omaha.
17 Nov - Recon departed Omaha to vic. YD6038, to establish blocking position. They were joined by 1 tank platoon and 1 PF platoon. Company "C" CA'd to vic. YD6040 and started sweeping towards the blocking force. At vic. YD6038, Recon killed 1 VC.
18 Nov - Battalion continued normal operations with negative contact. One of the tanks, opcon to Company "C", hit an AP mine with negative damage. Company "C" released Recon and tank platoon from opcon and was lifted via "hook" to FSB Birmingham. They became OPCON to 2/501.
19 Nov - Company "A" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6321 with negative contact. Company "C" OPCON to 2/501. Company "D" security of FSB T-Bone. 1 platoon to 1 PF company, conducted joint saturation patrols, vic. YD6724. Recon destroyed 2 bouncing betty mines and captured 4 VC, vic. YD6140.
20 Nov - Company "A" security of An LO Bridge, mine sweep and local patrols and ambushes. They found 1 bouncing betty mine, vic. YD6123 and destroyed in place. Company "B" found 2 250lb. Bomb while conducting RIF operation, vic. YD6231. They destroyed it in place. Company "C" OPCN to 2/501. Company "D" security of FSB T-Bone. 1 platoon of PF's was lifted by log bird to work jointly with Recon, vic. YD6040.
21 Nov - Company "A" sent their 26 element to FSB Panther, OPCON to 2/501. Company "B" conducted RIF to FSB T-Bone and assumed security mission of T-Bone. Company "C", OPCON to 2/501. Company "D" conducted RIF to vic. YD6418. Recon killed 6 VC and captured 4 VC, 1 French MG, 2 AK47's, and 1 M-79, documents and ammo, vic. YD6630.
22 Nov - Company "A" lifted from An Lo via "hook" to vic. YD7133. Recon and "D" Co. , 36 element, security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" received 2 platoons of PF's to assist in RIF operation, vic. YD6125.
23 Nov - Company "D" found Battalion sized base camp, vic. YD6318, with 60 bunkers, 20% of which had overhead cover. The area looked like a platoon sized element had used the bunkers in the last 24 hours. Recon and PF's captured 2 VC, vic. YD6630. One of them identified 12 VC supply personnel. They are being checked now.
24 - 25 Nov - Company "D" was the only unit to have contact. They engaged 3 VC, vic. YD6218, resulting in 3 VC KIA.
26 Nov - Company "A", lifted via "hook" to FSB T-Bone and conducted RIF to vic. YD6219. Company "B" security of T-Bone with local patrols and ambushes. Company "C" released from OPCON 2/501 and lifted from FSB Birmingham to LZ Sally. Company "D" had contact at YD6120 with 1 VC. Negative assessment. "D" Co., later moved via "hook" to AN Lo Bridge and assumed mission of securing bridge.
27 Nov - Company "D" engaged 1 VC, vic. YD6218 while on RIF operation. Results: 1 VC KIA. Later in the day, they found 5 graves ( results of earlier contact in area) Recon and PF's, killed 4 VC and captured 1 VC and 5 weapons, vic. YD6536.; Company "C". OPCON to 2/501.
28 Nov - Company "A", security of An Lo Bridge. Company "B" security of T-Bone, with B16 OPCON to 2/501/ Company "C" OPCON to 2/501. Company "D" killed 2 NVA. Captured 1 AK47 and 3 magazines and found 5 graves. Vic. YD6218. Recon conducted RIF from vic. YD6433 to AN Lo.
29 Nov - The only contact was Company "D". 1 man KIA by sniper. Company "D" searched the area thoroughly but the enemy had fled.
30 Nov - Company "D" was the only unit to make contact. They engaged 3 VC. Vic. YD5640. The enemy fled leaving their rifles and equipment. They sighted 5 more VC but all were out of SA range.
1 Dec - Company "A" conducted RIF to vic. YD6220. They engaged 3 NVA resulting in 2 NVA KIA and 1 NVA captured, along with 2 AKs, and 1 French MG. "A" Co., OPCON to 2/501. Company "B" security of T_Bone with "B" Co., 26 element, OPCON to 2/501. Company "C" moved by vehicle from LZ Sally to secure An Lo Bridge. "First Strike", while flying over AO saw a VC. The VC turned out to be wounded and "First Strike" captured and evacuated via log to 326 med. (This POW furnished intelligence very useful in future mountain operations)
2 Dec - Company "A" engaged 2 VC, vic. YD6220, resulting in 2 VC KIA, 2 AKs, 2 rucksacks and equipment and documents captured. Company "B", security of T-Bone with local patrols and ambushes. "A" Co., 26 element and "B" Co., 16 element, OPCON to 2/501. Company "C" (-) security of An Lo. Company "D", CO. "C" 16 element, Recon, 1 tank platoon and 2 PF platoons (OPCON to "D") established a cordon, center of mass, vic. YD595390. Several BBT's were encountered, resulting in "C" Co, 16 platoon leader KIA and 2 PF WIA. 2 VC were KIA. 1 VC captured with 2 AK47. The cordon also found 1 60mm mortar, 1 RPG, a MG and approx. 700lbs. Of rice.
3 Dec - Company "A" conducted RIF, vic. YD6220. They received sniper fire from the northwest. The fire was returned with negative assessment. "A" Co, 26 element, OPCON to 2/501. Company "B" security of T-Bone. Company "C" security of An Lo Bridge. Company "D", with Recon, platoon of tanks and PF's continued cordon operations. They found 1 fresh VC grave ( KIA by artillery) and 1 bouncing betty mine. PF's killed 2 VC and captured 1 weapon, vic. YD6338.
4 Dec - The only significant activities were by Company "D" as the cordon continued. They found 2 RPG rounds and 2 AP mines. Shortly after noon the cordon was terminated. Recon conducted move via "hook" from vic. YD5034 to Omaha. From Omaha, they conducted CA to vic. YD6928.
5 Dec - The Battalion continued normal operations. The only unit to make contact was Company "D". They engaged 2 VC. Vic. YD5934, resulting in 1 VC KIA and 1 AK47 captured. Recon was lifted back to LZ Sally from vic. YD6829, by log bird.
6 Dec - Company "A" (-) moved from vic. YD6120 to FSB T-Bone. "A" Co. 36 element was lifted via "hook" from LZ Sally to T-Bone. Company "A" replaced Company "B" as T-Bone security. Company "B" RIF from T-Bone to vic. YD6519. While moving into their NDP. Company "B" observed movement. Vic. YD6417 and called in artillery. A first light assessment proved negative. Company "C" security of AN Lo Bridge. "C" Co. 16 element with 1 platoon of PF's, conducted RIF to vic. YD6132 where they set up a blocking position for 2 platoons of PF's that conducted a CA to vic. YD6134, then swept towards blocking positions. There was negative contact. Company "D" conducted RIF operations, vic. YD64537. Recon at LZ Sally as RRF for Bde.
7 Dec - Company "A" secured FSB T-Bone and conducted local patrols and ambushes. Company "B" conducted day and night ambushes, vic. YD6518. Company "C" secured An Lo Bridge, security for mine sweep, and conducted local patrols and ambushes. Company "D" conducted RIF to vic. YD6040. They engaged 2 VC resulting in 1 VC WIA and 1 M-26 and rucksack captured. Recon remained at LZ Sally.
8 Dec - Although Recon was the only unit to make contact (they engaged 1 VC at their NDP with negative results), the Battalion conducted several unit moves by "hook". Company "C" moved from An Lo to vic. YD6922. Company "D" moved from vic. YD6139 to An Lo. Recon moved to vic. YD6139 from LZ Sally.
9 Dec - The only unit to have contact was the Recon platoon. They sprung an ambush on 1 VC at vic. YD6139, resulting in 1 VC KIA. Another ambush at vic. YD5939, killed 2 VC with small arms.
10 Dec - On this day we lost the "Street" section of our AO to the 3/5 Cav., for an 8 day operation. Recon and "C" Co. 26 element, went OPCON to 3/5 Cav. For 4 days (10-13). The only contact made was by Company "D", when they engaged 3 VC, vic. YD6124, with negative results.
11 - 12 Dec - Company "A" secured T-Bone. Company "B" conducted RIF operations, vic. YD6118. They engaged 5 VC while operating in this area, but the VC fled with negative assessment. Company "C" (-) is OPCON to 1/501. "C" Co. 26 element, is OPCON to 3/5 Cav. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. Recon is OPCON to 3/5 Cav.
13 Dec - Company "A" secured T-Bone with platoon RIF, vic. YD6222. This RIF utilized 2 scout dog teams. A "hook" was utilized to move one 4.2 and one 81mm mortar and crew to Apache for practice firing and was then lifted via "hook" to T-Bone. Company "B" RIF operations, day and night ambushes, vic. YD6218. Company "C" (-) is OPCON to 1/501. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. Recon is OPCON to 3/5 Cav.
14 Dec - Company "A" secured T-Bone with 1 platoon on local RIF operations. The unit concentrated on rebuilding and improving fortifications of T-Bone and unit training. Unit training is being stressed in all units as the turbulence of personnel has been a point of concern for the Battalion Commander. Company "B" conducted RIF, vic. YD6188. They found a bunker complex (negative signs of recent use), vic. YD6117 and destroyed it. Company "C" (-) released from 3/5 Cav. And returned via "hook" to LZ Sally. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. Recon released from OPCON to 3/5 Cav. And returned to LZ Sally, via "hook" to be RRF.
15 Dec - Company "A" secured FSB T-Bone and conducted local patrols and ambushes. "C" Co. 26 element was OPCON to Company "A". They conducted RIF operation from LZ Sally to vic. YD6020. While concluding RIF they heard a SA shot. On investigation, they found freshly cooked rice along side the trail, vic. YD6121 and later 3 VC. The VC fired on Co. "B". ( negative casualties). Fire was returned and the VC fled. Gunships were called in on suspected locations. Upon searching the area, negative bodies were found, but they did find 3 hooches which contained various gear, ammo, propaganda material and personal effects. Two blood trails were also found. Co. "B", followed the blood trails with negative results. Company "C" is OPCON to 1/501. Company "D" secured An Lo Bridge. "D" Co. 16 element, CA'd to vic. YD6019 and became OPCON to Company "B". Recon moved by vehicle from LZ Sally to An Lo where they utilized a super contact team.
16 Dec - Company "B" had light contact, vic. YD6119. They engaged 3 VC resulting in 1 VC KIA and2 VC WIA. "B: Co. had 1 US slightly wounded. Company "C" (-) returned to LZ Sally (from OPCON to 1/501) via "hook" from FSB Sandy. Recon platoon (with 2 platoons of PF) departed An Lo to RIF, vic. YD6131. "C" Co. 26 element, conducted Eagle flight from LZ Sally to vic. YD6238. Gunship escort engaged 2 VC with negative results.
17 Dec - Company "A" security T-Bone with "A" Co. 16 element RIF to LZ Sally. Company "A" (-) was lifted via "hook" from T-Bone to LZ Sally. Company "B" continued RIF operations, vic. YD6121. "B" Co. sprang and ambush, vic. YD6120 against unknown size enemy element. Illumination and artillery were called in with negative results. Company "C" (-) was lifted from LZ Sally to FSB T-Bone. "C" Co. 26 element and 2 PF platoons conducted search and clear operation, vic. YD6139. The area had just been swept by 3-5 task force, but "C" Co. 26 element and PF's killed 3 VC and captured 2 weapons. Company "D" secured An LO Bridge.
18 Dec - On this day there was no enemy contact. Company "B" was lifted via "hook" from vic. YD6221 to An Lo Bridge and replaces Company "D" on Bridge security. Company "D" moved via "hook" from An Lo to vic. YD6321.
19 Dec - Another day of light contact. One of Company "D's" ambushes received SA fire. They called in artillery with negative results. "B" Co. 16 element, Company "A" and Recon established cordon around villages to the southeast of AN Lo, along the Song Bo river. Center of mass, vic. YD6429. The road QL#1 was blocked off by MP's and all traffic checked. The Vietnamese National Police and local PF's swept through cordon.
The results were:
Detained 180
Classified 156 - IC
14 - Draft age men
4 - Deserters
6 - VC
20 Dec - Cordon operations were continued the next day with the following results:
Detained 43
Classified 31 - IC
10 - Draft age men
1 - Deserter
1 - Civil Offender
There was negative enemy contact on this day.
21 Dec - Company "A" had no actual contact but found one NVA/VC base camp. The bunkers contained 3 rifles, various cooking utensils, food and ammo. They also found 2 fresh graves (VC KIA by artillery) Recon and 2 PF platoons conducted search and clear operations, vic. YD6028. They killed 7 VC and captured 3 VC. The VC were all hiding in spider holes and bunkers. Also captured were 3 weapons, ammo, and some documents.
22 Dec - The Battalion continued to conduct extensive RIF throughout the AO. Company "D" however was the only unit to make contact. They engaged 2 VC, vic. YD6119, resulting in 1 VC KIA and 1 US WIA. "D" Co. captured 1 AK47, ammo, and gear. Later in the same area they discovered a cache with SA ammo, RPG round, 25lb. Salt and 2 SKS bayonets.
23 Dec - The only contact was by "D" Co. as they killed 1 VC with small arms fire, vic. YD5921.
24 Dec - Very little activity as the Battalion returned to static positions in observance of the Christmas truce, to start at 1800hrs. Early in the morning. Company "D" killed 1 VC from ambush with a claymor.
25 Dec - Christmas day found Company "A" at LZ Sally, Company "B" at An Lo, Company "C" at T-Bone, and Company "D" at LZ Sally, with Recon at An Lo. The Battalion observed the Christmas truce and enjoyed a Holiday meal.
26 Dec - Company "A" conducted a CA to vic. YD6040 and conducted search and clear operations in vic. of LZ. The results were, 1 VC KIA, 1VC POW, 3 weapons, 750lb. Rice, uniforms, gear, ammo, an some documents were captured. The other units resumed offensive combat operations but had negative contact.
27 Dec - Company "A" had 7 people WIA by BBT they encountered. Many BBT's in the area, vic. YD6140. Company "C" operating in vic. YD6218, found 4 bodies, killed about 3 or 4 days earlier. They also found 2 M-72 LAW's and 1 RPG round. They engaged 2 VC with SA, vic. YD6219 with negative results.
28 Dec - Company "A" continued RIF operation. Vic. YD6140, finding 300lb. Spoild rice and 1 ton polished rice. Company "D" had 1 US WIA by BBT, vic. YD6128. They detained two VCS, vic. YD6326.
29 Dec - Company "A" had 2 WIA from AP mines, vic. YD6334. Company "B" and 2 PF platoons conducted CA to, vic. YD5940. They found and destroyed a BBT, vic. YD5940. In the same area they found a bunker, with ammo, magazines, Vietnamese water purification tablets. Later they found a graveyard, vic. YD5939 with signs stating in Vietnamese, "Stay out Booby Trapped Area".
30 Dec - Company "A" secured An Lo. Company "B" conducted RIF operation, vic. YD6040. They destroyed a 105mm round and an 8 inch round, and found small (200lb) cache of rice. At vic. YD5841 they engaged 1 VC resulting in 1 US WIA. Negative enemy assessment. Company "D" secured T-Bone with 1 platoon ("D"-26) conducting RIF around T-Bone. Recon remained at LZ Sally as RRF.
31 Dec - The Battalion continued combat operations but had negative contact. Company "" found 2000lb of rice, 2 VC in graves ( result of Recon's previous contact) and 5 AP mines.
Transcribers notes:
There are no entries on the original for Jan.1 or Jan.2.
The document starts with Jan.3, 1968. Under the "NARRATIVE" section, it explains that the Battalion conducted training and maintenance at garrison in Cu-Chi, for preparation of future contact operations on 1 and 2 January. (Worded kind'a "Dutchy" but that's the way it was written.)
There are no entries for March 25th - March 27th, on the original.
There was no entry for April 11th, on the original.
There are no entries for the dates 17 April through 30 April, on the original.
There are no entries for May 2, or May 3, on the original.
There is no entry for 6 September on the original.
There are no entries for 7 October - 9 October on the original.
The March 24th entry is shown as the following; _ WIA/POW. That's why I put the "?".
The format for KIA,WIA,POW, etc is slightly different on the original but the content is the same. I tried to duplicate the text exactly, in content.
There were some areas that were un-readable. Some map corrdinates and possibly some abbreviations.
I have read and re-read it so many times in typing it’s possible I overlooked something.
Bob Darmstatter 2Sep99
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Headquarters, 1st Battalion (Airmobile), 502d Infantry APO San Francisco 96383
22 March 1970AVDG-BI-E (AVDG-BB-E)
SUBJECT: Annual Historic Supplement
1. Reference:
a. AR 870-50
b. Division Regulation 870-4
2.Inclosed [sic]is the annual supplement to the unit history for the 1st Battalion (Airmobile), 502d Infantry, 101st Airborne Division, during the calender year 1969.
1LT, Armor
Adjutant1 Inclas
3 Office, Chief of Military History
1 Hqs, 101st Abn Div (Ambl)
1 2d Bde, 101st Abn Div. (Ambl)
1 ea company, 1-502d Inf Bn
5 S3, 1-502d Inf Bn
PREFACEThe 1st Battalion (Ambl), 502d Infantry was operating in the vicinity of FSB T-Bone and An Lo at the beginning of the year. The mission of the battalion was to provide bridge and minesweep security at An Lo and conduct reconnaissance in force and search and clear operations in the area of operations. This was part of Operation NEVADA EAGLE, which was being conducted by the 2d Brigade.
On 25 January the battalion began Operation SHERMAN PEAK, which was in support of Operation NEVADA EAGLE. The battalion's mission was to conduct reconnaissance in force operations in the vicinity of FSB Veghel to locate and destroy enemy forces and installations, prevent enemy infiltration along highways 547 and 547A, and provide protection for engineer reconnaissance teams along highways 547 and 547A. This mission was conducted in conjunction with the 3d ARVN Regiment. This was primarily a spoiling operation to prevent an enemy buildup in preparation for an attack on Hue. During the period of the operation no significant contact was made nor were there signs of recent enemy activity. However, many caches were found, some of which were believed to be remaining from the Tet offensive of 1968. The caches consisted primarily of ammunition and explosives. Operation SHERMAN PEAK ended on 9 Feb and the battalion continued to participate in Operation NEVADA EAGLE with the 2d Brigade. During Operation NEVADA EAGLE the 1-502d Inf conducted training and joint operation with the RF/PF's in Quang Dien District. This proved to be quite successful and as forces proficiency increased the 1-502d Inf was able to occupy a larger area of operations. Operation NEVADA EAGLE ended on 28 Feb 69.
On 1 March the battalion began Operation MASSACHUSETTS STRIKER in Nam Hoa District and Quan Thuong District. The mission of the battalion in this operation was to conduct combat assaults on FSB Veghel and conduct reconnaissance in force operations and detailed search, to locate and destroy enemy forces and caches. The battalion was to prepare to continue operations south-east, astride highway 614 in Quang Nam Province. MASSACHUSETTS STRIKER was an extremely successful operation. It resulted in 115 NVA/VC KIA and 3 POW's. The most significant part of the operation was the caches discovered along the "Yellow Brick Road", a supply and infiltration route which runs from Laos east toward Da Nang. The equipment was unearthed approximately 45 miles west of Da Nang. Among the equipment found were 13 Soviet and chicom trucks, 1 Soviet scout car, 2 bulldozers and 1 ambulance. Other finds were large quantities of ammunition and weapons, including 632 SKS rifles packed in their original containers. Also found were large quantities of medical supplies and a large number of field phones, radios, and other electronic equipment. There were enough signal supplies to equip and maintain a NVA Division for one year. Operation MASSACHUSETTS STRIKER ended on 8 May.
The Battalion's next operation was Operation LAMAR PLAINS, with the battalion OPCON to the Americal Division. The operation began on 15 May and was conducted in Quang Nam Province. The mission of the 1-502d was: with one company providing security for 1st Brigade FSSE, conduct combat assaults to the west of FSB Professional, conduct reconnaissance in force and detailed search operation to locate and destroy enemy forces. During the operation the battalion made two notable discoveries in the mountains southwest of Tam Ky. On the 1st of July a weapons cache was found containing 111 individual weapons, 33 crew served weapons, 3 tons of ammunition and 17 bicycles. The other find was a 15 building hospital complex. The buildings were new and had been recently used, however most of the medical equipment had been removed prior to the discovery of the complex. Operation LAMAR PLAINS came to an end on 14 August.
On 14 August the 1-502d Infantry began Operation CLAIBORNE CHUTE, a reconnaissance in force and multiple ambush patrol operation. The battalion's mission was to conduct refresher training and then to conduct an airmobile assault into the assigned area of operations, to locate and destroy enemy elements, installations, and caches. Conduct an air move from field locations to FSB Birmingham and assume security of FSB Birmingham, FSB Arsenal, FSB Arrow and Pohl Bridge. The battalion was to provide liaison teams at Nam Hoa District and Huong Thuy District. Enemy contact during this operation was very light. Enemy forces that were spotted were in small groups of 5 or less. The NVA and VC did not operate extensively in the area of operations. The battalion did a considerable amount of work in improving fortifications and operations at FSB Birmingham and Pohl Bridge. During this operation elements from the battalion trained and went on joint operations with RF/PF's. Operation CLAIBORNE CHUTE was concluded on 28 September.
On 29 September the 1-502d Infantry began Operation REPUBLIC SQUARE, a reconnaissance in force and multiple ambush patrol operation. The mission of the battalion was to provide security for FSB Birmingham, FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge, maintain one rifle company in the rocket belt, provide continuous liaison with Nam Hoa District and assist GVN forces in securing resettlement areas in the vicinity of Nam Hoa. Monitor woodcutter operations in the assigned area of operations and be prepared to insert and maintain squad size reconnaissance teams in the patrol and surveillance zones. The battalion accomplished its mission very successfully. There was very little activity in the area of operations. The resettlement hamlets in the vicinity of Nam Hoa remained secure. There were a few incidents of 1-3 NVA/VC trying to obtain rice. The rocket belt area remained quiet. The battalion continued to train and operate with the RF/PF's in the Nam Hoa area. Operation REPUBLIC SQUARE ended on 7 December.
On 9 December the battalion began Operation RANDOLPH GLEN. The battalion remained at FSB Birmingham, FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. Elements of the battalion continued to work with RF/PF's. The elements providing security at Pohl Bridge also conducted boat patrols on the river. At the end of the year the 1-502d Infantry was still conducting Operation RANDOLPH GLEN.
During most of the year the battalion rear was located at LZ Sally. However, during operation LAMAR PLAINS the majority of the battalion rear moved to Tam Ky. Also, during this time the battalion S4 developed a numerical reordering system that decreased radio time when ordering supplies. The system also increased the security in that if the radio traffic was monitored, it would be difficult to know what items were being ordered and what items were in short supply.
Throughout the year, 1969, the 1-502d Infantry Battalion accomplished its missions with a high degree of efficiency and success. The battalion has compiled a record that all First Strike Troopers can be proud of.
NARRATIVE1 Jan - The 1/502d Infantry started out the year as a participant in Operation NEVADA EAGLE. Co A provided bridge and mine security at An Lo. Co B conducted operations vic YD585398. C Co conducted operations vic YD610177, YD615192 and YD619190. At YD615192 D Co, 3d platoon, found one 30 cal carbine and 16 bunkers. D Co provided security at FSB T-Bone and Recon Platoon conducted operations vic YD641316, YD640326 and YD640320.
2 Jan - A Co provided bridge and mine sweep security at An Lo. A Co, 1st and 2d platoons, conducted RIF operations vic An Lo. 2d platoon lifted to LZ Sally assumed duties as Brigade RRF. B Co conducted search and clear operations vic YD599394. At YD582400 B Co 2d platoon found approximately 1 ton of rice and destroyed it. B Co, 3d platoon found 1 bandoleer of M-16 ammunition and 1 bandoleer of M-79 ammunition at YD5?6383. B Co, 1st platoon found a homemade booby trap at YD585394. At YD603384 1st platoon found approximately 100 pounds of rice and gave it to the PF's. B Co, 2d platoon found a small cache of medicine at YD595384. C Co conducted RIF operations vic YD618190. At YD611192, C Co, 3d platoon found 5 bunkers showing signs of recent use. They also found a fresh latrine, 1 AK magazine, and some food. D Co established NDP at FSB T-Bone. D Co 1st platoon conducted RIF operations in the vicinity. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations from vic YD6829 to vic YD7131. The Bn Surgeon conducted Medcap at YD736297; 45 Vietnamese attended.
3 Jan - A Co conducted bridge and minesweep security at An Lo. B Co conducted search and clear operations vic YD597383 with 2 platoons of PF. At YD600377, B Co, 1st platoon and PF's spotted 5 VC and called in artillery. A check at first light produced negative results. At YD595383, B Co, 2d platoon found approximately 300 pounds of spoiled rice and destroyed it. B Co, 3d platoon found an antipersonnel mine at YD617389 and destroyed it. C Co conducted a RIF operation and day and night ambushes in vic YD618201. At 0933 hours at YD605187, C Co, 2d platoon engaged 4 VC. VC moved to the west with unknown enemy casualties. At 1045 hours, at the same location, C Co, 2d platoon engaged 1 VC resulting in 1 VC WIA. Platoon followed blood trails to the south. At 1158 hours at YD611197, C Co, 3d(?2d) platoon engaged 1 VC, resulting in 1 VC WIA and 1 AK47 captured, and found a rucksack with documents. At 1250 hours at YD611137 D Co, 2d platoon engaged an 8 man NVA patrol, wearing new uniforms, rucksacks and carrying AK47's. The patrol moved out to the northeast. There were unknown enemy casualties and negative US casualties. At 1437 hours at YD612187, C Co, 2d platoon reported 1 wounded VC Chieu Hoi. D Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. 1st and 2d platoons conducted RIF operations vic FSB T-Bone. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations vic YD733333.
4 Jan - A Co provided bridge and mine sweep security at An Lo. B Co conducted search and clear operations and day and night ambushes vic YD597383 with 2 platoons of PF's. AT YD602388 B Co, 1st platoon found 1 Chicom booby trap and destroyed it in place. AT YD584395 B Co, 3d platoon found 20 sandbags full of rice and footprints leading to the north. C Co conducted RIF operations vic YD618186. At YD 604195 C Co, 2d platoon found 3 hooches, 1 M79 grenade launcher, 4 chicom grenades, ammunition, NVA clothing, fresh food, and medicine. At 1535 hours at the same location, 2d platoon engaged 1 VC, resulting in the capture of 1 VC WIA, 1 AK47 and documents. D Co provided security for FSB T-Bone and 3d platoon conducted RIF operations. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations vic YD732338.
5 Jan - A Co located at An Lo provided bridge and minesweep security. 1st platoon acted as Bde RRF. B Co conducted search and clear operations with 2 platoons of PF's vic YD5939. C Co conducted RIF operations vic YD6118. D Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations vic YD6736.
6 Jan - A Co continued to provide bridge and mine sweep security at An Lo. 1st platoon conducted RIF operations to the south of An Lo. B Co conducted RIF operations vic YD6736. C Co conducted RIF operations from vic YD6120 to LZ Sally. D Co continued to provide security for FSB T-Bone. Recon platoon conducted search and clear operation vic YD6537.
7 Jan - A Co provided bridge and minesweep security at An Lo. The company also conducted RIF operations and saturation patrols in the vic. The company moved to LZ Sally. B Co conducted RIF operations from vic YD6736 to Omaha. They made a truck move from Omaha to LZ Sally. C Co moved by trucks from LZ Sally to An Lo. 1st platoon conducted RIF operations vic YD6432. D Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. Recon platoon conducted search and clear operations.
8 Jan - B Co departed LZ Sally and conducted RIF operations to FSB T-Bone where they assumed the security of FSB T-Bone. C Co provided bridge and mine-sweep security at An Lo. D Co departed T-Bone and conducted RIF operations. D Co 2d platoon found 1 bouncing betty mine at YD671228 and destroyed it in place. 1 man from Recon platoon was wounded by an unknown type booby trap at YD613386.
9 Jan - The battalion conducted RIF operations, with B Co providing security at An Lo and Recon platoon at LZ Sally for a standdown.
10 Jan - The battalion continued with RIF operations. B Co provided security at An Lo.
11 Jan - A Co conducted a C/A from PZ 653245 to LZ 588155. At 1955 hours at YD646226 A Co, 2d platoon received automatic weapons fire from 2 VC. 2d platoon returned the fire. The engagement resulted in unknown enemy casualties and 1 US KIA, 2 US WIA. D Co conducted a C/A from PZ YD635245 to FSB Strike. Recon platoon and mortars were lifted by CH47 from LZ Sally to FSB Strike.
12 Jan - A Co conducted saturation patrols vic YD5814. B Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. C Co provided bridge and minesweep security at An Lo. Recon platoon provided security for FSB Strike.
13 Jan - A Co conducted saturation patrols vic YD5914. At YD600140 A Co, 1st platoon found 8 old foxholes and an old trail. B Co conducted RIF operations vic FSB T-Bone. C Co continued with its mission at An Lo. At 1000 hrs at YD607256, C Co, 2d platoon reported 9 male and 13 female detainees, who were sent to LZ Sally, classified as IC and released.
14 Jan - A Co conducted saturation patrols vic YD5815. At YD585 2d platoon found a campfire 4 to 5 hours old. They checked the area with negative results. B Co provided security for FSB T-Bone and conducted RIF operations in the area. C Co continued with its mission of bridge and minesweep security at An Lo. AtFSB Strike. Recon platoon sighted through field glasses 11 VC at vic YD573175. The VC were engaged with 81mm mortars with negative results.
15 Jan - The battalion continued its mission of providing security for An Lo, FSB T-Bone and FSB Strike. RIF operations were also conducted.
16 Jan - A Co conducted saturation patrols vic YD6015. B Co provided security at FSB T-Bone with 3d platoon conducting RIF operations in the vicinity. C Co provided bridge and minesweep security at An Lo. D Co conducted saturation patrols vic YD5516. D Co 1st platoon found 1 dud 750lb bomb at YD561158. It was later destroyed in place by an EOD team.
17 Jan - A Co moved to FSB Strike and then lifted to FSB T-Bone. A Co began providing security for FSB T-Bone. AT YD586174 A Co found an old hooch containing 1 SKS, 1 AK47, 1 M1 carbine and some ammunition. B Co was lifted from FSB T-Bone to FSB Strike. D Co moved to FSB Strike and was then lifted to LZ Sally. Recon platoon departed FSB Strike and conducted RIF operations. 18 Jan - A Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. 1st platoon conducted RIF operations from FSB T-Bone to vic YD6529. B Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD5817. C Co provided security for bridge and minesweep team at An Lo. 1st platoon conducted RIF operations to LZ Sally. C Co was moved by trucks from An Lo to LZ Sally. D Co conducted a maintenance standdown at LZ Sally. They conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to LZ YD688318, LZ YD688304, and LZ YD673305. After completion of the C/A, D Co conducted search and clear operations in vic YD6831, YD6830, and YD6730. E Co (-) established fire support for FSB Strike. Co (-) was lifted from FSB Strike to LZ Sally and FSB T-Bone. Recon platoon conducted saturation patrols in vic YD5816 and YD5817. Psyops operations were conducted in the central area of Quang Dien District.
19 Jan - A Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. They also sent out a platoon sized ambush and platoon sized operations. B Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD5816. At YD588153 B Co, 1st platoon found fresh Ho Chi Minh sandle[sic] tracks leading to the north. The tracks were followed with negative results. C Co OPCON to 2/501 was lifted from LZ Sally to FSB Birmingham. D Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD6830. At YD705310 D Co, 1st platoon picked up 2 detainees, evacuated to Quang Dien district headquarters, classified as IC and released. At YD718319 2d platoon found 1 M26 hand grenade booby trapped. It was destroyed in place. Recon platoon conducted saturation patrols under OPCON Co B.
20 Jan - A Co continued to provide security for FSB T-Bone. 3d platoon conducted operations in vic YD6421. B Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD5917. At YD592182 B Co 3d platoon found fresh footprints, 2 sampans and a well used trail running from north to south. At YD588184 3d platoon found a dirt stairway cut into a hillside. At YD588183 3d platoon found three 2 man bunkers and destroyed them. D Co (-) conducted saturation patrols vic YD7131. 3d platoon was located at LZ Sally as Bde RRF. Recon platoon under OPCON B Co conducted saturation patrols. At YD580182 Recon platoon found a sampan landing area and a tunnel, neither of which showed signs of recent use.
21 Jan A Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. At 1700 hours, while on a RIF operation, 1st platoon detonated 1 60mm mortar round boobytrap at YD652223. It resulted in 1 US WIA. B Co, with Recon platoon OPCON, conducted RIF operations. At YD594186, Recon platoon received a satchel charge and 9mm pistol fire resulting in 1 US KIA. At YD592189 2d platoon found 4 old platoon size hootches which had been recently used and 1 Chicom grenade. At YD593186 2d platoon found 1 reinforced bunker and some ammunition. At YD596187 Recon platoon found and destroyed 2 security bunkers and 16 55 gal drums of kerosine C Co remained OPCON to 2/501. D Co (-) conducted saturation patrols in vic YD7131. 3d platoon detained 6 male Vietnamese at YD728330. Detainees were sent from district headquarters to Hue as draft dodgers, and the other four were forwarded to the national police for interrogation.
22 Jan - A Co continued to provide security for FSB T-Bone. A Co, 1st platoon conducted saturation patrols in vic YD640220. B Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD5919. At YD593199 2d platoon found a hole and small bunker and destroyed them. D Co (-) conducted saturation patrols in vic YD7132. 2d platoon was located at LZ Sally as Bde RRF.
23 Jan - A Co continued to provide security for FSB T-Bone and conducted RIF operations in the area. B Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD5919. C Co moved via CH47 from FSB Birmingham to FSB T-Bone, was released from OPCON 2/501. D Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD7123 and YD7229. Recon platoon was lifted to LZ Sally and released from OPCON B Co.
24 Jan - A Co (-) lifted from FSB T-Bone to LZ Sally. 1st platoon conducted RIF operation to LZ Sally. B Co lifted from PZ YD596202 to LZ Sally. C Co provided security for FSB T-Bone. D Co was marshalled at LZ Sally along with Recon platoon.
25 Jan - The battalion began operation SHERMAN PEAK in support of Operation NEVADA EAGLE. A Co remained at LZ Sally as Bde RRF. B Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to FSB Veghel. Upon approaching FSB Veghel they received small arms fire. At 1445 hours B Co captured 1 VC in a bunker at FSB Veghel. The POW was evacuated to FSB Geronimo for interrogation. C Co moved by CH47 from FSB T-Bone to LZ Sally. D Co moved from LZ Sally to FSB Veghel and then departed FSB Veghel to conduct RIF operations vic YD545030. Departing FSB Veghel D Co received friendly fire from FSB Veghel at 1538 hours, resulting in 1 US WIA. Bn TOC CP moved by truck from Omaha to LZ Sally and then moved by CH47 to FSB Veghel. D1-501, OPCON to 1-502d, conducted a C/A from FSB Birmingham to FSB Bastogne.
26 Jan - A Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to FSB Zon. The company found various amounts of US ammunition on FSB Zon and destroyed it. B Co provided security on FSB Veghel. A man was spotted outside the perimeter and engaged with negative results. C Co was lifted from LZ Sally to FSB Veghel by CH47. They then conducted RIF operations to vic YD555126. D Co conducted RIF operations from YD545030 to vic YD533038. Vic YD534026 D Co found three 4 man bunkers, 1 60mm mortar round, and 200 AK47 rounds. At YD531035 they found approximately 5000 12.8mm rounds. At YD533038 D Co found a tunnel complex containing 3 cases of TNT, 800 rounds 12.7 ammunition and wheels for a 50 cal gun carriage. Recon platoon was OPCON to A Co. At YD465003 Recon found 5 small security bunkers and destroyed them. In vic YD470998 Recon platoon found 10 bunkers, and 6 spider holes with hootches over the holes. They appeared to be 2-4 weeks old. D Co 1-501 continued to provide security for FSB Bastogne and conducted local patrols around Bastogne.
27 Jan - A Co conducted a RIF operation from YD465003 to YD455992. At vic YD465003 A Co, 1st platoon found 1 8mm French Bolt action carbine. Vic YD470998 A Co found 43 bunkers, 3 kitchens (2 of which were underground) 1 latrine, 1 pick and 1 shovel. 5 bunkers were newly constructed with 4 old fire ashes in the kitchen. B Co continued to provide security for FSB Veghel. C Co conducted RIF operations. At YD559028 C Co found fresh tracks of 3 persons. A search of the area produced negative results. D Co conducted RIF operations from YD533038 to YD527037. At YD533038 the company found 1000 AK47 rounds, 350 lbs TNT, blasting caps, 100 Mauser rounds, and a M60 MG in bad shape. At YD531038 they found 123 boxes of 12.7mm rounds. D-1-501 was located at FSB Bastogne. The company minus conducted a RIF operation with an engineer party to YD800059 and returned to Bastogne.
28 Jan - A Co conducted a RIF from YD470990 to YD456991. B Co provided security at FSB Veghel. 2d platoon conducted a RIF with engineers along RF 547 and returned to FSB Veghel. At YD561045 B Co, 2d platoon found 9 85mm rounds, 200 12.7 mm rounds and 100 lbs TNT. At YD559044 2d platoon found 6 old bunkers, 7 destroyed enemy trucks (3/4 ton size) and the remains of a downed helicopter. C Co conducted a RIF operation from YD555037 to YD530046. At YD550035 the company found footprints and followed them with negative results. D Co conducted RIF operations from YD527037 to YD517045. At YD517045, the company found 4 hooches, 1 kitchen, 1 classroom with signs that read "Training Center" and "Attack Enemy", 3 small bunkers, 1 latrine and 1 lookout tower. D-1-501 provided security at FSB Bastogne. At 2230 the company received automatic weapons firefrom SW of Bastogne from an estimated enemy force of 10. They also received4 RPG rounds. D Co returned fire with small arms and artillery. There were no friendly casualties.
29 Jan - A Co conducted RIF operations in vic YD4599. B Co conducted RIF operations in the vic of FSB Veghel. In vic YD529036 2d platoon found an old bunker complex with commo wire running throughout it. At YD554046 1st platoon found an abandoned ammunition cache containing 240 7.62mm rounds, one 75mm HE round, 500 rounds of 25mm AA- ammunition, 12 60mm mortar fuses, three 75mm fuses, 400 empty Russian rocket boxes, 300 60mm cases, 300 82mm cases, 50 82mm fuse cans, 15 aiming posts, 25 55 gal fuel drums. Also they found 50 heavy bunkers, 150 fighting bunkers, tracks from wheeled and tracked vehicles, a strip of corduroy road, and 10 ammo dumps. Companies C and D conducted RIF operations. D-1/501 continued to provide security for FSB Bastogne.
30 Jan - A Co conducted a RIF from YD457995 to YD460002. At YD460000 3d platoon found 9 old bunkers, at YD458002 they found 17 old bunkers and at YD458997 found 6 old bunkers. AT vic YD458997 1st platoon found 2 small bunkers and vic YD450002 3d platoon found 2 bunkers with 101 lbs TNT and 200 electric blasting caps. B Co provided security for FSB Veghel and conducted RIF operations in the vicinity. At YD554047 1st platoon found 2-75mm rounds in box and metal cannister. Vic YD531041 3d platoon found 3 bunkers containing 10 sealed cases of 12.7mm ammunition. C Co conducted RIF operations. Vic YD536061 the company found 3 60mm rounds. At YD542067 the company found old bunkers and 2 82mm rounds. D Co conducted RIF operations in the vic of YD5006. Recon platoon was OPCON A Co. At YD462008 Recon found 18 small foxholes, 1 bunker, 1 pick and 2 NVA shovels. D-1-501 continued to provide security for FSB Bastogne and conducted squad size patrols around Bastogne.
31 Jan - A Co continued with RIF operations. At YD456016 2d platoon found bombed out AA gun position containing 4 12.7mm rounds. B Co provided security at FSB Veghel. 2d platoon and 3d platoon conducted RIF operations Vic YD545048 2d platoon found 600 rds M60 ammunition, 2 60mm rounds and 1 CS gas grenade. Companies C and D conducted RIF operations with negative results. Recon platoon was OPCON A Co. Recon found three 55 gal drums of gasoline with Russian lettering. D-1-501 continued to provide security for FSB Bastogne and conducted a minesweep to FSB Birmingham.
1 Feb - A Co conducted a saturation patrol. In vic YD483025 2d platoon found 1 complete truck engine, 2 engine blocks and 1 footlocker of uniforms without insignia (buttons had Chinese writing on them). B Co continued to provide security for FSB Veghel. 2d and 3d platoons conducted RIF operations in the vicinity of FSB Veghel. C Co conducted RIF operations from YD532088 to YD524095. D Co conducted RIF operations near YD502094, found four 2-man hooches and remains of fires. D-1/501 continued to provide security for FSB Bastogne.
2 Feb - Battalion continued RIF operations at YD498091. 3d platoon, D Co found and old 3-4 man sleeping area, 1 pair rubber sandels, 1 fishnet, and cooking utensils. D-1/501 continued to provide security for FSB Bastogne and minesweep to FSB Birmingham.
3 Feb - A Co moved to FSB Bastogne and assumed security of Bastogne. D Co and Recon platoon moved to LZ Sally. D-1/501 was released from OPCON 1/502.
4 Feb - No change from previous day.
5 Feb - D Co moved from LZ Sally to FSB T-Bone. A-1/501 became OPCON 1/502d. A Co conducted RIF from T-Bone to YD642187. At 1420 hours vic YD644191 the pointman was attacked by a tiger. There were negative US casualties and the tiger was wounded.
6 Feb - C Co conducted a RIF to FSB Bastogne and then moved by truck to Sally. The rest of the battalion continued its security missions and conducted RIF operations and saturation patrols.
7 Feb - The battalion continued securing FSB Bastogne, Veghel and T-Bone. A-1/501 conducted RIF operations to LZ Sally and was released OPCON.
8 Feb - B Co moved from FSB Veghel to LZ Sally. Battalion headquarters and TAC CP conducted a move from FSB Veghel to Omaha and Sally.
9 Feb - A Co moved from FSB Bastogne to Sally. Companies C and D and Recon platoon conducted saturation patrols. Operation SHERMAN PEAK ended. The battalion continued to participate in Operation NEVADA EAGLE.
10 Feb - B Co moved rom LZ Sally to YD-6240?1 and conducted a RIF at ??00 at YD626172 the company found 72 old bunkers. C Co moved to Sally and then conducted a C/A to 4 ambush positions. D Co was established at FSB T-Bone. At 2040 in vic YD658219 3d platoon sprung an ambush on VC moving along a trail from west to east. The VC were engaged with claymores and small arms. There were negative results. Recon platoon moved to LZ Sally.
11 Feb - A Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to YD589155 and then conducted RIF operation. B Co conducted saturation patrols and established ambush positions. At YD631167 1st platoon found 6 new bunkers, 70 lbs fresh rice, 700 AK47 rounds, 2 hooches and some tools. Co conducted saturation patrols in vic YD6929. D Co continued to provide security for FSB T-Bone. Recon platoon conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to YD589155 and conducted a RIF operation
12 Feb - The battalion continued with patrols and ambushes. At 1635 at YD582154 Recon platoon initiated contact on an estimated 10 NVA moving on a trail. The action resulted in 1 US WIA, 1 NVA KIA, 1 AK47, 4 rucksacks, 1 radio and 1 surgical kit captured.
13 Feb - The battalion continued with patrols and ambushes. at 1100 at YD628166 B Co, 1st platoon made contact with an enemy force. The results were 5 US WIA and 1 US KIA. There was negative assessment of enemy casualties. At 0930 at YD578154 Recon platoon made contact resulting in 1 US wounded.
14 Feb - A Co received fire from an unknown element resulting in 1 US WIA. C Co moved to FSB T-Bone and assumed the security at T-Bone. D Co moved off of FSB T-Bone and conducted patrols and established ambushes.
15 Feb - Today A Co, 2d platoon engaged 2 VC at YD578148 resulting in 1 US WIA, 1 VC KIA and 1 AK47 captured. B Co, 2d platoon at YD628165 engaged 2 NVA resulting in 1 NVA KIA, 1 NVA WIA, 1 AK47 and 1 RPG launcher captured. There were negative US casualties. The rest of the battalion continued conducting patrols and establishing ambushes, with C Co providing security on FSB T-Bone.
16 Feb - The battalion continued to conduct patrols and ambushes. AT YD624166 B Co, 2d platoon engaged 1 NVA with small arms resulting in 1 NVA KIA and 1 SKS captured. Later in the day the 2d platoon engaged another NVA at the same location resulting in 1 NVA KIA and 1 AK47 captured. AT YD694306 D Co, 2d platoon engaged 3 sampans and sunk one of them. 17 Feb - The battalion assumed a primarily defensive posture as today was the start of the Tet ceasefire. The only activity was the sending out of security patrols. 18 Feb - The battalion carried out patrols and ambushes. In the vic of YD6316 Recon platoon found several bunkers that were recently used, a bunker complex, and several burned out hooches.
19 Feb - The battalion continued to conduct RIF operations and established ambushes. The radar at FSB T-Bone reported movement of 2-3 persons in vic YD648209. 81mm mortars fired but a first light check showed negative results.
20 Feb - At YD579147 A Co, 3d platoon spotted 1 VC on a trail. He (was killed?) by a VC hand grenade booby trap resulting 1 VC KIA and 1 AK47 captured. The rest of the battalion conducted RIF operations and ambushes with C Co continuing to provide security for FSB T-Bone.
21 Feb - The only contact made today was by B Co 1st platoon at YD624206. They engaged 6 VC with small arms. Results were 1 VC KIA and 1 AK47 captured.
22 Feb - There was no contact made today. The battalion continued with its normal operations. D Co moved to LZ Sally and then moved via CH47 to YD ?????? B Co, 1st platoon found a diary belonging to the VC killed yesterday. The diary contained much information about trails in the area.
23 Feb - A Co (-) moved to FSB T-Bone and assumed the responsibility of providing security for T-Bone. C Co moved from FSB T-Bone to LZ Sally. Recon platoon also moved to LZ Sally, 2d Bde intelligence reported on this day, that the NVA and VC plan to launch attacks on major cities and military installations on 22 or 23 Feb.
24 Feb - A Continued to provide security at FSB T-Bone. B Co conducted a RIF operation to Omaha and set out ambushes. D Co sent out patrols and ambushes also. C Co and Recon platoon remained at LZ Sally.
25 Feb - Companies B and C were OPCON 1/501. Recon platoon moved from Sally to Omaha and conducted a RIF operation with 1 platoon of PF. A Co remained at FSB T-Bone and company D conducted a RIF.
WALSH TRUMAN SP4 20 25-Feb-69 C CO
26 - 27 Feb - The battalion conducted normal operations with negative results. B and C Co remained OPCON 1/501.
28 Feb - C Co was released OPCON 1/501 and returned to LZ Sally. At YD595174 D Co, 2d platoon found 4 hooches, 1 60mm mortar, various tools, and some ammunition. Recon platoon continued to operate with a platoon of PF. Operation NEVADA EAGLE ended.
1 Mar - 7 Mar - On 1 Mar the battalion began operation MASSACHUSETTS STRIKER. During the period 1-4 Mar the battalion operated with 1 company in the field in the vicinity of Quan Dien District, one company providing security for FSB T-Bone, one company OPCON to 1-501 and one company OPCON 2-501. On 4 Mar the OPCON companies were returned to Battalion control and on 5 Mar security of FSB T-Bone was assumed by elements of the 3d Bde. The entire battalion moved to LZ Sally to marshall and begin preparations to deploy into the area of operations, vicinity of the A Shau Valley. During this period the battalion was marshalled at LZ Sally, elements provided the 2d Bde reaction force and conducted night ambushes in the vicinity of LZ Sally. Due to inclement weather, the air assault of the battalion was delayed and on 8 Mar the battalion assumed an AO south of LZ Sally and conducted RIF operations.
8 Mar - At vic YD639209 C Co discovered 1 VC KIA in a grave 7 days old.
9 Mar - C Co discovered a small, abandoned enemy base area vic YD633205. At 1813 vic YD618205, C Co, 2d platoon was engaged by an estimated enemy squad, resulting in 1 US WIA.
10 Mar - At 0915 hours vic YD619200 C Co, 3d platoon was engaged by an estimated NVA squad. The platoon returned fire with organic weapons and artillery resulting in 2 NVA KIA, 1 NVA and 2 IWC.
11 Mar - The battalion returned to LZ Sally and D Co moved by truck from LZ Sally to FSB Birmingham to secure the artillery at that location.
12 Mar - At 1635 hours C Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to unoccupied FSB Veghel. The company came under heavy fire from an estimated NVA company as the last lift touched down on the LZ. C Co deployed and maneuvered against the company and sporadic contact continued until 2400. The results were: 2 US WIA, 2 US KIA, 8 NVA KIA and 4 NVA KBAA. Due to inclement weather the battalion (-) was unable to reinforce C Co.
13 Mar - The Battalion (-) moved by air from LZ Sally to FSB Birmingham and then to FSB Veghel. A, B, and C companies conducted RIF operations in the vicinity. At 1200 2d platoon, C Co at vic YD543025 engaged an estimated NVA platoon in bunkers. Results were 4 NVA KIA and 1 US WIA. At 1215 hours vic YD543030 C Co, 3d platoon engaged an estimated NVA company on a densely vegetated hill. Results: 3 US WIA, 2 US KIA, 4 NVA KIA.
14 Mar - A Co continued a RIF to the southwest and discovered several NVA bunkers, 6 NVA KIA within the past 24 hours, and 2 CSWC. C Co sustained 1 US WIA from a 60mm mortar round booby trap. D Co continued to secure FSB Bastogne and Recon platoon continued to RIF with negative enemy activity. TAC CP and Co E (-) moved to FSB Veghel.
15 Mar - The battalion continued RIF and security missions with negative enemy activity.
16 Mar - A and B companies continued RIF operations to the southwest with negative enemy activity. C Co secured FSB Veghel and sustained 1 US KIA from 1 60 mm mortar round BBT with a pressure type firing device and destroyed 1 US claymore with a pressure firing device. D Co and Recon platoon cited negative enemy activity.
17 Mar - Elements continued RIF operations and security operations with B Co discovering a recently used NVA base area. C Co destroyed enemy bunkers and a quantity of ammunition vicinity of FSB Veghel.
18 Mar - On 18 Mar units continued RIF and security operations. At 1320 A Co vic YD512992 engaged 1 enemy and received return fire. Result was 1 US WIA. At 1409 A Co vic YC500986 engaged 2 enemy with negative assessment. B Co discovered a recently used NVA base area and a quantity of ammunition. At 1110 vic YD500009 B Co discovered 1 NVA KBA 36 hours old. C Co secured FSB Veghel and destroyed enemy bunkers in local vicinity. At 1640 FSB Veghel C Co sustained 3 US WIA from 60mm mortar round BBT.
19 Mar - A Co continued to the southwest and at 1210 vic YC490978 engaged estimated NVA platoon (-) with 1 US WIA, 3 NVA KIA, 3 IWC. At 1423 vic YD491978 A Co made contact with an estimated NVA company in bunkers. Results: 9 NVA KIA, 6 US WIA 2 US KIA. B Co continued RIF to the southwest and discovered arecently used NVA base area consisting of bamboo huts and bunkers with overhead cover. C Co secured FSB Veghel and 2d platoon conducted a RIF to the southeast to assist Recon platoon. D Co (-) became OPCON 1-506 and 3d platoon moved by CH47 from FSB Bastogne to FSB Veghel and became OPCON C Co. Recon platoon vic YD549008 engaged 2 NVA in a bunker resulting in 1 NVA KIA and 1 IWC. Vic YD553013 Recon made contact with estimated NVA platoon. Results: 3 US WIA, 2 US KIA, 1 NVA KIA, 2 NVA KBAA, 1 IWC and a quantity of ammunition.
20 Mar - A and B companies established LZ and company control bases on Dong A Tay and conducted local patrols. Vic YC491978 A Co made contact with an estimated NVA company in bunkers resulting in 5 US WIA and negative enemy assessment. At 1525 A Co; 2d platoon engaged an estimated NVA platoon at YC497975. Results were 2 US WIA, 4 NVA KIA, 1 IWC and 1 CSWC. At 1000 B Co vic YC491978 engaged an estimated NVA platoon (-) and suffered 5 US WIA. At 1800 elements of B Co engaged an enemy sniper with organic weapons, resulting in 1 US KIA, 1 NVA KIA, and 1 IWC. C Co (-) conducted a C/A from FSB Veghel to YD548027 and moved to reinforce Recon platoon and C Co 2d platoon. D Co (-) moved by CH47 from FSB Bastogne to FSB Veghel and assumed security. Recon became OPCON C Co.
21 Mar - A Co and B Co occupied the LZ at Dong A Tay and searched the surrounding area. A Co captured 1 IW and B Co discovered a bunker and tunnel complex vic YC500977. The base area appeared large enough to accommodate a Bn (-) and contained a quantity of documents identifying the 816 Bn, 5th NVA Regt. At 1230 the security element of B Co at the LZ engaged and killed 1 NVA sniper. At 1310 vic YC502975 B Co encountered an estimated NVA Co in bunkers on a narrow, thickly vegetated ridge. Contact continued until 1810 and resulted in 4 US KIA, 9 US WIA. C Co and Recon conducted RIF to FSB Veghel and assisted D Co in security.
22 Mar - A Co and B Co remained on Dong A Tay. A Co had 1 US WIA as a result of contact with a sniper at the LZ. Co B conducted RIF to YC504973 and found 2 NVA KIA. At 1454 B Co vic YC504973 established contact with an estimated reinforced NVA Co. Contact continued for 2 1/2 hours and resulted in 3 US KIA, 5 US WIA and 6 NVA KIA. C Co and Recon remained at Vegehl and at 1655 D Co conducted a C/A from Veghel to YC539983 and conducted a RIF to the southwest.
23 Mar - A and B Co remained in the vicinity of the LZ with no contact. A Co prepared for a night attack. C Co secured Veghel, D Co continued to RIF to the southwest and Recon conducted patrols around FSB Veghel.
24 Mar - At 0550 A Co seized an enemy bunker complex vic YC504976 with negative enemy contact. Search of the area of B Co previous contact revealed 6 NVA KIA, large quantities of NVA clothing and equipment. A Co moved back to the LZ. B Co conducted a RIF to the southeast. C Co secured FSB Veghel, D Co continued to RIF southwest and Recon moved by air to Dong A Tay and became OPCON A Co.
25 Mar - A Co conducted patrols vic of Dong A Tay and discovered 2 NVA KIA and a quantity of equipment. B Co continued to RIF east and at 1320 vic YC503971 B Co, 1st platoon made contact with an estimated NVA squad. Contact lasted for 5 hours resulting in 7 US KIA, 3 US WIA. C Co remained at FSB Veghel and D Co conducted RIF to the northwest.
26 Mar - A Co with Recon OPCON continued to patrol the area of Dong A Tay and found 2 NVA KIA, and a quantity of equipment. B Co moved by air to FSB Veghel and exchanged missions with C Co which moved to Dong A Tay and conducted a RIF to the southeast. D Co conducted a RIF to the northwest and discovered a large quantity of NVA ammunition and equipment in an abandoned base area.
27 Mar - A Co and Recon continued to search Dong A Tay and B Co secured FSB Veghel. C Co conducted a search vic YC500965. At 1105 C Co, 1st platoon made contact with an estimated NVA squad, vic YC494972, resulting in 5 US WIA, 1 NVA KIA, 1 WC. At 1605 vic YC501969 C Co discovered a hospital complex containing a quantity of medical supplies. D Co conducted a RIF to unoccupied FSB Zon, and sustained 2 US WIA from unknown type BBT at that location.
28 Mar - A Co, C Co and Recon conducted RIF operations to the south with Recon finding 1 NVA KBA in a fresh grave and a quantity of equipment. B Co secured Veghel and at 1730 the firebase received 10-15 60mm and 82mm
mortar rounds resulting in 7 US WIA. D Co continued to RIF to the northwest. MICHAEL THOMAS &nbsl; SGT 20 28-Mar-69 B CO
29 Mar - A Co, C Co and Recon conducted RIF to the south; at 0835 C Co made contact with an estimated NVA squad in bunkers. Results 6 US WIA, 2 US KIA, 1 NVA KIA, I IWC. B Co secured Veghel and D Co conducted a RIF to the east to a PZ at YD487028 and at 1655 conducted a C/A to YC520942 and conducted a RIF to the southwest.
30 Mar - A Co, C Co and Recon continued to RIF to the south. A Co had 1 US WIA from D Co's contact. B Co secured Veghel and D Co conducted a RIF to the west. At 1215 D Co made contact with an estimated NVA squad; sporadic contact continued until 1845 as D Co moved to the west. Results: 10 US WIA, 1 VN WIA.
31 Mar - A Co, C Co and Recon conducted a RIF to the south to reinforce D Co. B Co remained at FSB Veghel. D Co conducted a RIF to the west and at 0830 3d platoon made contact with an estimated reinforced NVA squad. Sporadic contact continued until 1800 when the enemy fled. Results: 2 US KIA, 1 VN KIA, 6 US WIA, 11 NVA KIA, 3 IWC, 3 CSCW [sic].
1 Apr - A Co, D Co and Recon conducted a RIF to the west. A Co found a large quantity of NVA ammunition and 5 IWC. At 1800 A Co made a point contact with an estimated NVA squad resulting in 1 US KIA, 2 US WIA. Recon discovered a cache containing 6 CSW, 20 IW and a large quantity of ammunition. C Co patroled in the vicinity of YC503945 and B Co secured FSB Veghel.
2 Apr - A Co, D Co and Recon established a LZ vic YC493945 and conducted a detailed search of the surrounding area resulting in a large amount of ammunition captured and 3 IWC. B Co moved by air from FSB Veghel to YC493945, C Co discovered 1 CSW vic of the NDP and continued RIF to YC493945, then moved by air to LZ Sally to marshall. 4 Apr - AT 0435 A Co was engaged at the NDP by an estimated NVA squad, resulting in 1 US WIA, 7 NVA KIA, 3 IWC, 1 CSWC. At 0924 A Co moved by air to LZ Sally to marshal. B Co, D Co and Recon conducted a RIF to the west. C Co conducted a move from LZ Sally to Veghel and C/A from Veghel to unoccupied FSB Zon and secured Zon. C Co sustained 3 US WIA from BBTs on FSB Zon.
5 Apr - A Co remained at Sally. B Co, D Co and Recon conducted patrols vic YC481948 and C Co secured FSB Zon.
6 Apr - A Co conducted move by air from Sally to YC481948 conducted a RIF to the east with B Co and D Co and Recon. At 1115 vic YC492945 D Co made contact with an estimated NVA squad, sporadic contact continued for 3 hours. Results: 10 US WIA, 1 NVA KIA, 1 IWC and 1 CSWC. C Co remained at FSB Zon.
7 Apr - A Co and B Co and Recon platoon patroled vic YC493945. At 0500 A Co was engaged at the NDP by an estimated NVA squad. A Co returned fire. Results: 1 US KIA, 6 NVA KIA, 3 IWC and 2 CSWC. C Co was relieved of security of FSB Zon, and conducted a RIF to the northeast. At 0815 D Co and Recon conducted a move by air from YC493945 to LZ Sally to marshall.
8 Apr - A Co and B Co conducted saturation patrols vic YC493945 and discovered a quantity of equipment. C Co conducted A RIF to the northeast and D Co and Recon remained at Sally.
9 Apr - A Co searched vic YC493945 and found 1 NVA KBA. B Co moved by air from YC493945 to LZ Sally and marshalled. C Co conducted a RIF to the southeast, D Co moved by air from Sally to YC493945 and Recon moved by air from Sally to YD492018, became OPCON C Co.
10 Apr - A and D Co continued to search vic YC495946. C Co and Recon conducted RIF operations to the south. B Co remained at LZ Sally.
11 Apr - A Co conducted a RIF to the north and at 1430 A Co, 2d platoon engaged an NVA sniper. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 1 IWC and discovered 1 NVA KIA in a fresh grave. B Co moved by air from Sally to FSB Veghel and conducted a C/A to YC529931 and RIF to the north. C Co and Recon continued to RIF to the south, D Co searched vic YC494946.
12 Apr - A Co conducted saturation patrols vic YC498952. D Co conducted a RIF to the north, C Co and Recon conducted a search vic YC989987 and D Co moved to the north to join Co A.
13 Apr - A Co made contact with an estimated NVA squad and suffered 2 US KIA and 2 US WIA. At 1435 C Co and Recon made contact with an estimated NVA squad, resulting in 7 US WIA. D Co conducted RIF to the north and at 0800 vic YC502953 D Co, 1st platoon made contact with an estimated NVA squad employing claymores, RPG and S/A resulting in 2 US KIA and 3 US WIA. At 1630 vic YC501957 D Co received S/A fire from the rear and returned fire with organic weapons. Results: 2 NVA KIA, 2 IWC.
HALE JOHN JR PFC 19 13-Apr-69 D CO
14 Apr - A Co RIF to the north and at 0730 vic YC501959 3d platoon engaged 3 NVA with claymores. Results: 1 NVA KIA. A Co later found 1 NVA KIA in a fresh grave. B Co continued to RIF to the northeast and C Co and Recon RIF to the south. C Co found 1 NVA KIA in a fresh grave. D Co continued to RIF to the north.
15 Apr - All units conducted RIF operations to the north, in preparation for extraction.
16 Apr - A Co RIF to FSB Blaze (YD531022). B Co, C Co, and D Co and Recon moved by air to FSB Blaze. At 1115 the battalion moved by air to FSB Birmingham to marshall and prepare for further operations.
17 Apr - D Co led the battalion in the air assault on FSB Lash vic YC673668. The lift was complete at 1326. D Co established the firebase and secured the TAC CP. A Co and Recon platoon conducted RIF to the west; B Co and c Co conducted RIF to the southeast.
18 Apr - The operation continued with C Co at 1729 vic YC588647 engaging an estimated 7-10 enemy. Results: 2 VC KIA, 2 VC POW, 10 IWC and assorted equipment.
19-21 Apr - The battalion continued RIF operations discovering old enemy positions and equipment. On 21 Apr C Co discovered a large cache vic YC698658 consisting of 532 IWC, 7 CSWC and several tons of medical and signal equipment.
22-25 Apr - The battalion continued RIF and detailed search operations. The equipment from the cache discovered by C Co was evacuated by air to the 101st Airborne Division and Camp Eagle Hue RVN at 1310. C Co moved by CH47 from YC706661 to Eagle Beach and became OPCON to the 3d Bde.
26-28 Apr - Battalion continued RIF operations on 27 Apr. B Co assumed security of FSB Lash and D Co conducted a RIF to the northwest. Recon conducted extraction from YC673692 to FSB Lash and aided in the security. On 28 Apr A Co assumed security of FSB Lash and B Co conducted a RIF to the northwest.
29 Apr - RIF operations continued wit h Recon platoon conducting a RIF from FSB Lash to the northwest at 0920 vic YC644692. D Co engaged 2-3 enemy trail watchers with negative assessment and at 1539 vic YC640695, D Co engaged estimated 2 NVA armed with AK47's Results: 2 CSWC.
30Apr - The battalion continued operation with all units discovering enemy weapons and equipment.
1 May - Operations continued with B Co establishing contact with an estimated enemy squad at 1008 hrs vic YC306920. The element employed organic weapons, ARA and Arty. Results: 1 US WIA.
2-3 May - Battalion continued RIF operations and on 3 May conducted three air moves. A Co moved by CH47 from FSB Lash to Eagle Beach and C Co returned Eagle Beach to FSB Lash and assumed security of the firebase. The Recon platoon was extracted from YC650681 to FSB Lash.
4-5 May - There was a negative change in operations. On 5 May at 0850 B Co was extracted from YC645653 to FSB Lash and assumed security of FSB Lash. At 0953 C Co and Recon conducted a combat air assault from FSB Lash. The LZ was green and the elements conducted RIF to the south.
6 May - Operations continued and at ???? - ?? moved by CH47 to Eagle Beach and A Co returned to FSB Lash and secured the firebase. C Co, continued RIF to the south and west, made a point contact with 2-3 enemy. Contact was broken after 7 minutes. Results: 3 US WIA.
7 May - The battalion continued operations and experienced sporadic contact. C Co suffered 1 US KIA and 1 US WIA from enemy sniper fire and trail watchers. A Co had 2 US WIA by enemy trail watchers.
8 May - C Co established contact with 2 enemy snipers resulting in 1 US KIA. At 1200 operation MASSACHUSETTS STRIKER closed and 1-502d Inf became OPCON the 1st Bde 101st Abn Div.
9 May - A CO (-) provided security for FSB Lash and B Co remained OPCON to 3d Bde. At 1233 at YC661615 C Co received fire from an unknown enemy sized force. C Co, 1st and 2d Platoons maneuvered against the enemy force. The enemy broke contact during a heavy thunderstorm. The results were 2 US KIA and 7 US WIA with negative enemy assessment.
10 May - The battalion continued its normal operations. The only contact occurred when the C+C helicopter received small arms fire at YC660615 resulting in 4 US WIA. The area was engaged with artillery and ARA. There were negative enemy results.
11 May - A Company conducted a C/A from FSB Lash to D Co's location at YD645655 and D Co moved to FSB Lash and assumed the mission of providing security for Lash. At 835 hours A Co was hit by friendly artillery during a recon by fire, resulting in 1 US KIA and 1 US WIA.
12 May - The battalion conducted RIF operations with D Co providing security for FSB Lash. At 0935 at YC645615 the point man of C Co, 3d platoon spotted 3-4 VC and opened fire. The results were 1 US WIA and 1 VC KIA. At 1141 at YC647618 C Co 2d platoon received fire from 3-4 VC, resulting in 1 US KIA and 1 US WIA.
13 May- The battalion continued to conduct RIF operations. At YC654626 A Co, 3d platoon found what appeared to be a village. It contained 19 hooches, 2 SKS's some ammunition, 200 lbs of rice, and medical supplies. B Co was released from OPCON 3d Bde.
14 May - The battalion continued to operate normally. At 0951 A Co, 3d plattoon made contact with 1-2 VC at YC655628. The results were 1 US WIA. B Co 3d platoon at YC689651 found 6 bunkers, M-1 carbine, 1 French submachinegun.
15 May - At 0055 hours the 1-502d Inf received a warning order to be prepared to extract all units and combat trains to Camp Eagle and move by air to Tam Ky to become OPCON to the Americal Division. The new mission was to reinforce US forces in the vicinity of Tam Ky. The entire battalion closed Eagle by 2000 hours.
16 May - At 0630 hours the battalion crossed the IP by truck convoy and moved to the Hue Phu Bai Airfield. The battalion moved by C-130 to Tam Ky Airfield. The first lift was airborne at 0945 hours and the battalion closed Tam Ky airfield at 1920 hours. The battalion CP and all units except C Co established positions at Tam Ky and provided security for the airfield. C Co moved by truck convoy from the air field to the 1st Bde FSSE, vic BT290230, and provided security for the Bde forward element. At 2210 hours the battalion came under 60mm attack receiving seven to ten rounds. Results: A Co had 2 US WIA.
17-18 May - The battalion (-) r???? at Tam Ky and conducted local platoon size operations to familiarize the ground units with the weather and terrain while the commanders and staff conducted aerial reconnaissance and liaison with US Units, MACV Advisor detachments, Special Forces, CIDG and RF/PF hqs.
19 May The battalion CP moved by UHIH from Tam Ky to Hau Duc District headquarters. B Co and D Co moved by UHIH and CH47 from Tam Ky to an LZ located vic BT070065. The companies began to RIF to the east, supported by two RF/PF Co's. A Co, Recon and the 1st 81mm mortar platoon conducted a C/A from Tam Ky to vic BT057065. During the initial assault the helicopters received S/A fire from the northeast. ARA , Arty and S/A were employed with negative results. The mortar platoon was later extracted and moved back to Tam Ky. A Co and Recon conducted operations to the east. The battalion detained and evacuated 17 VN for interrogation and relocation.
20-21 May - The battalion continued to move to the east. The units detained and evacuated 22 VN. At 211900 hours 1st platoon, B Co, while moving to a night ambush location vic BT146063, engaged 2 enemy with organic weapons at a range of 20 meters. Results: 2 NVA KIA, 1 IWC.
22 May - A Co accounted for 5 detainees. At vic BT141062 B Co made contact with estimated enemy platoon in bunkers. Results were 1 US KIA, 1 VN WIA, 5 NVA KIA. Recon platoon captured 1 VC POW hiding in a trench vic BT128068 and at BT126065 captured three VC. At 2018 hours vic BT131068, Recon engaged three enemy with S/A, killing 2 NVA.
23 May - On 23 May the battalion continued operations west of FSB Professional BT173077. D Co discovered and destroyed an unoccupied enemy base area containing a quantity of food and clothing. The Recon platoon, operating vic BT125054, detained 48 VN, captured one NVA POW and one VCS; a search of the area revealed 600 pounds of rice. All were evacuated to the 1st Bde at Tam Ky. Interrogation of the NVA POW revealed that he was a member of the 208th NVA Regt.
24 May - Enemy contact was made by the Recon platoon at 0520 hours. The Recon platoon observed moving lights approximately 1800 meters to the north of their NDP. The target, vic BT128065, was engaged with 300 rounds of Arty. A first light check revealed 5 VC KBA. At 0830 hours, vic BT380069, ARA engaged three VC in a small hut and bunker complex, resulting in 3 VC KBA.
25 May - A Co captured one VC POW vic BT118078. The POW was slightly wounded and was carrying an NVA rucksack. In the vic of BT128068 A Co apprehended 18 VN. All detainees and the POW were evacuated to Tam Ky. B Co, located vic BT132068 detained and evacuated four VN. At 1909 hours, vic BT137049, the Recon platoon engaged one enemy moving on a trail from south to north at an estimated range of 100 meters. Results: 1 VC KIA.
26 May - The RF/PF from Hau Duc moved by foot to vic BT069066 and secured an LZ for the insertion of the 81mm Mortar platoon. The mortar platoon was moved by UHIH from the 1st Bde FSSE to the LZ. B Co and D Co conducted an attack on a known enemy location vic BT1408. During the operation B Co accounted for 43 detainees and 3 NVA KIA. The detainees were evacuated to Tam Ky. At 0617 hours, D Co sustained two (2) US WIA as a result of friendly artillery. At 0808 hours D Co vic BR140080 [sic], engaged an estimated 50 enemy concealed positions. The enemy employed S/A, A/W, 60mm mortar and RPG fire D Co engaged with organic weapons, ARA, Arty, and airstrikes. Sporadic contact continued until 1220 hours when enemy withdrew. Results: 10 US WIA, 5 NVA KIA 2 IWC and 27 VN detained.
27 May - The battalion continued to operate to the northwest of FSB Professional. B Co sustained 3 US WIA as a result of friendly fires. D Co apprehended 26 VN detainees and sustained 1 US WIA from a stray S/A round. The Recon platoon accounted for 27 VN detainees. All detainees were evacuated to Tam Ky. The 81 mm mortar platoon was extracted from a PZ vic BT069066 at 1120 hours and returned to the battalion rear at FSSE.
28 May - A Co vic BT127090 observed 25 enemy with rucksacks moving from north to south, proximity 900 meters. The company employed Arty with negative assessment. The Recon platoon apprehended 6 VN; the detainees were evacuated to Tam Ky. At 1300 approximately 100 meters to the north of vic BT119087, Recon platoon observed one NVA crossing a river. Element engaged with S/A, resulting in 1 NVA KIA and 1 IWC.
29 May - Recon platoon accounted for 10 VN detainees. The battalion had no enemy contact.
30 May - C Co moved by UH1H from FSSE to an LZ secured by D Co vic BT134101. D Co moved from the LZ to FSSE to assume the security mission of the 1st Bde FSSE. C Co conducted RIF to the northeast. Recon platoon detained and evacuated 3 VN. At 0913 hours, vic BT134092 Recon engaged 1 enemy with S/A at a range of 250 meters, resulting in 1 captured rucksack. At 0917 hours the 81mm mortar platoon moved by UHIH from FSSE to an LZ secured by B Co, vic BT141095. The mortar platoon provided indirect fire support for the ground units.
31May - No enemy contact was encountered and at 1323 hours the 81mm mortar platoon and Recon platoon were extracted by UHIH to the FSSE.
1 Jun - The Battalion security platoon moved by CH-47 from the FSSE to Hau Duc headquarters to assist in providing security. A, B, and C Co's conducted a C/A vic BT165005, and then conducted a reconnaissance in force operation along 3 axes to the east. D Co and Recon platoon remained at the FSSE. The battalion(-) discovered and destroyed several huts and bunker complexes but no enemy activity was encountered.
2 Jun - The battalion continued to RIF to the east. A Co, vic BT18009, engaged an estimated 5 enemy with organic weapons. Results: 1 VC KIA, a quantity of medical supplies captured. B Co vic BS183996 captured 1 NVA POW and 1 IWC. The POW stated that he was from the 16th Co, 31st Regt, 2d NVA Division. C Co discovered 2 fresh graves vic BT181001 containing 2 VC KBA.
3 Jun - A Co continued to RIF to the east discovering and destroying several huts. At 1816 hours, 1st platoon, A Co moving to an ambush site, vic BT210029 detonated an unknown type boobytrap. Results: 2 US WIA. B Co encountered no enemy activity. Recon platoon conducted a combat assault from FSSE to vic BT208032. The move was complete at 1001 hours. The battalion security platoon moved by CH47 from Hau Duc to FSSE. The lift was completed at 1155 hours.
4-5 Jun - The battalion encountered no enemy activity.
6 Jun -The battalion TAC CP displaced from Hau Duc to FSB Professional. A Co vic BT223050 engaged 2 enemy with organic weapons. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 1 NVA POW. A Co also apprehended 4 detainees in the same general area. B Co moved from PZ vic BT223006 to FSSE and assumed security mission. C Co discovered a small food cache vic BT234048 containing 1300 lbs of rice in 90 lb sacks. D Co conducted a C/A from FSSE to LZ vic BT259049 and then conducted a RIF to the north. At 1550 hours vic BT259069 D Co engaged 2 enemy moving to the north at a range of 200 meters. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 1 rucksack captured. Recon platoon apprehended 18 VN vic BT213047.
7 Jun - The battalion continued normal operations. D Co detained 7 VN. D Co vic BT263075 engaged 2 enemy with negative assessment.
8 Jun - At 1030 hours vic BT263074 D Co received ineffective sniper fire. At 1230 hours 3d platoon, D Co observed 6 enemy moving at range of 500 meters. Engaged with M60 and ARA with negative results. Recon platoon conducted surveillance on a village vic BT272075. 1 squad captured 1 VCS and 2 VN.
9 Jun - B Co was moved by CH-47 from FSSE to FSB Professional with the mission of securing the Artillery. C Co vic BT222085 apprehended 28 VN. D Co conducting a search of a tunnel vic BT273070, tossed frag grenades into the tunnel. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 1 IWC, a quantity of food, clothing and equipment was captured. The recon platoon engaged 3 enemy with S/A fire at a range of 150 meters. The enemy fled to the east with negative assessment. In the vic of BT271075 Recon accounted for 7 detainees.
10 Jun - A Co detained and evacuated 25 VN. B Co, OPCON to the 1-46 Inf at FSB Professional, came under recoilless rifle fire at 1851 hours. Arty, ARA and mortars were employed against the enemy. Results: 7 US WIA. Recon platoon killed 3 VC vic BT272071. At 1545 hours Recon platoon was extracted by UHIH from a PZ vic BT226075 to FSSE.
11 Jun - A co was extracted by UHIH from a PZ vic BT213007 to FSSE for a standdown. C Co vic BT226087 detained and evacuated 30 VN to Tam Ky. At 1545 hours, vic BT225092, C Co engaged an estimated 3 enemy with negative assessment.
12 Jun - B Co conducted a RIF to the east and vic BT206080 apprehended 13 VN. Vic BT211069, B Co sustained 2 US WIA from an unknown type booby trap. Thebattalion security platoon and 1st 81mm mortar platoon were moved by CH47 from FSSE to Hau Duc District Headquarters to establish and secure a sitefor a firebase and the battalion TAC CP.
13 Jun - A Co killed k [sic,l] NVA, captured 1 NVA and 10 detainees, and found a rice cache, documents and 1 IW which were evacuated. D Co evacuated 10 detainees and B Co uncovered a large medical cache and bunker complex vic BT153003 at 1730 hours.
14 Jun - A Co evacuated 13 detainees. 2d platoon B Co vic BT143005 made contact with 10-15 NVA, resulting in 1 NVA KIA and numerous blood trails. 1st platoon A Co discovered a bunker complex containing 2 IW and numerous documents and papers. The bunkers were destroyed.
15 Jun - D Co accounted for 21 detainees. B Co uncovered a large ammo cache Vic BT128033, 3d platoon, D Co detained 12 VN and at 1835 hours was engaged with S/A by an unknown size enemy force. Enemy was engaged with organic weapons, Arty and ARA resulting in 2 VC KIA and 2 IWC.
16 Jun - 1st platoon, D Co pointman was wounded by AK-47 fire proximity 15 to 30 meters. A Co continued to RIF east and at vic BT121004 discovered a bunker complex and engaged an estimated five (5) NVA with organic weapons resulting in 1 NVA KIA, 1 IWC and assorted documents. AT 1935 hours, 3d platoon, B Co engaged 2 NVA with S/A resulting in 1 NVA KIA.
17 Jun - The battalion conducted normal operations with no enemy contact.
18 Jun - A Co RIF vic BT118003 and secured a 5 ship PZ. B Co RIF south. C Co engaged 5 NVA with organic weapons resulting in 1 US WIA. Vic BT173028 3d platoon, B Co engaged 2 VC in the open. Results: 1 VC KIA, 1 IWC and a quantity of documents captured. Recon platoon remained at FSSE at battalion reserve.
19 Jun A Co made a C/A from PZ BT127998 to LZ BT069018 to attack objective at BT064014. B Co had C/A from PZ BS131993 to LZ BT052007 to attack objective vic BT059016. C Co was extracted from the field and returned to FSSE for standdown. D Co RIF east at vic BT185025 found a small cache of radio parts. Recon platoon moved by CH47 from FSSE to Hau Duc and then made a C/A vic BT067006.
20 Jun - A, B, D Co and Recon platoon continued RIF and C Co remained at FSSE.
21 Jun - While conducting RIF to the east, Recon platoon engaged 2 NVA moving on a trail vic BT085019. Results: 1 IWC. Vic BT042018, A Co pointman engaged 5 NVA 50 meters to his front. Results: 1 NVA KIA. A Co also accounted for 3 detainees vic BT039019.
22 Jun - A Co discovered a bunker complex vic BT048003 and detained 36 VN. B Co found and destroyed 30 82mm mortar rounds vic BT054019. D Co found a dud 500 lb bomb vic BS086997. Bomb was destroyed by EOD team. D Co found a hospital complex vic BT087003. It consisted of 10 huts, 10 sleeping positions, 2 kitchen areas and 10 graves. Structures and bunkers were later destroyed by fire and artillery.
23 Jun - A Co received automatic weapons fire from 6 to 8 individuals vic BS031987 with negative friendly casualties. C Co uncovered a two-day-old grave vic BT152007 containing 1 NVA KIA by S/A. Recon platoon accounted for 33 detainees all of whom were evacuated to Hau Duc. D Co extracted from PZ BT080017 to FSSE for standdown.
24 Jun - A and B companies and Recon platoon continued RIF. A Co vic BS020977 received S/A fire resulting in negative friendly casualties. Element maneuvered with negative contact.
25 Jun - A Co engaged an undetermined number of enemy vic BS017970 with negative results. B Co captured 1 ?? vic BS047976 and vic BS041968 captured 1 VC C Co accounted for 20 detainees vic BT139008, who stated that 11 VC armed with AK-47's and carbines were operating in the area. The mortar platoon joined A Co at old Hau Duc to provide close indirect fire support.
26 Jun - A Co, vic BS002973 received sporadic S/A fire from 4 enemy and engaged them with negative assessment. Results: 1 scout dog KIA. Recon platoon accounted for 7 detainees vic BT086020. One of the detainees gave names of 3 VC in the area.
27 Jun - A Co conducted RIF to west vic BS982952. B Co received fire from a hut adjacent to a trail vic BS040961 and returned the fire. Results: 1 NVA KIA. C Co made a C/A from PZ BT118025 to LZ AS936983 and conducted RIF to the west. At 1145 hours C Co found a dispensary complex vic AS928983 containing medical supplies, rice caches and documents. At 0815 hours D Co was moved by CH-47 to Hau Duc and then made a C/A to LZ AS956951. D Co found grave vic BS953953 containing 1 VC KIA.
28 Jun - C Co and D Co conducted assessment of B-52 bomb strike damage vic AS925975. D Co discovered 17 bicycles, 2 boxes containing a total of 6 AK-47's and 6 82mm mortar rounds. Vic AS934956 D Co was engaged by undetermined size enemy force. Results: 1 US WIA, 1 VN Scout KIA. Recon platoon engaged an undetermined number of NVA with result of 1 NVA KIA.
29 Jun - Vic BS025969 B Co engaged and killed 1 NVA. D Co made contact with a NVA platoon in bunkers vic AS926955 and employed Arty, ARA, tactical air support and organic weapons. Results: 5 NVA KIA, 2 IWC, 2 US KIA, 7 US WIA.
30 Jun - A Co was extracted to Chu Lai Beach for standdown. B Co continued security of Arty at old Hau Duc and secured PZ for A Co. C Co RIF to east along stream bed and vic AS981160 received small arms fire resulting in 1 US KIA and 1 US WIA. D Co engaged 2 NVA in stream vic AS931966 resulting in 1 NVA KIA. At 1930 hours Recon platoon discovered a hut on a main trail vic AS934953 containing 37 122mm rockets and heard voices further down the trail indicating a large enemy force. Because of the time, Recon set up an ambush 200 meters east to await first light for detailed search.
1 Jul - While on a RIF to the west, C Co engaged 1 NVA resulting in 1 NVA officer POW, 2 IWC. POW indicated that he desired to surrender because "American Forces are everywhere." At 1810 hours vic BS975971 C Co discovered an ammunition cache containing 200 82mm mortar rounds and 78 B40 rockets. Vic AS934955 Recon platoon found a cache containing 111 IW, 33 CSW, and 3 tons of ammunition.
2 Jul - A Co continued with FSSE security mission and B Co continued with Arty security at old Hau Duc. While searching vic AS976971 C Co found an ammunition cache with indications that water buffalo were the means of transportation. D Co RIF to the west and assisted Recon platoon in maintaining security and evacuation of all weapons and samples from the ammunition cache.
3 Jul - C Co was engaged by one enemy sniper vic AS979968 resulting in 1 US WIA. C Co engaged 2 NVA vic AS993961 resulting in 1 NVA KIA, 2 IWC. D Co engaged 2 snipers vic AS947954 resulting in 1 US WIA.
4 Jul - A Co extracted from FSSE to LZ secured by 1st platoon, C Co at BS03?9?? and then RIF to south along river. B Co and Recon platoon extracted by CH47 to Chu Lai Beach for standdown. C Co relieved B Co of Arty security at old Hau Duc.
5 Jul - A Co located an enemy POW camp vic BS029954 reported by a Chieu Hoi on 4 July. The camp had been abandoned for twelve hours. 2d platoon, A Co engaged 3 VC vic BS029950 resulting in 1 VC POW, 1 IWC. C Co engaged 5 NVA vic BS035980 at 1017 hours with negative assessment.
6 Jul - A Co encountered 1 VC moving on trail vic BS038948 resulting in 1 VC KIA, 1 IWC. Documents indicated he was an officer with the 430th Regiment. A Co accounted for 1 VC KIA vic BS041963. Recon platoon and B Co extracted from Chu Lai Beach to FSSE for security mission.
7 Jul - A Co RIF to west. B Co and recon platoon remained at FSSE. C Co continued Arty security at old Hau Duc. D Co RIF to east.
8 Jul - While conducting RIF to the north, A Co encountered an ambush of a company size enemy force vic BT044000. Enemy employed S/A and RPG resulting in 3 US KIA, 5 US WIA. The lead element was separated resulting in thirteen MIA. Contact was broken at 1949 hours. B Co made a C/A from FSSE to BT047008. D Co continued Arty security at old Hau Duc, and 3d platoon RIF to vic BS031988 to secure medevac PZ for A Co.
9 Jul - Four of A Co's MIA were found unharmed, 6 KIA and 2 WIA. A Co and B Co continued to search the area. Results: 6 NVA KIA by S/A, 4 IWC, 1 CSWC. D Co continued security at old Hau Duc.
10 Jul - A Co found 1 MIA KIA from 8 July vic BS042999. B Co employed organic weapons, Arty, and ARA against an unknown size enemy element vic BT049003 with negative assessment. 1st Platoon B Co accounted for 1 NVA POW vic BT049003. D Co made contact with an enemy element which employed S/A, grenades and 60mm mortar resulting in 1 US KIA, 5 US WIA.
11 Jul - A Co RIF west and found 1 NVA KIA and 1 rocket launcher vic BS042994. B Co RIF same general area and D Co RIF west accounting for 10 detainees vic BT042002.
12 Jul - A Co, B Co and C Co continued to RIF with no significant action.
13 Jul - A Co maintained blocking positions and conducted local patrols vic BT066011. B Co conducted local patrols from a base vic BT056021. C Co made a C/A from FSSE to LZ BT088023 and RIF west. D Co maintained a patrol base vic BT051014. Recon platoon made a C/A from FSSE to LZ BT088023 and RIF to west. At 2052 hours Recon observed 5 to 10 enemy approaching NDP and engaged the enemy with S/A and grenades. Negative assessment.
14 Jul - A Co maintained a blocking position vic BT066011. B Co maintained a blocking position BT062021. C Co maintained a blocking position vic BT054017. D Co was extracted from the field to FSSE for standdown. Recon platoon RIF to east and vic BT077021 engaged 2 VC resulting in 2 VC KIA.
15 Jul - A Co RIF to the northeast and engaged 1 NVA with small arms fire. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 1 AK-47, 1 rucksack with 1 set of khakies and 1 NVA poncho and 1 canteen captures. At 1705, vic BT81014, A Co found 7 detainees, 3 women and 4 children. Detainees stated that 3 VC fled south. A Co employed Arty with negative assessment. NDP established at this location. B Co RIF east vic BT071020 and established a NDP. D Co remained at FSSE. Recon platoon RIF west to vic BT071020 and established NDP with B Co. C Co RIF east to vic BT071020 and established NDP.
16 Jul - A Co RIF to the east, established a patrol base vic BT082014, conducted local patrols, then moved to vic BT081014 and established NDP. Prior to moving to ambush position, the 2d platoon engaged three 93) NVA with S/A fire. Results: 1 NVA KIA and medical supplies, documents, rucksacks and a map captured. B Co extracted from PZ vic BT074018 at 0900 hours to FSB Professional, OPCON to 1-46 Inf. C Co RIF to vic BT056053 and established NDP. D Co conducted training and standdown FSSE. Recon platoon RIFvic BT071014 and established NDP with A Co.
17 Jul - A Co was extracted from PZ BT080016 to FSSE for training and security. B Co OPCON 1-46, FSB Professional. C Co extracted at 0815 hoursfrom PZ new Hau Duc BT073063 to FSB Hustler vic BT298030 OPCON 1-501 Inf. D Co was extracted from FSSE at 1003 hours to Chu Lai Beach for standdown. Recon platoon extracted from PZ vic BT080016 with A Co to FSSE for training and security.
18 Jul - The battalion began a rotation of companies from OPCON to the FSSE, FSSE to Chu Lai Beach and from Chu Lai to being OPCON. The company located at FSSE received training in subjects ranging from the use of ARA to proper field sanitation. One company conducted a standdown at Chu Lai Beach with the other2 companies OPCON, one to 1-501 and one to 1-46. A Co was located at FSSE for training and security. B Co OPCON to 1-46 Inf, FSB Professional. C Co OPCON 1-501 Inf, FSB Hustler. D Co standdown Chu Lai Beach. Recon platoon conducted training and security of FSSE.
19-21 Jul - The battalion continued to rotate the companies with no enemy contact.
22 Jul - The battalion received FRAGO 9-69 to OPORD 4-69 (LAMAR PLAINS) effective 231200H Jul 69. The mission was to conduct C/A with minimum of 2 companies vic Hill 376 (BT206128) on 24 July, then RIF area vic Hill 376 and Hill 270 maintaining 1 company on thirty minute alert to reinforce. The company OPCON to 1-501 was returned effective 231200H Jul. The battalion began closing out the CP at Hau Duc to relocate at FSSE Tam Ky, NLT 231800H Jul 69. The company locations remained the same.
23 Jul - The TOC at Tam Ky became operational. D Co extracted from FSB Hustler to FSB Professional, OPCON 1-46. C Co was extracted from FSB Professional to the FSSE at Tam Ky. Status of companies A and B plus the Recon platoon remained the same. A battalion frag order for the C/A 240930H July was issued to commanding officers company A, B, and C. A Co and B Co would C/A 240930H July and C Co would remain on 30 minute alert to reinforce. A Battalion commo relay station located at FSB Professional became operational.
24 Jul - At 0930 hours A Co followed by B Co C/A Hill 376 vic BT205125. LZ was green. Maintaining physical contact, A Co RIF SE vic 206120 and B Co RIF to the south. C Co was on 30 minute standby. During RIF operations numerous bunkers, tunnels, fighting positions and trenches were discovered. B Co uncovered 5 graves containing NVA bodies and engaged 3 VC killing 2 (both female). Bunkers, tunnels, fighting positions and trenches were destroyed and all confiscated goods were extracted.
25 Jul - A Co RIF to vic BT197114, uncovered 2 graves, both containing male bodies dressed in VC attire, dead approximately 2 weeks. Cause of death was determined to be from Air Strike ordnance. B Co established a patrol base vic BT203118 and conducted platoon size patrols to the southeast.
26 Jul - C Co extracted from FSSE to Chu Lai Beach. A Co discovered a bunker complex large enough to house a battalion and well dug in. Engineers were requested to destroy this complex. B Co RIF north vic BT202123. During operations B Co uncovered 1 VC grave and three NVA graves, all containing recently killed bodies, 3 to 4 days old. Cause of death was determined to be artillery fire. Log bird supplying B Co received fire from vic BT202124. Results: 1 US WIA, 1 Scout Dog KIA. B Co engaged 1 VC male vic BT207109 with S/A. Results: 1 VC KIA.
27 Jul - Recon platoon C/A vic BT205125, OPCON to A Co. LZ was green. Engineer squad was inserted to end extracted from A Co position. Results: All bunkers destroyed. B Co RIF SE and established a NDP vic BT212121. C Co remained at Chu Lai Beach and D Co remained OPCON to 1-46 Inf.
28 Jul - A Co conducted search operations vic BT197116, apprehended 2 female detainees: negative results. B Co uncovered and destroyed a larger bunker complex. Accidental discharge of a shotgun resulted in 1 US soldier medevac. Results: DOA. Recon RIF NE to vic BT207127.
29 Jul - Recon discovered 2 graves approximately 6 months old; only bones remained. Recon found hut and bunker complex with 200 lbs unpolished rice inside. Results: Rice and complex destroyed. A Co RIF to NE and B Co RIF to E.
30 Jul - C Co C/A into battalion AO at 0930 hours vic BT205125, moved to the FSSE at Tam Ky. Both the C Co LZ and the B Co PZ were green. Recon platoon engaged 1 VC with S/A; negative results. Recon spotted 10 individuals with rucksacks vic BT215125 and engaged them with S/A, Arty and ARA. Results: 1 NVA KIA. C Co spotted 3 individuals along a dike and employed artillery with negative results.
31 Jul - B Co moved to Chu Lai Beach for a company standdown. C Co apprehended 2 detainees, 1 male and 1 female, found in hut. Recon apprehended 3 detainees, 1 male age 29 and 2 boys ages 5 and 10 along with 1500 lbs of rock salt. Results: 5 detainees, 1 a confirmed VC. All huts and rock salt destroyed.
1 Aug - C Co had a total of 27 detainees, all extracted to Bde, and destroyed a number of bunkers and items found in the bunkers. Recon engaged a number of bunkers and a VC was attacked by a scout dog. Results: 1 scout dog WIA. Recon also engaged a VC trying to flee. Results: 1 VC KIA. A Co RIF vic BT209134, B Co remained on standown, and D Co remained OPCON 1-46 Inf, FSB Professional. The battalion received FRAGO 10-69 to OPORD 4-69 (LAMAR PLAINS) effective 020600H Aug. This began Phase V. The mission was to C/A, secure and prepare FSB Boxer vic BS311197 on D Day. On D+1, C/A 2 companies vic BS0495 and RIF to east in zone, and C/A 2 companies to establish blocking positions vic BS1492.
2 Aug - D Co was returned to Battalion control and A Co 1-501 Inf was OPCON to 1-502 for security of FSB Boxer. The building of FSB Boxer began under the supervision of the Bn XO. The Battalion TOC was displaced from Tam Ky to FSB Boxer and became operational at 2005 hours. A Co remained on standdown and D Co on FSB Professional. At 1500 hours the Bn Commander issued the operations order. On D+1 all 4 companies would stage at New Hau Duc and C/A from there into the Battalion OZ. Companies B and D were to establish blocking positions and companies A and C were to RIF to the east. Recon was to move to FSB Boxer by CH47 and provide security.
3 Aug - All companies staged at New Hau Duc and then conducted C/A's into Battalion OZ. B Co engaged 1 NVA with S/A resulting in 1 NVA KIA. B Co also engaged 3 NVA with A/W with negative results because of weapons malfunction. A Co found an enemy cache of batteries, rucksacks, and assorted medical supplies. All were extracted. Recon closed FSB Boxer 1320 hours. A Co 1-501 Inf provided security at FSB Boxer.
4 Aug - At 0915 hours B Co engaged 1 NVA. Results: 1 NVA KIA. NVA was freshly equipped with 1 AK-47, ammo and clothes. Weapon and ammo were extracted. D Co, enroute to position, discovered and destroyed 2 huts, 20 bushels of corn and 5 lbs of tobacco. At 1800 hours A Co spotted 10 NVA moving E to W with Chicom MG. They employed artillery with negative results. D Co picked up NVA transmissions on their internal and monitored them for the rest of the day. Content of messages concerned movement of NVA elements and equipment, but no direction or locations were given. Recon conducted patrols around FSB Boxer.
5 Aug - Recon discovered and destroyed 2 huts and a bunker-tunnel complex vic BS118970. B Co engaged 1 NVA vic BS092920. Results 1 NVA KIA. Vic BS085934 A Co found a small base camp consisting of 11 huts with bunkers, a mess hall and classrooms. 2d platoon A Co vic BS084933 found 13 huts also consisting of a classroom, a mess hall and several more huts under construction.
6 Aug - Vic BS090922 B Co engaged 1 NVA resulting in 1 NVA KIA. Vic BS107979 Recon element discovered a NVA hospital with 12 beds and capable of accommodating 50 people. A Co found and destroyed 5 bunkers vic BS091929. At the same time the 1st platoon engaged 1 NVA vic BS0729?1 with S/A, killing him. At 1700 hours C Co engaged 1 NVA vic BS072941 with negative assessment. Vic BS093952 C Co discovered 2 huts and 2 bunkers with 100 lbs rice, 50 lbs corn, and a list of 27 names of VC. The list was extracted and everything else destroyed.
7 Aug - A Co vic BS095950 killed 2 NVA. 1 AK-47, personal belongings and documents were extracted. All other companies conducted daytime patrols and ambushes with negative results.
8 Aug - B Co 1-501 entered the battalion OZ and became OPCON. C Co engaged and killed 2 NVA vic BS12394? at 1?45 hours B Co 1-501 drew heavy S/A fire vic BS126968. ARA was employed with negative assessment. B Co found a large hospital complex and a large quantity of medical supplies vic BS011924. All medical items were extracted and Arty and airstrikes were employed on 9 Aug with negative assessment.
9 Aug - Vic BS120971 B Co 1-501 discovered 64 bunkers and 72 fighting positions plus numerous articles. Articles were extracted and Arty and A/S were employed on 10 Aug with negative assessment. Vic BS116981 Recon discovered and destroyed 8 huts with bunkers, 5 log tables, 2 pigs, and 4 fire places. A Co found 7 bunkers and several documents vic BS106947. Results: Bunkers destroyed and documents extracted. The Battalion was notified to return to Tam Ky on 11 Aug and prepare to return to LZ Sally on 14 Aug.
10 Aug - B Co 1-501 returned to control of 1-501. A Co 1-501 also returned to control of 1-501. Vic BS105939 and BS107947 B Co discovered a number of huts and bunkers, many of which were only partially completed, and various documents. Vic BS106947 A Co found 1 NVA grave containing 1 NVA with green fatigues, dead approximately 2 weeks. Bunkers were destroyed and documents extracted.
11 Aug - A and B Co's were extracted from Battalion OZ to FSB Professional, OPCON 1-46 Inf. D Co was extracted from Battalion OZ to Tam Ky. The battalion TOC was extracted and closed Tam Ky. C Co was then extracted from FSB Boxer and returned to Tam Ky.
12 Aug - C Co, D Co and Recon and Battalion Headquarters remained at Tam Ky. A Co and B Co remained OPCON 1-46.
13 Aug - A Co and B Co returned to the control of 1-502d Inf. The entire battalion remained at Tam Ky preparing to move to LZ Sally.
14 Aug - At 0800 Camp Pereira was closed and at 0900 hours the first elements of 1-502d Inf departed Tam Ky airfield by C-130 for Camp Evans. The trail party closed LZ Sally at 1840 hours. The battalion returned to OPCON of the 2d Bde upon arrival at Camp Evans.
15 Aug - The battalion conducted refresher training at LZ Sally in preparation for operation CLAIBORNE CHUTE. B Co 1/501 Inf was OPCON to 1-502d Inf to provide security at Eagle Beach.
26 Aug - D Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to YD555148. The company then conducted a RIF to YD552137. B Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to FSB Rakkasan, later joined by the battalion CP. C Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to YD521118. The company conducted RIF operations with negative results. D Co conducted a C/A from LZ Sally to YD488245 and then conducted RIF operations.
27 Aug - A Co conducted a RIF to YD555164 with negative results. B Co continued to provide security at FSB Rakkasan with 2 squad size ambush patrols at YD486196. C Co conducted a RIF to YD486196. C Co conducted a RIF to YD539121 with negative results. D Co conducted a RIF to the SW with negative results. Recon platoon conducted a C/A from Sally to YD561175 and then conducted a RIF west to YD553177 with negative results.
28 Aug - A Co conducted a C/A from a PZ at YD557167 to YD460217. The company then conducted local patrols with negative results. B Co continued to provide security for FSB Rakkasan. C Co conducted local patrols and round 2 81mm rounds at YD455221. D Co conducted local patrols to YD485285 with negative results. Recon platoon conducted search operations vic YD582177 for drowning victim from A Co with negative results.
29 Aug - The battalion CP was moved from FSB Rakkasan to FSB O'Reilly. A Co conducted a C/A from YD459218 to YD884256 and then conducted a RIF to YD384244 with negative results. B Co (-) conducted a C/A from FSB Rakkasan to YD385283. The 2d platoon conducted a C/A from FSB Rakkasan to FSB O'Reilly to YD385283. C Co conducted a C/A from YD539121 to YD393265, and then conducted a RIF to YD390270 with negative results. D Co conducted C/A from YD484296 to YD402232 and conducted a RIF to YD402236. Recon platoon found the drowning victim they were searching for and then conducted a C/A to FSB O'Reilly to provide security.
30 Aug - At YD395236 A Co found 5 bunkers that showed no signs of recent use. B Co conducted local patrols with negative results. C Co also conducted local patrols with negative results. At 1815 hours D Co spotted 1 NVA moving east to west and engaged with sniper fie. Results: 1 NVA KIA, 1 AK47, 3 loaded AK47 magazines. Recon platoon provided security for the CP at FSB O'Reilly.
31 Aug - A Co established a patrol base at YD383244 and conducted local patrolls to YD380244 with negative results. Vic YD361277 1st platoon B Co spotted 2 NVA at 1730 hours crossing the river. Enemy were engaged with negative results. C Co conducted local patrols with negative results. D Co at YD407254 found an old bunker that appeared to have been slept in by individuals recently. Recon platoon continued to provide security at FSB O'Reilly for the Battalion CP.
1 Sep - A,B,C and D companies conducted local patrols and constructed PZ's for a battalion extraction. The battalion was to move to FSB Birmingham on 2 Sep.
2 Sep - Due to the proximity of typhoon Doris all elements remained in their night locations.
3 Sep - The battalion moved to FSB Birmingham and assumed the AO from 2-501. A Co conducted a C/A from FSB Birmingham to YD803057. B Co conducted a C/A from FSB Birmingham to YD764084. C Co (-) moved to FSB Arsenal. The 2d platoon moved to Pohl Bridge and the 1st platoon moved to FSB Arrow. D Co moved to FSB Birmingham.
4 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP and RIF operations. 1st platoon found 8 60mm mortar fuses and a firing position for a mortar. B Co conducted SRRP and RIF operations to YD763074 with negative results. C Co continued to provide security for Pohl Bridge and FSB Arsenal, and closing operations at FSB Arrow. D Co continued to secure FSB Birmingham. Recon platoon moved to FSB Birmingham. C Co, 3/5 Cavalry escorted a convoy between FSB Birmingham to FSB Blaze and also occupied security positions along QL547.
5 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP and RIF operations to YD760083 with negative results. B Co conducted SRRP and RIF operations to YD763084. C Co continued to provide security at FSB Arsenal, FSB Arrow, and Pohl Bridge. D Co continued to provide security for FSB Birmingham. Recon platoon conducted a SRRP to YD606073 with negative results.
6 Sep - A Co conducted a SRRP to YD752078. B Co conducted SRRP's to YD777045. C Co and D Co continued with their security missions. Recon platoon conducted a SRRP to YD605078.
7 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP to YD740074. At YD757074 they found numerous cross trails along the river that had been used in the last 48 hours. C Co conducted a C/A to YD790122 and YD794105 to establish blocking positions in conjunction with Nam Hoa District forces. D Co conducted a C/A to YD800092 and YD820118 to establish blocking positions in conjunction with Nam Hoa District. Recon platoon established a patrol base at YD606076 with negative re-sults.
8 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP and RIF operations with negative results. B Co conducted SRRP's to YD797061 and YD777055. 1 NVA was spotted with negative results. C Co and D Co continued with their security missions. C 3/5 escorted 2 convoys with negative incidents.
9 Sep - The battalion continued its normal operations with negative incidents.
10 Sep - A Co was extracted from a PZ at YD755074 to FSB Birmingham and assumed security. B Co conducted SRRP and RIF operations with negative results. C Co continued with its security mission at FSB Arsenal, FSB Arrow and Pohl Bridge. D Co remained at FSB Birmingham. Recon platoon moved to FSB Birmingham and conducted a C/A from Birmingham to YD784163. 1st platoon C 2/34 Armor became OPCON 1-502d for road security on QL547. HHC, 2d Bde security platoon became OPCON 1-502d for use during joint cordon operations on 11 Sep. 11 Sep - A Co conducted an air move from FSB Birmingham to YD769191 and established squad size blocking positions in conjunction with negative findings. C Co continued its security missions. D Co conducted an air move from FSB Birmingham to YD790188. D Co with HHC 2d Bde security platoon occupied squad size blocking positions.
12 Sep - A Co was returned to FSB Birmingham for security. B Co continued to conduct patrols with negative findings. D Co continued to occupy squad size blocking positions and then moved to FSB Birmingham. Later D Co conducted a C/A to YD759102. Recon platoon conducted a C/A to YD769102. C 3/5 cavalry and 1st platoon 2/34 Armor occupied 4 security positions and escorted 1 convoy. HHC, 2d Bde security platoon was released from OPCON 1-502d Inf.
13 Sep - A Co continued to secure FSB Birmingham. B Co conducted an extraction and went to FSB Arsenal, FSB Arrow, and Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted an air move from FSB Arsenal, FSB Arrow and Pohl Bridge to YD807034. D Co conducted RIF operations to YD767078 with negative results. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations to YD775107.
14 Sep - A Co continued to provide security for FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted a C/A from YD794056 and YD810048 to YD783117. B Co conducted RIF and SRRP's in a show of force vicinity the 3 resettlement hamlets in Nam Hoa District. D Co conducted RIF and SRRP to YD775086 and YD773087 with negative results. Recon platoon conducted a C/A from YD786094 to YD794063.
15 Sep - A Co continued to secure FSB Birmingham. B Co continued security of FSB Arsenal, FSB Arrow and Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted RIF operations in vic YD773083. Recon platoon conducted sensor installation vic YD791049.
16 Sep - A Co continued its security mission. 1st platoon of B Co was extracted from FSB Arrow to FSB Arsenal. FSB Arrow was closed out today. C Co conducted MAP's and security of resettlement hamlets in Nam Hoa District. Recon platoon conducted SRRP's, RIF operations and MAP's to YD796057. D Co conducted SRRP's and RIF operations vic YD755075 with negative results.
17 Sep - A Co continued the security of FSB Birmingham along with RIF operations in that vicinity. B Co continued to provide security for FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted RIF operations to the west and southwest to YD750110 and YD756109. C Co worked in conjunction with Nam Hoa District's 177 RF Co. D Co conducted a RIF to YD767076. Recon platoon conducted patrols in the general area of YD790056.
18 Sep - A Co acted on information received from a Chieu Hoi on his former unit's location. ARA and artillery were employed into the area vic YD772055. The results were 2 NVA KBAA, 1 AK47, 1 RPG launcher and 3 RPG rounds captured. The rest of the battalion conducted normal operations with negativecontact.
19 Sep - 1st and 3d platoons of A Co conducted RIF operations in the general vic of YD778068 and YD769004 and they conducted a RIF to YD767076. 1 Chieu Hoi turned himself into the 3d platoon with 1 AK47. At YD766074 1st platoon found what was believed to be a mass grave. B Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted RIF operations with the 177 RF company, Nam Hoa District. D Co conducted RIF, SRRP, and MAP operations vic YD765075. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations.
20 Sep - The battalion continued its normal operations with negative contact. Recon platoon was extracted to FSB Birmingham and then moved to LZ Sally for a 1 day standdown. C Troop 3/5 Cavalry and 3d platoon C 2/34 Armor conducted 1 road operation and established 5 security positions along QL547. A/3/5 Cavalry assumed C Troop mission.
21 Sep - A Co and B Co continued with their security missions. C Co continued working with the 177th RF company. D Co conducted a RIF to YD760076 and YD766073. C Troop 3/5 Cavalry released OPCON 1/502d Inf.
22 Sep - A Co and B Co continued their missions. C Co conducted RIF operations to YD753113 and YD777107. D Co provided security at grave site vic YD766074 for extraction of remains by Nam Hoa District personnel. Recon platoon was trucked from LZ Sally to FSB Birmingham, and then conducted a C/A to YD725089. B Co 2/501 established security at FSB Bastogne and became OPCON 1/502d.
23 Sep - A Co continued to provide security at FSB Birmingham. B Co provided security at Pohl Bridge and FSB Arsenal. C Co conducted RIF operations with negative results. D Co assisted Nam Hoa District with security of the grave area. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations with negative results.
24 Sep - A Co moved by air from FSB Birmingham to locations at YD765114, YD753118, and YD778102. Platoon patrol bases were established and SRRP's conducted with negative results. C Co moved by air to FSB Birmingham and provided security at that location. D Co conducted MAP's in the area of YD7607. Recon platoon conducted a RIF to YD734074 with negative results.
25 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP and MAP's during daylight hours and occupied squad size ambush locations. B Co conducted an air move from FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge to YD764083. C Co remained at FSB Birmingham. D Co made an air move from YD763083 to FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with 1 platoon going to Eagle Beach for a 3 day standdown. Recon platoon conducted a RIF to YD740066 and established night ambushes in the area.
26 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP, MAP's and RIF operations in the area of YD753114, YD773117 and YD777100 with negative results. B Co conducted SRRP's and MAP's vic YD754073, YD789079 and YD760070. C Co provided security at FSB Birmingham. D Co maintained security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. Recon platoon constructed an LZ at YD738067.
27 Sep - A Co continued to conduct MAP's and SRRP's. 2d platoon was moved to Eagle Beach for a 3 day standdown. B Co conducted SRRP's, MAP's and RIF operations in the area of YD753064. Recon platoon conducted a C/A from YD740065 to YD807034 and conducted SRRP's and MAP's in the area of the LZ with negative results. A Troop 3/5 cavalry and 3d platoon C 2/34 Armor occupied 6 security positions along QL547 and provided security for convoys between FSB Birmingham and FSB Blaze.
28 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP's and MAP's in the area of YD752108. B Co conducted SRRP's, MAP's and RIF operations with negative results. C Co provided security at FSB Birmingham and D Co provided security for FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. Recon platoon conducted LZ construction, SRRP's and MAP's vic YD789029 and YD799023.
29 Sep - A Co conducted SRRP, MAP's and RIF operations with negative results. B Co also conducted SRRP, MAP's and RIF operations with negative results. C Co provided security at FSB Birmingham. D Co secured FSB Arsenal with the 1st platoon at Pohl Bridge. At 1610 hours the 3d platoon RIF to YD808066 with negative results. Recon platoon conducted RIF operations to YD797026 with negative results.
30 Sep - A Co, B Co and Recon platoon all conducted SRRP, MAP's and RIF operations with negative results. C Co remained at FSB Birmingham to provide security. D Co provided security at FSB Arsenal with the 1st platoon at Pohl Bridge and 3d platoon RIF to YD805067 with negative results.
1 Oct - A Co, B Co and Recon platoon conducted MAP's in the vicinity of their night locations. C Co secured FSB Birmingham and D Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with the 3d platoon conducting RIF operations to YD814065 with negative results.
2 Oct - A Co established MAP's with 1 platoon of 1st RF Co from Nam Hoa District B Co conducted MAP's with negative results. C Co continued to secure FSB Birmingham. D Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with the 3d platoon RIF to YD824068 and YD829074. Recon platoon conducted RIF and MAP operations to YD795034 with negative results.
3 Oct - D Co and 3d platoon A Co conducted cordon operation vic YD788095. Then D Co and B Co 3d platoon conducted cordon operation vic YD795085. D Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with the 2d platoon at 0947 hours moving to YD795067 from FSB Arsenal. At 0920 hours ARA drew ground fire from approximately 3 locations while conducting preparation fires for the inser-tion of D Co, 2d platoon. A sweep of the area was conducted with negative results. Recon platoon conducted a RIF to the north to YD804049 with negative results.
4 Oct - All elements of the battalion continued with their mission with the 2d and 3d platoons of D Co changing locations.
5 Oct - A Co conducted SRRP, MAP's and RIF operations with 1 platoon from the 221st RF company from Nam Hoa District. B Co (-) conducted MAP's and at 0930 the 3d platoon moved by truck to Camp Sally. C Co and D Co each continued to provide FSB security. Recon platoon conducted MAP's vic YD799058 with negative results.
6 Oct - A Co conducted SRRP, MAP's with 1 platoon from the 221st RF Co. B Co conducted SRRP's and MAP's until 1600 hours and then was air lifted to FSB Birmingham. C Co secured FSB Birmingham until 1613 hours when they were air lifted to YD759077 and YD773068. D Co (-) continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with the 2d platoon conducting MAP's vic YD798091. Recon platoon conducted MAP's vic YD799058 with negative results.
7 Oct - A Co established MAP's with negative results. B Co provided security at FSB Birmingham. D Co (-) continued to provide security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with the 2d platoon conducting MAP's vic YD799091 with negative results. C Co conducted MAP's vic YD766078 and YD779060 with negative results. Recon platoon established MAP's vic YD799058 with negative results.
8 Oct - A Co (-) conducted an air move to FSB Arsenal with the 3d platoon moving by air to Pohl Bridge. B Co provided security at FSB Birmingham. C Co continued to conduct MAP's with negative results. At 2125 hours the 3d platoon D Co had a trip flare go off in front of 1st squad's ambush position vic YD770110. Element engaged with claymores and hand grenades resulting in 1 NVA KIA, 1 AK47, 2 magazines, 3 bottles of beer and 40 lbs of rice. Recon platoon conducted MAP's vic YD799058 until 1226 hours when they conducted an air move to LZ Sally for a standdown.
9 Oct - A Co continued to provide security at Pohl Bridge and FSB Arsenal. B Co remained at FSB Birmingham and provided security for that location. C Co conducted MAP's and RIF operations to YD754073 and YD754076. 3d platoon moved to Eagle Beach for a standdown. D Co conducted MAP's with negative results. Recon platoon remained at LZ Sally on a standdown.
10 Oct A Co and B Co continued in their security missions at FSB Arsenal, Pohl Bridge and FSB Birmingham. C Co established MAP's vic YD757068, YD777056 and YD753065. Third platoon remained at Eagle Beach. D Co conducted SRRP's, MAP's and training with 1 platoon from the 221st RF Company from Nam Hoa District Headquarters. Recon platoon remained at Camp Sally on standdown.
11 Oct - A Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co remained at FSB Birmingham to provide security. C Co conducted RIF operations with negative results. D Co conducted SRRP's and MAP's from platoon patrol bases and at 1344 hours the 1st platoon moved by air to Eagle Beach for a standdown. Recon platoon moved by air to YD784108 and established MAP's in the vicinity and became OPCON to D Co.
12 Oct - A Co and B Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal, Pohl Bridge and FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted RIF operations from YD773074 to YD771082 and returned with the 1st platoon, 3d platoon remained OPCON to B Co at FSB Birmingham. D Co (-) conducted SRRP's, MAP's and training with 1 platoon from the 221st RF Co from Nam Hoa District Headquarters. 1st platoon remained at Eagle Beach on standdown. Recon platoon remained OPCON D Co and conducted a RIF to YD788090 with negative results.
13 Oct - A Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co with 3d platoon of C Co OPCON remained at FSB Birmingham and provided security. C Co conducted SRRP's and MAP's with negative results. D Co (-) conducted SRRP's, MAP's and training with 1 RF platoon until 1705 hours when the 1st platoon moved by air to YD783109 from standdown at Eagle Beach. Recon platoon C/A from YD783109 to YD787089 - LZ Green. Platoon established MAF's in the same vicinity.
14 Oct - A Co and B Co continued to conduct security at FSB Arsenal, Pohl Bridge and FSB Birmingham. C Co (-) conducted MAP's and RIF operations with negative results. D Co conducted SRRP's, MAP's and training in conjunction with 1 platoon of the 221st RF company to vic YD752111 and YD783107. Recon platoon RIF to YD794081 with negative results.
15 Oct - All elements continued to conduct their same missions with negative results. A C/A was conducted with 2 platoons from the 177 RF Co from Nam Hoa District. The platoons went into 2 LZ's at YD790113 and YD802117. Both LZ's were green and the sweep operation had negative results.
16 Oct - A Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co continued to provide security at FSB Birmingham. C Co RIF with negative results. D Co continued to conduct SRRP's, MAP's, training and RIF operations with 1 platoon from the 221st RF Co. Recon platoon conducted MAP's vic YD796075.
17 Oct - All 4 companies continued with their same missions. Recon platoon conducted MAP's vic YD795886 until 1055 hours when they were extracted to LZ Sally and then moved by truck to Eagle Beach for a standdown.
18-19 Oct - All elements maintained their same configuration until 1614 hours when Recon platoon moved by truck to FSB Birmingham on 19 Oct. At 1800 hours Recon platoon C/A to YD685125 and then established MAP's vic YD686132.
20 Oct - A Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge while B Co secured FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted C/A to sensor string #35 and conducted a search in the same vicinity. D Co conducted joint squad size patrols and night ambushes with 1 platoon from the 221st RF Co. Recon platoon conducted a blocking action for the 3d company, 2d battalion, 3d ARVN Regiment and the rec platoon of the same element. Recon was extracted at 1740 hours to FSB Birmingham and became OPCON to B Co.
21 Oct - A Co and B Co continued to provide security for FSB Birmingham, FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results. D Co worked in conjunction with 1st platoon of the 221st RF Co in squad patrols, night ambushes and training. The RF platoon was released at 0930 hours to Nam Hoa District in preparation for exchanging platoons. Recon platoon remained at FSB Birmingham OPCON to B Co.
22 Oct - A Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co conducted an air move from FSB Birmingham to 3 different LZ's and conducted MAP's and SRRP's in the area of their LZ's. C Co conducted MAP's with negative results. D Co moved to FSB Birmingham to provide security at that location. Recon platoon conducted rappelling training and artillery fire adjustment at FSB Birmingham. The platoon became OPCON to D Co at 0900 hours.
23 Oct - A Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with 1 joint squad size ambush at YD757145. B Co established night ambushes, squad patrols and conducted training with 1 platoon from the 177th RF Co. C Co conducted MAP's and RIF operations vic YD770073. D Co conducted 2 Lifesaver missions until 1534 hours when they closed FSB Birmingham and conducted platoon training at that location.
24 Oct - A Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co conducted squad ambush training and night ambushes with 1 platoon of the 177th RF Co. C Co conducted MAP's and RIF operations to YD780089. D Co secured FSB Birmingham with recon platoon OPCON and conducting training at that location.
25 Oct - All elements remained in their same configuration as the previous day.
26 Oct - A Co conducted a C/A from FSB Arsenal to YD774050 and YD766049. 2d platoon combined with elements of 221st RF Co and established a night ambush at YD766144. B Co conducted squad ambushes and training with 1 platoon of the 177th RF Co. C Co conducted an air move at 1405 hours to Pohl Bridge and FSB Arsenal to provide security at those locations. D Co and Recon platoon remained at FSB Birmingham and provided security.
27-30 Oct - The battalion continued to maintain its elements in their same configuration. At 1300 hours on 28 Oct Recon platoon walked off FSB Birminghamto YD714115 and established night ambushes.
31 Oct - A Co conducted RIF and MAP operations with negative results. B Co conducted MAP's with negative results. C Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. D Co remained at FSB Birmingham to provide security. Recon platoon conducted MAP's with negative results. Recon then moved to FSB Birmingham and became OPCON to D Co.
1-3 Nov - There were no significant moves or actions within the battalion.
4 Nov - All companies remained in their same configuration with the Recon platoon establishing team locations at YD838047 and YD839049. At 2130 hours team 1 spotted 2 sets of lights vic YD705021 and engaged them with artillery with unknown results.
5 Nov - PSDF from Nam Hoa District killed 2 NVA/VC and captured 1 vic YD7581. A Co conducted squad size patrols and night ambushes vic YD767015. B Co conducted training and MAP's with 1 platoon from the 177 RF Co. C Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with the 3d platoon conducting squad patrols and night ambushes vic YD790046. D Co remained at FSB Birmingham and provided security. Recon platoon remained in its team locations at YD705023, YD713016 and YD703034.
6 Nov - A Co and B Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results. C Co and D Co continued security at FSB Arsenal, Pohl Bridge and FSB Birmingham. Recon platoon was extracted at 1400 hours by air to FSB Birmingham and became OPCON to D Co.
7 Nov - All 4 companies maintained their previous day's configuration. Recon platoon conducted a C/A from FSB Birmingham to YD688065 and conducted squad patrols and night ambushes in the area.
8 Nov - There were no changes in the battalion's configuration.
9 Nov - A Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. CP and platoon were extracted to FSB Birmingham. C Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge with 3d platoon conducting squad patrols and night ambushes. D Co remained at FSB Birmingham until 1604 hours when they conducted a C/A to YD755075 and YD763073. Recon platoon conducted squad patrols and night ambushes vic YD685051.
10 Nov - A Co's 2d platoon was extracted to FSB Birmingham. B Co conducted an air move with 1st platoon going to Pohl Bridge and Co(-) to FSB Arsenal. 2d platoon moved to Eagle Beach for a standdown. C Co C/A with the 1st platoon to YD784104, 2d platoon to YD753107 and Co(-) to YD768099. D Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. Recon platoon established MAP's vic YD685046.
11 Nov - A Co secured FSB Birmingham. B Co (-) secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge and the 2d platoon remained at Eagle Beach on standdown. C Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. Recon platoon and D Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results.
12 Nov - A Co secured FSB Birmingham. B Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. Second platoon moved by truck to FSB Arsenal and closed at 1720 hours from Eagle Beach. C Co conducted patrols, night ambushes and training with 1 platoon from the 177th RF Co. D Co also conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results. Recon platoon was moved to Camp Sally for a standdown.
13-14 Nov - All elements of the battalion remained in their same configuration. Squad patrols and night ambushes were conducted with negative results.
15 Nov - A Co and B Co continued to provide security for FSB Birmingham, FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with 1 platoon of the 177th RF Co. D Co also conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results. Recon platoon moved from Camp Sally to FSB Birmingham and them conducted a C/A to vic YD787988 at 1407 hours. MAP's and SRRP's were conducted in the LZ area.
16 Nov - A Co secured FSB Birmingham and B Co secured FSB Arsenal with the 1st platoon at Pohl Bridge. C Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. One platoon of the 177th RF company trained and conducted squad patrols and night ambushes vic 798050, 744032 and 754043. All company results were negative. Recon platoon discovered a pool of blood on a trail vic 782983. A thorough search of the area was made but results were negative. Recon continued to patrols and ambush with negative results.
17 Nov - A and B Co continued their same security missions. C Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes in conjunction with 1 platoon of the 177th RF Co. An element of the 2d platoon while on night ambush spotted 3-5 VC/NVA vic 733102 at approximately 2100. The enemy was engaged with small arms. Results were negative. D Co also conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results. Recon platoon at 1705 hours conducted a false extraction vic YC767996. At 1920 the platoon discovered 2 hooches and fired at 1 NVA with negative results.
18 Nov - The battalion remained in the same configuration. Recon platoon found vic YC769994 a small cache consisting of 7 AK47's. The area around the cache showed few fresh signs and the weapons were in a rusted condition.
19 Nov - A Co (-) secured FSB Birmingham. 2d platoon C/A to vic YD727093 at approximately 1028. Results were negative and platoon returned to FSB Birmingham. B Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. C Co continued squad patrols and night ambushes with the 1st platoon of the 177th RF Co. D Co also continued squad patrols and night ambushes. All results were negative. Vic 769995 Recon platoon found 2 hooches containing a rusty B-40 rocket, 2 AK47 maga-zines and also a grave containing the body of a 15-20 year old man. The last recent signs of activity appear to have been from 1-3 months.
20 Nov - All company locations and configurations remained approximately the same. The recon platoon was extracted vic YD787988 to Birmingham at 1520 hours.
21 Nov - A Co and B Co remained in their security mission of FSB Birmingham and Arsenal respectively. 1st platoon secured Pohl Bridge. C Co continued SRRP's and night ambushes with 1 platoon of the 177th RF Company vic 785104. D Co conducted RIF operations and night ambushes vic 801031. All results were negative. Recon platoon conducted a C/A to vic YD686126 at 1304 hours. MAP's were conducted with negative results.
22 Nov - The battalion configuration remained the same - C Co, D Co and Recon platoon moved to PZ sites in preparation for 23 Nov extraction. All resultswere negative.
23 Nov -A Co was extracted from FSB Birmingham and inserted into 3 LZ's vic (YD)776085, 734096 and 785105. C Co moved to FSB Birmingham and assumed security mission. D Co was extracted and moved to FSB Arsenal with the 3d platoon moving to Pohl Bridge. B Co was air lifted to FSB Birmingham and was unable to conduct C/A because of the weather. A Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes with negative results. Recon platoon conducted MAP's with negative results.
24 Nov - A Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. B Co conducted C/A to vic (YD)728088, 738101 and 747098. The company then conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. C Co secured FSB Birmingham. D Co secured FSB Arsenal, Pohl Bridge and conducted squad patrols and night ambushes vic 799067 and 756144. Recon platoon conducted MAP's and SRRP's. All results were negative.
25 Nov - The configuration of the battalion remained the same. A Co and B Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes at the same vic of the previous day. C Co and D Co provided security for Birmingham, Arsenal and Pohl Bridge.
26 Nov - The battalion conducted normal operations with negative results.
27 Nov - A Co was located vic YD766090 and received a Thanksgiving dinner at approximately 1130. The platoons separated and in conjunction with 1 platoon of the 177th RF Co conducted squad patrols and night ambushes. B Co was logged a Thanksgiving dinner in two locations and then continued with squad patrols and night ambushes in same vic. C Co secured FSB Birmingham and D Co secured FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. Recon platoon received a Thanksgiving meal vic 684117 and then conducted MAP's vic 684117 and 682121. All results were negative.
28 Nov - C Co and Recon platoon MBV from FSB Birmingham to Camp Sally to conduct refresher training. A Co and B Co were unable to move to Sally because of the weather. D Co also remained in their same location providing the security of FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. At 1100 hours A Co, B Co and D Co became OPCON to the 2/506 Inf.
29 Nov - The battalion configuration remained the same. Co's A, B, and D remained under the operational control of 2/506 while C Co and recon conducted preparatory training at Camp Sally.
30 Nov - A, B and D Co's moved to Camp Sally and returned to the operational control of the 1/502d Inf. Recon and C Co continued preparatory training at Camp Sally.
1 Dec - All companies and Recon platoon pulled maintenance, re-outfitted and generally prepared for training which started on 2 Dec.
2-8 Dec - The 1-502d Inf conducted battalion refresher training at Camp Sally. Lesson plans and training schedules were published by the battalion operations section to insure conformity of instruction and material covered. Periods of instruction were constantly monitored for compliance with outlined procedures.
9 Dec -Operation RANDOLPH GLEN began. A Co moved from Sally to Pohl Bridge with the 2d and 3d platoons continuing on the way to FSB Arsenal. B Co moved to FSB Birmingham to provide security at that location. C Co conducted platoon size C/A's to YD778073, YD774050 and YD708034. >From these locations the platoons conducted saturation patrols and night ambushes. D Co conducted S/A to YD754114, YD761098 and YD770095. The platoons then conducted saturation patrols and night ambushes. Recon platoon moved by vehicle to FSB Birmingham and conducted a C/A to YD738033 and conducted patrols and night ambushes.
10 Dec - A Co provided security for Pohl Bridge and FSB Arsenal. B Co provided security for FSB Birmingham. The rest of the battalion continued to patrol and conduct night ambushes. At 1155 at YD779065 the 1st platoon of C Co found 2 hooches and 1 new pair of Vietnamese sneakers. There were no signs of recent use or trails.
11 Dec - A Co continued providing security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co provided security at FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted patrols and ambushes. D Co conducted similar operations and Recon platoon conducted patrols and night ambushes. All results were negative.
12 Dec - A and B Co continued their security missions. C Co conducted patrols vic YD785040 and vicinity. 3d platoon C Co found at YD705074 1 NVA/ VC explosive device and 1 chicom field phone on a trail. The trail showed no signs of recent use. Recon platoon found at YD823054 a Ho Chi Minh type sandle print 3 to 5 days old, 1 piece of a Vietnamese poncho, and possible sleeping positions for 3 to 5 persons.
13 Dec - A Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co secured FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted patrols vic YD785040. The 1st platoon found a tunnel complex at YD794070. C Co completed a LZ at YD783078. D Co conducted patrols vic YD752116 and YD779108 in conjunction with the 221 RF platoon.
14 Dec - A Co and B Co continued with their mission of providing security. A Co 1st platoon found 2 sleeping positions with fresh leaves on them at YD752145. They also found 2 fighting positions in the same area that showed no signs of recent use. They searched the area with negative results. C and D Co and Recon platoon conducted patrols and night ambushes with negative results.
15 Dec - The battalion continued to conduct normal operations with negative contact.
16 Dec - A Co continued to provide security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co continued to provide security at FSB Birmingham. 3d platoon found 2 tunnels inside of stream bank vic YD807093. There were negative signs of recent use. D Co conducted patrols vic YD794063 and YD810048. D Co conducted patrols. 3d platoon returned from a standdown at Eagle Beach and conducted a C/Afrom FSB Birmingham to YD784105. Recon platoon conducted MAP's to vic YD786008 and YD778998. All results were negative.
17 Dec - A Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge. B Co provided security for FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted patrols. D Co 1st platoon conducted training and joint operations with 110 and 111 PF platoons. The rest of the company conducted patrols. Recon platoon also conducted patrols, vic YD768997 and YD795010. At YD775995 Recon found 1 NVA body 150 meters from the site of Recon contact approximately 1 month ago. The cause of death was small arms fire and documents were on the body.
18 Dec - The battalion continued to conduct patrols and night ambushes with negative contact. A Co provided security at FSB Arsenal and Pohl Bridge and B Co provided security at FSB Arsenal.
19 Dec - A Co and B Co continued their security missions. C Co conducted patrols and night ambushes vic YD789179. D Co continued to conduct training and operations with the RF/PF's. Recon platoon was extracted to FSB Birmingham.
20 Dec - A Co provided security at Pohl Bridge and FSB Arsenal. B Co provided security at FSB Birmingham. C Co conducted patrols and night ambushes. D Co conducted training and joint operations with the 110 and 111 PF platoons and the 221st RF Co. Recon platoon was at Eagle Beach for a standdown.
21 Dec - A Co continued to secure FSB Arsenal. The company removed the 1st platoon from Pohl Bridge and it conducted a C/A to YD801055. B Co continued to secure FSB Birmingham. C Co continued to conduct patrols and ambushes. D Co continued to train and operate with RF/PF's. The company also assumed the security of Pohl Bridge.
22 Dec - A Co provided security at FSB Arsenal with 2 platoons conducting patrols and night ambushes. A Co 1st platoon found dried blood spots, a trench, and boot prints on a trail at YD812048. They followed the blood and found fresh blood YD811049. At YD813049 they found a spider hole that they believed to be a tunnel entrance. After checking the hole the platoon reported negative findings. The rest of the battalion conducted normal operations with negative contact.
23 Dec - The battalion continued normal operations with all units conducting patrols and night ambushes with the exception of those elements providing security.
24 Dec - The battalion continued normal operations. At 1700 hours a cease fire went into effect.
25 Dec - The cease fire ended at 1800 hours. The battalion continued to conduct patrol and night ambush operations.
26 Dec - A Co continued to provide security at FSB Arsenal with 2 platoons conducting patrols. 3d platoon found 4 sleeping positions at YD775048 that were 1-2 days old with bare footprints going to the north. B Co continued to provide security at FSB Birmingham. C Co moved to FSB Arsenal and assumed the responsibility for providing security at that location. D Co secured Pohl Bridge, conducted training a operations with the RF/PF. Recon platoon helped secure FSB Birmingham.
27 Dec - A Co conducted patrols and ambushes. B Co continued security at FSB Birmingham. C Co continued security at FSB Arsenal. 1st platoon conducted patrols and night ambushes with the 3d platoon 221st RF Co. D Co continued to provide security at Pohl Bridge with 2 platoons conducting patrols at YD782106. Recon platoon conducted a C/A to YD821031 and conducted patrols vic YD822025. At YD824026 Recon found sleeping positions for 4-5 persons and fighting positions.
28 Dec - A Co conducted patrols and night ambushes vic YD785040. B Co continued to provide security at FSB Birmingham with 1 platoon patrolling vic YD700132. C Co continued to provide security at FSB Arsenal with 1 platoon patrolling vic YD804049. D Co provided security at Pohl Bridge and conducted patrols at YD782106. Recon platoon helped provide security at FSB Birmingham and conducted patrols vic YD826026.
29 Dec - The battalion continued to conduct normal operations with negative contact.
30 Dec - a Co conducted patrols. A boobytrapped RPG round was found and blown in place at YD776035. B Co continued to provide security at FSB Birmingham, with a platoon conducting patrols at YD767048. C Co provided security at FSB Arsenal with a platoon patrolling vic YD809043. D Co continued security at Pohl Bridge with patrols. Recon platoon conducted patrols and night ambushes vic YD712068.
31 Dec - A Co conducted patrols with negative results. B Co continued to provide security for FSB Birmingham. C Co provided security at FSB Arsenal, with 1 platoon at YD760078. D Co provided security at Pohl Bridge with 2 platoons at YD753117. Recon platoon operated vic YD768027. At 1700 hours a 24 hour cease fire began.
SUMMARYThe battalion assisted in many civic action projects in the AO. These activities were successful in hindering the enemy's attempts to influence the Vietnamese civilians.
Throughout the year the battalion conducted training in a number of military subjects. The thorough training received by the troops paid off in the battalion's operations.
The results of the battalion's operations for the year were 256 NVA/VC KIA and 20 POW. The battalion lost 82 KIA. For a large part of the year the 1-502d Inf Bn had little contact with enemy forces.
Many individuals in the battalion were recognized by presentation of combat decorations. The following decorations have been approved by the 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) Headquarters:
Distinguished Service Cross - 1 Silver Star - 37 Distinguished Flying Cross - 2 Bronze Star with V Device - 122 Army Commendation Medal with V Device - 57 Purple Heart - 295
CREST OF THE COAT OF ARMS, 502ND INFANTRYBLAZON CREST: On a wreath or an azure, an eagle's feather palewise tennet behind two bayonets saltirewise of the first hilted sable garnished gold surmounted by a gunstone bearing a four- bastioned fort argent charged with an ermine spot of the fourth.
The bayonets refer to the capture of Carentan, Normandy, by bayonet charge. They are two in number in reference to the Regiment's two Distinguished Unit Citations and its two assault landings in World War II. The eagle's feather stands for the unit's airborne function; orange, the national color of the Netherlands, refers to the liberation of Best, Holland. The white four-bastioned fort encircled by a black background represents Bastogne, Belgium, surrounded by the German salient in the Battle of the Bulge. The ermine spot on the white fort refers to the snow which blanketed the Battle's terrain.
SHIELD: The field of blue is representative of the Infantry. The grasping eagle's claw is representative of the airborne functions of the unit. *
MOTTO: FIRST STRIKE This motto is expressive of the powerof the organization.
*The description given in the original approval is as stated above. However, the unit now operates under the airmobile concept and the airborne need only be replaced by airmobile to express the capabilities of this battalion today.
1/502 Inf , 1970 History Supplement
DEDICATIONThis past year added yet another chapter to the history of the First Strike Battalion. Our unit engaged in a ruthless conflict with an extremely resourceful enemy. It is inevitable that the price of Freedom will be high. Sometimes men are called upon to sacrifice their lives so that a country might endure. It is for these men then, and the thousands like them that carry on the struggle everyday, that this volume is written. Perhaps we may call them patriots, and indeed they are no less great than the founders of our nation or the millions who gave of themselves to preserve our traditions of liberty. Certainly those who shed their blood and suffered such hardships did so, out of an overwhelming desire to see the sacred honor of the United States and the spirit of her people live beyond our present time. As a final tribute we as Americans and comrades in arms must insure that their sacrifices and the principals for which they were made are preserved and remembered. We shall not forget men, who when called upon by the nation to perform a task of great hardship and fought with suffering and danger, answered by displaying courage, honor, and an uncompromising love of country. It is with pride in their accomplishments and a deep sense of gratitude for their sacrifice that this volume is dedicated.
Nineteen hundred and seventy found the First Strike Battalion engaged in three major operations. Each operation had a variety of objectives in common including, The pacification and securing of certain regions and the interdiction or destruction of enemy supply routes and caches. The purpose of this annual supplement to our unit history is to chronologically note the activities of the 1st. Battalion, 502d Infantry [Airmobile], during the year 1970 in order to view the overall picture of an infantry battalion over the span of a year in active combat. Throughout this volume, the author will attempt to show as many aspects of each operation as possible. There will be no attempt to add or detract from what actually occurred and the text will include the various problems that arose and the solutions applied to them. For the sake of brevity. Certain minute details must be omitted. The work will be complete in all other respects.
It is hoped that this supplement will pay tribute to those who have made the supreme sacrifice for our nation. We further hope their deeds will serve as standards for the rest of us who remain to carry on the mission.
a. Mission: To close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him or repel his assault by fire, close combat and counterattack.
b. Capabilities: At full strength, this unit has the following capabilities:
[1] close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him.
[2] repel enemy assault by fire, close combat and counterattack.
[3] provide a base of fire and maneuver elements.
[4] seize and hold terrain
[5] furnish limited anti-tank protection.
[6] provide indirect fire support for organic and attached units.
[7] conduct long-range patrolling when appropriately equipped.
[8] maneuver in all types of terrain and climatic conditions.
[9] conduct frequent combat assaults utilizing assault helicopters with minimum marshalling and planning procedures.
c. Organization: The battalion was organized with the following elements: A Headquarters and Headquarters Company [MTOE 07-176 TP501]; Four rifle companies [MTOE 07-177 TP501 ] modified so that each company has a company headquarters and three rifle platoons with no organic support; A fifth company or combat support company [MTOE 07-178 TP501] consisting of a company headquarters, a reconnaissance platoon, broken down into a platoon headquarters and three six-man teams, a 81mm mortar platoon, and a ground surveillance radar section.
d. Training: All individuals joining the battalion have received a five day in-country training program at SERTS and periodically, every two or three months, the battalion went through stand down training to concentrate on a review of those techniques so vital to combat operations in the Republic of Vietnam, ie, patrolling, map reading, ambushes [both manned and mechanical], first aid and RTO procedures. Selected Leaders Course, Advanced Marksmanship, Recondo School in order to maintain a high state of readiness to meet any contingency that arose.
a. All individuals of this battalion, except medical personnel, are trained and equipped to fight as infantrymen as necessary.
b. This unit is dependent upon the 101st Administration Company for personnel services.
c. The esprit-de-corps, morale and professionalism of every man assigned the battalion was at all times highly evident. This in large measure, can be attributed to the nucleus of Officers and NCO`s having already completed at least one tour in Vietnam.
OPERATION “RANDOLPH GLEN”PERIOD - 6Dec. `69 - 31 Mar. `70 On December 6, 1969, the 101st Airborne Division launched operation Randolph Glen, a division-wide attempt to attain a variety of objectives. This operation was destined to last until 31 March 1970. With the inception of the new year the First Strike Battalion found itself involved in a series of maneuvers designed to fulfill its role in the overall scheme of operations. I order to understand what occurred on a day to day basis it is important to realize what the primary missions of the Division were. Randolph Glen was developed in close coordination and cooperation with the 1st ARVN Division, Thua Thien Province and sector officials and provided a single concept for commitment of the 101st Airborne Division. The overall mission as to assist in the accelerated attainment of province pacification and the development of each district wilting the sector. In order accomplish this mission, it was necessary to conduct offensive operations to locate and destroy their NVA/VC main forces, to interdict enemy movement into the populated lowlands of Thua Thien Province, and to conduct operations to defeat the VCLE/VCI already in the populated lowlands. To accomplish this, limited objective operations reacting to hard intelligence were conducted rather than concurring large scale operations west of the Piedmont. In the Northern Military Region I, a great deal of communist supplies and equipment are stored in the A Shau Valley. In addition, the “A Shau” serves as a relatively safe area for the NVA/VC forces and contains a vast network of bunker complexes and storage areas. The valley's proximity to Cambodia aids in its usr as a supply distribution center. To prevent these forces and supplies from reaching the lowlands, the Randolph Glen mission provided for conducting periodic interdiction of the A Shau Valley and the placement of fires on acquired targets on a continuous basis. These measures, However, would not fully stem the flow of men and materials., Units of division found it necessary to conduct constant reconnaissance and surveillance in the area of operations with which they were primarily concerned. As is characteristic of most missions in the Republic of Vietnam, the objectives of Randolph Glen were not all military in nature. The operational objectives provided for the division to support the civic action development plans and programs of the various government agencies assisting whenever necessary. During Randolph Glen, the 1/502d Infantry was one of three infantry battalions assigned to the 2d Brigade. First Strike Battalion Headquarters was located on Firebase Birmingham with elements securing and assisting in the improvement of Firebase Arsenal. The area of operations covered by 1/502 Infantry contained a variety of terrain including double and single canopy jungle, thick brush land, plains [piedmont], and the rice paddies and residential complexes of the lowlands.
The area [responsibility for which was shared jointly with ARVN and PF units] extended from the city of Hue south beyond the “Rocket Belt” to Phu Bai and from the coast west beyond Firebase Bastogne. While our unit was primarily concerned with surveillance and patrolling in jungle areas and in securing two fire bases, elements of the battalion worked with Regional and Popular Forces. One platoon, stationed at Pohl Bridge, also conducted boat patrols on the river.
Although responsible to 2d Bde Headquarters, the battalion also worked closely with several district Headquarters, These Headquarters, Phu Vang, Phu Thu, Houng Thuy, and Nam Hoa, coordinated the actions of the Regional and Popular forces. The RF and PF units were organized and trained by Mobile Training Teams which accompanied them on their missions. All Regional and Popular forces operated on small unit levels around villages and hamlets providing security and setting up ambush patrols. Their primary area of concern was the lowlands and the regions which contained the majority of Vietnamese Nationals.
The reader will have noted by now that the operations involved in Randolph Glen were somewhat defensive in nature. Even the offensive operations were limited in scale and gave the appearance of gaining time. The reasons for this strategy are three fold. First, the weather from January to March in Military Region I is primarily monsoon rains and overcast skies with extremely limited visibility. Secondly, in the past the NVA/VC units have made use of the limited visibility to infiltrate populated areas and move various units and supplies. The lack of harassing interdiction, permits the enemy to accumulate large caches and consolidate his forces for the coming period of dry clear days. Finally, US and ARVN forces felt that the lull in heavy enemy contact could be used effectively to train and equip the irregular RF/PF units so they could assume a greater role in the defense of their areas.
The final test for any military operation is what it accomplishes. When Randolph Glen terminated on 31 March 1970 the tangible results were negligible. The operation had netted two NVA/VC KIA; three AK47`s one NVA/VC captured, and one 122mm rocket launcher captured; over one dozen bunkers and bunker complexes destroyed; and several small pieces of equipment in a variety of caches captured. The intangible results were of much more significance. During the time the Communist forces were made less effective by the battalions operations, hundreds of RF and PF personnel were organized, trained, and equipped, These units have since played a substantial role in relieving American forces of the mission of protecting populated areas. At no time during this period was any NVA/VC force sighted which consisted of more than four soldiers. This was one indicator that the enemy was unable or unwilling to consolidate, organize, and operate in larger configurations. Further, in a large number of reported incidents the NVA/VC were attempting to unjustly tax or steal rice from the populace; an indication that the supply network he had so painstakingly developed was not functioning adequately.
Phu Bai Combat Base and Hue City received no major indirect fire attacks or assaults during the entire three month period. Those attacks that did occur were directed at Firebase Birmingham and several American patrols thus indicating that enemy forces found it difficult to penetrate American combat forces. Instead, they expended valuable ammunition on the much less desirable targets rather than hitting the sprawling metropolis of Hue or the combined training, storage, and helicopter base located in the Phu Bai complex. Another factor attesting to the success of the tactics employed by the 1/502d Infantry, was the almost total absence of enemy movement within the area of operations. This was demonstrated by the lack of trail prints, agent reports, confirmed sightings and other classified methods for determining enemy movement.
As a final note worthy of mention, the Tet Lunar New Year occurred in the middle of Randolph Glen. This traditional period of heavy enemy activity passed with no attempt by the NVA/VC units to initiate even a reduced-scale version of Tet 1968. There inability or unwillingness to mount a major offensive in our area for the remainder of the year can be credited, at least in part, to the performance of the First Strike Battalion.
Overall the 1/502d Infantry contributed considerably to pacification. The pride and dedication of “First Strike” Troopers paid off in a variety of ways which will be apparent in the daily summaries. Daily operations by infantry battalions are a complex matter. It is impossible to cite every event that occurred for two firebases and four companies in a twenty-four hour period.
The next section will, however. Be devoted to outlining each day of the year and highlighting some of the more significant happenings. If terms used appear unfamiliar to non-military readers, a quick reference to the glossary of military terminology in the rear is recommended.
1 Jan.- Nam Hoa District made contact with an estimated 15 VC at 756470. The VC walked into the ambush of claymores and small arms. Blood stains on ground when VC withdrew indicated at least two causalities. The battalion continued operation Randolph Glen with negative results.
2 Jan.- The brigade and battalion commanders met the C Company commander on Arsenal today to discuss the progress of the firebase. `A` Company located unexploded bomb vic. 775025. An EOD team was requested and sent. Co D 1st Plt found a VC/NVA mortar position. It was 8 feet in diameter designed for an 82mm mortar. Location was 779106. Co C 3rd plt located a soldier hole and 3 fighting positions at 793071 [?]. They were recently built.
3 Jan.- Company D is training 35 Pf`s at Ioc. 755128. 1st plt Co A found a bomb 10 to 13 inches in diameter in about 1 foot of water located 801017. Co D 2nd plt 2nd Sqd found a spider hole 1`x 2` x 3` no recent sighs of use. The hole was located at 781173.
4 Jan.- Company D 1st Plt utilized a dog team today to aid in their patrol. Co D 2nd Plt continued to train PF`s. Co A 3rd Plt while searching vic 789024[?] found 4 rockets each 4` long 5” in diameter. Two of the rockets were wrapped in NVA ponchos. At location 819035 Recon found part of a map of Laos and Vietnam.
5 Jan.- Co D 2nd plt at location 755128 is training 23 PF`s in map reading, claymores and M16 rifle. A body was sighted today floating on the river. It was identified as 1 NVA soldier of a sapper battalion killed by small arms fire.
6 Jan.- Boat on the river at Pohl Bridge had engine trouble. It was assessed by an NCO and determined it would require extensive repair work. Another unit found a Chuoi Hoi who was familiar with our area. He will be used to locate, if possible, the rice caches of the NVA.
7 Jan.- Co D 2nd plt is training PF`s in the use of hand flares, M79, trip flares and the M60. The location of the training is 755128. Co B 1st plt had contact today. They received incoming RPG and AK47 rounds. There were no US causalities.
8 Jan.- One NVA/VC was spotted at 833045 with neg results when fired upon. Co D 2nd plt found a trail with fresh tracks made last night or early this morning. Co D 1st plt fired up a spider hole at 766098 with neg findings. Co C 3rd plt received eight founds of RPG at 801058 with no casualties.
9 Jan.- Two tunnels were spotted by the VR bird. They were about 1 year old. Each was about 7` long 6` wide and 12` deep.
10 Jan.- Co A 3rd plt received SA fire from location 707107. There were no US casualties.
11 Jan.- Information gathered from various sources indicate Firebase Birmingham is being reconed by a Sapper battalion for possible assault. Recon platoon found 1 fresh mortar position at loc 704116.
12 Jan.- Co D 3rd plt is training 14 PF`s on claymores and M16`s. Also training 9 PF`s on map reading. C Co found foot prints made by Ho Chi Minh sandals at location 816064.
13 Jan.- Co D 3rd plt is conducting training with PF`s again today. 15 PF`s are being trained on compasses and map orientation. Starting immediately all persons on Firebase Birmingham will be required to have flack jackets and gas masks.
14 Jan.- Co C 3rd plt 3rd sqd found a wallet containing notes written in Vietnamese at loc. YD82208. They also had a trip flare set off and saw a man running away. This occurred at 823087. A Recon by small arms was made with neg findings.
15 Jan.- Vic 819085 Co C found 2 pair of footprints made by Hoi Chiu Minh sandals. Co B found one hootch 10x18 feet. The hootch was used in the past 7-10 days. In the hootch they found 1 NVA belt, C-rations and chow, Vic 737025. Agent report indicates there may be an attempt to destroy Pohl Bridge.
16 Jan.- The battalion is engaged in operation Randolph Glen. Nam Hoa reports Co D 27th Eng. personnel will join the woodcutters who found the land mines at Pohl Bridge and move to mines location. Co B received two rockets from a slick, proximity there were no causalities. Co C 2nd plt a man accidentally discharged his weapon and the muzzle flash cut his finger. Agent reports 12 VC/NVA took 300 lbs of rice from Thien Monastery last night.
17 Jan.- Co D 3rd plt, 1st sqd is training 25 PF`s from the 3rd plt on compass and map reading. 2nd sqd is training 10 men from the 110 PF platoon on hand grenades and the M72 LAW. Convoys continue from Phu Bai to and from Birmingham to Phu Bai. Medivac called for and completed for Recon team vic YD732138. One man with hyper-ventilation medivaced to 85th. Co B 1st plt medivac requested and received for 1 man w/fever, chills and sweating.
18 Jan.- A 2 ½ ton truck turned over in a convoy located at 728114. The MP`s investigated with neg hostile actions found. The brigade commanders helicopter took ground fire of at least 10 rds at YD549051. Medivac requested and received for a Co A 3rd plt. One man with accidental M79 wound in hand. The weapon caught on vine and discharged at loc YD717195. Co D 2/502d became Op Con to 1/502d at 0800 hrs.
19 Jan.- Co C 2d plt found 1 bunker 4` deep 2` wide about 1-5 months old. They also found 3 expended 75mm[?] rounds w/case same age. There were no trails in the area. Co C found 100-150 bones, rfc cages[?]. Estimated number of personnel to be 25.
20 Jan.- Recon team 1 detected movement 100 meters from YD733138. Co C 3rd plt 2nd sqd located a booby trap vic 764068 and destroyed it with small arms fire. Co C 2nd plt found a pair of sneakers vic 782064.
21 Jan.- Co B defense reports one claymore wire was broken last night. All others OK. Co D 3rd plt is training 17 PF`s from the 119 PF plt in claymore, map and compass review. They are also training 17 men from the same unit if First Aid. Co D 3rd plt 2/502 attached to our battalion found a ruck sack with rice. Co D 2/502 blew an ambush on a 5 man VC/NVA element >with small arms and grenades. The element split up and blood was found.
Dates 22 Jan. through 1 Feb. missing.
2 Feb.- One man was medivaced out of Co C 3rd plt at location 717113 with severe headaches. A man was killed in non- hostile action on the Firebase Birmingham bunker line. This shooting was accidental.
3 Feb.- Co A 3rd plt found five sets of sandal tracks at 734033. They were 2 to 4 hours old and moving N.W. on a trail. Condor 29 checked out sampans. The condor also found used campsite at 734015.
4 Feb.- Recon found 36 priming charges and 2 chicom 82mm mortar rounds with Chinese writing and numbers on front. They also located 3 foxhole positions each with overhead cover. The location of the equipment and foxholes was 713061. Condor located one old bunker 6` x 8` at 798031 and two spider holes at 802016 which were recently built.
5 Feb.- Recon teams 1 and 2 at location 715054 found 5 sets of fresh tennis shoe tracks on trail. Also discovered was 1 foxhole used in the last 24 hours. Medivac was called in to Co A 2nd plt for man requiring stitches in his finger. Tet cease fire went into effect all units on defensive posture.
6 Feb.- Co D 2nd plt reported movement outside their NDP at 786107. They set off two claymores and requested illumination. Neg results. Tet cease fire ends 1800 hrs.
7 Feb.- Co A at location 773046 found remains of 1 NVA dead about 6 months. Also located 1 NVA pistol belt, 1 ammo pouch with 2 magazines of AK rounds, 1 poncho, 1 canteen and cups and 1 cooking pot. An emergency resupply test was conducted with Co A [-] recon. They recovered all 6 bundles in satisfactory condition.
8 Feb.- Co C found 35 dud frags between bunkers 10-11 at Firebase Birmingham while laying wire. They blew them in place.
9 Feb.- Firebase Birmingham received 5 incoming 122mm rockets with neg causalities and damage. Co A found booby trap on road made with M72 Law and grenade. They blew it in place.
10 Feb.- Artillery registration received a secondary explosion when shelling 71350640. Search of area produced no results.
11 Feb.- Co A 1st plt at vic 713061 found shot gun shells, not a US manufactured type. Co A later found 11 82mm mortar rounds, 3 cans shotgun rounds and a bamboo carrier. Recon found two launching sites for 122mm rockets loc 737018.
12 Feb.- Recon team 1 found 3 hootches with signs of recent use. Also found a note containing several names.
13 Feb.- Co D 3rd plt is training PF personnel on map reading and the use of a compass. They also are teaching m-16 inspection and cleaning to other PF personnel.
14 Feb.- Recon[-] cut LZ at 735020. Recon team 1 at 738016 engaged 1 NVA/VC with S/A fire. They then made a sweep of the area with neg findings.
15 Feb.- Boat personnel at Pohl Bridge have requested a new boat.
16 Feb.- Co B received transmission on radio from an unknown location. They identified themselves as lawyer 71,72,74 and 76.
17 Feb.- Pf forces requested medivac for man who fell and needs facial stitches. Convoy received one round S/A fire from unidentified source.
18 Feb.- Birmingham is having commo trouble with units on secure line but fire[?] reestablished the commo with all elements.
19 Feb.- All units continued operation Randolph Glen in Sector Golf. No significant occurrences.
20 Feb.- Co A requested medivac for 1 man wounded in the leg from M79 shrapnel. Firebase Birmingham had a practice alert today. A mortar raid was conducted to location 777095.
21 Feb.- Co D located bunker complex a 7699. Items found in the bunkers included 2 AK47`s, 2 NVA ponchos, misc. cooking utensils, 1 typewriter. Co D located trail with many recent footprints and requested a dog team.
22 Feb.- A perimeter defensive check was made of Birmingham today with negative results. Medivac requested for man with severe head wound that was sustained when an M79 blew up. The man was in Co B 2nd platoon located YC787987. Recon team 2 located underground kitchen 8` wide 15` deep with overhead cover of 8” dirt and logs. Estimated usage 1 year ago. They destroyed it.
23 Feb.- At 0940 Co B [-] and 2nd plt was engaged by 5-10 VC/NVA while moving down a trail. They received 3 RPG rounds and S/A fire. They sustained minor casualties and returned fire with S/A with negative results. The causalties were all minor fragmentation wounds.
24 Feb.- Co D taught PF forces today on a variety of subjects including First Aid, Hasty ambushes, NDP sites and M79 grenade launcher. Co B[-] moving east received S/A fire and one man was wounded in both legs below knees. He was evacuated to rear. The location was 795985. Enemy casualties were unknown. Co C 3rd plt spotted 1 NVA/VC carrying something. The man fled and a search of the area produced nothing.
25 Feb.- Recon spotted silhouette of 1 suspected NVA/VC. They employed artillery and are sweeping the area with negative results. Co B 3rd plt engaged 3 NVA/VC and wounded one at 808988. They also captured 1 ruck sack containing 50 lbs of rice, 1 each binoculars, spices, and misc. items.
26 Feb.- Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found a campsite occupied by 2-3 enemy. It is estimated to be 24-48 hours old.
27 Feb.- Co D 3rd plt has 18 personnel from the 114 PF plt. They will be trained on grenades, M-16 quick kill. And First Aid. A LOH helicopter received ground fire vic YC802986 and was shot down. Three personnel were hurt two seriously hurt, one with minor injuries. At same location and time Co B [-] was in contact. They received S/A fire resulting in 1 US WIA with minor flesh wound and 3 US WIA evacuated to 85th Evac. After sweeping the area Co B found new bunkers and hootch complex and several misc. items.
28 Feb.- Co B destroyed the bunkers located yesterday. The battalion continued operation Randolph Glen with negative results.
1 Mar.- Co A requested a medivac for non-hostile cause. A man was given plague and cholera shots and was allergic to both.
2 Mar.- Condor 29 located a spider hole used about 1 week ago at location 7940---[?] Condor 29 also spotted various trails some indicated recent usage. Co B located elephant tracks and other tracks approx. 1 week old.
3 Mar.- A group of Popular Forces graduated from the training given them by battalion personnel today. They will assume an active role defending their hamlets and villages. Co B[-] found a grave approx. 2-3 months old. At the same time and location they spotted 1 NVA and engaged him at a distance of 25 meters. Results: 1 NVA KIA, Co A 3rd plt at 733026 engaged 1 NVA with negative results. Co A 2nd plt found 1 NVA hand grenade along a stream bank.
4 Mar.- Co D 3rd plt trained 11 PF`s on joint US-PF patrols. From Co C; spotted from LOH; a tunnel entrance 1 meter x 1 meter with a small trough leading up to it. Co A 3rd plt found fresh tracks of NVA and hootch frame made with green bamboo strips.
5 Mar.- Recon received S/A fire from 3 to 4 NVA/VC. One US was wounded in action and a medivac and ARA was called in. The ARA spotted 2 NVA/VC and engaged. The ARA also engaged bunker, tunnel, and bunker complex, all with unknown results. Recon found blood trail running to the southeast. These incidents took place the areas 795988 and 799988 respectively.
6 Mar.- Recon while making a sweep of some dense foliage found 1 VN letter, 2 empty fish cans, and 1 did RPG round. Recon team one at approx location 795989 found 100 or more bunkers ranging from 5`x6` to 8`x10` with overhead cover of 3” to 9” of logs and dirt. Bunkers are estimated to be 3 to 9 months old and the area is honeycombed with well used trails. Recon also located rocket launching site used in last 30 days. Co C spotted 2 VC/NVA vic 782021 running north. They engaged with negative results.
7 Mar.- Recon team #1 received S/A AK47 fire and RPG`s at a distance of 40 meters resulting in 2 US WIA. Action occurred at YC787985. The wounds were minor and were treated in the field. Co C 2nd plt found 3 spider holes and one bunker. Estimated age was 6 months.
8 Mar.- C Co 3rd plt at approx location 782010 found 14 fighting positions and four large bunkers. There was a double apron barbed wire fence used for sapper training. Complex was about 1 year old. The C/C bird sighted 2 NVA/VC in open at 792988 and called in artillery with negative results. Co C 3rd plt found a trail used by 1-2 persons in last >12 hours.
9 Mar.- Co A 3rd plt spotted 3 NVA/VC moving 50 meters away along a trail. Engaged with S/A with negative results.. They also located six sleeping positions. Co C 2nd plt found one bunker approx 1 year old. Bunker was located in position at 768997. Recon located 1 booby trap made with grenade and three 81mm fuses. Co A 3rd plt at YD746806 found 4 to 6 elephant prints. Estimated to be 1-2 weeks old. At YD743005 they found an old Chicom grenade along a stream bed.
10 Mar.- Co B had VN at trash dump that did not have necessary papers and both were taken to Nam Hoa by MP`s.
11 Mar.- Co C 1st plt located 200 old damaged AK rounds. Co D reconed 18 trails to determine movement of enemy and recent use. A planned artillery zone at YC87[?] to YV87998 was executed with two secondary explosions occurring in zone.
12 Mar.- Co B 3rd plt 3rd sqd found 1 sleeping position and three sets of sandal tracks. Co D 2nd plt requested medivac for man with heat cramps., At location 763004 A Co 1st plt found 4 VC type bunkers 5-6 months old. They contained 2 VC protective masks, 1 pick, 4 entrenching tools, 2 Ak magazines, 4 ponchos, 1 canteen, various medical supplies and other small equipment. It was back logged on the first available bird.
13 Mar.- Recon found tracks of 3 pair of tennis shoes an ½ of a US poncho liner. The trail indicated the VC or NVA were dragging something heavy. A >agent report indicated the VC were on a rice mission in vic 775125.
14 Mar.- Camp Eagle took incoming rounds with minor damage. Our units reported they suspected launching sites to be 730059 and 766049. A Pink team located footprints of 2-3 persons and an old campsite at YD748071. Boat patrol hit a dud round or mine in water and had minor damage to their engine shaft. Co D saw people searching and heard voices 300 meters from NDP. They employed S/A and M79 fire with negative results.
15 Mar.- Recon elements heard 4 or 5 shots from the Salad Bowl area. At location 735044. Recon [-] found 3 cases of RPG rounds wrapped in plastic and the charges to go along with them. They were all in excellent condition. They blew them in place. Co D 2nd plt found 4 60mm mortar rounds at location 761055 and destroyed them there. Co D 1st plt found 4 60mm mortar rounds at location 761055 and destroyed them there. Co D 1st plt[-] found a rocket launcher and tripod. Many high speed trails are running around the area and out into the canopy. A cave was 10 feet from the site and showed no signs of recent use.
16 Mar.- Co B 2nd plt[-] reported definite movement 50 meters east of their position at 715110. They threw a grenade with negative results.. VR bird spotted an old bunker complex with a freshly dug entrance. Co D reported that the 177 PF platoon at location 728085[?] found 2 NVA bunkers with recent signs of use. One position had a lot of blood in it. At 740087 the PF platoon found 9 122mm rocket canisters and several sets of footprints.
17 Mar.- 177 PF plt sighted 4-5 NVA/VC at an extreme distance. There were negative findings after a sweep of the area. They also found 1 blood stained T-shirt at location 701055 estimated to be 2 days old.
18 Mar.- Co D [-] found a bunker complex in a completely subterranean cave. There were 2 entrances with several rooms. Much miscellaneous equipment was located in the bunkers including beds, medical supplies, and cooking utensils. The location is 771033. Co D river boat patrol found a radio and transmitter at YD732102.
19 Mar.- Co D 1st plt found one M26A1 fragmentation grenade and several blocks of TNT rigged into a booby about two days old. Co B at PZ818097 found a potato masher type grenade with a pull fuse.. Co A 1st plt found 1 hootch with 20 60mm mortar rounds inside at location 7230051. Co B 3rd platoon spotted movement and performed a recon by fire with negative results.
20 Mar.- Co D while on VR observed at location 76048 a freshly dug cave entrance and at location 737037 two spider holes, both camouflaged. Co C 3rd plt 3rd sqd found a B40 rocket and booster in the middle of an LZ. They blew it in place. Co B 3rd plt found a trail at 773057 freshly cut within the last 48 hours. C Co found an AK47 magazine. Bunker 5 on Birmingham spotted movement and preformed a recon by fire with negative results.
21 Mar.- Co D`s Commanding Officer on a VR today located 3 hootches at 768033. Cheese 27, the Pink team, located a trail with human waste on it done in the last 10-15 minutes. A recon by fire produced no results. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found an I-shaped cave. It had ashes inside and out and a sleeping position inside appeared very old. The same unit [B Co] found a 122mm rocket 6 feet long and new. It was OD in color and found by a bunker.
22 Mar.- Co B 3rd plt found two old sleeping positions. One of them had overhead cover. They showed no signs of recent use.
23 Mar.- Second plt D Co heard movement at 733044 and made a recon by fire. They had negative findings. The Division Commander inspected Birmingham today.
24 Mar.- A man was medivaced from Pohl Bridge with an apparent appendicitis attack. Co C 1st plt found 1 dead NVA in grave at 847034. The grave was about 15 days old.
25 Mar.- Co D [-] observed a very old bomb at 724067 and requested a EOD team. Recon team #3 found a camp site. The approximate age was 3-5 days. Co D at location 765039 found several hootches and bunkers, about 1 year old.
26 Mar.- No boat patrol was executed from Pohl Bridge because of engine trouble. Arrangements were made for men from each company to attend church on Easter Sunday and the helicopters were reserved.
27 Mar.- The Condor VR bird spotted a variety of enemy signs from the air. At 740034 they saw a trail with prints about 3-4 days old. At 766041 and 769045 they discovered 2 graves, one 6-12 months old and the other 2-3 months old.
28 Mar.- Brandy 22 CC spotted movement of one person in location 747087. Condor 24 pink team sighted a bamboo raft at YC689997. They also saw four hootches, 3 of which were in good condition., The hootches were located at YC717933.
29 Mar.- First light VR located some smoke probably made by VC or NVA at YC703110. Recon found 4 bunkers all destroyed by weather or artillery at 771048[?]. A RF unit located some bunkers about one year old used by a platoon sized element. VN civilians located VC cache while cutting bamboo. They were permitted to keep the food inside and the building was destroyed.
30 Mar.- Recon team #1 spotted a flashlight approximately 300 meters from their location. Co D located 6-10 old bunkers at 764047[?]. Co A 1st plt 1st sqd found a Chi Com grenade which they blew in place. Recon at location763045 found two bunkers with a variety of equipment inside including a NVA poncho, AK47 magazine, and several rounds of ammo. The estimated age of the bunker was 1 year.
31 Mar.- Recon team #2 found three bunkers and tunnel. The tunnel was about 40[?]feet long . In the bunkers they found two metal boxes with four AK47 magazines and over 400 loose rounds. Estimated age of complex, 1 year. This day marked the termination of operation Randolph Glen.
With the successful completion of ‘Randolph Glen” on 31 March 1970, the 101st Airborne Division instituted the plan of operations that was to serve the division until the onset of monsoon season the following September.
The new operational directive was a far more aggressive plan than Randolph Glen and was designed to capitalize on the advantages gained and lessons learned throughout previous operations. These new, bold concepts of division employment was designated “Texas Star”.
Under operation ‘Texas Star’ the 2d Brigade assumed responsibility for pacification and development support throughout Thua Thien Province, while the 1st and 3rd Brigades were assigned to conduct offensive operations against enemy units in the western portions of the Area of Operation.
Concurrent with the repositioning of division units, the areas of operation of regiments of the 1st Infantry Division [ARVN] were adjusted to maintain the brigade-regimental relationships developed and refined during the preceding month.
While Randolph Glen was primarily a holding operation, This was not true of “Texas Star” as is apparent from the very first objective. A part of the “Texas Star” plan was the conduction of extensive airmobile operations in the area east of the A Shau Valley and west of the populated lowlands of Thua Thien Province to locate and destroy NVA/VC units. Also included was the interdiction of infiltration and supply routes. The objective of this plan was to provide maximum security for the population and the urban centers.
Once again, as in Randolph Glen, it was impossible to ignore the A Shau Valley. It was proposed from the beginning to place fires on acquired targets in the valley on a continuous basis and to perform Visual Reconnaissance of the area by observation helicopters supported with gun ships.
In addition to objectives similar to Randolph Glen, such as the continuation of providing civic action assistance where requested and supporting Government pacification and development plans and programs, several new objectives were now possible. Because of the ideal campaign weather, NVA/VC limited assaults on Hue were considered likely. Therefore one of the missions of the 101st Airborne Division was to aid government forces in providing security around the major urban center. Also included in the mission was assistance to ARVN forces in providing security for the Vietnamese Railway System within the area of operations.
The 1/502 Infantry is an organic unit of the 2d Brigade. As such, its mission was primarily one of providing security and continuously training for the Regional and Popular Forces. During Randolph Glen there was such success in the employment of RF/PF units that an expansion of the program was directed.
The time invested in training the Vietnamese paid off in the many contacts they had with NVA/VC forces. During the latter part of April, the security of the Pohl Bridge was released to a RF company. The Regional Forces protected the bridge in an outstanding manner and managed to repel a NVA attempt to destroy it later in the campaign.
The period between the end of March and the middle of September, in Military Region I, is marked by hot and primarily dry weather. The humidity is always high and working conditions are often difficult. The visibility is excellent and the few summer rain storms that occur are brief.
“First Strike” battalion was responsible for approximately the same area of operation it had in the previous campaign. While conducting ambushes and patrols, work continued on fire bases Arsenal and Bastogne. In July, an advanced tactical operations center was established at Bastogne, and early in September Arsenal became the Command Post of the battalion.
It would be impossible to mention all the significant actions over an entire operation., To be familiar with the function of the 1/502d Infantry, it will be necessary, however, to cite a few.
Texas Star enabled the “First Strike” battalion to employ its subordinate units utilizing the full concept of rapid movement and airmobility. Everyday during the campaign elements of various sizes were shuttled by helicopters throughout the Area of Operations and performed combat assaults into pre-designated and prepared landing zones. This rapid, coordinating movement made it possible to cover large areas of land effectively with minimum force. The net result was an increase in enemy killed in action and the ability to surprise the NVA/VC units in their bunker complexes.
Regional and Popular Forces accompanied by Mobile Training Teams, conducted forays in the single and double canopy jungle obtaining the element of surprise on several occasions. This provided exceptional training for the RF/PF units and netted several bunkers and enemy casualties.
In almost any terms imaginable Texas Star was a major allied success. The “First Strike” battalion alone netted approximately twenty confirmed NVA/VC killed in action. There were as estimated sixty NVA/VC who were killed or wounded but could not be confirmed because the bodies were removed. We also captured three prisoners of war.
On the material side our forces captured or destroyed in excess of three hundred pounds of rice, five crew served weapons, eight AK47 rifles, several bunker complexes and substantial amounts of other equipment. This equipment included over eighty satchel charges, assorted rockets and rocket propelled grenades, thirty-five pounds of TNT in a variety of charges, over twenty ruck sacks and canteens, assorted booby traps, captured American weapons of older types. And other items too numerous to mention.
Operation Texas Star put the training of the Regional and Popular Forces to the test of combat. The performance of these units while on patrol or defending fixed military objectives such as bridges and villages, reflected credit on themselves and the American advisers who trained them.
The conflict proved conclusively the will of the Vietnamese to protect themselves from aggression and terror perpetrated by the Viet Cong insurgents.
The constant pressure placed upon the NVA/VC supply network made them unable to store the arms and equipment necessary for a prolonged campaign. The NVA/VC units that were discovered were almost invariably hungry and short of ammunition. Ground unit activities along with the constant shellings and raids to rear areas apparently forced the enemy to postpone or cancel plans for all but minor actions. To illustrate the effectiveness of the allied effort, the insurgents mortared the Phu Bai complex only once in the entire five months and then with only eight rounds. There was no equipment damaged nor allied personnel hurt.
By every known standard of measure, the 1/502d accomplished its mission in an outstanding manner.
1 Apr.- The battalion began operation Texas Star today at 0001 hours. The >battalion assumed opcon of two LNO teams and three mobile training teams. The security of the Pohl Bridge was terminated and given to the 221 RF company.
2 Apr.- Co D 1st plt 3rd sqd point man sighted movement at 763054 and fired the area up. A search produced negative results. The battalion commander conducted a briefing for all company commanders on Firebase Birmingham concerning operation Texas Star.
3 Apr.- Disabled helicopter being slung load by a Heuy slipped out of the sling and crashed vic 7311. Security of aircraft was preformed by our battalion.
4 Apr.- Hung Thuy made a sweep of the village of Phu Loong with the result of detaining 25 persons for various reasons.
5 Apr.- Recon team #1 at 783038 found a bunker complex and the area showed no signs of recent use.
6 Apr.- At 0030 hours an unknown size force of VC/NVA assaulted Firebase Arsenal with RPG`s, S/A, satchel charges, and bangalore torpedoes. Three NVA/VC penetrated the perimeter defense. One NVA/VC was killed inside of wire and other bodies were sighted outside. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd engaged an estimated 15 VC/NVA 200 meters [?]. E. of their night ambush at YD823079. Results of the contact were 6 VC/NVA KIA, 2 VC/NVA WIA-POW, 12 RPG`s, 5 bangalore torpedoes, 30lbs TNT, 78 satchel charges, and 1 AK47 rifle captured. Friendly losses were 4 US WIA, three generators and 2 1/2 ton truck damaged. Training of PSDF continued in Phu Vang district by 1/502 mobile training team.
7 Apr.- Recon team #2 engaged 2 NVA/VC about 20 meters from themselves with S/A and M79 fire. Results 1 enemy KIA and captured, 2 ruck sacks, 1 AK47, 3 RPG charges, 2 blocks TNT, and six satchel charges. Co C 2nd plt found 1 NVA/VC killed by ARA at 823076.
8 Apr.- Province Chief initiated sweep of a village to locate draft dodgers or VC sympathizers and terrorists.
9 Apr.- Mobile training teams are attached to Nam Hoa and are continuing training of Popular Forces. The battalion continued operation Texas Star employing extensive ambushes with negative results.
10 Apr.- Recon found 10 clay pots, sizes ½ gallon to 5 gallon. Brandy 22 received small arms fire vic 732037 and sighted 1 NVC/VC in the open. ARA fired up the area with negative results. At location 834186 the 336 PF unit found an 81mm and 1 82mm round. They also located several other HE rounds, all of which were destroyed.
11 Apr.- Co B 3rd plt found a hole with box prints at bottom at 815065. They believe it was a cache site. It was freshly dug. 155 RF Company engaged 10 VC at approx. 200 meters. Results are unknown.
12 Apr.- Co D 3rd plt 2nd sqd received one incoming round 150 meters from there location. They had no casualties.
13 Apr.- Co C had a man medivaced with possible malaria. Extensive night ambushes and security patrols were employed with no results.
14 Apr.- Recon found 2 bunkers and 1 latrine. One bunker was a medical or sleeping bunker and the other was a mess hall. There was a passage way between the two bunkers.
15 Apr.- Pink team located signs of very recent activity in area 687065. They fired up the area with negative results. Co D 3rd plt at YD807034 found a hootch made of bangalore torpedo boxes. Inside were various GI newspapers. The hootch was destroyed.
16 Apr.- Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd found a Chi Com grenade of the potato masher type. They destroyed it.
17 Apr,- Hung Thuy reported the capture of one female VC/NVA while she was enroute to a new area.
18 Apr.- VR in loch reported sighting several VC/NVA suspects in two locations. The areas are 815105 and 805091. Recon conducted a combat assault from Birmingham to YD 704055.
19 Apr.- Co D 1st plt found a satchel charge and carrier belt and part of an NVA ruck sack. They also located NVA body at 781021 which had been there about 1-3 weeks. Recon found a 57mm[?] recoilless rifle. Age unknown. Co D 1st plt 3rd sqd found a hole entrance 3` x 3`. Gassed the hole with CS obtaining negative results.
20 Apr.- Popular Forces at Phu Vang captured two POW`s with their equipment including AK47 rifles. Co D found
12 Chi Com grenades, 3 medical bottles, and a variety of miscellaneous items. These were located in a bunker complex of 5 bunkers and 5 spider holes. There were no signs of recent enemy activity.
21 Apr.- Co A found a satchel charge near a bunker. They destroyed it. Co C 1st plt found numerous sandal tracks. They appeared to be 2 days old
22 Apr.- Co C found in an area of 50 to 100 meters in diameter 10 sleeping positions which would hold 3-4 persons each. It is estimated 20-30 people used area 5-20 days ago. Trails lead in and out from all directions. The location of this complex was 751021. Houng Thuy reported the KIA of Tran Van Myhia a vital leader in the communist party for our area. He was the most wanted VCI[?] on the list.
23 Apr.- MP teams continued training the PF units in our area. Snipers were withdrawn to Phu Bai to receive additional training.
24 Apr.- Unauthorized people were cutting bamboo in a danger area. They were removed. An agent report indicates we will reach a high point in enemy activity about 25 April. The brigade commander has directed additional patrols be sent out to prevent assaults on installations. Recon found 1 bunker complex approx 1 year old.
25 Apr.- There was a flame drop today at YD691119. VR went out as usual and all findings were negative.
26 Apr.- Co A found a dud 105 round and blew it in place. The battalion continued operation Texas Star with negative results.
27 Apr.- A downed helicopter was secured by elements of Co B at 745119. The bird was extracted by a UH-1H. Recon teams 1 & 2 found 19 bunkers and 1 NVA latrine. In the bunkers they found a variety of NVA equipment. All items are about 1 1/2 years old with no signs of recent activity.
28 Apr.- Pink team preformed recon by fire on grid square 7303. PF patrol found one submachine gun and other small arms. The Division Commander conferred with Brigade and Battalion Commanders on Birmingham today. Birmingham conducted a practice alert.
29 Apr.- Co A located several pair of boot prints freshly made. They were on a trail next to a campsite of about same age. Bunker #9 at Birmingham spotted two NVA/VC crossing river and other bunkers heard noise. The firebase was put on 100% alert and the reaction force will sleep at the ready position.
30 Apr.- Intensive VR by pink team around Birmingham produced negative results. Elements of 3rd plt B Co located fresh tracks going in opposite directions. Co D found 51 foxholes and variety of VC/NVA equipment which appeared to have been used in the last four days.
1 May - The battalion is continuing operation Texas Star. Nam Hoa set up an ambush based on some intelligence they had and sprung it on 8 NVA/VC. The results were one NVA/VC KIA and one NVA/VC female wounded and captured. Pink team discovered one fighting position with signs of recent use at 698114. Recon discovered six bunkers with overhead cover and destroyed the same. There were no signs of recent activity. Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd found and old NDP site with 30 foxholes. The last usage was estimated at one month ago.
2 May- A man in Co C 2nd plt was seriously hurt when he fell off 10 ft embankment. He was medivaced to 85th Evac. Co C at location 707070, found a booby trap on a trail. It was blown in place.
3 May- The Pink team found four to five sets of footprints with Ho Chi Minh sandals moving north. A Vietnamese civilian discovered a body tied up in the tree line near Tam Boa village and an investigation is under way. An RF accidentally set off a booby trap.. Co A found five rockets of varying sizes at 773046. 100 meters from the location the rockets were found, Co A found 3 bunkers. Firebase Birmingham received several incoming 82mm rounds with negative casualties.
4 May- Co D found 300 lbs of rice broken down in 7-15 lb sand bags and 1-100 lb water proof bag and 1-100 lb burlap bag. Located with this rice were several sets of clothes. There were signs of recent use around the area and the company discovered a small hootch. All the findings were located at 863030. Co D 2nd plt found one bunker with signs of very recent use by about four people. The bunker was destroyed.
5 May- Co C 1st plt located a trail at 708066. Co D 2nd plt[-] found a bunker re-enforced with timber and sand bags. Beside the bunker was a lean-to type shelter. A variety of small equipment was found in a lean to and bunker indicating they had been used in the last four days. The equipment and bunkers were found at 863079.
6 May- An NVA/VC man shot up the operations section of An Hop and fled . The PF sent out a patrol after him. Results one NVA/VC KIA. Recon team #1 found fresh set of tracks on trail. PF forces engaged four VC vic 945167 with negative results. Recon team #1 found fresh elephant tracks estimated to be two days old. In the village of Phu Thu a VN woman was assassinated by VC last night. Her husband had been killed by the VC three years ago.
7 May- Phu Thu sniper team C[?] engaged three NVA/VC with a believed result of two NVA/VC killed in action. Hue received eight 122mm rockets resulting in several casualties and one civilian house destroyed., RF forces engaged five to six VC at 777125 with negative results.
8 May- Phu Thu districts RF`s found one Chi Com machinegun. Firebase Birmingham was visited by a troop air lift Commanding General. Co A located a VC sign on a tree. The estimated age of the sigh was three months.
9 May- A man from Co B was medivaced because of a kidney stone passing blood. At location YD900229 the 160th PF plt found one M60 machinegun and one M1 carbine.
10 May- Recon found three booby traps rigged in C-ration cans on a trail. All the booby traps were blown in place. PF plt 161 while on night ambush spotted one NVA/VC at a great distance. A sweep was made with negative results.
11 May- Recon at location 761055 found one 60mm round in the ground set as a booby trap. They called in an EOD team. VC of and unknown number fired rockets at a school house and were repulsed by PF forces in the village of Thon Thong. PF plt 100 engaged one VC and thought they wounded him in the leg. A sweep under illumination produced negative results.
12 May- Three planes took ground fire from location 864159. Intelligence indicated 56 unknown persons moving in area immediately south of Arsenal. The firebase will be on 100% alert tonight.
13 May- Battalion S2 VR found and secured a ruck sack from the river containing 600 AK47 rounds, 105 9mm pistol rounds, 700 M60 rounds and one M-16 magazine full of ammo. Estimated age is less than two weeks. Phu
Thu reported VN children found and turned in one box of M-16 ammo which was hidden in some bushes. Co A at location 818187[?] found a tunnel complex.
14 May- Mobile MP[?] team with PF`s ambushed VC at 35 meters range. VC fled south leaving one VC KIA and as AK47 captured.
15 May- Co A 1st plt 1st sqd found one 500 lb bomb. The bomb will be blown in place because it is armed and the fuse is broken. The estimated age is nine months. Co A 3rd plt found one underground bunker. The bunker had not been used in the last seven months and inside was a small amount of equipment. Co A also located an underground bunker.
16 May- Co B found a spider hole in brush three to four weeks old. Fifteen meters west of first hole they found another the same age. All vehicles from now on will have sand bagged floors to prevent causalities from mines.
17 May- VR bird sighted possible rocket and mortar sight at 786962[?]. Co A 1st plt found one 60mm round buried in ground. They destroyed it in place.
18 May- Infantry OP at Birmingham reported movement was spotted 100 meters from the Rock Crusher. The area was illuminated with negative results. A cease fire is in effect from 1200 hours today until 1200 hours 19 May.
19 May- PF unit in ambush states at 967101[?] ambushed three VC moving east and [?] one VC KIA. Intelligence indicates enemy activity in our area will increase soon.
20 May- Continued operation Texas Star in sector Golf. Extensive SP and NA were employed with negative results.
21 May- Co D 3rd plt at 699070 found one dud 155 round. Third sqd found one dud 500 lb bomb at 732037. An EOD team has been requested. Co D 2nd plt at 732038 found two 4lb blocks of TNT. VN children turned in to US forces several 155mm HE rounds they found. The rounds were destroyed with C4 explosive.
22 May- Arsenal personnel spotted a light at 789062. MTT #15 and RF plt 142 observed three VC/NVA last night. They made a sweep of area and found three bunkers with signs of recent use. In the bunkers some equipment was found. They destroyed the bunker and back logged the ammo and hand grenades they found.
23 May- Co C spotted light blinking to SE of their position at YD775043. No other significant events occurred today.
24 May- Recon found a 155mm round on a trail located at 702112. An EOD team was sent in to destroy it. Look magazine corespondents visited Birmingham to get information for an article today. Co C spotted intermittent flashes at 761056.
25 May- Firebase Birmingham requested an engineer unit to clear vegetation and rocks from the area around the perimeter of the base.
26 May- MTT #15 found a 500 lb bomb at 964114. An EOD team was requested. > MTT #15 and 179th PF plt discovered a booby trap with pressure type firing device. A VN child turned in 1-60mm mortar round and one Chi Com grenade he found.
27 May- All units of the battalion are in Phu Bai for refresher training and standdown. A man from Co B was Division Soldier of the Month.
28 May- Battalion conducted classes on sapper techniques as they continued standdown.
29 May- 1/502 Inf. continued refresher training and standdown to Phu Bai.
30 May- The battalion continued standdown in Phu Bai. 31 May- The battalion continued standdown in Phu Bai while conducting refresher training.
1 Jun.- The battalion continued training and standdown operations in Phu Bai.
2 Jun.- The battalion ended standdown operations today and returned to Firebase Birmingham and Sector Golf to continue Texas Star. The 257 RF Company and flareship reported one VC/NVA KIA in ambush. MTT #13 found satchel charges and mines in sweep of an area around 803245.
3 Jun.- Co C 1st plt found a B40 rocket launcher 30 feet outside perimeter of Arsenal. It was old and rusty with negative signs of recent use. There was an attempt to sabotage the district chiefs jeep today. The bomb went off but did not injure anyone.
4 Jun.- railroad bridge at YD829178 caught fire last night. The fire was an accident and the damage was light. The bridge is operational today.
5 Jun.- 179 RF Co sighted 20 VC at YD964165. They engaged them with small arms. Results of the action is one VC KIA.
6 Jun.- Battalion continued operation Texas Star employing extensive S/P and N/A with negative results. A maximum usage of mechanical ambushes was obtained.
7 Jun.- Co A 3rd plt engaged one NVA within 25 meters. There was negative results from contact.
8 Jun.- Co C received ice with plastic bag in it. The bag was secured with a rubber band and contained some unknown substance. It was sent to the rear to be analyzed.
9 Jun.- Co C received classes today for review on communications and calling in artillery. A free lance writer visited Birmingham and a field position today. Co A 3rd plt was on patrol and smelled Marijuana. They sighted two VC 50 meter away and fired at them. There were negative results from contact and the sweep of the area afterwards. This action took place at 735053.
10 Jun.- The RF unit at Pohl Bridge thwarted an attempt by the VC to destroy the bridge with explosives on a raft. Co A 2nd plt found a man made hole in the ground while cutting a trail. It is estimated to 6-8 months old. Co A 3rd plt located three sleeping positions dug in the ground made for two men each. Last use of the positions was approximately three weeks ago.
11 Jun.- MTT #14 in conjunction with the 126 RF Company found one dead VC with equipment and a bunker. The bunker was located in the vic of YD861249. At location 702037, the VR bird found six fighting positions which showed no recent use.
12 Jun.- Second plt 221 RF Co while on patrol found one bunker 5` x 5` x 3`, two to three weeks old with overhead cover. Inside they found on AK47 and two magazines.
13 Jun.- A claymore went off and killed one man in Co D. Six others were wounded and evacuated to the 85th Evac. An investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of explosion. The Division Commander and a Congressman from Kentucky visited Firebase Birmingham today. Co C found two caves and one tunnel at 728058. They appeared to have been used in last three days.
14 Jun.- Someone was jamming the battalion radio net today. The jamming was thought to be deliberate by an enemy transmitter. Our net transmitted over the jamming.
15 Jun.- A VR was preformed in the area around YD697032. They discovered a bunker complex which showed no signs of recent use. The battalion employed extensive ambushes with negative results.
16 Jun.- A Sampan was fired on last night from Firebase Arsenal. The boat contained an unknown number of VC/NVA. Results of shelling are unknown.
17 Jun.- Houng Thuy initiated an operation to consolidate the rice from several villages into one secure place in each village. This will make it more difficult for the VC/NVA to obtain supplies. Co D 2nd plt 3rd sqd located a bomb. A EOD team was sent to the area at 756048.
18 Jun.- Houng Thuy district had an encounter with NVA/VC forces around their perimeter last night. They engaged the enemy, results were one NVA/VC KIA.
19 Jun.- Co D had one man evacuated to the rear at Birmingham because he had a possible case of malaria. Another man broke his nose and was evacuated to the 85th Evac.
20 Jun.- Third plt Co D preformed a recon by fire at area 762020. Firebase Birmingham had a practice alert tonight.
21 Jun.- Phu Thu reported contact vic 835217 by MTT #14 and confirmed one VC/NVA KIA and one AK47 captured.
22 Jun.- MTT units continued training PF and RF`s. Co D had practice alert at 1000 hours.
23 Jun.- There was an agent report today indicating elements of the VC would attempt to sell US forces cokes and beer which was wired with explosives and delay fuses. Birmingham was mortared from suspected location at 693113 or 717120 today. The firebase received 12 to 15 82mm rounds. There were no casualties. Co D was called to secure General Smith`s helicopter when it went down at 678178.
24 Jun.- Co A 2nd plt [-] while setting up and NDP spotted three to four VC/NVA. They engaged the enemy with S/A and artillery fire. A sweep under illumination produced negative results.
25 Jun.- Co A 2nd plt 1st sqd at location 773044 found a campsite used in the last 48 hours. It was used by approximately five persons. Within 100 meters they also located three bunkers and a trail showing signs of usage in the last 24 hours. Co A 2nd plt reported sniper fire by approximately four NVA/VC, one NVA/VC KIA. Co B located a trail and sleeping position used by NVA/VC elements in last four days. Recon found a small wooden Budda hanging from a tree limb at 690126.
26 Jun.- Camp Eagle took incoming rounds early this morning. A mechanical ambush went off accidentally wounding one US. He was medivaced to the 85th Evac. Co B 2nd plt found one warhead at 723025. It is believed to be part of a 155mm round. Co C 1st plt located a sleeping position one to two days old.
27 Jun.- Recon found tracks which appear to be about 12 hours old at YD732059. They were made by one or two persons. Co A heard movement outside their NDP. They employed artillery and will sweep the area in the morning.
28 Jun.- Co B 2nd plt found two graves at 726016. Both graves are about two weeks old and the person appear to have died of shrapnel wounds. At location 730059 recon team #1 found sleeping places for several persons and a variety of equipment. Co B 2nd plt at 721013[?] found a 122mm rocket and warhead. The signs in the area indicate recent use within the last two to three days.
29 Jun.- Co D 3rd plt located at YD849046 received incoming rounds 25 to 50 meters from their location. No casualties were sustained during the shelling.
30 Jun.- fire base Birmingham received three incoming 122mm rockets wounded one man and damaging a water truck. In Co B one man was killed by misdirected friendly fire. The location was 724025.
1 Jul.- At YD852059 an old campfire site was located showing signs of use two to three months ago. Co D 1st plt found two one-man foxholes at 803089. They appeared to have been used in the last three days.
2 Jul.- A woman VC sympathizer was caught trying to hide bunkers from a plowing operation in Phu Thu district.
3 Jul.- Three rounds of unknown origin or direction landed near FB Birmingham with negative casualties.
4 Jul.- One man from B Co was injured when burning trash exploded. He was taken to Phu Bai by ambulance. Co C sighted and fired upon four NVA at 684124 during a period of extremely limited visibility. A sweep produced no results. Co D 2nd plt found a Ho Chi Minh sandal at 745079.
5 Jul.- MTT #21 engaged two VC at 788026 and swept the area with negative results. Recon heard movement north of their position at 738058. They blew a claymore with negative results.
6 Jul.- 1/502 Inf. continued operation Texas Star employing extensive S/P and N/A`s with negative results.
7 Jul.- Huong Thuy district HQ`s took incoming rounds early this morning. One PF KIA and one US WIA were the results of that attack. Camp Eagle took incoming rounds. The launch sites were believed to be 719998 or 723018. Co A found one bunker with signs of recent use. Numerous rocket launch sites were located with recent use.
8 Jul.- Firebase Arsenal did not have search light because of theirs breaking down. A 2 ½ ton truck turned over on the road between Birmingham and Eagle.
9 Jul.- Co B 3rd plt found a shelter half about two to three days old. It was located at YD856050.
10 Jul.- A man was wounded on Birmingham during the mad minute fire. He was located at bunker #12. The 191 RF[?] Company location YD778021 came under S/A fire and satchel charges. The results were one VN KIA and nine VN WIA.
11 Jul.- Co C 2nd plt found a bunker about six months old at 691062. Huong Thu[?] had 11 people killed and 35 wounded in an accident involving a frag grenade at a training center. Co C located a cache of 36 rounds of 82mm ammo.
12 Jul.- 158 PF plt found one female VN KIA after dark. Recon team A discovered caves with old C-ration cans, complexes, and three bunkers. They showed no signs of recent use.
13 Jul.- 257 RF Co engaged an unknown number of VC/NVA with light casualties on the RF unit and unknown enemy casualties. A helicopter took ground fire at 816056 today. The area was shelled with artillery and will be swept later. Co D 3rd plt found a grave approximately two months old at 778022.
14 Jul.- MP`s found VC propaganda leaflets at the edge of Hue City. Co C 3rd plt found a 122mm rocket extension piece at 787017. It appeared to be about four to six months old.
15 Jul.- A mechanical ambush went off at 715103 and the area was checked with negative results except the discovering of two sets of foot prints heading north. Two men were medivaced from Birmingham today, one with a cut finger and one with possible malaria.
16 Jul.- Birmingham reported mortar flashes from 692140 and 696132. Team 2 of recon found three sets of footprints about 12 hours old at 793037. In the area of the tracks they found a rice bowl.
17 Jul.- A VN Lientenant General, the I Military Region Commander and his US counterpart inspected Huong Thuy and Nam Hoa district HQ`s today.
18 Jul.- 1/502 Int continued operation Texas Star with negative results.
19 Jul.- co C 1st plt found fresh footprints near 700040 that appeared about one day old. The Recon plt was extracted from the field for standdown and refresher training.
20 Jul.- Co A on Birmingham reported one man in bunker #1 engaged one NVA/VC outside of wire with S/A fire. The enemy soldier fled and a check of area under illumination produced negative results.
21 Jul.- Co A at 696097 reported sighting three NVA/VC at a good distance away. They swept the area with no results. A forward TOC was set up on Firebase Bastogne today at 1900 hours.
22 Jul.- Co C 1/501 came under operational control to our battalion today.
23 Jul.- Co D reported a man walked up to their check point at 576059 and appeared to be an NVA soldier and wanted to Chu Hoi. He as taken to Firebase Birmingham for questioning.
24 Jul.- Recon team two had movement at their NDP early this morning. They utilized a recon by fire and the area is quiet now. A sweep of the area in the morning produced negative results.
25 Jul.- At 849217 MTT[?] #2[?] found 4 bunkers three to four days old. The bunkers had rice and a stove in them.
26 Jul.- An MA at 797042 had a shove[?] and went off. VR bird spotted a suspected 122mm launch site at 774045.
27 Jul.- Co A 2nd plt found a dud 155 round at 744029. Co B requested and received medivac for a litter patient with injured back and hip.
28 Jul.- Area around YD774040 was fire dropped because it was a suspected VC/NVA launching site and rest area. Co B 1st plt located YD869019 engaged two NVA/VC with negative casualties and negative results.
29 Jul.- Co B found a variety of small equipment on a trail including clothes and ruck sack which they destroyed. Co B 1st sqd 1st plt made contact with an unknown number of enemy at location YD874024.
30 Jul.- Co B located a VC NDP which was approximately one week old. They also found some VC propaganda leaflets in the area.
31 Jul.- Co B received incoming mortar rounds at their location. They were located at 866014. No casualties were sustained and a sweep of the area produced negative results.
1 Aug.- 1/502 Inf continued operation Texas Star employing extensive S/P and N/A with negative results.
2 Aug.- A pink team received a few rounds of small arms fire today at 864025. Artillery was called in on the area. Phu Bai received a total of seven 122mm incoming rounds with negative casualties or damage.
3 Aug.- Co A 2nd plt found a pick and shovel. Co B 2nd plt spotted one NVA/VC and engaged same with result one NVA/VC KIA and his equipment captured. This action occurred at location YD865012.
4 Aug.- PF`s from Houng Thuy and Nam Hoa discovered a variety of small enemy signs in a variety of locations. Co B found a trail at 866002 with signs of use in the last three days. At the same location they discovered four to five foxholes.
5 Aug.- Co B 3rd plt located at 885008 engaged one NVA with S/A fire with negative results. Later Co B 3rd plt made contact with a command detonated claymore mine resulting in two US KIA, two US WIA and one Kit Carson Scout KIA.
6 Aug.- Recon discovered a high speed trail. The pink team found three fighting positions with recent activity in the last 48 hours. They were located at 876007. The battalion returned to Phu Bai today for standdown.
7 Aug.- The battalion completed the first day of refresher training. Nam Hoa district HQ`s came under attack resulting in four US WIA, two VN KIA, two VN WIA.
8 Aug.- 1/502 Inf continued standdown training at Phu Bai.
9 Aug.- Classes for the battalion continued during standdown at Phu Bai.
10 Aug.- Classes for the battalion continued during standdown at Phu Bai.
11 Aug.- The battalion completed standdown today and is in the process of returning to the field and Firebase Birmingham.
12 Aug.- A VR bird spotted three sampans past the limit permitted on the river and turned them back. In Co D a point man spotted one NVA/VC forty meters ahead who fled south.
13 Aug.- co C 3rd plt[-] at location 774046 found three fighting positions showing no signs of recent use. Recon location at 875996 engaged one VC/NVA with negative results. Co C 2nd plt at YD727059 engaged four NVA resulting in one NVA POW, one NVA KIA, three NVA field packs, two AK47 rifles, five AK47 magazines and some documents.
14 Aug.- B Co reported hearing movement at the river vic 701097. At first light VR produced signs of recent activity.
15 Aug.- A white team discovered three to four bunkers at 685115 and a bunker 48 hours old at 762051.
16 Aug.- A white team discovered a bunker at 757053. Recon found 15-20 fighting positions and a bunker with recent use.
17 Aug.- PF forces found several bunkers and a variety of fighting positions. The battalion continued operation Texas Star with no significant events in the twenty four hour period.
18 Aug.- Sampans were on the river past the boundary again today and Nam Hoa district HQ`s sent someone to remove them to behind the bridge.
19 Aug.- A tracker team discovered a bunker about two weeks old and several fresh tracks in the area of 779106. Co C 2nd plt sighted three NVA/VC moving into a bunker YD738073 and called in artillery with negative results. Co D 2nd plt found several pieces of NVA equipment at 881024[?].
20 Aug.- A medivac was requested for a man in Co E who was cut while using a machete to cut a trail. MTT #20 located at YD791095 spotted two NVA/VC. They engaged enemy with ARA obtaining negative results.
21 Aug.- Co C reported five incoming rounds of mortars or artillery approximately 800 meters from their position.
22 Aug.- Co B 2nd plt 2nd sqd sprung a day ambush on one NVA/VC with negative results.
23 Aug.- Sampans were removed to safe area after they crossed the boundary on the river again today. Co D 1st plt 2nd sqd found one bunker and 12 fighting positions at [???????} . Co C found two hootches on a trail at 776054 built about thirty days ago.
24 Aug.- A truck had a fuel leak on highway 542]?] and burned. There was heavy damage to the truck but no injuries. Co A 2nd plt 2nd sqd found two bunkers and some small equipment at 864041.
25 Aug.- There was a brigade class A inspection of Birmingham today. B Co >heard small arms fire and detected movement 50[?] meters south of their position. They swept the area, finding nothing.
26 Aug.- Co A 1st plt 1st sqd found mortar place one year old at 865025. The area showed no recent signs of activity. Co A 1st plt 3rd sqd found a small sleeping area for one or two people about three days old.
27 Aug.- Co C swept the road to Birmingham for mines with negative results. A Co 1st plt found a lobster can hanging from a tree. There were no signs of recent activity in the area.
28 Aug.- Phu Bai took incoming mortar rounds and rockets early in this morning with miner damage and three US WIA.
29 Aug.- B Co sighted smoke at grid 709072 and an air search produced no results. Co B took one mortar round of unknown size. The launch site was probably 770960. A white team spotted a bunker at 778045 and fired on it. Co A 1st plt found fresh footprints at 774045.
30 Aug.- Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd found a tunnel entrance about two months old. Inside they found a room with nothing except a sump hole.
31 Aug.- Co B 1st plt found a lookout position with a semi-automatic weapon and a poncho inside. No signs in the area of recent use.
1 Sep.- A fixed wing Nighthawk spotted two sampans in the water at grid 804078. 81mm mortars fired 20 rounds HE. B C o 3rd plt 2nd sqd found a trail at 778079 running east to west. The trail is 1 ½ feet wide and shows signs of recent activity. Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd found two 6` x 2` very old bunkers at 835032. There was a fresh trail in the area. No signs of recent activity were observed and the bunkers were destroyed. Co B 1st plt 3rd sqd found two caved in bunkers and five caved in fighting positions about 6-8 months old at 758040. Co A 3rd plt at YD823046 observed four enemy going into the brush. ARA pink team, and flare ships were employed with negative results.
2 Sep.- Report from Phu Thuy at YD93[?] RF, Pf`s found a bunker with two VC in it. Five RF, PF`s were wounded and both VC killed. Captured were one Ck6 [?] rifle and one AK47 . Bunker was destroyed. 1/502 Inf continued Texas Star in section Golf making maximum use of S/P and N/A with negative results.
3 Sep.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd engaged two NVA at grid YD835035, at range of 20-28 meters with small arms fire resulting in one NVA KIA, one AK47 and bandoleer of ammo captured. There were no friendly casualties.
4 Sep.- Co A 1st plt 1st sqd at grid 744053 found a NW-SE trail, one foot wide with sandal prints two to three days old heading SE. Co A at grid YD804057 spotted two sampans. People got off and moved east.
5 Sep.- Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd found nine fighting positions three with overhead cover about 12 months old. Positions were destroyed. Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd at grid YD831032 found a bunker 4-5 months old with one fighting position and a trail leading to the east. The bunker was destroyed. There were no signs of recent activity. Co D 1st plt had movement 40-50 meters west of their location. Illumination was employed but nothing was sighted.
[6 SEPTEMBER `70 30 MARCH `71]
Jefferson Glen was the third and final operation undertaken by the 101st Airborne Division in 1970. As indicated by its title, the plan was to cover the monsoon season of 1970 - `71.
The objectives of Jefferson Glen were very similar to Randolph Glen a year earlier. Again, because of the nature of monsoon weather, The military objectives of the plan were limited. The operation continued the concept of a complete integration of effort of all agencies within the division area of operations for the accomplishment of the inseparable tasks of improving territorial security and protecting the people from terrorism. Other missions included improving the people's Self-Defense Force; developing local self-management in administrative, economic, and financial systems; to educate and motivate the people to participate in local government; and the continuation of building a better way of life and prosperity for the South Vietnamese people.
Under the Jefferson Glen plan, the “First Strike” Battalion was assigned to the 2d Brigade. Our area of operation was somewhat smaller than in the previous campaigns but still comprised many of the former areas. The battalion Command Post was located at Arsenal. And elements of the battalion were, for a short time, stationed on Firebase Brick in the southern portion of our sector of responsibility.
It is impossible, at this time, to assess the final success of Jefferson Glen because it is still continuing. Initial reports are encouraging and it is estimated that Jefferson Glen may be even more successful than its predecessor, Randolph Glen.
Our battalion's mission in combat continues to be one of constant vigilance through the employment of numerous patrols and ambushes utilizing the airmobile concept of rapid movement when the weather permits. There is every indication at this time that Jefferson Glen will add yet another successful campaign to the long list of the “First Strike” Battalion.
6 Sep.- A VR bird spotted two bunkers on the east slope of Hill 274. Co C found a grave two to three weeks old at grid 752947. No signs of recent activity. Co C 1st plt destroyed two bunkers at their NDP sight, location 755948 on an LZ about 12 months old. There was no sign of recent activity. Operation Jefferson Glen Monsoon Plan 1970 starts.
7 Sep.- First light VR bird reports sampans at 802073. District chief from Nam Hoa says they are not supposed to be there and to fire in front of them to make them turn around. Co D 2nd plt 3rd sqd reached their objective at grid 773960 sandal tracks which they followed with negative results. Co C had four men wounded by a booby trap. First plt stopped on a trail for a break and sent its 2nd sqd out on point. Point man, Gary A Ollstrap[?] stepped on a pressure device booby trap and received multiple chest and leg wounds and a partially amputated foot. His condition is listed serious. The slack man Peter N. Mitchel was wounded in the neck. All three were medivaced to 85th Evac. A fourth man was very slightly wounded and not evacuated. The trail is hard packed and two feet wide. Co C found 16 60mm mortar rounds in a hollow tree five feet off a trail.
8 Sep.- Co D 3rd plt 1st sqd at grid 778957 spotted one NVA on the edge of an LZ about 200 meters away moving north. They did not fire because they only had a fleeting glimpse of him and hoped he might reappear or others would follow him. Co C 1st plt 2nd sqd observed a trail watcher and engaged hem. The trail watcher fled SE. A sweep of the area produced one AK47. Co B 1st plt observed lights 100 meters NW of their night location. A nighthawk was employed and sighted a raft floating vic of grid YD791098. He fired at the raft with unknown results.
9 Sep.- co C 2nd plt engaged an unknown size enemy force with small arms fire at about 75 meters. Scout dog handler and one man from 2nd plt were wounded, dog handler seriously. Requested medivac, ARA and pink team. Both men were taken to 85th Evac. Dog handler was dead on arrival. Co C had one man, SP4 Wilfred Young killed when he accidentally walked into the rotor blade of a helicopter. Co A 1st plt 3rd sqd grid 837032 found a shallow grave with one body, four to five months old. At 0800 hours insertion of OPCON elements of 2/327th Inf to Fsb Blitz began with forward TOC and other elements closing by 1200 hours.
10 Sep.- Phu Bai received incoming last night. B Co reported flashes on as azimuth of 4000 mils, six kilometers distant. Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd reported mortars being fired on an azimuth of 5800 mills at 800 meters. Employed 81mm mortars on suspected positions. Recon found a blood trail 50 meters from their NDP moving east. They were following the trail and received small arms fire. They returned fire and killed one VC, captured one AK47, 40 lbs of rice and 10 lbs salt. Co C 3rd plt point man fired at one VC, VC fled SE. KCS with 3rd plt believes there are 30 more VC vic of Hill 444. ARA employed against Hill 444 and received ground fire. Co C 3rd plt found two bunkers, each with a latrine in it plus two 82mm rounds and 20 lbs of rice. At grid 772922 they found two punji pits and seven more bunkers with one ruck sack inside. Trails run north and west.
11 Sep.- Recon sprang an ambush at 763922 on two VC heading south. PFC Blackeik was wounded by fragments from a claymore used in the ambush. Negative enemy casualties. Recon found one 120mm warhead buried near a tree at 764922.
12 Sep.- Co C 3rd plt found a grave, two to three months old [?] [?] activity at 776923.
13 Sep.- Co A [?] 2nd plt 1st sqd found a bunker, three months old with two entrances, trail ran north. There were no signs of recent activity. Co C 1st plt 1st sqd found two bunkers, a hole 10 feet deep with overhead cover and four trails in the area running N. E. all about four months old and no recent activity. Co D at grid 797939 found two RPG rounds and two RPG boosters, enemy tracer rounds and one envelope with an address.
14 Sep.- Co D 2nd plt had movement 50 meters fo their location YD797939. Reconed by fire and sighted one individual fleeing down a stream. Search of the area negative results.
15 Sep.- A Co 1st plt 3rd sqd at 7[?]8045 found seven small bunkers, one 122mm rocket launcher, one tripod for 122mm rocket, launcher in good condition and one RPG canister with medicine in it. There was recent activity within the last week. Two elements of Recon fired upon each other and Sgt Terry L Saase was shot below the knee and medivaced out. At 1905 hours FSB Blitz took incoming fire from the SE at 765955 resulting in six US WIA including the battalion commander. LTC West. At 2055 hours LTC Lang assumed command of 1/502 Inf.
16 Sep.- General Berry visited Blitz and Arsenal. Co D 2nd plt at grid 795928 they found two sets of footprints a few hours old. At grid 794927 they found one cultivated field. There were no hootches or bunkers. Co D had four men wounded by a booby trap. Men medivaced were Sgt Robert K. Haskins, Sgt Michael P. Kelley, SP4 Steven Smith, and PVT Hubert Hapron. The men were taken to 85th Evac.
17 Sep.- Co CV 2nd plt engaged four VC/NVA who fled west. Results were one found trail. ARA employed and at 1320 Co C Commanding Officer reports that one ARA bird went down in canopy 300 meters from the contact location. First plt is heading for the downed aircraft. At 1700 hours 1st plt was still 200 meters from the downed aircraft and found a base camp which they destroyed. A pink team feels they will not reach the aircraft tonight due to difficulty of the terrain.
18 Sep.- Co C 1st plt reached the downed aircraft at 0718 hours. There was no activity around the aircraft and also the aircraft is upside down and very badly torn up. The aircraft is located at 767927. An inspection team removed radios, data plate, and destroyed the aircraft. At 0835 Co C 2nd plt engaged four VC at 787323 found a blood trail and the VC seemed to be carrying one wounded. They captured 30 lbs of rice. At location 767325 Co C found base camp of four hootches, clothes and clothes line. Indications are that the VC/NVA left in a hurry. Clothes were green uniforms. At 1045 hours Co C 2nd plt saw one VC/NVA and engaged him with small arms fire. A sweep of area produced negative results. Co B medivaced one man with an accidental gunshot wound in the foot.
19 Sep.- The 1/502 Inf continued operation Jefferson Glen in sector Golf using maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
20 Sep.- General Berry visited FSB Arsenal and BSB Brick today. Operation Jefferson Glen continued making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
21 Sep.- Co B 1st plt 3rd sqd at 79024 found two fighting positions, one bunker with a four foot long tunnel and a five foot cavity, two foxholes and one satchel [?] charge. All were destroyed.
22 Sep.- Co C 1st plt 2nd sqd found fresh sandal prints at 855023, heard movement in the area and fired. Sweep of the area produced negative results. At 1812 hours Co C[-] had a medivac for a man with serious arm and leg wounds from a booby trap at YD845042. Man was taken to 85th Evac. The LZ near location is also booby trapped with US type hand grenades.
23 Sep.- The 1/502 Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Golf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
24 Sep.- Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd found a bunker with overhead cover and several large trails with fresh jungle boot tracks. The trails run north.
25 Sep.- Co B 2nd plt 3rd sqd at 756036 found a dud 8 inch round and requested 6 lbs of C4 to blow the round. One PF from 100 plt at YD941181 tripped a booby trap made of an M-26 grenade. The man was evacuated to the 85th Evac.
26 Sep.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in Sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
27 Sep.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf >making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
28 Sep.- General Berry arrived at Brick at 1220 yours and departed at 1300. The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen making maximum use S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
29 Sep.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
30 Sep.- General Berry arrived at FSB Brick at 1000 hours, Departed at 1015 hours. 82 PF plt engaged a squad sized enemy force with small arms fire at 795215, results, one VC KIA, one AK47 captured. VC wore Black PJ`s.
1 Oct.- There have been indications of increased enemy infiltration of the 101st Airborne Division's Area of Operations. These indications include: [ a] lack of enemy initiated contacts. [b] recent agent reports. [c] Low percentage of natural illumination [sun shine?] and poor flying conditions that restrict airmobile operations. [d] Nearness of US elections and possibility of securing a political victory. Accordingly, 1/502d Inf assumed and increased alert status and coordinated with District chiefs to insure similar alert status in key points in the lowlands.
2 Oct.- The security detachment at Pohl Bridge requested engineers to remove logs and other items collecting under the bridge. The 1/502 Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
3 Oct.- The 1/502 Inf has continued operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf with negative results from the use of S/P`s and N/A`s.
4 Oct.- General Berry visited Arsenal at 0945 hours and departed at 1007 hours. Operation Jefferson Glen continues, the 1/502 Inf employing extensive S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
5 Oct.- General Berry again visited FSB Arsenal. Arrived 0925, departed 0947. The 1/502 lnf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf employing extensive S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
6 Oct.- An unknown person found the body of a GI in the river between Nam Hoa and Pohl Bridge at grid YD748727[?]. There was no identification on the body. MP`s tentatively identified him as a member of 1/501 Recon plt.
7 Oct.- Received word from Nam Hoa that Vietnamese civilians are aware they are not allowed to move sampans past the 08 grid line. All past that line is a free fire zone and civilians also know this.
8 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
9 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
10 Oct.- 104th PF plt while on a search operation at grid YD937190 found one bunker with three VC inside. PF`s engaged VC, VC returned fire. Results; two VC KIA, one VC POW, and one AK47, one M-16, and three hand grenades captured.
11 Oct.- Co B found seven old 122mm canisters, one electric firing device. Site is believed to be an old rocket launch site, about six months old. No sign of recent activity.
12 Oct.- Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd at grid 838058 found a hole 1 ½ feet wide and three feet deep which KCS said was an old mortar cache site five to six weeks old. There also found the remains of what appears to be an old hootch. There were no trails in the area.
13 Oct.- Battalion security detachment at Pohl Bridge was notified to increase their alertness because of recent activities in the Nam Hoa area.
14 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
15 Oct.- General Henessay visited FSB Arsenal. He arrived 1043 hours and departed at 1113 hours. Tropical storm warning received, with 50 knot winds expected within 48 hours and expected to last through 20 Oct. All units were instructed to order necessary log to carry them through.
16 Oct.- Co B at grid 777082 found one rear casing for a 122mm rocket in a stream bed. It was old and rusty and may have been washed down the stream.
17 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf employing S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
18 Oct.- Co B 1st plt 2nd sqd at grid YD772078 found five 122mm rocket shipping boxes, seven 122mm rocket launcher caps, six shipping plugs. The site is about six months old and no recent signs of activity or trails.
19 Oct.- co C observed a sampan in the vicinity of the bridge near FSB Arsenal. Three people came ashore. Co C sent six men to check on the situation. Appears the people gathered some gravel and left. Colonel Root [2nd Bde CO ] arrived at FSB Arsenal at 1022 hours and departed at 1040 hours.
20 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
21 Oct.- Co D 3rd plt at grid 835067 found one machete one to two weeks old and in good condition. Later at grid 848970 they found one pair of binoculars in good condition, serial number 190265, 6 x30 power, about 1-2 weeks old. On the way to that location they found four M-16 magazines and one M-26 hand grenade.
22 Oct.- General Berry visited FSB Arsenal at 1020 hours and left at 1045 hours. Co B 1st plt at grid 780066 found one 81mm HE round and blew it in place. 1845 yours Camp Eagle reported incoming. 1850 FSB Birmingham reports incoming. At 1857 hours Co C 1st plt 1st sqd reports flashes at 2100 mills, range 7 kilometers. Infantry CP at Arsenal [Co C] sighted flashes between Nui Ke and Banana Mountain, direction 147[?] degrees. At 1926 1st plt Co C 2/501st Inf at grid YD838005 reported thumping that sounds like mortars leaving the tube 3-4 kilometers, direction of 350 degrees. Co B[?] at 1945[?] hours reports three rounds impacting outside wire at Arsenal., Co D at 1955 hours reported flashes at 2000 meters, direction of 2800 mills. At 2029 hours Co C reports two more rounds>impacted 500 meters, direction 150 degrees from bunker #5.
23 Oct.- General Berry and Colonel Root arrived at FSB Arsenal at 1000 hours and departed 1024 hours. Recon at 852017, found ½ bag of salt and one clear plastic bag with Chinese writing and a sleeping position for three to five men about five days old. A high speed trail 2 ½ feet wide runs N-S through the area. There were no signs of recent activity. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd reported chopping sound in vicinity of grid YD764037. Engaged with artillery and search produced negative results.
24 Oct.- Hurricane warning out today. Hurricane expected to hit tomorrow with wind peed up to 85 knots. 2323 hours Phu Bai received incoming. Phu Bai took 12 to 15 82mm rounds.
25 Oct.- At 0005[?] hours Pohl Bridge reported 4-5 large explosions in rapid succession. It may have been incoming but the distance was too great to determine. The rounds landed south of Pohl Bridge and south Nam Hoa. During a stream crossing vicinity of grid 839032, one man from Recon lost his M-16 rifle, serial number 838151.
26 Oct.- Engineers at Pohl Bridge estimate it will take 3-6 days to remove the debris piled up under the bridge from the storm. Debris extends 6-12 feet deep below the water line. Co D 3rd plt 3rd sqd found six bunkers and twelve foxholes about one year old. A two foot wide trail ran through the area north to south. There were no signs of recent activity. Recon recovered the weapon [M-16] they lost yesterday. 81mm mortar section saw a light at 285 degree direction, 200 meters across the river from FSB Arsenal. Light was moving south and five 81mm HE were fired on grid 797078.
27 Oct.- General Berry arrived on Arsenal at 0825 hours and departed at 0859 hours. Water level is rising at Pohl Bridge and is now only 14 inches below the bridge with debris piling up over the bridge railing. Engineers at the bridge estimate that if rate of debris accumulation continues, the bridge will be unsafe within the hour.
28 Oct.- Due to heavy rains and swelling of streams, Bridge at grid 806091 has moved 30 meters and is closed as of ooo5[?] hours. Water is rising around many villages and flood warnings exist. Vietnamese [?] will do any evacuation with their own resources, utilizing US elements only if their resources are insufficient for the task.
29 Oct.- Continued heavy rains prohibited major troop movements. Danger of flooding in lowlands continues to increase. All units were advised of the danger of emersion foot and to take corrective measures.
30 Oct.- Pohl Bridge has been closed due to water level 20-22 inches above bridge level. Both generators are in two to four feet of water. Debris clearing operations are continuing at the bridge and preparations to evacuate the area if need arises are underway.
31 Oct.- Water is receding from Pohl Bridge and is now seven feet below bridge level. Debris clearing continues. Generators and lights on bridge are still inoperable. Villages around Pohl Bridge were not evacuated as flood waters did not reach them.
1 Nov.- The 1.502d Inf moved into Phu Bai today for a battalion standdown. All units got in safely and are ready to begin their training.
2 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues to conduct standdown in Phu Bai. No major incidents in the last 24 hours.
3 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues to conduct standdown in Phu Bai. No major incidents in the last 24 hours.
4 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues to conduct standdown in Phu Bai. No major incidents to the last 24 hours.
5 Nov.- Battalion standdown at Phu Bai continues with no major incidents in the last 24 hours.
6 Nov.- Battalion completed the last day of refresher training in Phu Bai and began preparation for move to Evans and working under control of 3rd Brigade.
7 Nov.- The battalion moved from Phu Bai to combat operations in 3rd Bde area of operations. Co A secured FSB Jack and the battalion assumed responsibility for the firebase at 1345 yours. Co B,C, and D and Recon moved to field locations around FSB Jack. All units got in safely and there were no incidents.
8 Nov.- Co B found a booby trap consisting of ½ lb C4 with trip wire at grid 477341. Booby trap was destroyed in place. Co B 1st plt 1st sqd moving in vicinity of grid 482325 when one enemy opened up with five rounds of automatic fire, slightly wounding one man. They returned fire with and M-60 with negative results. They found one bunker and one hootch in the area with various pots and pans around the bunker. A trip wire was running into the bunker.
9 Nov.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd in and LP position 100 meters east of FSB Jack at the vicinity of meters west of their position. Ten 81mm rounds were fired with negative results. Co B 2nd plt 3rd sqd had two men wounded by a booby trap consisted of one hand grenade with trip wire at grid TD471328. Both men had fragmentation wounds of the lower body. They were medivaced to Camp Evens. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd found two M-16 ammo cans filled with rice at grid YD432185[?]. They destroyed the rice.
10 Nov.- PFC Wayne O`neil of 2nd plt Co B stepped on a booby trap constructed of 41/2 lbs explosive and a pressure type firing device, as he was crossing a trail. He suffered frag wounds in the left hand and amputation of his left foot. He was taken to Camp Evans. There were no signs of recent activity and the area had been already hit by artillery and a flame drop earlier in the day.
11 Nov.- Co C 2nd plt 1st sqd found a garden plot 8 feet by 16 feet with a fighting position 5 feet by 5 feet at grid YD541291. Indications are that the place was used within the last 48 hours.
12 Nov.- Co B 1st plt found three propaganda sheets made from hardboard at grid XV79312[?].
13 Nov.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd on LP northwest of FSB Jack sighted six VC/NVA in the vicinity of grid 489290. The enemy were engaged by snipers and 81mm mortars. Later the squad saw three VC/NVA around grid 487290, 81mm HE was fired and resulted in one secondary explosion. Sweeps of both areas were made at first light with negative results. Co A 2nd plt 3rd sqd while pulling security for engineers received small arms and RPG fire. There were no friendly casualties. Third Bde recon and security squad working in the battalion area of operations engaged one VC/NVA at grid YD395283. Enemy fled north, with recon following. This resulted in the discovery of one hootch and one bunker at grid YD393287. Both were destroyed.
14 Nov.- At grid YD602225, recon sighted six VC/NVA moving south at a distance of 1400 meters. Eighteen rounds of 105mm HE were ifred. A sweep of the area produced negative results. Bde recon and security squad around grid YD397287 detonated a booby trap which resulted in four US KIA, and two US WIA.
15 Nov.- Co A 2nd plt 1st sqd moved to grids YD544269 and YD546248 to check out radar sightings. At grid YD546248 they found sleeping positions for four or five individuals. One or two days old.
16 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continued in operation Jefferson Glen, OPCON to the 3rd Bde. N.A`s and S/P`s were employed with negative results.
17 Nov.- Co D 1st plt found a NVA/VC factory made booby trap at YD 503255. It had a pressure type firing device and was employed across a small stream. There were no markings to indicate that the booby trap was in the area. The element was combat assaulted before and EOD team could be brought to the area, and the booby trap was left in place.
18 Nov.- Co B 2nd plt had one man wounded by a booby trap at grid YD474338. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found two bunkers about a month old, ten feet off a trail running north and south at grid YD497249. The trail was one and one half feet wide and there are indications of four or five people in the area within the last two days. The bunkers were destroyed. Co D 2nd plt 3rd sqd found six bunkers about two weeks old at grid YD505204[?]. The bunkers were twenty meters apart and formed a circle. These bunkers were also destroyed.
19 Nov.- Co D 3rd plt 2nd sqd found a grave containing the skeleton of a small man wrapped on gray plastic at grid YD497245. At 1230 hours the 1/506th Inf took command of FSB Jack and its area of operation. Co D 3rd plt 1st sqd at the site of the bunkers they destroyed yesterday [gridYD497249], found tracks of one person that were made after they left the site one 18 Nov. The battalion moved from FSB Jack to FSB Rakkassan. Co B moved from the field to Rakkassan by air movement and foot march.
20 Nov.- Co D 1st plt 2nd sqd at grid YD501240 found bunkers three to six months old. There are no trails in the area or signs of recent activity. Recon at grid YD490228 found tracks of four individuals going south . Thetracks were about eight hours old.
21 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen and is OPCON to 3rd BDE at FSB Rakkassan.
22 Nov.- Co D 1st plt 3rd sqd found four bunkers a year or more old and caving in at grid YD497230. Bunkers were in pairs, 15 meters apart and 30 meters between pairs. They were located on a north-south trail two feet wide. There were no signs of recent activity. Bde recon and security Plt is operating in the battalion area of operations and is OPCON to the 1.502d Inf.
23 Nov.- Co C 2nd plt found 8 bunkers at grid YD453168. Seven are in poor condition and one is in good condition and has been used in the last month. They also found an NVA helmet and canteen in the area. The bunkers were destroyed. Co A 1st plt found seven bunkers and 14 fighting positions arranged around a hill top at grid YD478188. The place is about six months old and no recent activity. Artillery was used to destroy the bunkers after the Plt moved out of the area.
24 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen and is still OPCON to 3rd BDE. Use of S/P`s and N/A`s had negative results.
25 Nov.- The battalion moved [?] to FSB Arsenal today and was relieved as the division ready reaction force. The 2/506 assumed responsibility for Rakkassan and its area of operations at 1435[?] hours. The move to FSB Arsenal was completed without incident.
26 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen using S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
27 Nov.- Co B 1st plt found a dud US bomb at grid YD829078. Request EOD team.
28 Nov.- Co B 1st plt found a 155mm round at 818086. They did not blow it for lack of qualified personnel. They also found an officers type briefcase containing pay vouchers dated 1970 and other papers including a personal letter.
29 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
30 Nov.- Co B moved by air to LZ`s secured by Co D , which then moved by air to FSB Arsenal and assumed responsibility for the firebase.
1 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a three foot wide trail vic northeast at grid YD789054. There were no signs of recent activity. Co B 2nd plt found an eight man sleeping position at grid YD772073.
2 Dec.- Co B 2nd plt found a trail at YD772079 and a sandal. Also found a can believed to be used for cooking so it was smudged. On the same trail they found a man-made cave three feet wide and three feet deep. Nothing was found in the cave. Trail is 18-20 inches wide and runs NW into stream. There was no recent activity. Co B 1st plt found one US claymore with out wire or firing device, but explosive intact at grid YD788065. At grid YD796066 they found one US claymore without wire, firing device, or explosives, one trip flare, unopened C-ration cans, empty packages and opened envelopes with addresses. Envelopes had complete addresses and unit designation on them. The unit involved was our own Co D. Co C 1st plt found a booby trap at YD785052. It had a pressure type firing device and weighed about 10 lbs. It was on a trail with no signs of recent activity.
3 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a 105mm round and is going to blow it is place.
4 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a NDP site at YD782062. In the site they found a notebook with information concerning combat assaults, the unit commandeers name, names of others in the outfit. It's believed the notebook belongs to as NCO of D Co.
5 Dec.- The 1/502d Inf continues in operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
6 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a tunnel and bunker complex at grid YD783064. The tunnel led to the five bunkers. Three bunkers are old and two are new being about a month old. At entrance to the tunnel there were bare foot prints two or three days old. Also in the area were found some carrying cases for rockets or shells. Cases are OD in color about 30 inches long and 5 inches diameter. They are closed at one end and have a snap cover at the other.
7 Dec.- Co A 3rd plt 2nd sqd found five fighting positions two to three months old at grid YD842048. They formed a V and could possibly have been used for an ambush. There was no recent activity in the area.
8 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd at location YD773056 found two bunkers six to eight months old and four fighting positions, all facing east. There was no recent activity. Bunkers and fighting positions were destroyed.
9 Dec.- Co B 1st plt 2nd sqd found a well used trail, two feet wide about three weeks old at grid YD791047. The trail runs west to a stream. There were no signs of recent activity.
10 Dec.- Co B 1st plt 1st sqd at grid YD782046 found one dud 155 round and don't have any explosives to blow it. It was along a trail running south to north. They also found a bandoleer of M-16 ammo in the same vicinity. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd observed smoke rising from a densely covered ravine at grid YD786068. No friendlies were in the area and it was fired up with fifty 105mm HE rounds. Sweep of the area will be made in the morning.
11 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd made a sweep of the area fired up last night and found a VC/NVA campsite at the location YD786068. The camp had been occupied when the artillery was fired. All indications point to a hasty flight from the area by the enemy. They fled north and numbered six to eight men. Found in the area were eight RPG rounds, eight 60mm mortar rounds, a cooking pot with five pounds of cooked rice in it, one US map sheet number 6442 [?], a pistol belt with one M-26 grenade, two AK47 magazine with ammo, some clothes, two cans of non-electric blasting caps, and assorted other items such as bags and cans. All of the items were laying around in the open, Supporting the belief the enemy fled the artillery fire. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd observed two men at grid YD778056 and called in artillery with unknown results. Co B 1st plt at 1915 hours saw a light at grid YD781048 and called in artillery fire which resulted in four secondary explosions. At 1955 they heard loud noises and movement at YD786046 and again called in the artillery. They will sweep the area in the morning. Co B 1st plt at 2320 hours receiving mortar fire from the west hitting NW of their NDP. They are adjusting artillery from their DT`s. Co B 3rd plt heard some rounds hit about 300 meters away, coming from the SE. In all, ten to twelve rounds were counted. Prior to the mortar rounds, 1st plt heard small arms fire from the approximate impact area of the mortar rounds.
12 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt at grid YD784065 found seven M-16 magazines all loaded. Co B 1st plt sweep of area where secondary explosions were heard had negative results. Co C returned to operational control of the 1/502d Inf today at 1530 hours.
13 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 3rd sqd at grid YD786068 found one Russian 7.62mm pistol with eight rounds in the magazine, one AK47 with two full magazines, 27 lose pistol rounds in a plastic bag, 58 AK47 rounds in a sand bag, one NVA ruck sack, one NVA poncho, two ¼ lb explosive blocks with pull type fuse, six ¼ lb explosive blocks without fuses, three RPG boosters, two 60mm mortar rounds, and one flashlight. The cache was above ground and in good condition. Co B 1st plt 1st sqd found a trail 1 ½ feet wide running north-south at grid YD789044 about fifty feet from a stream. There were three sets of shoe prints made in the last 48 hours. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found one M79 HE round and a piece of a black shirt in a caved in man-made cave one to two months old at grid YD788063[?]. There were no signs of recent activity. Co D made a combat assault from FSB Arsenal to three LZ`s grids YD789005, 772018, and 798119[?]. Co C took over security of FSB Arsenal. Co D 3rd plt 1st sqd checked out cleared area around their LZ at grid YD798119 where bunkers had been reported. The open area looked like an old rice paddy and the platoons KCS said there were three men in the area up to three hours before because of sandal prints on the trail. The trail ran north-south and the prints went north.
14 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a trail one and a half feet wide, NVA/VC type trail not [?] at YD784044. The trail runs NW-SE and leads into a ravine. There are definite signs of activity only hours old.
15 Dec.- The 81mm mortars section found six 60mm mortar round with charges and safety pins at grid YD773097. The rounds were about six months old. Co A 2nd plt found 15 to 20 fighting positions and a bunker at grid YD845035. The bunker had fields of fire out in front of it. The complex is at least a year old and there were no signs of recent activity. To the west is a north-south stream and to the east a trail that runs NE-SW.
16 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 3rd sqd found a VC/NVA trail running N-NE at grid YD770012. They estimate about ten VC/NVA were on the trail within the last four days.
17 Dec.- Co D 3rd plt at grid YD775018 was cleaning up at a stream when one NVA came up the stream. Securing man and NVA spotted each other at the same time. NVA dropped his weapon and fled south down the stream. The security man engaged him and resulted in one NVA KIA and one AK47 captured and other items the enemy was carrying. Also at the time of contact, members of the platoon saw two other NVA who fled north. They were engaged with negative results.
18 Dec.- At 0235 hours FSB Birmingham took five incoming rounds of unknown type. Co B 3rd plt thought they heard the rounds being fired at grid YD761855[?], The same area artillery suspects as being the launch site. Co B 3rd plt 2nd sqd found human feces on a trail with no paper around it and sandal prints of about six people about three days old moving southeast at grid YD778045.
19 Dec.- Co B 1st plt and 3rd plt and Co A 2nd plt made a combat assault on top of Hill 943 in the Hai Van Pass area and are OPCON to the 2/501st Infantry.
20 Dec.- Co D 3rd plt found a booby trap consisting of a 60mm mortar round and a pressure type release at grid YD775029. The round was on the east edge of an LZ, not on a trail. A trail in the area, one foot wide, heading east had tracks of three to five people, about five days old. The booby trap was blown in place.
21 Dec.- Recon team two spotted several people at grid YD751096. They were unable to identify the individuals who seemed to be wandering around the area. Artillery was employed with negative results. Recon team one found old tunnels at grid YD795090. They checked out the area and fifty meters away they found another old caved in tunnel. They all ran north or northeast and were at least one year old.
22 Dec.- The 1/502d Inf continued in operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
23 Dec.- Co B 2nd plt moved by air to an LZ secured by Co A 2nd plt at grid AT825954. Co A 2nd plt returned to battalion control and now the entire Co B is OPCON to 2/501st Infantry.
24 Dec.- The twenty-four hour Christmas cease fire began today at 1800 hours and will terminate at 1800 hours tomorrow. Any artillery fires during the cease fire must be approved by the battalion CO and the Brigade CO.
25 Dec.- Co A 2nd plt found two bunkers in good condition at grid YD801069. Twenty five meters from the bunker they found a hole 15 feet deep and eight feet square. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd had movement 100-200 meters NW of their location at YD791049. They engaged with M-79 HE and artillery. They will sweep the area in the morning.
26 Dec.- Co A 2nd plt 2nd sqd found two tunnels about eight months old but useable at grid YD802066. At a nearby creek bed were ten holes in the side of the creek bed, 2 ½ feet wide and two feet deep. The holes were large enough for one person to crawl up in. These holes were very recent. A campfire was there about a week old. A US Navy aircraft flare M6-45[?] model O was also found there. It had been carried into the area.
27 Dec.- Co D 3rd plt spotted a trail watcher at grid YD774024. The point man fired at the trail watcher who returned fire and then fled to the southeast. The enemy was wearing a green plastic raincoat and carrying an AK47. A sweep of the area found tracks of two barefoot men at an LZ. The tracks were one or two days old and headed south.
28 Dec.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd moved by boat to TD791090 and swept a radar sighting at YD797089 and found a sleeping position and a well used trail one and half feet wide running west. There were shoe prints on the trail going west. Activity was within the last twenty-four hours. Co C 2nd plt at YD847045 found four pressure type firing devices with mines leading into the grass. Explosives are undetermined and in a box on an LZ presumably meant for helicopters. They also found four 82mm mortar safety pins. No recent activity. A flame drop has been requested.
29 Dec.- Co C 3rd plt at grid YD724058 found tracks of three people on a two foot wide trail going south. Tracks are only a few hours old. Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd engaged a trail watcher dressed in GI type clothes and wearing sandals. He was armed but they could not identify the weapon. He fled in a southwest direction, Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd guarding the bridge to FSB Arsenal at grid YD805092 heard splashes in the water. Illumination was fired and they observed figure in the water. They engaged with small arms fire and grenades. A sweep of the area produced negative results.
30 Dec.- Co D 1st plt and company minus at 1224 hours at grid YD792018 received four 60mm mortar rounds. Suspected launch site was Hill 229, 800 meters, 275 degrees from their location. They returned fire with M-79 HE and M-60 machinegun fire. Artillery fired five white phosphorus and 172 HE 105mm rounds. Results were seven US WIA. They were evacuated to Phu Bai.
31 Dec.- Co D 1st plt engaged two NVA wearing rain jackets and sandals, no weapons at grid YD770020. Sweep of the area produced one sandal and one stack of burnt [?] cans being collected. Co D 3rd plt engaged a trail watcher on trail going west at grid YD784021. The enemy fled to the west. He as wearing a poncho or raincoat, was barefoot and had no weapon. At 1200 hours the [?] [?] New Year`s cease fire went into effect with the same rules as the Christmas cease fire.
Nineteen hundred and seventy was a year marked by dramatic changeovers in the war in Vietnam. Concomitant [?] with the decrease in United States combat actions, The ARVN units accepted an ever increasing role in the overall concept of operations. This greater effort was made possible by a number of significant occurrences. The Vietnamese forces showed increasing desire to defend themselves and were eager to accept new tasks. Because of the instruction afforded by advisers in the form of training teams and the weapons given them by the United States the Popular and Regional Forces were able to more effectively carry out their missions, and accept a greater role in the defense of populated areas.
During the entire year, the mission of the 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry, varied little. Even during the offensive phase of Texas Star the battalions mission was one of defending the lowlands and interdiction of supply and infiltration routes. ‘First Strike” was also responsible for training the RF/PF units within its area and conducting limited-objective, small-force operations with them.
Nineteen hundred and seventy also marked a year of decreased enemy activity in all the sectors of responsibility. This can be directly attributed to the increased South Vietnamese role and the invasion of Cambodia to destroy the communist sanctuaries. In the ‘First Strike’ sector the former reason is probably the most significant.
In terms of success or failure the year 1970 must be listed as extremely successful. In fact the full effect of the successes cannot even be measured at years end for a force as small as a battalion. Even while conducting operations through areas that have not been searched for a year, the battalions units encountered only minor signs of communist activity and very seldom in the immediate past.
The year 1970 provided the “First Strike” Battalion with many challenges. Locked in mortal combat with a resourceful enemy, the 1/502d Infantry met and overcame these challenges with and aggressiveness and self determination that established a record in which every member of the original parachute battalion and all other members past present and future, may take justifiable pride. This was possible only because each member of this battalion did his job and just a little more, characteristic of the “airborne spirit”.
Roster of Key Personnel
Commanders and Staff 1 January 31 December 1970
Battalion Commander:
LTC Robert Kenner 1 Jan- 5 May
LTC Arnold E. West 5 May- 16 Sept.
LTC Richard N. Lang 16 Sept.- 31 Dec
Executive Officer: MAJ J. D. Keyes 1 Jan 7 Jan
MAJ James V. Masson 7 Jan 17 Jul
MAJ Denver E. Hackworth 17 Jul 31 Dec.
S1: 1 LT John F. Cobak 1 Jan 12 Jul
1 LT Ralph A Heinz 12 Jul 31 De
S2: 1 LT William J. Latta 1 Jan 11 Mar
CPT Alvin Hennigan 11 Mar 30 May
1 LT Keith Schneider 30 May 15 Sep 1
LT Dennis P. Reilly 15 Sep 31 Dec
MAJ Forest E. Lawton 1 Jan 6 Jan
MAJ Wood R. Delevil 7 Jan 28 Feb
1 LT Robert H. Williams 28 Feb 1 Apr
MAJ Curtis C. Hurst 1 Apr 7 Sep
CPT Jimmy S. Arrington 7 Sep 31 Dec
S4: CPT Trent L. Cowe 1 Jan 5 Mar
CPT Robert J. Viens 5 Mar 6 Jul
CPT William L. Robinson 6 Jul 30 Sep
1 LT Larry R. Ellis 30 Sep 10 Dec
1 LT John H. Axlary[?] 10 Dec 31 Dec
S5: CPT George Hollingsworth 1 Jan 4 Oct
1 LT Robert Clark 4 Oct 31 Dec
Bn Surgeon:
CPT Patrick R. Page 1 Jan 3 May
CPT Joseph Maler 3 May 22 Nov
CPT James A. Sims 22 Nov 31 Dec
Headquarters and Headquarters Company:
1 LT Donald A. Bailey 1 Jan 31 Jan
2 LT Dennis L. Stwart 31 Jan 8 Feb
1 LT Donald A. Bailey 8 Feb 20 Feb
CPT Dennis A. Erickson 20 Feb 8 Aug
CPT Ronald L. Paramore 8 Aug 13 Oct
CPT Roger R. Compton 13 Oct 8 Dec
CPT Carroll Sykes 8 Dec 31 Dec
A Company: CPT Peter E. Reilly 1 Jan 15 Mar
CPT Thomas M. Curtis 15 Mar 28 Aug
1 LT John L. Wertin 28 Aug 1 Oct
Cpt William L. Robinson 1 Oct 31 Dec
B Company:
CPT Alvin L. Hennigan Jr. 1 Jan 6 Apr
CPT Jimmy S. Arrington 6 Apr 15 Aug
CPT Bruce H. Brown 15 Aug 23 Nov
CPT Ronald L. Paramore 23 Nov 31 Dec
C Company:
CPT Peter D. Waldo 1 Jan 25 Feb
1 LT Donald A. Bailey 25 Feb 15 May
1 LT Larry R. Ellis 15 May 1 Oct
CPT Goerge J. Johnson 1 Oct 31 Dec
D Company:
CPT Peter J. Crasser 1 Jan 5 Jun
CPT Steven R. Rader 5 Jun 6 Nov
CPT Roger R. Compton 6 Nov 31 Dec
E Company:
CPT Robert L. Miritello 1 Jan 25 Apr
1 LT Paul A Danahy 25 Apr 16 May
CPT Bruce H. Brown 16 May 15 Aug
1 LT Carl M. Lookkoneon[?] 15 Aug 26 Sep
1 LT Bobby J. Thornburg 26 Sep 9 Dec
CPT Stephen R. Rader 9 Dec 31 Dec
Department of the Army Headquarters 101st Airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders Number 20
2 January 1971
Award Of The Silver Star [Posthumous]
TC 439. The following Award is announced.
Muellenbach, Robert J 357-468105 SSG 11B40
Co B 1st Bn [Armbl] 502d Inf
[MACPBO] APO 96383
Awarded: The Silver Star [Posthumous]
Date of service: 5 August 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President of the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved 25 July 1963.
Reason: For gallantry in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 5 August 1970. Sergeant Muellenbach distinguished himself while serving as a platoon leader in Company B, 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during a reconnaissance patrol in Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. While moving along a trail, the lead element of Sergeant Muellenbach`s unit came under intense fire from enemy soldiers situated in a bunker. Subjecting himself to the enemy fire, Sergeant Muellenbach maneuvered to the point of intense contact and assisted his men in gaining fire superiority and repulsing the hostile soldiers. He then led as assault and sweep of the area, during which a second enemy bunker was spotted. Sergeant Muellenbach was advancing with the machine gun team to perform a reconnaissance-by-fire when a hostile land mine was detonated mortally wounding him. His actions under fire, however, had enabled his men to overcome the enemy threat. Sergeant Muellenbach`s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For The Commander:
S/Donald A Seibert
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutant General
Department of the Army
Headquarters 101st airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders 24
September 1970 Number 11801
Award of the Silver Star
TC 439. The following Award is announced.
Riddle, Michael T 252-74-6975 11B40 Co C 1st Bn [Ambl] 502d Inf [WACPCO] APO SF 96383
Awarded: The Silver Star
Date of service: 13 August 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President of the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress Approved 25 July 1963.
Reason: For gallantry in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 13 August 1970. Sergeant Riddle distinguished himself while serving as a platoon sergeant in Company C, 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during combat operations in Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. While leading a reconnaissance patrol, Sergeant Riddle`s unit came under intense hostile fire from an unknown enemy position. Unable to detect the exact location of the enemy, Sergeant Riddle deliberately drew enemy fire toward himself so that his squad could spot the source. Spotting the cave from which the hostile fire was coming, Sergeant Riddle maneuvered forward, directing suppressive fire and throwing grenades at the aggressors. His actions were instrumental in silencing the enemy position and routing the enemy force. Sergeant Riddle`s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For the Commander:
S/Hugh A Macdonald
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutant General
Department of the Army
Headquarters 101st Airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders Number 11092 17 September 1970
Award of the Silver Star
TC 439 The following Award is approved. West, Arvid E Jr 369-32-1909 LIC 71542 LTC 1st Bn [Ambl] 502d Inf [WACPTO] APO SF 96383 IN
Awarded: The Silver Star
Date of service: 15 September 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President of the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved 25 July 1963.
Reason: For gallantry in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 15 September 1970. Lieutenant Colonel West distinguished himself while serving as commanding officer of the 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during a hostile mortar attack at Fire Support Base Blitz, Republic of Vietnam. Heedless of the heavy volume of impacting mortar rounds, Lieutenant Colonel West left the safety of the tactical operations center in an effort to reach a gun position which was not returning effective fire because of damage sustained by the initial enemy barrage. As Lieutenant Colonel West moved through an exposed area, he received painful shrapnel wounds from an impacting mortar round. Despite his wounds, he continued on to the gun position where he reorganized the crew and began directing fire which silenced the enemy mortars. With the help of his radio-telephone operator, Lieutenant Colonel West attended to the wounded and refused evacuation until the last of his men were removed to safety. Lieutenant Colonel West`s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For the Commander:
S/Hugh A Macdonald
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutent General
Department of the Army
Headquarters 101st Airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders
Number 11898 26 September 1970
Award of the Soldiers Medal [Posthumous]
Young, Wilford A 413-80-2353 SP4 11B40 Co C 1st Bn [Ambl] 502d Inf [WACPCO]APO SF 96383
Awarded: The Soldiers Medal
Date of service: 9 September 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of lthe President on the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress Approved 2 July 1926.
Reason: For heroism not involving actual conflict with and armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam on 9 September 1970. Specialist Young distinguished himself while serving as a radio-telephone operator in Company C, 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during resupply operation in Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. After guiding a resupply helicopter into the landing zone, Specialist Young quickly unloaded the aircraft, knowing there were hostile soldiers in the area. As the helicopter began to ascend, Specialist Young noticed supplies caught on one of the skids and realized that they might throw the aircraft off balance. He immediately rushed forward to warn the pilot of the hazard and was mortally wounded by the rotor blade. His actions averted a possible helicopter crash. Specialist Young`s Personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For the Commander:
S/ Hugh A. Macdonald
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutent General
For Heroism in ground combat against a holstile force in the Republic of Vietanm on …….. The Award of Bronze Star with “V” device
Ott, Albert W. SP5 91B20 HHC 4 FEB 70
Souder, Robert D. SP4 11B20 HHC 4 FEB 70
Cox, William G. PFC 11B10 B 27 FEB 70
De Levil, Wood R. MAJ 1st OLC 71542 HHC 27 FEB 70
Hennigan, Alvin CPT 71542 B 27 FEB 70
Kufahl, Garry L. SP4 91A20 C 6 Apr 70
Jones, Lewis E. SP4 91A20 C 6 Apr 70
Larson, Randy S. SGT 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Penrose, Lloyd G. SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Reed, Charles SGT 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Riddle Michael W. SSG 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Taylor, Johnnie A. SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr70
Armstrong, Lloyd N. PFC 11B10 A 25 Jun 70
Iuey, Nicholas C. SP4 11B20 A 25 Jun 70
Blondell, James L. SGT 1st OLC 11B40 B 3 Aug 70
Hyslop, William G. SGT 11B40 B 3 Aug 70
Cushing, Jimmy C. SGT 1st OLC 11B40 B 5 Aug 70
Gray, Frederick D. SP4 91A20 HHC 5 Aug 70
Hamilton, Gerald PFC[posthumos] 11B10 B 5 Aug 70
Blinston, Michael J. SP4 1st OLC 11B20 HHC 7 Aug 70
McDonnell, George E. SP4 2nd OLC 11B20 HHC 7 Aug 70
Hart, Thomas E. 1LT 71542 C 9 Sep 70
Moalister, Kennis L. SP4 91C20 HHC 15 Sep 70
For heroism in the republic of Vietnam on ……….
The Award of Army Commendation Medal with “V” device
Bailey, Donald A. 1LT 1st OLC 71542 C 6 Apr 70
Bauechett, Michael J. SGT 1st OLC 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Clark, Robert A. 2LT 1st OLC 71542 C 6 Apr 70
George, Melein C. SP4 1st OLC 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Janke, August A III SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Jeannotte, Stephen F. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
King Joseph W. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
Lawhorn, Neal H. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
Luker, Carrol W. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
McGee, Emmit L. Jr. SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Mills, Warren PV1 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
Reed, Carles P. Jr. SGT 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Stuart, Dennis L. 2LT 71542 C 6 Apr 70
Hopper, Felton R. SP4 11B20 C 9 Sep 70
McGowan, Richard M. SGT 11B40 C 9 Sep 70
Wounded In Action
Greppi, Robert C. PFC B Co 23 Feb 70 FW
Lindquist, Gary 2LT B Co 23 Feb 70 FW
Phillips, Jackie O. SP4 B Co 23 Feb 70 FW
Runyan, Clyoe SGT B Co 23 FEB 70 FW
Delevil, Wood R. MAJ HHC 27 FEB 70 FW
Hennigan, Alvin CPT B Co 27 FEB 70 SW
Larsen, Garth A. SP4 HHC 27 FEB 70 CC
Shurcraft, Denzil R. SGT E Co 5 Mar 70 GSW
McCoy, Larry M. PFC A Co 7 Mar GSW
Taylor, Johnnie SP4 C Co 3 Apr 70 SW
George, Melvin C. SP4 C Co 6 Apr 70 SW
Kearns, Randall D. SP4 C Co 6 Apr 70 SW
King Joseph W. PFC c Co 6 Apr 70 SW
Mckee, Emmit L. SP4 C C o 6 Apr 70 SW
Reed, Charles P. Jr. SGT C Co 6 Apr 70 SW
Martin, Michail E. SP4 HHC 14 Apr 70 SW
Work Michael S. SP4 C Co 22 May 70 SW
Armstrong, Lloyd N. PFC A Co 25 Hun 70 GSW
Clark, Robert E. SGT A Co 6 Jul 70 GSW
Pickett, Barry H. SP4 A Co 7 Jul 70 SW
Montez, Thomas F. SGT B Co 16 Jul 70 SW
Cushing, Jimmy c. SGT B Co 3 Aug 70 SW
Lavigne, Jeffrey A. PFC A Co 3 Aug 70 SW
Brescol, James SP4 B Co 5 Aug 70 FW
Tucker, Roosevelt Jr. SP4 B Co 5 Aug 70 FW
Hyslop, William G. SGT B Co 7 Aug 70 FW
McDonnell, George E. SGT C Co 7 Aug 70 SW
Chelemengos, Peter N. PFC C Co 7 Sep 70 FW
Gilstrap, Gary A. SP4 C Co 7 Sep 70 FW
Mitchell, Gary D. SP4 C Co 7 Sep FW
Arnold, Thomas SGT c Co 9 Sep GSW
Blackelk, Nicholas P. PFC E Co 11 Sep 70 FW
West, Arvid E. LTC HHC 15 Sep 70 SW
Hopson, Herbert PVT D Co 16 Sep 70 FW
Hoskins, Robert SGT D Co 16 Sep 70 FW
Kelley, Michael P. SGT D Co 16 Sep 70 FW
Gomez, Esteban R. SP4 C Co 22 Sep 70 SW
Harrington, Raymond E. Jr. PFC B Co 8 Nov 70 FW
Buckley, Larry P. SP4 B Co 9 Nov 70 SW
Harding, Bobby E. SGT B Co 9 Nov70 FW
Lawrance, Gregory S. PFC B Co 9 Nov 70 FW
O`Neill, Layne E. PFC B Co 10 Nov 70 SW
Droesmiller [?] James PFC B Co 18 Nov 70 FW
Hartlein, Hanze G. SP4 C Co 23 Dec 70 SW
Bolt Fred R. PVT D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Collins, Ronald PFC D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Jesset, Thomas P. SP4 D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Mawran [?] Thomas SP4 D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Pry [?] Olward[?] G. SP4 D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Simmons, Charles B.[?] 2LT[?] HHC 30 Dec 70 SW
Potts,[?] Kevin B. PFC HHC 30 Dec 70 SW
Wanning,[?] Joseph PFC D Co 30 Dec SW
Wisdom 4:-10 A blameless life is a ripe old age. The virtuous man, though he die before his time, will find rest. Length of days is not what makes age honorable, nor number of years the true treasure of life; understanding this is man's grey hairs, untarnished life, this is ripe old age.
Killed In Action [Hostile]
Baiz, Lee PFC B Co 29 Jul 70
Hamilton, Gerald L. SP4 B Co 5 Aug 70
Mullenbach, Robert J. SSG B Co 5 Aug 70
Smith, Stephen T. SP4 HHC 21 Sep 70
Killed In Action [Non-Hostile] Bartek, Donald E. SP4 C Co 2 Feb 70
Gross Michael A. SP4 D Co 13 Jun 70
Horst, Phillip M. PFC B Co 30 Jun 70
Young, Wilford A. SP4 C Co 9 Sep 7
DEDICATIONThis past year added yet another chapter to the history of the First Strike Battalion. Our unit engaged in a ruthless conflict with an extremely resourceful enemy. It is inevitable that the price of Freedom will be high. Sometimes men are called upon to sacrifice their lives so that a country might endure. It is for these men then, and the thousands like them that carry on the struggle everyday, that this volume is written. Perhaps we may call them patriots, and indeed they are no less great than the founders of our nation or the millions who gave of themselves to preserve our traditions of liberty. Certainly those who shed their blood and suffered such hardships did so, out of an overwhelming desire to see the sacred honor of the United States and the spirit of her people live beyond our present time. As a final tribute we as Americans and comrades in arms must insure that their sacrifices and the principals for which they were made are preserved and remembered. We shall not forget men, who when called upon by the nation to perform a task of great hardship and fought with suffering and danger, answered by displaying courage, honor, and an uncompromising love of country. It is with pride in their accomplishments and a deep sense of gratitude for their sacrifice that this volume is dedicated.
Nineteen hundred and seventy found the First Strike Battalion engaged in three major operations. Each operation had a variety of objectives in common including, The pacification and securing of certain regions and the interdiction or destruction of enemy supply routes and caches. The purpose of this annual supplement to our unit history is to chronologically note the activities of the 1st. Battalion, 502d Infantry [Airmobile], during the year 1970 in order to view the overall picture of an infantry battalion over the span of a year in active combat. Throughout this volume, the author will attempt to show as many aspects of each operation as possible. There will be no attempt to add or detract from what actually occurred and the text will include the various problems that arose and the solutions applied to them. For the sake of brevity. Certain minute details must be omitted. The work will be complete in all other respects.
It is hoped that this supplement will pay tribute to those who have made the supreme sacrifice for our nation. We further hope their deeds will serve as standards for the rest of us who remain to carry on the mission.
a. Mission: To close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him or repel his assault by fire, close combat and counterattack.
b. Capabilities: At full strength, this unit has the following capabilities:
[1] close with the enemy by means of fire and maneuver in order to destroy or capture him.
[2] repel enemy assault by fire, close combat and counterattack.
[3] provide a base of fire and maneuver elements.
[4] seize and hold terrain
[5] furnish limited anti-tank protection.
[6] provide indirect fire support for organic and attached units.
[7] conduct long-range patrolling when appropriately equipped.
[8] maneuver in all types of terrain and climatic conditions.
[9] conduct frequent combat assaults utilizing assault helicopters with minimum marshalling and planning procedures.
c. Organization: The battalion was organized with the following elements: A Headquarters and Headquarters Company [MTOE 07-176 TP501]; Four rifle companies [MTOE 07-177 TP501 ] modified so that each company has a company headquarters and three rifle platoons with no organic support; A fifth company or combat support company [MTOE 07-178 TP501] consisting of a company headquarters, a reconnaissance platoon, broken down into a platoon headquarters and three six-man teams, a 81mm mortar platoon, and a ground surveillance radar section.
d. Training: All individuals joining the battalion have received a five day in-country training program at SERTS and periodically, every two or three months, the battalion went through stand down training to concentrate on a review of those techniques so vital to combat operations in the Republic of Vietnam, ie, patrolling, map reading, ambushes [both manned and mechanical], first aid and RTO procedures. Selected Leaders Course, Advanced Marksmanship, Recondo School in order to maintain a high state of readiness to meet any contingency that arose.
a. All individuals of this battalion, except medical personnel, are trained and equipped to fight as infantrymen as necessary.
b. This unit is dependent upon the 101st Administration Company for personnel services.
c. The esprit-de-corps, morale and professionalism of every man assigned the battalion was at all times highly evident. This in large measure, can be attributed to the nucleus of Officers and NCO`s having already completed at least one tour in Vietnam.
OPERATION “RANDOLPH GLEN”PERIOD - 6Dec. `69 - 31 Mar. `70 On December 6, 1969, the 101st Airborne Division launched operation Randolph Glen, a division-wide attempt to attain a variety of objectives. This operation was destined to last until 31 March 1970. With the inception of the new year the First Strike Battalion found itself involved in a series of maneuvers designed to fulfill its role in the overall scheme of operations. I order to understand what occurred on a day to day basis it is important to realize what the primary missions of the Division were. Randolph Glen was developed in close coordination and cooperation with the 1st ARVN Division, Thua Thien Province and sector officials and provided a single concept for commitment of the 101st Airborne Division. The overall mission as to assist in the accelerated attainment of province pacification and the development of each district wilting the sector. In order accomplish this mission, it was necessary to conduct offensive operations to locate and destroy their NVA/VC main forces, to interdict enemy movement into the populated lowlands of Thua Thien Province, and to conduct operations to defeat the VCLE/VCI already in the populated lowlands. To accomplish this, limited objective operations reacting to hard intelligence were conducted rather than concurring large scale operations west of the Piedmont. In the Northern Military Region I, a great deal of communist supplies and equipment are stored in the A Shau Valley. In addition, the “A Shau” serves as a relatively safe area for the NVA/VC forces and contains a vast network of bunker complexes and storage areas. The valley's proximity to Cambodia aids in its usr as a supply distribution center. To prevent these forces and supplies from reaching the lowlands, the Randolph Glen mission provided for conducting periodic interdiction of the A Shau Valley and the placement of fires on acquired targets on a continuous basis. These measures, However, would not fully stem the flow of men and materials., Units of division found it necessary to conduct constant reconnaissance and surveillance in the area of operations with which they were primarily concerned. As is characteristic of most missions in the Republic of Vietnam, the objectives of Randolph Glen were not all military in nature. The operational objectives provided for the division to support the civic action development plans and programs of the various government agencies assisting whenever necessary. During Randolph Glen, the 1/502d Infantry was one of three infantry battalions assigned to the 2d Brigade. First Strike Battalion Headquarters was located on Firebase Birmingham with elements securing and assisting in the improvement of Firebase Arsenal. The area of operations covered by 1/502 Infantry contained a variety of terrain including double and single canopy jungle, thick brush land, plains [piedmont], and the rice paddies and residential complexes of the lowlands.
The area [responsibility for which was shared jointly with ARVN and PF units] extended from the city of Hue south beyond the “Rocket Belt” to Phu Bai and from the coast west beyond Firebase Bastogne. While our unit was primarily concerned with surveillance and patrolling in jungle areas and in securing two fire bases, elements of the battalion worked with Regional and Popular Forces. One platoon, stationed at Pohl Bridge, also conducted boat patrols on the river.
Although responsible to 2d Bde Headquarters, the battalion also worked closely with several district Headquarters, These Headquarters, Phu Vang, Phu Thu, Houng Thuy, and Nam Hoa, coordinated the actions of the Regional and Popular forces. The RF and PF units were organized and trained by Mobile Training Teams which accompanied them on their missions. All Regional and Popular forces operated on small unit levels around villages and hamlets providing security and setting up ambush patrols. Their primary area of concern was the lowlands and the regions which contained the majority of Vietnamese Nationals.
The reader will have noted by now that the operations involved in Randolph Glen were somewhat defensive in nature. Even the offensive operations were limited in scale and gave the appearance of gaining time. The reasons for this strategy are three fold. First, the weather from January to March in Military Region I is primarily monsoon rains and overcast skies with extremely limited visibility. Secondly, in the past the NVA/VC units have made use of the limited visibility to infiltrate populated areas and move various units and supplies. The lack of harassing interdiction, permits the enemy to accumulate large caches and consolidate his forces for the coming period of dry clear days. Finally, US and ARVN forces felt that the lull in heavy enemy contact could be used effectively to train and equip the irregular RF/PF units so they could assume a greater role in the defense of their areas.
The final test for any military operation is what it accomplishes. When Randolph Glen terminated on 31 March 1970 the tangible results were negligible. The operation had netted two NVA/VC KIA; three AK47`s one NVA/VC captured, and one 122mm rocket launcher captured; over one dozen bunkers and bunker complexes destroyed; and several small pieces of equipment in a variety of caches captured. The intangible results were of much more significance. During the time the Communist forces were made less effective by the battalions operations, hundreds of RF and PF personnel were organized, trained, and equipped, These units have since played a substantial role in relieving American forces of the mission of protecting populated areas. At no time during this period was any NVA/VC force sighted which consisted of more than four soldiers. This was one indicator that the enemy was unable or unwilling to consolidate, organize, and operate in larger configurations. Further, in a large number of reported incidents the NVA/VC were attempting to unjustly tax or steal rice from the populace; an indication that the supply network he had so painstakingly developed was not functioning adequately.
Phu Bai Combat Base and Hue City received no major indirect fire attacks or assaults during the entire three month period. Those attacks that did occur were directed at Firebase Birmingham and several American patrols thus indicating that enemy forces found it difficult to penetrate American combat forces. Instead, they expended valuable ammunition on the much less desirable targets rather than hitting the sprawling metropolis of Hue or the combined training, storage, and helicopter base located in the Phu Bai complex. Another factor attesting to the success of the tactics employed by the 1/502d Infantry, was the almost total absence of enemy movement within the area of operations. This was demonstrated by the lack of trail prints, agent reports, confirmed sightings and other classified methods for determining enemy movement.
As a final note worthy of mention, the Tet Lunar New Year occurred in the middle of Randolph Glen. This traditional period of heavy enemy activity passed with no attempt by the NVA/VC units to initiate even a reduced-scale version of Tet 1968. There inability or unwillingness to mount a major offensive in our area for the remainder of the year can be credited, at least in part, to the performance of the First Strike Battalion.
Overall the 1/502d Infantry contributed considerably to pacification. The pride and dedication of “First Strike” Troopers paid off in a variety of ways which will be apparent in the daily summaries. Daily operations by infantry battalions are a complex matter. It is impossible to cite every event that occurred for two firebases and four companies in a twenty-four hour period.
The next section will, however. Be devoted to outlining each day of the year and highlighting some of the more significant happenings. If terms used appear unfamiliar to non-military readers, a quick reference to the glossary of military terminology in the rear is recommended.
1 Jan.- Nam Hoa District made contact with an estimated 15 VC at 756470. The VC walked into the ambush of claymores and small arms. Blood stains on ground when VC withdrew indicated at least two causalities. The battalion continued operation Randolph Glen with negative results.
2 Jan.- The brigade and battalion commanders met the C Company commander on Arsenal today to discuss the progress of the firebase. `A` Company located unexploded bomb vic. 775025. An EOD team was requested and sent. Co D 1st Plt found a VC/NVA mortar position. It was 8 feet in diameter designed for an 82mm mortar. Location was 779106. Co C 3rd plt located a soldier hole and 3 fighting positions at 793071 [?]. They were recently built.
3 Jan.- Company D is training 35 Pf`s at Ioc. 755128. 1st plt Co A found a bomb 10 to 13 inches in diameter in about 1 foot of water located 801017. Co D 2nd plt 2nd Sqd found a spider hole 1`x 2` x 3` no recent sighs of use. The hole was located at 781173.
4 Jan.- Company D 1st Plt utilized a dog team today to aid in their patrol. Co D 2nd Plt continued to train PF`s. Co A 3rd Plt while searching vic 789024[?] found 4 rockets each 4` long 5” in diameter. Two of the rockets were wrapped in NVA ponchos. At location 819035 Recon found part of a map of Laos and Vietnam.
5 Jan.- Co D 2nd plt at location 755128 is training 23 PF`s in map reading, claymores and M16 rifle. A body was sighted today floating on the river. It was identified as 1 NVA soldier of a sapper battalion killed by small arms fire.
6 Jan.- Boat on the river at Pohl Bridge had engine trouble. It was assessed by an NCO and determined it would require extensive repair work. Another unit found a Chuoi Hoi who was familiar with our area. He will be used to locate, if possible, the rice caches of the NVA.
7 Jan.- Co D 2nd plt is training PF`s in the use of hand flares, M79, trip flares and the M60. The location of the training is 755128. Co B 1st plt had contact today. They received incoming RPG and AK47 rounds. There were no US causalities.
8 Jan.- One NVA/VC was spotted at 833045 with neg results when fired upon. Co D 2nd plt found a trail with fresh tracks made last night or early this morning. Co D 1st plt fired up a spider hole at 766098 with neg findings. Co C 3rd plt received eight founds of RPG at 801058 with no casualties.
9 Jan.- Two tunnels were spotted by the VR bird. They were about 1 year old. Each was about 7` long 6` wide and 12` deep.
10 Jan.- Co A 3rd plt received SA fire from location 707107. There were no US casualties.
11 Jan.- Information gathered from various sources indicate Firebase Birmingham is being reconed by a Sapper battalion for possible assault. Recon platoon found 1 fresh mortar position at loc 704116.
12 Jan.- Co D 3rd plt is training 14 PF`s on claymores and M16`s. Also training 9 PF`s on map reading. C Co found foot prints made by Ho Chi Minh sandals at location 816064.
13 Jan.- Co D 3rd plt is conducting training with PF`s again today. 15 PF`s are being trained on compasses and map orientation. Starting immediately all persons on Firebase Birmingham will be required to have flack jackets and gas masks.
14 Jan.- Co C 3rd plt 3rd sqd found a wallet containing notes written in Vietnamese at loc. YD82208. They also had a trip flare set off and saw a man running away. This occurred at 823087. A Recon by small arms was made with neg findings.
15 Jan.- Vic 819085 Co C found 2 pair of footprints made by Hoi Chiu Minh sandals. Co B found one hootch 10x18 feet. The hootch was used in the past 7-10 days. In the hootch they found 1 NVA belt, C-rations and chow, Vic 737025. Agent report indicates there may be an attempt to destroy Pohl Bridge.
16 Jan.- The battalion is engaged in operation Randolph Glen. Nam Hoa reports Co D 27th Eng. personnel will join the woodcutters who found the land mines at Pohl Bridge and move to mines location. Co B received two rockets from a slick, proximity there were no causalities. Co C 2nd plt a man accidentally discharged his weapon and the muzzle flash cut his finger. Agent reports 12 VC/NVA took 300 lbs of rice from Thien Monastery last night.
17 Jan.- Co D 3rd plt, 1st sqd is training 25 PF`s from the 3rd plt on compass and map reading. 2nd sqd is training 10 men from the 110 PF platoon on hand grenades and the M72 LAW. Convoys continue from Phu Bai to and from Birmingham to Phu Bai. Medivac called for and completed for Recon team vic YD732138. One man with hyper-ventilation medivaced to 85th. Co B 1st plt medivac requested and received for 1 man w/fever, chills and sweating.
18 Jan.- A 2 ½ ton truck turned over in a convoy located at 728114. The MP`s investigated with neg hostile actions found. The brigade commanders helicopter took ground fire of at least 10 rds at YD549051. Medivac requested and received for a Co A 3rd plt. One man with accidental M79 wound in hand. The weapon caught on vine and discharged at loc YD717195. Co D 2/502d became Op Con to 1/502d at 0800 hrs.
19 Jan.- Co C 2d plt found 1 bunker 4` deep 2` wide about 1-5 months old. They also found 3 expended 75mm[?] rounds w/case same age. There were no trails in the area. Co C found 100-150 bones, rfc cages[?]. Estimated number of personnel to be 25.
20 Jan.- Recon team 1 detected movement 100 meters from YD733138. Co C 3rd plt 2nd sqd located a booby trap vic 764068 and destroyed it with small arms fire. Co C 2nd plt found a pair of sneakers vic 782064.
21 Jan.- Co B defense reports one claymore wire was broken last night. All others OK. Co D 3rd plt is training 17 PF`s from the 119 PF plt in claymore, map and compass review. They are also training 17 men from the same unit if First Aid. Co D 3rd plt 2/502 attached to our battalion found a ruck sack with rice. Co D 2/502 blew an ambush on a 5 man VC/NVA element >with small arms and grenades. The element split up and blood was found.
Dates 22 Jan. through 1 Feb. missing.
2 Feb.- One man was medivaced out of Co C 3rd plt at location 717113 with severe headaches. A man was killed in non- hostile action on the Firebase Birmingham bunker line. This shooting was accidental.
3 Feb.- Co A 3rd plt found five sets of sandal tracks at 734033. They were 2 to 4 hours old and moving N.W. on a trail. Condor 29 checked out sampans. The condor also found used campsite at 734015.
4 Feb.- Recon found 36 priming charges and 2 chicom 82mm mortar rounds with Chinese writing and numbers on front. They also located 3 foxhole positions each with overhead cover. The location of the equipment and foxholes was 713061. Condor located one old bunker 6` x 8` at 798031 and two spider holes at 802016 which were recently built.
5 Feb.- Recon teams 1 and 2 at location 715054 found 5 sets of fresh tennis shoe tracks on trail. Also discovered was 1 foxhole used in the last 24 hours. Medivac was called in to Co A 2nd plt for man requiring stitches in his finger. Tet cease fire went into effect all units on defensive posture.
6 Feb.- Co D 2nd plt reported movement outside their NDP at 786107. They set off two claymores and requested illumination. Neg results. Tet cease fire ends 1800 hrs.
7 Feb.- Co A at location 773046 found remains of 1 NVA dead about 6 months. Also located 1 NVA pistol belt, 1 ammo pouch with 2 magazines of AK rounds, 1 poncho, 1 canteen and cups and 1 cooking pot. An emergency resupply test was conducted with Co A [-] recon. They recovered all 6 bundles in satisfactory condition.
8 Feb.- Co C found 35 dud frags between bunkers 10-11 at Firebase Birmingham while laying wire. They blew them in place.
9 Feb.- Firebase Birmingham received 5 incoming 122mm rockets with neg causalities and damage. Co A found booby trap on road made with M72 Law and grenade. They blew it in place.
10 Feb.- Artillery registration received a secondary explosion when shelling 71350640. Search of area produced no results.
11 Feb.- Co A 1st plt at vic 713061 found shot gun shells, not a US manufactured type. Co A later found 11 82mm mortar rounds, 3 cans shotgun rounds and a bamboo carrier. Recon found two launching sites for 122mm rockets loc 737018.
12 Feb.- Recon team 1 found 3 hootches with signs of recent use. Also found a note containing several names.
13 Feb.- Co D 3rd plt is training PF personnel on map reading and the use of a compass. They also are teaching m-16 inspection and cleaning to other PF personnel.
14 Feb.- Recon[-] cut LZ at 735020. Recon team 1 at 738016 engaged 1 NVA/VC with S/A fire. They then made a sweep of the area with neg findings.
15 Feb.- Boat personnel at Pohl Bridge have requested a new boat.
16 Feb.- Co B received transmission on radio from an unknown location. They identified themselves as lawyer 71,72,74 and 76.
17 Feb.- Pf forces requested medivac for man who fell and needs facial stitches. Convoy received one round S/A fire from unidentified source.
18 Feb.- Birmingham is having commo trouble with units on secure line but fire[?] reestablished the commo with all elements.
19 Feb.- All units continued operation Randolph Glen in Sector Golf. No significant occurrences.
20 Feb.- Co A requested medivac for 1 man wounded in the leg from M79 shrapnel. Firebase Birmingham had a practice alert today. A mortar raid was conducted to location 777095.
21 Feb.- Co D located bunker complex a 7699. Items found in the bunkers included 2 AK47`s, 2 NVA ponchos, misc. cooking utensils, 1 typewriter. Co D located trail with many recent footprints and requested a dog team.
22 Feb.- A perimeter defensive check was made of Birmingham today with negative results. Medivac requested for man with severe head wound that was sustained when an M79 blew up. The man was in Co B 2nd platoon located YC787987. Recon team 2 located underground kitchen 8` wide 15` deep with overhead cover of 8” dirt and logs. Estimated usage 1 year ago. They destroyed it.
23 Feb.- At 0940 Co B [-] and 2nd plt was engaged by 5-10 VC/NVA while moving down a trail. They received 3 RPG rounds and S/A fire. They sustained minor casualties and returned fire with S/A with negative results. The causalties were all minor fragmentation wounds.
24 Feb.- Co D taught PF forces today on a variety of subjects including First Aid, Hasty ambushes, NDP sites and M79 grenade launcher. Co B[-] moving east received S/A fire and one man was wounded in both legs below knees. He was evacuated to rear. The location was 795985. Enemy casualties were unknown. Co C 3rd plt spotted 1 NVA/VC carrying something. The man fled and a search of the area produced nothing.
25 Feb.- Recon spotted silhouette of 1 suspected NVA/VC. They employed artillery and are sweeping the area with negative results. Co B 3rd plt engaged 3 NVA/VC and wounded one at 808988. They also captured 1 ruck sack containing 50 lbs of rice, 1 each binoculars, spices, and misc. items.
26 Feb.- Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found a campsite occupied by 2-3 enemy. It is estimated to be 24-48 hours old.
27 Feb.- Co D 3rd plt has 18 personnel from the 114 PF plt. They will be trained on grenades, M-16 quick kill. And First Aid. A LOH helicopter received ground fire vic YC802986 and was shot down. Three personnel were hurt two seriously hurt, one with minor injuries. At same location and time Co B [-] was in contact. They received S/A fire resulting in 1 US WIA with minor flesh wound and 3 US WIA evacuated to 85th Evac. After sweeping the area Co B found new bunkers and hootch complex and several misc. items.
28 Feb.- Co B destroyed the bunkers located yesterday. The battalion continued operation Randolph Glen with negative results.
1 Mar.- Co A requested a medivac for non-hostile cause. A man was given plague and cholera shots and was allergic to both.
2 Mar.- Condor 29 located a spider hole used about 1 week ago at location 7940---[?] Condor 29 also spotted various trails some indicated recent usage. Co B located elephant tracks and other tracks approx. 1 week old.
3 Mar.- A group of Popular Forces graduated from the training given them by battalion personnel today. They will assume an active role defending their hamlets and villages. Co B[-] found a grave approx. 2-3 months old. At the same time and location they spotted 1 NVA and engaged him at a distance of 25 meters. Results: 1 NVA KIA, Co A 3rd plt at 733026 engaged 1 NVA with negative results. Co A 2nd plt found 1 NVA hand grenade along a stream bank.
4 Mar.- Co D 3rd plt trained 11 PF`s on joint US-PF patrols. From Co C; spotted from LOH; a tunnel entrance 1 meter x 1 meter with a small trough leading up to it. Co A 3rd plt found fresh tracks of NVA and hootch frame made with green bamboo strips.
5 Mar.- Recon received S/A fire from 3 to 4 NVA/VC. One US was wounded in action and a medivac and ARA was called in. The ARA spotted 2 NVA/VC and engaged. The ARA also engaged bunker, tunnel, and bunker complex, all with unknown results. Recon found blood trail running to the southeast. These incidents took place the areas 795988 and 799988 respectively.
6 Mar.- Recon while making a sweep of some dense foliage found 1 VN letter, 2 empty fish cans, and 1 did RPG round. Recon team one at approx location 795989 found 100 or more bunkers ranging from 5`x6` to 8`x10` with overhead cover of 3” to 9” of logs and dirt. Bunkers are estimated to be 3 to 9 months old and the area is honeycombed with well used trails. Recon also located rocket launching site used in last 30 days. Co C spotted 2 VC/NVA vic 782021 running north. They engaged with negative results.
7 Mar.- Recon team #1 received S/A AK47 fire and RPG`s at a distance of 40 meters resulting in 2 US WIA. Action occurred at YC787985. The wounds were minor and were treated in the field. Co C 2nd plt found 3 spider holes and one bunker. Estimated age was 6 months.
8 Mar.- C Co 3rd plt at approx location 782010 found 14 fighting positions and four large bunkers. There was a double apron barbed wire fence used for sapper training. Complex was about 1 year old. The C/C bird sighted 2 NVA/VC in open at 792988 and called in artillery with negative results. Co C 3rd plt found a trail used by 1-2 persons in last >12 hours.
9 Mar.- Co A 3rd plt spotted 3 NVA/VC moving 50 meters away along a trail. Engaged with S/A with negative results.. They also located six sleeping positions. Co C 2nd plt found one bunker approx 1 year old. Bunker was located in position at 768997. Recon located 1 booby trap made with grenade and three 81mm fuses. Co A 3rd plt at YD746806 found 4 to 6 elephant prints. Estimated to be 1-2 weeks old. At YD743005 they found an old Chicom grenade along a stream bed.
10 Mar.- Co B had VN at trash dump that did not have necessary papers and both were taken to Nam Hoa by MP`s.
11 Mar.- Co C 1st plt located 200 old damaged AK rounds. Co D reconed 18 trails to determine movement of enemy and recent use. A planned artillery zone at YC87[?] to YV87998 was executed with two secondary explosions occurring in zone.
12 Mar.- Co B 3rd plt 3rd sqd found 1 sleeping position and three sets of sandal tracks. Co D 2nd plt requested medivac for man with heat cramps., At location 763004 A Co 1st plt found 4 VC type bunkers 5-6 months old. They contained 2 VC protective masks, 1 pick, 4 entrenching tools, 2 Ak magazines, 4 ponchos, 1 canteen, various medical supplies and other small equipment. It was back logged on the first available bird.
13 Mar.- Recon found tracks of 3 pair of tennis shoes an ½ of a US poncho liner. The trail indicated the VC or NVA were dragging something heavy. A >agent report indicated the VC were on a rice mission in vic 775125.
14 Mar.- Camp Eagle took incoming rounds with minor damage. Our units reported they suspected launching sites to be 730059 and 766049. A Pink team located footprints of 2-3 persons and an old campsite at YD748071. Boat patrol hit a dud round or mine in water and had minor damage to their engine shaft. Co D saw people searching and heard voices 300 meters from NDP. They employed S/A and M79 fire with negative results.
15 Mar.- Recon elements heard 4 or 5 shots from the Salad Bowl area. At location 735044. Recon [-] found 3 cases of RPG rounds wrapped in plastic and the charges to go along with them. They were all in excellent condition. They blew them in place. Co D 2nd plt found 4 60mm mortar rounds at location 761055 and destroyed them there. Co D 1st plt found 4 60mm mortar rounds at location 761055 and destroyed them there. Co D 1st plt[-] found a rocket launcher and tripod. Many high speed trails are running around the area and out into the canopy. A cave was 10 feet from the site and showed no signs of recent use.
16 Mar.- Co B 2nd plt[-] reported definite movement 50 meters east of their position at 715110. They threw a grenade with negative results.. VR bird spotted an old bunker complex with a freshly dug entrance. Co D reported that the 177 PF platoon at location 728085[?] found 2 NVA bunkers with recent signs of use. One position had a lot of blood in it. At 740087 the PF platoon found 9 122mm rocket canisters and several sets of footprints.
17 Mar.- 177 PF plt sighted 4-5 NVA/VC at an extreme distance. There were negative findings after a sweep of the area. They also found 1 blood stained T-shirt at location 701055 estimated to be 2 days old.
18 Mar.- Co D [-] found a bunker complex in a completely subterranean cave. There were 2 entrances with several rooms. Much miscellaneous equipment was located in the bunkers including beds, medical supplies, and cooking utensils. The location is 771033. Co D river boat patrol found a radio and transmitter at YD732102.
19 Mar.- Co D 1st plt found one M26A1 fragmentation grenade and several blocks of TNT rigged into a booby about two days old. Co B at PZ818097 found a potato masher type grenade with a pull fuse.. Co A 1st plt found 1 hootch with 20 60mm mortar rounds inside at location 7230051. Co B 3rd platoon spotted movement and performed a recon by fire with negative results.
20 Mar.- Co D while on VR observed at location 76048 a freshly dug cave entrance and at location 737037 two spider holes, both camouflaged. Co C 3rd plt 3rd sqd found a B40 rocket and booster in the middle of an LZ. They blew it in place. Co B 3rd plt found a trail at 773057 freshly cut within the last 48 hours. C Co found an AK47 magazine. Bunker 5 on Birmingham spotted movement and preformed a recon by fire with negative results.
21 Mar.- Co D`s Commanding Officer on a VR today located 3 hootches at 768033. Cheese 27, the Pink team, located a trail with human waste on it done in the last 10-15 minutes. A recon by fire produced no results. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found an I-shaped cave. It had ashes inside and out and a sleeping position inside appeared very old. The same unit [B Co] found a 122mm rocket 6 feet long and new. It was OD in color and found by a bunker.
22 Mar.- Co B 3rd plt found two old sleeping positions. One of them had overhead cover. They showed no signs of recent use.
23 Mar.- Second plt D Co heard movement at 733044 and made a recon by fire. They had negative findings. The Division Commander inspected Birmingham today.
24 Mar.- A man was medivaced from Pohl Bridge with an apparent appendicitis attack. Co C 1st plt found 1 dead NVA in grave at 847034. The grave was about 15 days old.
25 Mar.- Co D [-] observed a very old bomb at 724067 and requested a EOD team. Recon team #3 found a camp site. The approximate age was 3-5 days. Co D at location 765039 found several hootches and bunkers, about 1 year old.
26 Mar.- No boat patrol was executed from Pohl Bridge because of engine trouble. Arrangements were made for men from each company to attend church on Easter Sunday and the helicopters were reserved.
27 Mar.- The Condor VR bird spotted a variety of enemy signs from the air. At 740034 they saw a trail with prints about 3-4 days old. At 766041 and 769045 they discovered 2 graves, one 6-12 months old and the other 2-3 months old.
28 Mar.- Brandy 22 CC spotted movement of one person in location 747087. Condor 24 pink team sighted a bamboo raft at YC689997. They also saw four hootches, 3 of which were in good condition., The hootches were located at YC717933.
29 Mar.- First light VR located some smoke probably made by VC or NVA at YC703110. Recon found 4 bunkers all destroyed by weather or artillery at 771048[?]. A RF unit located some bunkers about one year old used by a platoon sized element. VN civilians located VC cache while cutting bamboo. They were permitted to keep the food inside and the building was destroyed.
30 Mar.- Recon team #1 spotted a flashlight approximately 300 meters from their location. Co D located 6-10 old bunkers at 764047[?]. Co A 1st plt 1st sqd found a Chi Com grenade which they blew in place. Recon at location763045 found two bunkers with a variety of equipment inside including a NVA poncho, AK47 magazine, and several rounds of ammo. The estimated age of the bunker was 1 year.
31 Mar.- Recon team #2 found three bunkers and tunnel. The tunnel was about 40[?]feet long . In the bunkers they found two metal boxes with four AK47 magazines and over 400 loose rounds. Estimated age of complex, 1 year. This day marked the termination of operation Randolph Glen.
With the successful completion of ‘Randolph Glen” on 31 March 1970, the 101st Airborne Division instituted the plan of operations that was to serve the division until the onset of monsoon season the following September.
The new operational directive was a far more aggressive plan than Randolph Glen and was designed to capitalize on the advantages gained and lessons learned throughout previous operations. These new, bold concepts of division employment was designated “Texas Star”.
Under operation ‘Texas Star’ the 2d Brigade assumed responsibility for pacification and development support throughout Thua Thien Province, while the 1st and 3rd Brigades were assigned to conduct offensive operations against enemy units in the western portions of the Area of Operation.
Concurrent with the repositioning of division units, the areas of operation of regiments of the 1st Infantry Division [ARVN] were adjusted to maintain the brigade-regimental relationships developed and refined during the preceding month.
While Randolph Glen was primarily a holding operation, This was not true of “Texas Star” as is apparent from the very first objective. A part of the “Texas Star” plan was the conduction of extensive airmobile operations in the area east of the A Shau Valley and west of the populated lowlands of Thua Thien Province to locate and destroy NVA/VC units. Also included was the interdiction of infiltration and supply routes. The objective of this plan was to provide maximum security for the population and the urban centers.
Once again, as in Randolph Glen, it was impossible to ignore the A Shau Valley. It was proposed from the beginning to place fires on acquired targets in the valley on a continuous basis and to perform Visual Reconnaissance of the area by observation helicopters supported with gun ships.
In addition to objectives similar to Randolph Glen, such as the continuation of providing civic action assistance where requested and supporting Government pacification and development plans and programs, several new objectives were now possible. Because of the ideal campaign weather, NVA/VC limited assaults on Hue were considered likely. Therefore one of the missions of the 101st Airborne Division was to aid government forces in providing security around the major urban center. Also included in the mission was assistance to ARVN forces in providing security for the Vietnamese Railway System within the area of operations.
The 1/502 Infantry is an organic unit of the 2d Brigade. As such, its mission was primarily one of providing security and continuously training for the Regional and Popular Forces. During Randolph Glen there was such success in the employment of RF/PF units that an expansion of the program was directed.
The time invested in training the Vietnamese paid off in the many contacts they had with NVA/VC forces. During the latter part of April, the security of the Pohl Bridge was released to a RF company. The Regional Forces protected the bridge in an outstanding manner and managed to repel a NVA attempt to destroy it later in the campaign.
The period between the end of March and the middle of September, in Military Region I, is marked by hot and primarily dry weather. The humidity is always high and working conditions are often difficult. The visibility is excellent and the few summer rain storms that occur are brief.
“First Strike” battalion was responsible for approximately the same area of operation it had in the previous campaign. While conducting ambushes and patrols, work continued on fire bases Arsenal and Bastogne. In July, an advanced tactical operations center was established at Bastogne, and early in September Arsenal became the Command Post of the battalion.
It would be impossible to mention all the significant actions over an entire operation., To be familiar with the function of the 1/502d Infantry, it will be necessary, however, to cite a few.
Texas Star enabled the “First Strike” battalion to employ its subordinate units utilizing the full concept of rapid movement and airmobility. Everyday during the campaign elements of various sizes were shuttled by helicopters throughout the Area of Operations and performed combat assaults into pre-designated and prepared landing zones. This rapid, coordinating movement made it possible to cover large areas of land effectively with minimum force. The net result was an increase in enemy killed in action and the ability to surprise the NVA/VC units in their bunker complexes.
Regional and Popular Forces accompanied by Mobile Training Teams, conducted forays in the single and double canopy jungle obtaining the element of surprise on several occasions. This provided exceptional training for the RF/PF units and netted several bunkers and enemy casualties.
In almost any terms imaginable Texas Star was a major allied success. The “First Strike” battalion alone netted approximately twenty confirmed NVA/VC killed in action. There were as estimated sixty NVA/VC who were killed or wounded but could not be confirmed because the bodies were removed. We also captured three prisoners of war.
On the material side our forces captured or destroyed in excess of three hundred pounds of rice, five crew served weapons, eight AK47 rifles, several bunker complexes and substantial amounts of other equipment. This equipment included over eighty satchel charges, assorted rockets and rocket propelled grenades, thirty-five pounds of TNT in a variety of charges, over twenty ruck sacks and canteens, assorted booby traps, captured American weapons of older types. And other items too numerous to mention.
Operation Texas Star put the training of the Regional and Popular Forces to the test of combat. The performance of these units while on patrol or defending fixed military objectives such as bridges and villages, reflected credit on themselves and the American advisers who trained them.
The conflict proved conclusively the will of the Vietnamese to protect themselves from aggression and terror perpetrated by the Viet Cong insurgents.
The constant pressure placed upon the NVA/VC supply network made them unable to store the arms and equipment necessary for a prolonged campaign. The NVA/VC units that were discovered were almost invariably hungry and short of ammunition. Ground unit activities along with the constant shellings and raids to rear areas apparently forced the enemy to postpone or cancel plans for all but minor actions. To illustrate the effectiveness of the allied effort, the insurgents mortared the Phu Bai complex only once in the entire five months and then with only eight rounds. There was no equipment damaged nor allied personnel hurt.
By every known standard of measure, the 1/502d accomplished its mission in an outstanding manner.
1 Apr.- The battalion began operation Texas Star today at 0001 hours. The >battalion assumed opcon of two LNO teams and three mobile training teams. The security of the Pohl Bridge was terminated and given to the 221 RF company.
2 Apr.- Co D 1st plt 3rd sqd point man sighted movement at 763054 and fired the area up. A search produced negative results. The battalion commander conducted a briefing for all company commanders on Firebase Birmingham concerning operation Texas Star.
3 Apr.- Disabled helicopter being slung load by a Heuy slipped out of the sling and crashed vic 7311. Security of aircraft was preformed by our battalion.
4 Apr.- Hung Thuy made a sweep of the village of Phu Loong with the result of detaining 25 persons for various reasons.
5 Apr.- Recon team #1 at 783038 found a bunker complex and the area showed no signs of recent use.
6 Apr.- At 0030 hours an unknown size force of VC/NVA assaulted Firebase Arsenal with RPG`s, S/A, satchel charges, and bangalore torpedoes. Three NVA/VC penetrated the perimeter defense. One NVA/VC was killed inside of wire and other bodies were sighted outside. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd engaged an estimated 15 VC/NVA 200 meters [?]. E. of their night ambush at YD823079. Results of the contact were 6 VC/NVA KIA, 2 VC/NVA WIA-POW, 12 RPG`s, 5 bangalore torpedoes, 30lbs TNT, 78 satchel charges, and 1 AK47 rifle captured. Friendly losses were 4 US WIA, three generators and 2 1/2 ton truck damaged. Training of PSDF continued in Phu Vang district by 1/502 mobile training team.
7 Apr.- Recon team #2 engaged 2 NVA/VC about 20 meters from themselves with S/A and M79 fire. Results 1 enemy KIA and captured, 2 ruck sacks, 1 AK47, 3 RPG charges, 2 blocks TNT, and six satchel charges. Co C 2nd plt found 1 NVA/VC killed by ARA at 823076.
8 Apr.- Province Chief initiated sweep of a village to locate draft dodgers or VC sympathizers and terrorists.
9 Apr.- Mobile training teams are attached to Nam Hoa and are continuing training of Popular Forces. The battalion continued operation Texas Star employing extensive ambushes with negative results.
10 Apr.- Recon found 10 clay pots, sizes ½ gallon to 5 gallon. Brandy 22 received small arms fire vic 732037 and sighted 1 NVC/VC in the open. ARA fired up the area with negative results. At location 834186 the 336 PF unit found an 81mm and 1 82mm round. They also located several other HE rounds, all of which were destroyed.
11 Apr.- Co B 3rd plt found a hole with box prints at bottom at 815065. They believe it was a cache site. It was freshly dug. 155 RF Company engaged 10 VC at approx. 200 meters. Results are unknown.
12 Apr.- Co D 3rd plt 2nd sqd received one incoming round 150 meters from there location. They had no casualties.
13 Apr.- Co C had a man medivaced with possible malaria. Extensive night ambushes and security patrols were employed with no results.
14 Apr.- Recon found 2 bunkers and 1 latrine. One bunker was a medical or sleeping bunker and the other was a mess hall. There was a passage way between the two bunkers.
15 Apr.- Pink team located signs of very recent activity in area 687065. They fired up the area with negative results. Co D 3rd plt at YD807034 found a hootch made of bangalore torpedo boxes. Inside were various GI newspapers. The hootch was destroyed.
16 Apr.- Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd found a Chi Com grenade of the potato masher type. They destroyed it.
17 Apr,- Hung Thuy reported the capture of one female VC/NVA while she was enroute to a new area.
18 Apr.- VR in loch reported sighting several VC/NVA suspects in two locations. The areas are 815105 and 805091. Recon conducted a combat assault from Birmingham to YD 704055.
19 Apr.- Co D 1st plt found a satchel charge and carrier belt and part of an NVA ruck sack. They also located NVA body at 781021 which had been there about 1-3 weeks. Recon found a 57mm[?] recoilless rifle. Age unknown. Co D 1st plt 3rd sqd found a hole entrance 3` x 3`. Gassed the hole with CS obtaining negative results.
20 Apr.- Popular Forces at Phu Vang captured two POW`s with their equipment including AK47 rifles. Co D found
12 Chi Com grenades, 3 medical bottles, and a variety of miscellaneous items. These were located in a bunker complex of 5 bunkers and 5 spider holes. There were no signs of recent enemy activity.
21 Apr.- Co A found a satchel charge near a bunker. They destroyed it. Co C 1st plt found numerous sandal tracks. They appeared to be 2 days old
22 Apr.- Co C found in an area of 50 to 100 meters in diameter 10 sleeping positions which would hold 3-4 persons each. It is estimated 20-30 people used area 5-20 days ago. Trails lead in and out from all directions. The location of this complex was 751021. Houng Thuy reported the KIA of Tran Van Myhia a vital leader in the communist party for our area. He was the most wanted VCI[?] on the list.
23 Apr.- MP teams continued training the PF units in our area. Snipers were withdrawn to Phu Bai to receive additional training.
24 Apr.- Unauthorized people were cutting bamboo in a danger area. They were removed. An agent report indicates we will reach a high point in enemy activity about 25 April. The brigade commander has directed additional patrols be sent out to prevent assaults on installations. Recon found 1 bunker complex approx 1 year old.
25 Apr.- There was a flame drop today at YD691119. VR went out as usual and all findings were negative.
26 Apr.- Co A found a dud 105 round and blew it in place. The battalion continued operation Texas Star with negative results.
27 Apr.- A downed helicopter was secured by elements of Co B at 745119. The bird was extracted by a UH-1H. Recon teams 1 & 2 found 19 bunkers and 1 NVA latrine. In the bunkers they found a variety of NVA equipment. All items are about 1 1/2 years old with no signs of recent activity.
28 Apr.- Pink team preformed recon by fire on grid square 7303. PF patrol found one submachine gun and other small arms. The Division Commander conferred with Brigade and Battalion Commanders on Birmingham today. Birmingham conducted a practice alert.
29 Apr.- Co A located several pair of boot prints freshly made. They were on a trail next to a campsite of about same age. Bunker #9 at Birmingham spotted two NVA/VC crossing river and other bunkers heard noise. The firebase was put on 100% alert and the reaction force will sleep at the ready position.
30 Apr.- Intensive VR by pink team around Birmingham produced negative results. Elements of 3rd plt B Co located fresh tracks going in opposite directions. Co D found 51 foxholes and variety of VC/NVA equipment which appeared to have been used in the last four days.
1 May - The battalion is continuing operation Texas Star. Nam Hoa set up an ambush based on some intelligence they had and sprung it on 8 NVA/VC. The results were one NVA/VC KIA and one NVA/VC female wounded and captured. Pink team discovered one fighting position with signs of recent use at 698114. Recon discovered six bunkers with overhead cover and destroyed the same. There were no signs of recent activity. Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd found and old NDP site with 30 foxholes. The last usage was estimated at one month ago.
2 May- A man in Co C 2nd plt was seriously hurt when he fell off 10 ft embankment. He was medivaced to 85th Evac. Co C at location 707070, found a booby trap on a trail. It was blown in place.
3 May- The Pink team found four to five sets of footprints with Ho Chi Minh sandals moving north. A Vietnamese civilian discovered a body tied up in the tree line near Tam Boa village and an investigation is under way. An RF accidentally set off a booby trap.. Co A found five rockets of varying sizes at 773046. 100 meters from the location the rockets were found, Co A found 3 bunkers. Firebase Birmingham received several incoming 82mm rounds with negative casualties.
4 May- Co D found 300 lbs of rice broken down in 7-15 lb sand bags and 1-100 lb water proof bag and 1-100 lb burlap bag. Located with this rice were several sets of clothes. There were signs of recent use around the area and the company discovered a small hootch. All the findings were located at 863030. Co D 2nd plt found one bunker with signs of very recent use by about four people. The bunker was destroyed.
5 May- Co C 1st plt located a trail at 708066. Co D 2nd plt[-] found a bunker re-enforced with timber and sand bags. Beside the bunker was a lean-to type shelter. A variety of small equipment was found in a lean to and bunker indicating they had been used in the last four days. The equipment and bunkers were found at 863079.
6 May- An NVA/VC man shot up the operations section of An Hop and fled . The PF sent out a patrol after him. Results one NVA/VC KIA. Recon team #1 found fresh set of tracks on trail. PF forces engaged four VC vic 945167 with negative results. Recon team #1 found fresh elephant tracks estimated to be two days old. In the village of Phu Thu a VN woman was assassinated by VC last night. Her husband had been killed by the VC three years ago.
7 May- Phu Thu sniper team C[?] engaged three NVA/VC with a believed result of two NVA/VC killed in action. Hue received eight 122mm rockets resulting in several casualties and one civilian house destroyed., RF forces engaged five to six VC at 777125 with negative results.
8 May- Phu Thu districts RF`s found one Chi Com machinegun. Firebase Birmingham was visited by a troop air lift Commanding General. Co A located a VC sign on a tree. The estimated age of the sigh was three months.
9 May- A man from Co B was medivaced because of a kidney stone passing blood. At location YD900229 the 160th PF plt found one M60 machinegun and one M1 carbine.
10 May- Recon found three booby traps rigged in C-ration cans on a trail. All the booby traps were blown in place. PF plt 161 while on night ambush spotted one NVA/VC at a great distance. A sweep was made with negative results.
11 May- Recon at location 761055 found one 60mm round in the ground set as a booby trap. They called in an EOD team. VC of and unknown number fired rockets at a school house and were repulsed by PF forces in the village of Thon Thong. PF plt 100 engaged one VC and thought they wounded him in the leg. A sweep under illumination produced negative results.
12 May- Three planes took ground fire from location 864159. Intelligence indicated 56 unknown persons moving in area immediately south of Arsenal. The firebase will be on 100% alert tonight.
13 May- Battalion S2 VR found and secured a ruck sack from the river containing 600 AK47 rounds, 105 9mm pistol rounds, 700 M60 rounds and one M-16 magazine full of ammo. Estimated age is less than two weeks. Phu
Thu reported VN children found and turned in one box of M-16 ammo which was hidden in some bushes. Co A at location 818187[?] found a tunnel complex.
14 May- Mobile MP[?] team with PF`s ambushed VC at 35 meters range. VC fled south leaving one VC KIA and as AK47 captured.
15 May- Co A 1st plt 1st sqd found one 500 lb bomb. The bomb will be blown in place because it is armed and the fuse is broken. The estimated age is nine months. Co A 3rd plt found one underground bunker. The bunker had not been used in the last seven months and inside was a small amount of equipment. Co A also located an underground bunker.
16 May- Co B found a spider hole in brush three to four weeks old. Fifteen meters west of first hole they found another the same age. All vehicles from now on will have sand bagged floors to prevent causalities from mines.
17 May- VR bird sighted possible rocket and mortar sight at 786962[?]. Co A 1st plt found one 60mm round buried in ground. They destroyed it in place.
18 May- Infantry OP at Birmingham reported movement was spotted 100 meters from the Rock Crusher. The area was illuminated with negative results. A cease fire is in effect from 1200 hours today until 1200 hours 19 May.
19 May- PF unit in ambush states at 967101[?] ambushed three VC moving east and [?] one VC KIA. Intelligence indicates enemy activity in our area will increase soon.
20 May- Continued operation Texas Star in sector Golf. Extensive SP and NA were employed with negative results.
21 May- Co D 3rd plt at 699070 found one dud 155 round. Third sqd found one dud 500 lb bomb at 732037. An EOD team has been requested. Co D 2nd plt at 732038 found two 4lb blocks of TNT. VN children turned in to US forces several 155mm HE rounds they found. The rounds were destroyed with C4 explosive.
22 May- Arsenal personnel spotted a light at 789062. MTT #15 and RF plt 142 observed three VC/NVA last night. They made a sweep of area and found three bunkers with signs of recent use. In the bunkers some equipment was found. They destroyed the bunker and back logged the ammo and hand grenades they found.
23 May- Co C spotted light blinking to SE of their position at YD775043. No other significant events occurred today.
24 May- Recon found a 155mm round on a trail located at 702112. An EOD team was sent in to destroy it. Look magazine corespondents visited Birmingham to get information for an article today. Co C spotted intermittent flashes at 761056.
25 May- Firebase Birmingham requested an engineer unit to clear vegetation and rocks from the area around the perimeter of the base.
26 May- MTT #15 found a 500 lb bomb at 964114. An EOD team was requested. > MTT #15 and 179th PF plt discovered a booby trap with pressure type firing device. A VN child turned in 1-60mm mortar round and one Chi Com grenade he found.
27 May- All units of the battalion are in Phu Bai for refresher training and standdown. A man from Co B was Division Soldier of the Month.
28 May- Battalion conducted classes on sapper techniques as they continued standdown.
29 May- 1/502 Inf. continued refresher training and standdown to Phu Bai.
30 May- The battalion continued standdown in Phu Bai. 31 May- The battalion continued standdown in Phu Bai while conducting refresher training.
1 Jun.- The battalion continued training and standdown operations in Phu Bai.
2 Jun.- The battalion ended standdown operations today and returned to Firebase Birmingham and Sector Golf to continue Texas Star. The 257 RF Company and flareship reported one VC/NVA KIA in ambush. MTT #13 found satchel charges and mines in sweep of an area around 803245.
3 Jun.- Co C 1st plt found a B40 rocket launcher 30 feet outside perimeter of Arsenal. It was old and rusty with negative signs of recent use. There was an attempt to sabotage the district chiefs jeep today. The bomb went off but did not injure anyone.
4 Jun.- railroad bridge at YD829178 caught fire last night. The fire was an accident and the damage was light. The bridge is operational today.
5 Jun.- 179 RF Co sighted 20 VC at YD964165. They engaged them with small arms. Results of the action is one VC KIA.
6 Jun.- Battalion continued operation Texas Star employing extensive S/P and N/A with negative results. A maximum usage of mechanical ambushes was obtained.
7 Jun.- Co A 3rd plt engaged one NVA within 25 meters. There was negative results from contact.
8 Jun.- Co C received ice with plastic bag in it. The bag was secured with a rubber band and contained some unknown substance. It was sent to the rear to be analyzed.
9 Jun.- Co C received classes today for review on communications and calling in artillery. A free lance writer visited Birmingham and a field position today. Co A 3rd plt was on patrol and smelled Marijuana. They sighted two VC 50 meter away and fired at them. There were negative results from contact and the sweep of the area afterwards. This action took place at 735053.
10 Jun.- The RF unit at Pohl Bridge thwarted an attempt by the VC to destroy the bridge with explosives on a raft. Co A 2nd plt found a man made hole in the ground while cutting a trail. It is estimated to 6-8 months old. Co A 3rd plt located three sleeping positions dug in the ground made for two men each. Last use of the positions was approximately three weeks ago.
11 Jun.- MTT #14 in conjunction with the 126 RF Company found one dead VC with equipment and a bunker. The bunker was located in the vic of YD861249. At location 702037, the VR bird found six fighting positions which showed no recent use.
12 Jun.- Second plt 221 RF Co while on patrol found one bunker 5` x 5` x 3`, two to three weeks old with overhead cover. Inside they found on AK47 and two magazines.
13 Jun.- A claymore went off and killed one man in Co D. Six others were wounded and evacuated to the 85th Evac. An investigation will be conducted to determine the cause of explosion. The Division Commander and a Congressman from Kentucky visited Firebase Birmingham today. Co C found two caves and one tunnel at 728058. They appeared to have been used in last three days.
14 Jun.- Someone was jamming the battalion radio net today. The jamming was thought to be deliberate by an enemy transmitter. Our net transmitted over the jamming.
15 Jun.- A VR was preformed in the area around YD697032. They discovered a bunker complex which showed no signs of recent use. The battalion employed extensive ambushes with negative results.
16 Jun.- A Sampan was fired on last night from Firebase Arsenal. The boat contained an unknown number of VC/NVA. Results of shelling are unknown.
17 Jun.- Houng Thuy initiated an operation to consolidate the rice from several villages into one secure place in each village. This will make it more difficult for the VC/NVA to obtain supplies. Co D 2nd plt 3rd sqd located a bomb. A EOD team was sent to the area at 756048.
18 Jun.- Houng Thuy district had an encounter with NVA/VC forces around their perimeter last night. They engaged the enemy, results were one NVA/VC KIA.
19 Jun.- Co D had one man evacuated to the rear at Birmingham because he had a possible case of malaria. Another man broke his nose and was evacuated to the 85th Evac.
20 Jun.- Third plt Co D preformed a recon by fire at area 762020. Firebase Birmingham had a practice alert tonight.
21 Jun.- Phu Thu reported contact vic 835217 by MTT #14 and confirmed one VC/NVA KIA and one AK47 captured.
22 Jun.- MTT units continued training PF and RF`s. Co D had practice alert at 1000 hours.
23 Jun.- There was an agent report today indicating elements of the VC would attempt to sell US forces cokes and beer which was wired with explosives and delay fuses. Birmingham was mortared from suspected location at 693113 or 717120 today. The firebase received 12 to 15 82mm rounds. There were no casualties. Co D was called to secure General Smith`s helicopter when it went down at 678178.
24 Jun.- Co A 2nd plt [-] while setting up and NDP spotted three to four VC/NVA. They engaged the enemy with S/A and artillery fire. A sweep under illumination produced negative results.
25 Jun.- Co A 2nd plt 1st sqd at location 773044 found a campsite used in the last 48 hours. It was used by approximately five persons. Within 100 meters they also located three bunkers and a trail showing signs of usage in the last 24 hours. Co A 2nd plt reported sniper fire by approximately four NVA/VC, one NVA/VC KIA. Co B located a trail and sleeping position used by NVA/VC elements in last four days. Recon found a small wooden Budda hanging from a tree limb at 690126.
26 Jun.- Camp Eagle took incoming rounds early this morning. A mechanical ambush went off accidentally wounding one US. He was medivaced to the 85th Evac. Co B 2nd plt found one warhead at 723025. It is believed to be part of a 155mm round. Co C 1st plt located a sleeping position one to two days old.
27 Jun.- Recon found tracks which appear to be about 12 hours old at YD732059. They were made by one or two persons. Co A heard movement outside their NDP. They employed artillery and will sweep the area in the morning.
28 Jun.- Co B 2nd plt found two graves at 726016. Both graves are about two weeks old and the person appear to have died of shrapnel wounds. At location 730059 recon team #1 found sleeping places for several persons and a variety of equipment. Co B 2nd plt at 721013[?] found a 122mm rocket and warhead. The signs in the area indicate recent use within the last two to three days.
29 Jun.- Co D 3rd plt located at YD849046 received incoming rounds 25 to 50 meters from their location. No casualties were sustained during the shelling.
30 Jun.- fire base Birmingham received three incoming 122mm rockets wounded one man and damaging a water truck. In Co B one man was killed by misdirected friendly fire. The location was 724025.
1 Jul.- At YD852059 an old campfire site was located showing signs of use two to three months ago. Co D 1st plt found two one-man foxholes at 803089. They appeared to have been used in the last three days.
2 Jul.- A woman VC sympathizer was caught trying to hide bunkers from a plowing operation in Phu Thu district.
3 Jul.- Three rounds of unknown origin or direction landed near FB Birmingham with negative casualties.
4 Jul.- One man from B Co was injured when burning trash exploded. He was taken to Phu Bai by ambulance. Co C sighted and fired upon four NVA at 684124 during a period of extremely limited visibility. A sweep produced no results. Co D 2nd plt found a Ho Chi Minh sandal at 745079.
5 Jul.- MTT #21 engaged two VC at 788026 and swept the area with negative results. Recon heard movement north of their position at 738058. They blew a claymore with negative results.
6 Jul.- 1/502 Inf. continued operation Texas Star employing extensive S/P and N/A`s with negative results.
7 Jul.- Huong Thuy district HQ`s took incoming rounds early this morning. One PF KIA and one US WIA were the results of that attack. Camp Eagle took incoming rounds. The launch sites were believed to be 719998 or 723018. Co A found one bunker with signs of recent use. Numerous rocket launch sites were located with recent use.
8 Jul.- Firebase Arsenal did not have search light because of theirs breaking down. A 2 ½ ton truck turned over on the road between Birmingham and Eagle.
9 Jul.- Co B 3rd plt found a shelter half about two to three days old. It was located at YD856050.
10 Jul.- A man was wounded on Birmingham during the mad minute fire. He was located at bunker #12. The 191 RF[?] Company location YD778021 came under S/A fire and satchel charges. The results were one VN KIA and nine VN WIA.
11 Jul.- Co C 2nd plt found a bunker about six months old at 691062. Huong Thu[?] had 11 people killed and 35 wounded in an accident involving a frag grenade at a training center. Co C located a cache of 36 rounds of 82mm ammo.
12 Jul.- 158 PF plt found one female VN KIA after dark. Recon team A discovered caves with old C-ration cans, complexes, and three bunkers. They showed no signs of recent use.
13 Jul.- 257 RF Co engaged an unknown number of VC/NVA with light casualties on the RF unit and unknown enemy casualties. A helicopter took ground fire at 816056 today. The area was shelled with artillery and will be swept later. Co D 3rd plt found a grave approximately two months old at 778022.
14 Jul.- MP`s found VC propaganda leaflets at the edge of Hue City. Co C 3rd plt found a 122mm rocket extension piece at 787017. It appeared to be about four to six months old.
15 Jul.- A mechanical ambush went off at 715103 and the area was checked with negative results except the discovering of two sets of foot prints heading north. Two men were medivaced from Birmingham today, one with a cut finger and one with possible malaria.
16 Jul.- Birmingham reported mortar flashes from 692140 and 696132. Team 2 of recon found three sets of footprints about 12 hours old at 793037. In the area of the tracks they found a rice bowl.
17 Jul.- A VN Lientenant General, the I Military Region Commander and his US counterpart inspected Huong Thuy and Nam Hoa district HQ`s today.
18 Jul.- 1/502 Int continued operation Texas Star with negative results.
19 Jul.- co C 1st plt found fresh footprints near 700040 that appeared about one day old. The Recon plt was extracted from the field for standdown and refresher training.
20 Jul.- Co A on Birmingham reported one man in bunker #1 engaged one NVA/VC outside of wire with S/A fire. The enemy soldier fled and a check of area under illumination produced negative results.
21 Jul.- Co A at 696097 reported sighting three NVA/VC at a good distance away. They swept the area with no results. A forward TOC was set up on Firebase Bastogne today at 1900 hours.
22 Jul.- Co C 1/501 came under operational control to our battalion today.
23 Jul.- Co D reported a man walked up to their check point at 576059 and appeared to be an NVA soldier and wanted to Chu Hoi. He as taken to Firebase Birmingham for questioning.
24 Jul.- Recon team two had movement at their NDP early this morning. They utilized a recon by fire and the area is quiet now. A sweep of the area in the morning produced negative results.
25 Jul.- At 849217 MTT[?] #2[?] found 4 bunkers three to four days old. The bunkers had rice and a stove in them.
26 Jul.- An MA at 797042 had a shove[?] and went off. VR bird spotted a suspected 122mm launch site at 774045.
27 Jul.- Co A 2nd plt found a dud 155 round at 744029. Co B requested and received medivac for a litter patient with injured back and hip.
28 Jul.- Area around YD774040 was fire dropped because it was a suspected VC/NVA launching site and rest area. Co B 1st plt located YD869019 engaged two NVA/VC with negative casualties and negative results.
29 Jul.- Co B found a variety of small equipment on a trail including clothes and ruck sack which they destroyed. Co B 1st sqd 1st plt made contact with an unknown number of enemy at location YD874024.
30 Jul.- Co B located a VC NDP which was approximately one week old. They also found some VC propaganda leaflets in the area.
31 Jul.- Co B received incoming mortar rounds at their location. They were located at 866014. No casualties were sustained and a sweep of the area produced negative results.
1 Aug.- 1/502 Inf continued operation Texas Star employing extensive S/P and N/A with negative results.
2 Aug.- A pink team received a few rounds of small arms fire today at 864025. Artillery was called in on the area. Phu Bai received a total of seven 122mm incoming rounds with negative casualties or damage.
3 Aug.- Co A 2nd plt found a pick and shovel. Co B 2nd plt spotted one NVA/VC and engaged same with result one NVA/VC KIA and his equipment captured. This action occurred at location YD865012.
4 Aug.- PF`s from Houng Thuy and Nam Hoa discovered a variety of small enemy signs in a variety of locations. Co B found a trail at 866002 with signs of use in the last three days. At the same location they discovered four to five foxholes.
5 Aug.- Co B 3rd plt located at 885008 engaged one NVA with S/A fire with negative results. Later Co B 3rd plt made contact with a command detonated claymore mine resulting in two US KIA, two US WIA and one Kit Carson Scout KIA.
6 Aug.- Recon discovered a high speed trail. The pink team found three fighting positions with recent activity in the last 48 hours. They were located at 876007. The battalion returned to Phu Bai today for standdown.
7 Aug.- The battalion completed the first day of refresher training. Nam Hoa district HQ`s came under attack resulting in four US WIA, two VN KIA, two VN WIA.
8 Aug.- 1/502 Inf continued standdown training at Phu Bai.
9 Aug.- Classes for the battalion continued during standdown at Phu Bai.
10 Aug.- Classes for the battalion continued during standdown at Phu Bai.
11 Aug.- The battalion completed standdown today and is in the process of returning to the field and Firebase Birmingham.
12 Aug.- A VR bird spotted three sampans past the limit permitted on the river and turned them back. In Co D a point man spotted one NVA/VC forty meters ahead who fled south.
13 Aug.- co C 3rd plt[-] at location 774046 found three fighting positions showing no signs of recent use. Recon location at 875996 engaged one VC/NVA with negative results. Co C 2nd plt at YD727059 engaged four NVA resulting in one NVA POW, one NVA KIA, three NVA field packs, two AK47 rifles, five AK47 magazines and some documents.
14 Aug.- B Co reported hearing movement at the river vic 701097. At first light VR produced signs of recent activity.
15 Aug.- A white team discovered three to four bunkers at 685115 and a bunker 48 hours old at 762051.
16 Aug.- A white team discovered a bunker at 757053. Recon found 15-20 fighting positions and a bunker with recent use.
17 Aug.- PF forces found several bunkers and a variety of fighting positions. The battalion continued operation Texas Star with no significant events in the twenty four hour period.
18 Aug.- Sampans were on the river past the boundary again today and Nam Hoa district HQ`s sent someone to remove them to behind the bridge.
19 Aug.- A tracker team discovered a bunker about two weeks old and several fresh tracks in the area of 779106. Co C 2nd plt sighted three NVA/VC moving into a bunker YD738073 and called in artillery with negative results. Co D 2nd plt found several pieces of NVA equipment at 881024[?].
20 Aug.- A medivac was requested for a man in Co E who was cut while using a machete to cut a trail. MTT #20 located at YD791095 spotted two NVA/VC. They engaged enemy with ARA obtaining negative results.
21 Aug.- Co C reported five incoming rounds of mortars or artillery approximately 800 meters from their position.
22 Aug.- Co B 2nd plt 2nd sqd sprung a day ambush on one NVA/VC with negative results.
23 Aug.- Sampans were removed to safe area after they crossed the boundary on the river again today. Co D 1st plt 2nd sqd found one bunker and 12 fighting positions at [???????} . Co C found two hootches on a trail at 776054 built about thirty days ago.
24 Aug.- A truck had a fuel leak on highway 542]?] and burned. There was heavy damage to the truck but no injuries. Co A 2nd plt 2nd sqd found two bunkers and some small equipment at 864041.
25 Aug.- There was a brigade class A inspection of Birmingham today. B Co >heard small arms fire and detected movement 50[?] meters south of their position. They swept the area, finding nothing.
26 Aug.- Co A 1st plt 1st sqd found mortar place one year old at 865025. The area showed no recent signs of activity. Co A 1st plt 3rd sqd found a small sleeping area for one or two people about three days old.
27 Aug.- Co C swept the road to Birmingham for mines with negative results. A Co 1st plt found a lobster can hanging from a tree. There were no signs of recent activity in the area.
28 Aug.- Phu Bai took incoming mortar rounds and rockets early in this morning with miner damage and three US WIA.
29 Aug.- B Co sighted smoke at grid 709072 and an air search produced no results. Co B took one mortar round of unknown size. The launch site was probably 770960. A white team spotted a bunker at 778045 and fired on it. Co A 1st plt found fresh footprints at 774045.
30 Aug.- Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd found a tunnel entrance about two months old. Inside they found a room with nothing except a sump hole.
31 Aug.- Co B 1st plt found a lookout position with a semi-automatic weapon and a poncho inside. No signs in the area of recent use.
1 Sep.- A fixed wing Nighthawk spotted two sampans in the water at grid 804078. 81mm mortars fired 20 rounds HE. B C o 3rd plt 2nd sqd found a trail at 778079 running east to west. The trail is 1 ½ feet wide and shows signs of recent activity. Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd found two 6` x 2` very old bunkers at 835032. There was a fresh trail in the area. No signs of recent activity were observed and the bunkers were destroyed. Co B 1st plt 3rd sqd found two caved in bunkers and five caved in fighting positions about 6-8 months old at 758040. Co A 3rd plt at YD823046 observed four enemy going into the brush. ARA pink team, and flare ships were employed with negative results.
2 Sep.- Report from Phu Thuy at YD93[?] RF, Pf`s found a bunker with two VC in it. Five RF, PF`s were wounded and both VC killed. Captured were one Ck6 [?] rifle and one AK47 . Bunker was destroyed. 1/502 Inf continued Texas Star in section Golf making maximum use of S/P and N/A with negative results.
3 Sep.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd engaged two NVA at grid YD835035, at range of 20-28 meters with small arms fire resulting in one NVA KIA, one AK47 and bandoleer of ammo captured. There were no friendly casualties.
4 Sep.- Co A 1st plt 1st sqd at grid 744053 found a NW-SE trail, one foot wide with sandal prints two to three days old heading SE. Co A at grid YD804057 spotted two sampans. People got off and moved east.
5 Sep.- Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd found nine fighting positions three with overhead cover about 12 months old. Positions were destroyed. Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd at grid YD831032 found a bunker 4-5 months old with one fighting position and a trail leading to the east. The bunker was destroyed. There were no signs of recent activity. Co D 1st plt had movement 40-50 meters west of their location. Illumination was employed but nothing was sighted.
[6 SEPTEMBER `70 30 MARCH `71]
Jefferson Glen was the third and final operation undertaken by the 101st Airborne Division in 1970. As indicated by its title, the plan was to cover the monsoon season of 1970 - `71.
The objectives of Jefferson Glen were very similar to Randolph Glen a year earlier. Again, because of the nature of monsoon weather, The military objectives of the plan were limited. The operation continued the concept of a complete integration of effort of all agencies within the division area of operations for the accomplishment of the inseparable tasks of improving territorial security and protecting the people from terrorism. Other missions included improving the people's Self-Defense Force; developing local self-management in administrative, economic, and financial systems; to educate and motivate the people to participate in local government; and the continuation of building a better way of life and prosperity for the South Vietnamese people.
Under the Jefferson Glen plan, the “First Strike” Battalion was assigned to the 2d Brigade. Our area of operation was somewhat smaller than in the previous campaigns but still comprised many of the former areas. The battalion Command Post was located at Arsenal. And elements of the battalion were, for a short time, stationed on Firebase Brick in the southern portion of our sector of responsibility.
It is impossible, at this time, to assess the final success of Jefferson Glen because it is still continuing. Initial reports are encouraging and it is estimated that Jefferson Glen may be even more successful than its predecessor, Randolph Glen.
Our battalion's mission in combat continues to be one of constant vigilance through the employment of numerous patrols and ambushes utilizing the airmobile concept of rapid movement when the weather permits. There is every indication at this time that Jefferson Glen will add yet another successful campaign to the long list of the “First Strike” Battalion.
6 Sep.- A VR bird spotted two bunkers on the east slope of Hill 274. Co C found a grave two to three weeks old at grid 752947. No signs of recent activity. Co C 1st plt destroyed two bunkers at their NDP sight, location 755948 on an LZ about 12 months old. There was no sign of recent activity. Operation Jefferson Glen Monsoon Plan 1970 starts.
7 Sep.- First light VR bird reports sampans at 802073. District chief from Nam Hoa says they are not supposed to be there and to fire in front of them to make them turn around. Co D 2nd plt 3rd sqd reached their objective at grid 773960 sandal tracks which they followed with negative results. Co C had four men wounded by a booby trap. First plt stopped on a trail for a break and sent its 2nd sqd out on point. Point man, Gary A Ollstrap[?] stepped on a pressure device booby trap and received multiple chest and leg wounds and a partially amputated foot. His condition is listed serious. The slack man Peter N. Mitchel was wounded in the neck. All three were medivaced to 85th Evac. A fourth man was very slightly wounded and not evacuated. The trail is hard packed and two feet wide. Co C found 16 60mm mortar rounds in a hollow tree five feet off a trail.
8 Sep.- Co D 3rd plt 1st sqd at grid 778957 spotted one NVA on the edge of an LZ about 200 meters away moving north. They did not fire because they only had a fleeting glimpse of him and hoped he might reappear or others would follow him. Co C 1st plt 2nd sqd observed a trail watcher and engaged hem. The trail watcher fled SE. A sweep of the area produced one AK47. Co B 1st plt observed lights 100 meters NW of their night location. A nighthawk was employed and sighted a raft floating vic of grid YD791098. He fired at the raft with unknown results.
9 Sep.- co C 2nd plt engaged an unknown size enemy force with small arms fire at about 75 meters. Scout dog handler and one man from 2nd plt were wounded, dog handler seriously. Requested medivac, ARA and pink team. Both men were taken to 85th Evac. Dog handler was dead on arrival. Co C had one man, SP4 Wilfred Young killed when he accidentally walked into the rotor blade of a helicopter. Co A 1st plt 3rd sqd grid 837032 found a shallow grave with one body, four to five months old. At 0800 hours insertion of OPCON elements of 2/327th Inf to Fsb Blitz began with forward TOC and other elements closing by 1200 hours.
10 Sep.- Phu Bai received incoming last night. B Co reported flashes on as azimuth of 4000 mils, six kilometers distant. Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd reported mortars being fired on an azimuth of 5800 mills at 800 meters. Employed 81mm mortars on suspected positions. Recon found a blood trail 50 meters from their NDP moving east. They were following the trail and received small arms fire. They returned fire and killed one VC, captured one AK47, 40 lbs of rice and 10 lbs salt. Co C 3rd plt point man fired at one VC, VC fled SE. KCS with 3rd plt believes there are 30 more VC vic of Hill 444. ARA employed against Hill 444 and received ground fire. Co C 3rd plt found two bunkers, each with a latrine in it plus two 82mm rounds and 20 lbs of rice. At grid 772922 they found two punji pits and seven more bunkers with one ruck sack inside. Trails run north and west.
11 Sep.- Recon sprang an ambush at 763922 on two VC heading south. PFC Blackeik was wounded by fragments from a claymore used in the ambush. Negative enemy casualties. Recon found one 120mm warhead buried near a tree at 764922.
12 Sep.- Co C 3rd plt found a grave, two to three months old [?] [?] activity at 776923.
13 Sep.- Co A [?] 2nd plt 1st sqd found a bunker, three months old with two entrances, trail ran north. There were no signs of recent activity. Co C 1st plt 1st sqd found two bunkers, a hole 10 feet deep with overhead cover and four trails in the area running N. E. all about four months old and no recent activity. Co D at grid 797939 found two RPG rounds and two RPG boosters, enemy tracer rounds and one envelope with an address.
14 Sep.- Co D 2nd plt had movement 50 meters fo their location YD797939. Reconed by fire and sighted one individual fleeing down a stream. Search of the area negative results.
15 Sep.- A Co 1st plt 3rd sqd at 7[?]8045 found seven small bunkers, one 122mm rocket launcher, one tripod for 122mm rocket, launcher in good condition and one RPG canister with medicine in it. There was recent activity within the last week. Two elements of Recon fired upon each other and Sgt Terry L Saase was shot below the knee and medivaced out. At 1905 hours FSB Blitz took incoming fire from the SE at 765955 resulting in six US WIA including the battalion commander. LTC West. At 2055 hours LTC Lang assumed command of 1/502 Inf.
16 Sep.- General Berry visited Blitz and Arsenal. Co D 2nd plt at grid 795928 they found two sets of footprints a few hours old. At grid 794927 they found one cultivated field. There were no hootches or bunkers. Co D had four men wounded by a booby trap. Men medivaced were Sgt Robert K. Haskins, Sgt Michael P. Kelley, SP4 Steven Smith, and PVT Hubert Hapron. The men were taken to 85th Evac.
17 Sep.- Co CV 2nd plt engaged four VC/NVA who fled west. Results were one found trail. ARA employed and at 1320 Co C Commanding Officer reports that one ARA bird went down in canopy 300 meters from the contact location. First plt is heading for the downed aircraft. At 1700 hours 1st plt was still 200 meters from the downed aircraft and found a base camp which they destroyed. A pink team feels they will not reach the aircraft tonight due to difficulty of the terrain.
18 Sep.- Co C 1st plt reached the downed aircraft at 0718 hours. There was no activity around the aircraft and also the aircraft is upside down and very badly torn up. The aircraft is located at 767927. An inspection team removed radios, data plate, and destroyed the aircraft. At 0835 Co C 2nd plt engaged four VC at 787323 found a blood trail and the VC seemed to be carrying one wounded. They captured 30 lbs of rice. At location 767325 Co C found base camp of four hootches, clothes and clothes line. Indications are that the VC/NVA left in a hurry. Clothes were green uniforms. At 1045 hours Co C 2nd plt saw one VC/NVA and engaged him with small arms fire. A sweep of area produced negative results. Co B medivaced one man with an accidental gunshot wound in the foot.
19 Sep.- The 1/502 Inf continued operation Jefferson Glen in sector Golf using maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
20 Sep.- General Berry visited FSB Arsenal and BSB Brick today. Operation Jefferson Glen continued making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
21 Sep.- Co B 1st plt 3rd sqd at 79024 found two fighting positions, one bunker with a four foot long tunnel and a five foot cavity, two foxholes and one satchel [?] charge. All were destroyed.
22 Sep.- Co C 1st plt 2nd sqd found fresh sandal prints at 855023, heard movement in the area and fired. Sweep of the area produced negative results. At 1812 hours Co C[-] had a medivac for a man with serious arm and leg wounds from a booby trap at YD845042. Man was taken to 85th Evac. The LZ near location is also booby trapped with US type hand grenades.
23 Sep.- The 1/502 Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Golf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
24 Sep.- Co A 1st plt 2nd sqd found a bunker with overhead cover and several large trails with fresh jungle boot tracks. The trails run north.
25 Sep.- Co B 2nd plt 3rd sqd at 756036 found a dud 8 inch round and requested 6 lbs of C4 to blow the round. One PF from 100 plt at YD941181 tripped a booby trap made of an M-26 grenade. The man was evacuated to the 85th Evac.
26 Sep.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in Sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
27 Sep.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf >making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
28 Sep.- General Berry arrived at Brick at 1220 yours and departed at 1300. The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen making maximum use S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
29 Sep.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
30 Sep.- General Berry arrived at FSB Brick at 1000 hours, Departed at 1015 hours. 82 PF plt engaged a squad sized enemy force with small arms fire at 795215, results, one VC KIA, one AK47 captured. VC wore Black PJ`s.
1 Oct.- There have been indications of increased enemy infiltration of the 101st Airborne Division's Area of Operations. These indications include: [ a] lack of enemy initiated contacts. [b] recent agent reports. [c] Low percentage of natural illumination [sun shine?] and poor flying conditions that restrict airmobile operations. [d] Nearness of US elections and possibility of securing a political victory. Accordingly, 1/502d Inf assumed and increased alert status and coordinated with District chiefs to insure similar alert status in key points in the lowlands.
2 Oct.- The security detachment at Pohl Bridge requested engineers to remove logs and other items collecting under the bridge. The 1/502 Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
3 Oct.- The 1/502 Inf has continued operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf with negative results from the use of S/P`s and N/A`s.
4 Oct.- General Berry visited Arsenal at 0945 hours and departed at 1007 hours. Operation Jefferson Glen continues, the 1/502 Inf employing extensive S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
5 Oct.- General Berry again visited FSB Arsenal. Arrived 0925, departed 0947. The 1/502 lnf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf employing extensive S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
6 Oct.- An unknown person found the body of a GI in the river between Nam Hoa and Pohl Bridge at grid YD748727[?]. There was no identification on the body. MP`s tentatively identified him as a member of 1/501 Recon plt.
7 Oct.- Received word from Nam Hoa that Vietnamese civilians are aware they are not allowed to move sampans past the 08 grid line. All past that line is a free fire zone and civilians also know this.
8 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
9 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
10 Oct.- 104th PF plt while on a search operation at grid YD937190 found one bunker with three VC inside. PF`s engaged VC, VC returned fire. Results; two VC KIA, one VC POW, and one AK47, one M-16, and three hand grenades captured.
11 Oct.- Co B found seven old 122mm canisters, one electric firing device. Site is believed to be an old rocket launch site, about six months old. No sign of recent activity.
12 Oct.- Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd at grid 838058 found a hole 1 ½ feet wide and three feet deep which KCS said was an old mortar cache site five to six weeks old. There also found the remains of what appears to be an old hootch. There were no trails in the area.
13 Oct.- Battalion security detachment at Pohl Bridge was notified to increase their alertness because of recent activities in the Nam Hoa area.
14 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
15 Oct.- General Henessay visited FSB Arsenal. He arrived 1043 hours and departed at 1113 hours. Tropical storm warning received, with 50 knot winds expected within 48 hours and expected to last through 20 Oct. All units were instructed to order necessary log to carry them through.
16 Oct.- Co B at grid 777082 found one rear casing for a 122mm rocket in a stream bed. It was old and rusty and may have been washed down the stream.
17 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf employing S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
18 Oct.- Co B 1st plt 2nd sqd at grid YD772078 found five 122mm rocket shipping boxes, seven 122mm rocket launcher caps, six shipping plugs. The site is about six months old and no recent signs of activity or trails.
19 Oct.- co C observed a sampan in the vicinity of the bridge near FSB Arsenal. Three people came ashore. Co C sent six men to check on the situation. Appears the people gathered some gravel and left. Colonel Root [2nd Bde CO ] arrived at FSB Arsenal at 1022 hours and departed at 1040 hours.
20 Oct.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
21 Oct.- Co D 3rd plt at grid 835067 found one machete one to two weeks old and in good condition. Later at grid 848970 they found one pair of binoculars in good condition, serial number 190265, 6 x30 power, about 1-2 weeks old. On the way to that location they found four M-16 magazines and one M-26 hand grenade.
22 Oct.- General Berry visited FSB Arsenal at 1020 hours and left at 1045 hours. Co B 1st plt at grid 780066 found one 81mm HE round and blew it in place. 1845 yours Camp Eagle reported incoming. 1850 FSB Birmingham reports incoming. At 1857 hours Co C 1st plt 1st sqd reports flashes at 2100 mills, range 7 kilometers. Infantry CP at Arsenal [Co C] sighted flashes between Nui Ke and Banana Mountain, direction 147[?] degrees. At 1926 1st plt Co C 2/501st Inf at grid YD838005 reported thumping that sounds like mortars leaving the tube 3-4 kilometers, direction of 350 degrees. Co B[?] at 1945[?] hours reports three rounds impacting outside wire at Arsenal., Co D at 1955 hours reported flashes at 2000 meters, direction of 2800 mills. At 2029 hours Co C reports two more rounds>impacted 500 meters, direction 150 degrees from bunker #5.
23 Oct.- General Berry and Colonel Root arrived at FSB Arsenal at 1000 hours and departed 1024 hours. Recon at 852017, found ½ bag of salt and one clear plastic bag with Chinese writing and a sleeping position for three to five men about five days old. A high speed trail 2 ½ feet wide runs N-S through the area. There were no signs of recent activity. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd reported chopping sound in vicinity of grid YD764037. Engaged with artillery and search produced negative results.
24 Oct.- Hurricane warning out today. Hurricane expected to hit tomorrow with wind peed up to 85 knots. 2323 hours Phu Bai received incoming. Phu Bai took 12 to 15 82mm rounds.
25 Oct.- At 0005[?] hours Pohl Bridge reported 4-5 large explosions in rapid succession. It may have been incoming but the distance was too great to determine. The rounds landed south of Pohl Bridge and south Nam Hoa. During a stream crossing vicinity of grid 839032, one man from Recon lost his M-16 rifle, serial number 838151.
26 Oct.- Engineers at Pohl Bridge estimate it will take 3-6 days to remove the debris piled up under the bridge from the storm. Debris extends 6-12 feet deep below the water line. Co D 3rd plt 3rd sqd found six bunkers and twelve foxholes about one year old. A two foot wide trail ran through the area north to south. There were no signs of recent activity. Recon recovered the weapon [M-16] they lost yesterday. 81mm mortar section saw a light at 285 degree direction, 200 meters across the river from FSB Arsenal. Light was moving south and five 81mm HE were fired on grid 797078.
27 Oct.- General Berry arrived on Arsenal at 0825 hours and departed at 0859 hours. Water level is rising at Pohl Bridge and is now only 14 inches below the bridge with debris piling up over the bridge railing. Engineers at the bridge estimate that if rate of debris accumulation continues, the bridge will be unsafe within the hour.
28 Oct.- Due to heavy rains and swelling of streams, Bridge at grid 806091 has moved 30 meters and is closed as of ooo5[?] hours. Water is rising around many villages and flood warnings exist. Vietnamese [?] will do any evacuation with their own resources, utilizing US elements only if their resources are insufficient for the task.
29 Oct.- Continued heavy rains prohibited major troop movements. Danger of flooding in lowlands continues to increase. All units were advised of the danger of emersion foot and to take corrective measures.
30 Oct.- Pohl Bridge has been closed due to water level 20-22 inches above bridge level. Both generators are in two to four feet of water. Debris clearing operations are continuing at the bridge and preparations to evacuate the area if need arises are underway.
31 Oct.- Water is receding from Pohl Bridge and is now seven feet below bridge level. Debris clearing continues. Generators and lights on bridge are still inoperable. Villages around Pohl Bridge were not evacuated as flood waters did not reach them.
1 Nov.- The 1.502d Inf moved into Phu Bai today for a battalion standdown. All units got in safely and are ready to begin their training.
2 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues to conduct standdown in Phu Bai. No major incidents in the last 24 hours.
3 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues to conduct standdown in Phu Bai. No major incidents in the last 24 hours.
4 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues to conduct standdown in Phu Bai. No major incidents to the last 24 hours.
5 Nov.- Battalion standdown at Phu Bai continues with no major incidents in the last 24 hours.
6 Nov.- Battalion completed the last day of refresher training in Phu Bai and began preparation for move to Evans and working under control of 3rd Brigade.
7 Nov.- The battalion moved from Phu Bai to combat operations in 3rd Bde area of operations. Co A secured FSB Jack and the battalion assumed responsibility for the firebase at 1345 yours. Co B,C, and D and Recon moved to field locations around FSB Jack. All units got in safely and there were no incidents.
8 Nov.- Co B found a booby trap consisting of ½ lb C4 with trip wire at grid 477341. Booby trap was destroyed in place. Co B 1st plt 1st sqd moving in vicinity of grid 482325 when one enemy opened up with five rounds of automatic fire, slightly wounding one man. They returned fire with and M-60 with negative results. They found one bunker and one hootch in the area with various pots and pans around the bunker. A trip wire was running into the bunker.
9 Nov.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd in and LP position 100 meters east of FSB Jack at the vicinity of meters west of their position. Ten 81mm rounds were fired with negative results. Co B 2nd plt 3rd sqd had two men wounded by a booby trap consisted of one hand grenade with trip wire at grid TD471328. Both men had fragmentation wounds of the lower body. They were medivaced to Camp Evens. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd found two M-16 ammo cans filled with rice at grid YD432185[?]. They destroyed the rice.
10 Nov.- PFC Wayne O`neil of 2nd plt Co B stepped on a booby trap constructed of 41/2 lbs explosive and a pressure type firing device, as he was crossing a trail. He suffered frag wounds in the left hand and amputation of his left foot. He was taken to Camp Evans. There were no signs of recent activity and the area had been already hit by artillery and a flame drop earlier in the day.
11 Nov.- Co C 2nd plt 1st sqd found a garden plot 8 feet by 16 feet with a fighting position 5 feet by 5 feet at grid YD541291. Indications are that the place was used within the last 48 hours.
12 Nov.- Co B 1st plt found three propaganda sheets made from hardboard at grid XV79312[?].
13 Nov.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd on LP northwest of FSB Jack sighted six VC/NVA in the vicinity of grid 489290. The enemy were engaged by snipers and 81mm mortars. Later the squad saw three VC/NVA around grid 487290, 81mm HE was fired and resulted in one secondary explosion. Sweeps of both areas were made at first light with negative results. Co A 2nd plt 3rd sqd while pulling security for engineers received small arms and RPG fire. There were no friendly casualties. Third Bde recon and security squad working in the battalion area of operations engaged one VC/NVA at grid YD395283. Enemy fled north, with recon following. This resulted in the discovery of one hootch and one bunker at grid YD393287. Both were destroyed.
14 Nov.- At grid YD602225, recon sighted six VC/NVA moving south at a distance of 1400 meters. Eighteen rounds of 105mm HE were ifred. A sweep of the area produced negative results. Bde recon and security squad around grid YD397287 detonated a booby trap which resulted in four US KIA, and two US WIA.
15 Nov.- Co A 2nd plt 1st sqd moved to grids YD544269 and YD546248 to check out radar sightings. At grid YD546248 they found sleeping positions for four or five individuals. One or two days old.
16 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continued in operation Jefferson Glen, OPCON to the 3rd Bde. N.A`s and S/P`s were employed with negative results.
17 Nov.- Co D 1st plt found a NVA/VC factory made booby trap at YD 503255. It had a pressure type firing device and was employed across a small stream. There were no markings to indicate that the booby trap was in the area. The element was combat assaulted before and EOD team could be brought to the area, and the booby trap was left in place.
18 Nov.- Co B 2nd plt had one man wounded by a booby trap at grid YD474338. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found two bunkers about a month old, ten feet off a trail running north and south at grid YD497249. The trail was one and one half feet wide and there are indications of four or five people in the area within the last two days. The bunkers were destroyed. Co D 2nd plt 3rd sqd found six bunkers about two weeks old at grid YD505204[?]. The bunkers were twenty meters apart and formed a circle. These bunkers were also destroyed.
19 Nov.- Co D 3rd plt 2nd sqd found a grave containing the skeleton of a small man wrapped on gray plastic at grid YD497245. At 1230 hours the 1/506th Inf took command of FSB Jack and its area of operation. Co D 3rd plt 1st sqd at the site of the bunkers they destroyed yesterday [gridYD497249], found tracks of one person that were made after they left the site one 18 Nov. The battalion moved from FSB Jack to FSB Rakkassan. Co B moved from the field to Rakkassan by air movement and foot march.
20 Nov.- Co D 1st plt 2nd sqd at grid YD501240 found bunkers three to six months old. There are no trails in the area or signs of recent activity. Recon at grid YD490228 found tracks of four individuals going south . Thetracks were about eight hours old.
21 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen and is OPCON to 3rd BDE at FSB Rakkassan.
22 Nov.- Co D 1st plt 3rd sqd found four bunkers a year or more old and caving in at grid YD497230. Bunkers were in pairs, 15 meters apart and 30 meters between pairs. They were located on a north-south trail two feet wide. There were no signs of recent activity. Bde recon and security Plt is operating in the battalion area of operations and is OPCON to the 1.502d Inf.
23 Nov.- Co C 2nd plt found 8 bunkers at grid YD453168. Seven are in poor condition and one is in good condition and has been used in the last month. They also found an NVA helmet and canteen in the area. The bunkers were destroyed. Co A 1st plt found seven bunkers and 14 fighting positions arranged around a hill top at grid YD478188. The place is about six months old and no recent activity. Artillery was used to destroy the bunkers after the Plt moved out of the area.
24 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen and is still OPCON to 3rd BDE. Use of S/P`s and N/A`s had negative results.
25 Nov.- The battalion moved [?] to FSB Arsenal today and was relieved as the division ready reaction force. The 2/506 assumed responsibility for Rakkassan and its area of operations at 1435[?] hours. The move to FSB Arsenal was completed without incident.
26 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen using S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
27 Nov.- Co B 1st plt found a dud US bomb at grid YD829078. Request EOD team.
28 Nov.- Co B 1st plt found a 155mm round at 818086. They did not blow it for lack of qualified personnel. They also found an officers type briefcase containing pay vouchers dated 1970 and other papers including a personal letter.
29 Nov.- The 1/502d Inf continues operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
30 Nov.- Co B moved by air to LZ`s secured by Co D , which then moved by air to FSB Arsenal and assumed responsibility for the firebase.
1 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a three foot wide trail vic northeast at grid YD789054. There were no signs of recent activity. Co B 2nd plt found an eight man sleeping position at grid YD772073.
2 Dec.- Co B 2nd plt found a trail at YD772079 and a sandal. Also found a can believed to be used for cooking so it was smudged. On the same trail they found a man-made cave three feet wide and three feet deep. Nothing was found in the cave. Trail is 18-20 inches wide and runs NW into stream. There was no recent activity. Co B 1st plt found one US claymore with out wire or firing device, but explosive intact at grid YD788065. At grid YD796066 they found one US claymore without wire, firing device, or explosives, one trip flare, unopened C-ration cans, empty packages and opened envelopes with addresses. Envelopes had complete addresses and unit designation on them. The unit involved was our own Co D. Co C 1st plt found a booby trap at YD785052. It had a pressure type firing device and weighed about 10 lbs. It was on a trail with no signs of recent activity.
3 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a 105mm round and is going to blow it is place.
4 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a NDP site at YD782062. In the site they found a notebook with information concerning combat assaults, the unit commandeers name, names of others in the outfit. It's believed the notebook belongs to as NCO of D Co.
5 Dec.- The 1/502d Inf continues in operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
6 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a tunnel and bunker complex at grid YD783064. The tunnel led to the five bunkers. Three bunkers are old and two are new being about a month old. At entrance to the tunnel there were bare foot prints two or three days old. Also in the area were found some carrying cases for rockets or shells. Cases are OD in color about 30 inches long and 5 inches diameter. They are closed at one end and have a snap cover at the other.
7 Dec.- Co A 3rd plt 2nd sqd found five fighting positions two to three months old at grid YD842048. They formed a V and could possibly have been used for an ambush. There was no recent activity in the area.
8 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd at location YD773056 found two bunkers six to eight months old and four fighting positions, all facing east. There was no recent activity. Bunkers and fighting positions were destroyed.
9 Dec.- Co B 1st plt 2nd sqd found a well used trail, two feet wide about three weeks old at grid YD791047. The trail runs west to a stream. There were no signs of recent activity.
10 Dec.- Co B 1st plt 1st sqd at grid YD782046 found one dud 155 round and don't have any explosives to blow it. It was along a trail running south to north. They also found a bandoleer of M-16 ammo in the same vicinity. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd observed smoke rising from a densely covered ravine at grid YD786068. No friendlies were in the area and it was fired up with fifty 105mm HE rounds. Sweep of the area will be made in the morning.
11 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd made a sweep of the area fired up last night and found a VC/NVA campsite at the location YD786068. The camp had been occupied when the artillery was fired. All indications point to a hasty flight from the area by the enemy. They fled north and numbered six to eight men. Found in the area were eight RPG rounds, eight 60mm mortar rounds, a cooking pot with five pounds of cooked rice in it, one US map sheet number 6442 [?], a pistol belt with one M-26 grenade, two AK47 magazine with ammo, some clothes, two cans of non-electric blasting caps, and assorted other items such as bags and cans. All of the items were laying around in the open, Supporting the belief the enemy fled the artillery fire. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd observed two men at grid YD778056 and called in artillery with unknown results. Co B 1st plt at 1915 hours saw a light at grid YD781048 and called in artillery fire which resulted in four secondary explosions. At 1955 they heard loud noises and movement at YD786046 and again called in the artillery. They will sweep the area in the morning. Co B 1st plt at 2320 hours receiving mortar fire from the west hitting NW of their NDP. They are adjusting artillery from their DT`s. Co B 3rd plt heard some rounds hit about 300 meters away, coming from the SE. In all, ten to twelve rounds were counted. Prior to the mortar rounds, 1st plt heard small arms fire from the approximate impact area of the mortar rounds.
12 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt at grid YD784065 found seven M-16 magazines all loaded. Co B 1st plt sweep of area where secondary explosions were heard had negative results. Co C returned to operational control of the 1/502d Inf today at 1530 hours.
13 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 3rd sqd at grid YD786068 found one Russian 7.62mm pistol with eight rounds in the magazine, one AK47 with two full magazines, 27 lose pistol rounds in a plastic bag, 58 AK47 rounds in a sand bag, one NVA ruck sack, one NVA poncho, two ¼ lb explosive blocks with pull type fuse, six ¼ lb explosive blocks without fuses, three RPG boosters, two 60mm mortar rounds, and one flashlight. The cache was above ground and in good condition. Co B 1st plt 1st sqd found a trail 1 ½ feet wide running north-south at grid YD789044 about fifty feet from a stream. There were three sets of shoe prints made in the last 48 hours. Co B 3rd plt 1st sqd found one M79 HE round and a piece of a black shirt in a caved in man-made cave one to two months old at grid YD788063[?]. There were no signs of recent activity. Co D made a combat assault from FSB Arsenal to three LZ`s grids YD789005, 772018, and 798119[?]. Co C took over security of FSB Arsenal. Co D 3rd plt 1st sqd checked out cleared area around their LZ at grid YD798119 where bunkers had been reported. The open area looked like an old rice paddy and the platoons KCS said there were three men in the area up to three hours before because of sandal prints on the trail. The trail ran north-south and the prints went north.
14 Dec.- Co B 1st plt found a trail one and a half feet wide, NVA/VC type trail not [?] at YD784044. The trail runs NW-SE and leads into a ravine. There are definite signs of activity only hours old.
15 Dec.- The 81mm mortars section found six 60mm mortar round with charges and safety pins at grid YD773097. The rounds were about six months old. Co A 2nd plt found 15 to 20 fighting positions and a bunker at grid YD845035. The bunker had fields of fire out in front of it. The complex is at least a year old and there were no signs of recent activity. To the west is a north-south stream and to the east a trail that runs NE-SW.
16 Dec.- Co B 3rd plt 3rd sqd found a VC/NVA trail running N-NE at grid YD770012. They estimate about ten VC/NVA were on the trail within the last four days.
17 Dec.- Co D 3rd plt at grid YD775018 was cleaning up at a stream when one NVA came up the stream. Securing man and NVA spotted each other at the same time. NVA dropped his weapon and fled south down the stream. The security man engaged him and resulted in one NVA KIA and one AK47 captured and other items the enemy was carrying. Also at the time of contact, members of the platoon saw two other NVA who fled north. They were engaged with negative results.
18 Dec.- At 0235 hours FSB Birmingham took five incoming rounds of unknown type. Co B 3rd plt thought they heard the rounds being fired at grid YD761855[?], The same area artillery suspects as being the launch site. Co B 3rd plt 2nd sqd found human feces on a trail with no paper around it and sandal prints of about six people about three days old moving southeast at grid YD778045.
19 Dec.- Co B 1st plt and 3rd plt and Co A 2nd plt made a combat assault on top of Hill 943 in the Hai Van Pass area and are OPCON to the 2/501st Infantry.
20 Dec.- Co D 3rd plt found a booby trap consisting of a 60mm mortar round and a pressure type release at grid YD775029. The round was on the east edge of an LZ, not on a trail. A trail in the area, one foot wide, heading east had tracks of three to five people, about five days old. The booby trap was blown in place.
21 Dec.- Recon team two spotted several people at grid YD751096. They were unable to identify the individuals who seemed to be wandering around the area. Artillery was employed with negative results. Recon team one found old tunnels at grid YD795090. They checked out the area and fifty meters away they found another old caved in tunnel. They all ran north or northeast and were at least one year old.
22 Dec.- The 1/502d Inf continued in operation Jefferson Glen in sector Gulf making maximum use of S/P`s and N/A`s with negative results.
23 Dec.- Co B 2nd plt moved by air to an LZ secured by Co A 2nd plt at grid AT825954. Co A 2nd plt returned to battalion control and now the entire Co B is OPCON to 2/501st Infantry.
24 Dec.- The twenty-four hour Christmas cease fire began today at 1800 hours and will terminate at 1800 hours tomorrow. Any artillery fires during the cease fire must be approved by the battalion CO and the Brigade CO.
25 Dec.- Co A 2nd plt found two bunkers in good condition at grid YD801069. Twenty five meters from the bunker they found a hole 15 feet deep and eight feet square. Co C 2nd plt 3rd sqd had movement 100-200 meters NW of their location at YD791049. They engaged with M-79 HE and artillery. They will sweep the area in the morning.
26 Dec.- Co A 2nd plt 2nd sqd found two tunnels about eight months old but useable at grid YD802066. At a nearby creek bed were ten holes in the side of the creek bed, 2 ½ feet wide and two feet deep. The holes were large enough for one person to crawl up in. These holes were very recent. A campfire was there about a week old. A US Navy aircraft flare M6-45[?] model O was also found there. It had been carried into the area.
27 Dec.- Co D 3rd plt spotted a trail watcher at grid YD774024. The point man fired at the trail watcher who returned fire and then fled to the southeast. The enemy was wearing a green plastic raincoat and carrying an AK47. A sweep of the area found tracks of two barefoot men at an LZ. The tracks were one or two days old and headed south.
28 Dec.- Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd moved by boat to TD791090 and swept a radar sighting at YD797089 and found a sleeping position and a well used trail one and half feet wide running west. There were shoe prints on the trail going west. Activity was within the last twenty-four hours. Co C 2nd plt at YD847045 found four pressure type firing devices with mines leading into the grass. Explosives are undetermined and in a box on an LZ presumably meant for helicopters. They also found four 82mm mortar safety pins. No recent activity. A flame drop has been requested.
29 Dec.- Co C 3rd plt at grid YD724058 found tracks of three people on a two foot wide trail going south. Tracks are only a few hours old. Co D 2nd plt 1st sqd engaged a trail watcher dressed in GI type clothes and wearing sandals. He was armed but they could not identify the weapon. He fled in a southwest direction, Co A 3rd plt 3rd sqd guarding the bridge to FSB Arsenal at grid YD805092 heard splashes in the water. Illumination was fired and they observed figure in the water. They engaged with small arms fire and grenades. A sweep of the area produced negative results.
30 Dec.- Co D 1st plt and company minus at 1224 hours at grid YD792018 received four 60mm mortar rounds. Suspected launch site was Hill 229, 800 meters, 275 degrees from their location. They returned fire with M-79 HE and M-60 machinegun fire. Artillery fired five white phosphorus and 172 HE 105mm rounds. Results were seven US WIA. They were evacuated to Phu Bai.
31 Dec.- Co D 1st plt engaged two NVA wearing rain jackets and sandals, no weapons at grid YD770020. Sweep of the area produced one sandal and one stack of burnt [?] cans being collected. Co D 3rd plt engaged a trail watcher on trail going west at grid YD784021. The enemy fled to the west. He as wearing a poncho or raincoat, was barefoot and had no weapon. At 1200 hours the [?] [?] New Year`s cease fire went into effect with the same rules as the Christmas cease fire.
Nineteen hundred and seventy was a year marked by dramatic changeovers in the war in Vietnam. Concomitant [?] with the decrease in United States combat actions, The ARVN units accepted an ever increasing role in the overall concept of operations. This greater effort was made possible by a number of significant occurrences. The Vietnamese forces showed increasing desire to defend themselves and were eager to accept new tasks. Because of the instruction afforded by advisers in the form of training teams and the weapons given them by the United States the Popular and Regional Forces were able to more effectively carry out their missions, and accept a greater role in the defense of populated areas.
During the entire year, the mission of the 1st Battalion, 502d Infantry, varied little. Even during the offensive phase of Texas Star the battalions mission was one of defending the lowlands and interdiction of supply and infiltration routes. ‘First Strike” was also responsible for training the RF/PF units within its area and conducting limited-objective, small-force operations with them.
Nineteen hundred and seventy also marked a year of decreased enemy activity in all the sectors of responsibility. This can be directly attributed to the increased South Vietnamese role and the invasion of Cambodia to destroy the communist sanctuaries. In the ‘First Strike’ sector the former reason is probably the most significant.
In terms of success or failure the year 1970 must be listed as extremely successful. In fact the full effect of the successes cannot even be measured at years end for a force as small as a battalion. Even while conducting operations through areas that have not been searched for a year, the battalions units encountered only minor signs of communist activity and very seldom in the immediate past.
The year 1970 provided the “First Strike” Battalion with many challenges. Locked in mortal combat with a resourceful enemy, the 1/502d Infantry met and overcame these challenges with and aggressiveness and self determination that established a record in which every member of the original parachute battalion and all other members past present and future, may take justifiable pride. This was possible only because each member of this battalion did his job and just a little more, characteristic of the “airborne spirit”.
Roster of Key Personnel
Commanders and Staff 1 January 31 December 1970
Battalion Commander:
LTC Robert Kenner 1 Jan- 5 May
LTC Arnold E. West 5 May- 16 Sept.
LTC Richard N. Lang 16 Sept.- 31 Dec
Executive Officer: MAJ J. D. Keyes 1 Jan 7 Jan
MAJ James V. Masson 7 Jan 17 Jul
MAJ Denver E. Hackworth 17 Jul 31 Dec.
S1: 1 LT John F. Cobak 1 Jan 12 Jul
1 LT Ralph A Heinz 12 Jul 31 De
S2: 1 LT William J. Latta 1 Jan 11 Mar
CPT Alvin Hennigan 11 Mar 30 May
1 LT Keith Schneider 30 May 15 Sep 1
LT Dennis P. Reilly 15 Sep 31 Dec
MAJ Forest E. Lawton 1 Jan 6 Jan
MAJ Wood R. Delevil 7 Jan 28 Feb
1 LT Robert H. Williams 28 Feb 1 Apr
MAJ Curtis C. Hurst 1 Apr 7 Sep
CPT Jimmy S. Arrington 7 Sep 31 Dec
S4: CPT Trent L. Cowe 1 Jan 5 Mar
CPT Robert J. Viens 5 Mar 6 Jul
CPT William L. Robinson 6 Jul 30 Sep
1 LT Larry R. Ellis 30 Sep 10 Dec
1 LT John H. Axlary[?] 10 Dec 31 Dec
S5: CPT George Hollingsworth 1 Jan 4 Oct
1 LT Robert Clark 4 Oct 31 Dec
Bn Surgeon:
CPT Patrick R. Page 1 Jan 3 May
CPT Joseph Maler 3 May 22 Nov
CPT James A. Sims 22 Nov 31 Dec
Headquarters and Headquarters Company:
1 LT Donald A. Bailey 1 Jan 31 Jan
2 LT Dennis L. Stwart 31 Jan 8 Feb
1 LT Donald A. Bailey 8 Feb 20 Feb
CPT Dennis A. Erickson 20 Feb 8 Aug
CPT Ronald L. Paramore 8 Aug 13 Oct
CPT Roger R. Compton 13 Oct 8 Dec
CPT Carroll Sykes 8 Dec 31 Dec
A Company: CPT Peter E. Reilly 1 Jan 15 Mar
CPT Thomas M. Curtis 15 Mar 28 Aug
1 LT John L. Wertin 28 Aug 1 Oct
Cpt William L. Robinson 1 Oct 31 Dec
B Company:
CPT Alvin L. Hennigan Jr. 1 Jan 6 Apr
CPT Jimmy S. Arrington 6 Apr 15 Aug
CPT Bruce H. Brown 15 Aug 23 Nov
CPT Ronald L. Paramore 23 Nov 31 Dec
C Company:
CPT Peter D. Waldo 1 Jan 25 Feb
1 LT Donald A. Bailey 25 Feb 15 May
1 LT Larry R. Ellis 15 May 1 Oct
CPT Goerge J. Johnson 1 Oct 31 Dec
D Company:
CPT Peter J. Crasser 1 Jan 5 Jun
CPT Steven R. Rader 5 Jun 6 Nov
CPT Roger R. Compton 6 Nov 31 Dec
E Company:
CPT Robert L. Miritello 1 Jan 25 Apr
1 LT Paul A Danahy 25 Apr 16 May
CPT Bruce H. Brown 16 May 15 Aug
1 LT Carl M. Lookkoneon[?] 15 Aug 26 Sep
1 LT Bobby J. Thornburg 26 Sep 9 Dec
CPT Stephen R. Rader 9 Dec 31 Dec
Department of the Army Headquarters 101st Airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders Number 20
2 January 1971
Award Of The Silver Star [Posthumous]
TC 439. The following Award is announced.
Muellenbach, Robert J 357-468105 SSG 11B40
Co B 1st Bn [Armbl] 502d Inf
[MACPBO] APO 96383
Awarded: The Silver Star [Posthumous]
Date of service: 5 August 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President of the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved 25 July 1963.
Reason: For gallantry in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 5 August 1970. Sergeant Muellenbach distinguished himself while serving as a platoon leader in Company B, 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during a reconnaissance patrol in Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. While moving along a trail, the lead element of Sergeant Muellenbach`s unit came under intense fire from enemy soldiers situated in a bunker. Subjecting himself to the enemy fire, Sergeant Muellenbach maneuvered to the point of intense contact and assisted his men in gaining fire superiority and repulsing the hostile soldiers. He then led as assault and sweep of the area, during which a second enemy bunker was spotted. Sergeant Muellenbach was advancing with the machine gun team to perform a reconnaissance-by-fire when a hostile land mine was detonated mortally wounding him. His actions under fire, however, had enabled his men to overcome the enemy threat. Sergeant Muellenbach`s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For The Commander:
S/Donald A Seibert
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutant General
Department of the Army
Headquarters 101st airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders 24
September 1970 Number 11801
Award of the Silver Star
TC 439. The following Award is announced.
Riddle, Michael T 252-74-6975 11B40 Co C 1st Bn [Ambl] 502d Inf [WACPCO] APO SF 96383
Awarded: The Silver Star
Date of service: 13 August 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President of the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress Approved 25 July 1963.
Reason: For gallantry in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 13 August 1970. Sergeant Riddle distinguished himself while serving as a platoon sergeant in Company C, 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during combat operations in Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. While leading a reconnaissance patrol, Sergeant Riddle`s unit came under intense hostile fire from an unknown enemy position. Unable to detect the exact location of the enemy, Sergeant Riddle deliberately drew enemy fire toward himself so that his squad could spot the source. Spotting the cave from which the hostile fire was coming, Sergeant Riddle maneuvered forward, directing suppressive fire and throwing grenades at the aggressors. His actions were instrumental in silencing the enemy position and routing the enemy force. Sergeant Riddle`s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For the Commander:
S/Hugh A Macdonald
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutant General
Department of the Army
Headquarters 101st Airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders Number 11092 17 September 1970
Award of the Silver Star
TC 439 The following Award is approved. West, Arvid E Jr 369-32-1909 LIC 71542 LTC 1st Bn [Ambl] 502d Inf [WACPTO] APO SF 96383 IN
Awarded: The Silver Star
Date of service: 15 September 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of the President of the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress approved 25 July 1963.
Reason: For gallantry in action in the Republic of Vietnam on 15 September 1970. Lieutenant Colonel West distinguished himself while serving as commanding officer of the 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during a hostile mortar attack at Fire Support Base Blitz, Republic of Vietnam. Heedless of the heavy volume of impacting mortar rounds, Lieutenant Colonel West left the safety of the tactical operations center in an effort to reach a gun position which was not returning effective fire because of damage sustained by the initial enemy barrage. As Lieutenant Colonel West moved through an exposed area, he received painful shrapnel wounds from an impacting mortar round. Despite his wounds, he continued on to the gun position where he reorganized the crew and began directing fire which silenced the enemy mortars. With the help of his radio-telephone operator, Lieutenant Colonel West attended to the wounded and refused evacuation until the last of his men were removed to safety. Lieutenant Colonel West`s personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For the Commander:
S/Hugh A Macdonald
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutent General
Department of the Army
Headquarters 101st Airborne Division [Airmobile]
APO San Francisco 96383
General Orders
Number 11898 26 September 1970
Award of the Soldiers Medal [Posthumous]
Young, Wilford A 413-80-2353 SP4 11B40 Co C 1st Bn [Ambl] 502d Inf [WACPCO]APO SF 96383
Awarded: The Soldiers Medal
Date of service: 9 September 1970
Theater: Republic of Vietnam
Authority: By direction of lthe President on the United States under the provisions of the Act of Congress Approved 2 July 1926.
Reason: For heroism not involving actual conflict with and armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam on 9 September 1970. Specialist Young distinguished himself while serving as a radio-telephone operator in Company C, 1st Battalion [Airmobile], 502d Infantry, during resupply operation in Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. After guiding a resupply helicopter into the landing zone, Specialist Young quickly unloaded the aircraft, knowing there were hostile soldiers in the area. As the helicopter began to ascend, Specialist Young noticed supplies caught on one of the skids and realized that they might throw the aircraft off balance. He immediately rushed forward to warn the pilot of the hazard and was mortally wounded by the rotor blade. His actions averted a possible helicopter crash. Specialist Young`s Personal bravery and devotion to duty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
For the Commander:
S/ Hugh A. Macdonald
Colonel, GS
Chief of Staff
Thomas E. Minix
Adjutent General
For Heroism in ground combat against a holstile force in the Republic of Vietanm on …….. The Award of Bronze Star with “V” device
Ott, Albert W. SP5 91B20 HHC 4 FEB 70
Souder, Robert D. SP4 11B20 HHC 4 FEB 70
Cox, William G. PFC 11B10 B 27 FEB 70
De Levil, Wood R. MAJ 1st OLC 71542 HHC 27 FEB 70
Hennigan, Alvin CPT 71542 B 27 FEB 70
Kufahl, Garry L. SP4 91A20 C 6 Apr 70
Jones, Lewis E. SP4 91A20 C 6 Apr 70
Larson, Randy S. SGT 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Penrose, Lloyd G. SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Reed, Charles SGT 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Riddle Michael W. SSG 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Taylor, Johnnie A. SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr70
Armstrong, Lloyd N. PFC 11B10 A 25 Jun 70
Iuey, Nicholas C. SP4 11B20 A 25 Jun 70
Blondell, James L. SGT 1st OLC 11B40 B 3 Aug 70
Hyslop, William G. SGT 11B40 B 3 Aug 70
Cushing, Jimmy C. SGT 1st OLC 11B40 B 5 Aug 70
Gray, Frederick D. SP4 91A20 HHC 5 Aug 70
Hamilton, Gerald PFC[posthumos] 11B10 B 5 Aug 70
Blinston, Michael J. SP4 1st OLC 11B20 HHC 7 Aug 70
McDonnell, George E. SP4 2nd OLC 11B20 HHC 7 Aug 70
Hart, Thomas E. 1LT 71542 C 9 Sep 70
Moalister, Kennis L. SP4 91C20 HHC 15 Sep 70
For heroism in the republic of Vietnam on ……….
The Award of Army Commendation Medal with “V” device
Bailey, Donald A. 1LT 1st OLC 71542 C 6 Apr 70
Bauechett, Michael J. SGT 1st OLC 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Clark, Robert A. 2LT 1st OLC 71542 C 6 Apr 70
George, Melein C. SP4 1st OLC 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Janke, August A III SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Jeannotte, Stephen F. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
King Joseph W. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
Lawhorn, Neal H. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
Luker, Carrol W. PFC 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
McGee, Emmit L. Jr. SP4 11B20 C 6 Apr 70
Mills, Warren PV1 11B10 C 6 Apr 70
Reed, Carles P. Jr. SGT 11B40 C 6 Apr 70
Stuart, Dennis L. 2LT 71542 C 6 Apr 70
Hopper, Felton R. SP4 11B20 C 9 Sep 70
McGowan, Richard M. SGT 11B40 C 9 Sep 70
Wounded In Action
Greppi, Robert C. PFC B Co 23 Feb 70 FW
Lindquist, Gary 2LT B Co 23 Feb 70 FW
Phillips, Jackie O. SP4 B Co 23 Feb 70 FW
Runyan, Clyoe SGT B Co 23 FEB 70 FW
Delevil, Wood R. MAJ HHC 27 FEB 70 FW
Hennigan, Alvin CPT B Co 27 FEB 70 SW
Larsen, Garth A. SP4 HHC 27 FEB 70 CC
Shurcraft, Denzil R. SGT E Co 5 Mar 70 GSW
McCoy, Larry M. PFC A Co 7 Mar GSW
Taylor, Johnnie SP4 C Co 3 Apr 70 SW
George, Melvin C. SP4 C Co 6 Apr 70 SW
Kearns, Randall D. SP4 C Co 6 Apr 70 SW
King Joseph W. PFC c Co 6 Apr 70 SW
Mckee, Emmit L. SP4 C C o 6 Apr 70 SW
Reed, Charles P. Jr. SGT C Co 6 Apr 70 SW
Martin, Michail E. SP4 HHC 14 Apr 70 SW
Work Michael S. SP4 C Co 22 May 70 SW
Armstrong, Lloyd N. PFC A Co 25 Hun 70 GSW
Clark, Robert E. SGT A Co 6 Jul 70 GSW
Pickett, Barry H. SP4 A Co 7 Jul 70 SW
Montez, Thomas F. SGT B Co 16 Jul 70 SW
Cushing, Jimmy c. SGT B Co 3 Aug 70 SW
Lavigne, Jeffrey A. PFC A Co 3 Aug 70 SW
Brescol, James SP4 B Co 5 Aug 70 FW
Tucker, Roosevelt Jr. SP4 B Co 5 Aug 70 FW
Hyslop, William G. SGT B Co 7 Aug 70 FW
McDonnell, George E. SGT C Co 7 Aug 70 SW
Chelemengos, Peter N. PFC C Co 7 Sep 70 FW
Gilstrap, Gary A. SP4 C Co 7 Sep 70 FW
Mitchell, Gary D. SP4 C Co 7 Sep FW
Arnold, Thomas SGT c Co 9 Sep GSW
Blackelk, Nicholas P. PFC E Co 11 Sep 70 FW
West, Arvid E. LTC HHC 15 Sep 70 SW
Hopson, Herbert PVT D Co 16 Sep 70 FW
Hoskins, Robert SGT D Co 16 Sep 70 FW
Kelley, Michael P. SGT D Co 16 Sep 70 FW
Gomez, Esteban R. SP4 C Co 22 Sep 70 SW
Harrington, Raymond E. Jr. PFC B Co 8 Nov 70 FW
Buckley, Larry P. SP4 B Co 9 Nov 70 SW
Harding, Bobby E. SGT B Co 9 Nov70 FW
Lawrance, Gregory S. PFC B Co 9 Nov 70 FW
O`Neill, Layne E. PFC B Co 10 Nov 70 SW
Droesmiller [?] James PFC B Co 18 Nov 70 FW
Hartlein, Hanze G. SP4 C Co 23 Dec 70 SW
Bolt Fred R. PVT D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Collins, Ronald PFC D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Jesset, Thomas P. SP4 D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Mawran [?] Thomas SP4 D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Pry [?] Olward[?] G. SP4 D Co 30 Dec 70 SW
Simmons, Charles B.[?] 2LT[?] HHC 30 Dec 70 SW
Potts,[?] Kevin B. PFC HHC 30 Dec 70 SW
Wanning,[?] Joseph PFC D Co 30 Dec SW
Wisdom 4:-10 A blameless life is a ripe old age. The virtuous man, though he die before his time, will find rest. Length of days is not what makes age honorable, nor number of years the true treasure of life; understanding this is man's grey hairs, untarnished life, this is ripe old age.
Killed In Action [Hostile]
Baiz, Lee PFC B Co 29 Jul 70
Hamilton, Gerald L. SP4 B Co 5 Aug 70
Mullenbach, Robert J. SSG B Co 5 Aug 70
Smith, Stephen T. SP4 HHC 21 Sep 70
Killed In Action [Non-Hostile] Bartek, Donald E. SP4 C Co 2 Feb 70
Gross Michael A. SP4 D Co 13 Jun 70
Horst, Phillip M. PFC B Co 30 Jun 70
Young, Wilford A. SP4 C Co 9 Sep 7
1/502 Inf , 1971 History SupplementThis looks like a missing year of history all together
Ryan P. Niebuhr
2BDE Historian
10 April 1971 SP4 Ralph W. Jones (B/1-502 IN) earned the Purple Heart (Posthumously). SP4 Jones died from small arms gun fire wounds in the Thua Thien Province, Republic of Vietnam. (STRIKE History; The Virtual Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial; National Achieves Coffelt Database)
15 April 1971 SSG George A. Pacheco (E/1-502 IN) earned the Purple Heart (Posthumously). SSG Pacheco died from wounds in the Thua Thien, Republic of Vietnam. (STRIKE History; The Virtual Wall Vietnam Veterans Memorial; National Achieves Coffelt Database)
15 April 197 1 The following Soldiers: SGT John L. Wilson Jr. (HHC/1-502 IN); SSG George A. Pacheco, SGT Jeffry E. Cowley, SGT Thomas J. Gettelfinger, CPL Robert J. Dutkiewicz (E/1-502 IN) earned the Purple Heart (Posthumously) for military merit and for wounds received which resulted their deaths from small arms gun fire wounds while on a combat operation at an airfield landing zone when the area came under attack by a hostile force, on Dong Do Mountain, 13 KM W-NW of Ruong Ruong, in the Thua Thien Province, South Vietnam.
18 April 1971 Medics from the 1-502 IN saved the lives of three Vietnamese civilians while on a MEDCAP mission near Hue. Two of the victims were involved in a motorcycle accident, and the third was injured by a VC mine minutes before the MEDCAP team arrived. The ‘First Strike” medics administered emergency first aid treatment and called in a “dustoff” to transport the wounded Vietnamese to the 85th Evacuation Hospital in Phu Bai. (Rendezvous with Destiny; Screaming Eagle Vietnam Diary; July 1971.
11 June 1971 Troopers from C Co, 1st Bn, 502nd Inf, while on a routine patrol in the jungles near FB Veghel, discovered two large enemy huts with adjoining underground bunkers containing 20 B-40 rockets and one 60mm mortar aiming sight. Nearby the infantrymen found six freshly dug enemy graves.
10 July 1971 Colonel Thomas A. Ware Jr. assumed command of the 2nd Brigade of the 101st ABN Div.
02 September 1971 SP4 Gordon L. Kimmel (B/1-502 IN) earned the Purple Heart (Posthumously) for military merit and for wounds received which resulted in his death from other explosive device wounds (Booby Trap) in the Thua Thien Province, South Vietnam.
1st Battalion (AMBL) 502nd Infantry
1972 HistoryOn 4 February 1972, orders were cut directing that the 1/502 Airmobile Infantry, commanded by LTC John G. Pappageorge, relocate from RVN to Ft Campbell, Ky. The 1/502 would not, however, deploy as a unit: instead only one officer, one warrant officer, and ten enlisted men would bring the 1/502 colors back to Ft Campbell. The rest of the "First Strike" troopers would either be reassigned in country, or receive PCS orders (on an individual basis) to various Stateside units. The color bearing detachment was headed by Captain James M. Davis, former S5 of the battalion, and departed Da Nang, RVN on 9 February 1972. Captain Davis and his men reported in to Ft. Campbell on 10 February.
Since only twelve "original" members of the 1/502 returned to Ft Campbell from RVN, the spring and summer months were devoted to putting the "O Deuce" back on its feet. Officers and men came in slowly during these months, and it was not uncommon to see a company's total strength as ten troops. The personnel who were assigned, however, had a mountain of work to do. The Unit of Choice Program was emphasized to the maximum extent possible. Selected 1/502 troopers were sent in all directions with the mission of getting the word out about the First Strike Battalion and the 101st Airborne Division. Assigned to various regions throughout the United States, they spoke to businessman of all trades, along with high school and college students. The effectiveness of their efforts are reflected in the fact that today well over 90% of the 1/502 troopers are volunteers, and this figure increases with every passing month. Operation Homecoming also received a good amount of emphasis within the unit. Conceived to officially welcome the 101st Airborne Division back to Ft Campbell, displays reflecting the history and traditions of the 1/502 were set up, and the unit participated in the Pass-In-Review ceremonies on behalf of Vice President Agnew, the Guest of Honor.
Numerous other commitments kept the small element of 1/502 troopers busy. TO&E equipment had to be ordered, and as more and more personnel were assigned, the battalion was required to move several time in search of more spacious quarters and offices. As spring faded into summer, the 1/502 began to make preparations for the first complement of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) students it knew it would receive in the latter part of September. Primary and assistant instructors went through special training of the own, and then utilized their teaching skill ahead of time by assisting the1/506 Infantry in their AIT schooling. Despite its small assigned strength, the 1/502 also sent a contingent of men to the Untied States Military Academy as West Point to help support USMA's summer training program.
On 25 September the first group of AIT students - all assigned to Alpha Company commenced their AIT training. Bravo Company began its began its first AIT cycle on 9 October, with Charlie Company following on the 23rd of the same month. Altogether, 342 new troops were received, the first tangible results of the Unit of Choice Program. The AIT training program included such areas as weapons instruction, field sanitation, intelligence, CBR, first aid and land navigation. In addition, the 4th AIT cycle graduated on 16 March with 50 more "First Strike" troopers ready to receive their new MOS's.
In summary, 1972 was a building year for the battalion. Going from an initial force of twelve personnel to a strength of over seven hundred, the 1/502 under the command of LTC Clarence A. Patnode, Jr. looks forward to attaining a full readiness status my mid-year 1973.
1972 HistoryOn 4 February 1972, orders were cut directing that the 1/502 Airmobile Infantry, commanded by LTC John G. Pappageorge, relocate from RVN to Ft Campbell, Ky. The 1/502 would not, however, deploy as a unit: instead only one officer, one warrant officer, and ten enlisted men would bring the 1/502 colors back to Ft Campbell. The rest of the "First Strike" troopers would either be reassigned in country, or receive PCS orders (on an individual basis) to various Stateside units. The color bearing detachment was headed by Captain James M. Davis, former S5 of the battalion, and departed Da Nang, RVN on 9 February 1972. Captain Davis and his men reported in to Ft. Campbell on 10 February.
Since only twelve "original" members of the 1/502 returned to Ft Campbell from RVN, the spring and summer months were devoted to putting the "O Deuce" back on its feet. Officers and men came in slowly during these months, and it was not uncommon to see a company's total strength as ten troops. The personnel who were assigned, however, had a mountain of work to do. The Unit of Choice Program was emphasized to the maximum extent possible. Selected 1/502 troopers were sent in all directions with the mission of getting the word out about the First Strike Battalion and the 101st Airborne Division. Assigned to various regions throughout the United States, they spoke to businessman of all trades, along with high school and college students. The effectiveness of their efforts are reflected in the fact that today well over 90% of the 1/502 troopers are volunteers, and this figure increases with every passing month. Operation Homecoming also received a good amount of emphasis within the unit. Conceived to officially welcome the 101st Airborne Division back to Ft Campbell, displays reflecting the history and traditions of the 1/502 were set up, and the unit participated in the Pass-In-Review ceremonies on behalf of Vice President Agnew, the Guest of Honor.
Numerous other commitments kept the small element of 1/502 troopers busy. TO&E equipment had to be ordered, and as more and more personnel were assigned, the battalion was required to move several time in search of more spacious quarters and offices. As spring faded into summer, the 1/502 began to make preparations for the first complement of Advanced Individual Training (AIT) students it knew it would receive in the latter part of September. Primary and assistant instructors went through special training of the own, and then utilized their teaching skill ahead of time by assisting the1/506 Infantry in their AIT schooling. Despite its small assigned strength, the 1/502 also sent a contingent of men to the Untied States Military Academy as West Point to help support USMA's summer training program.
On 25 September the first group of AIT students - all assigned to Alpha Company commenced their AIT training. Bravo Company began its began its first AIT cycle on 9 October, with Charlie Company following on the 23rd of the same month. Altogether, 342 new troops were received, the first tangible results of the Unit of Choice Program. The AIT training program included such areas as weapons instruction, field sanitation, intelligence, CBR, first aid and land navigation. In addition, the 4th AIT cycle graduated on 16 March with 50 more "First Strike" troopers ready to receive their new MOS's.
In summary, 1972 was a building year for the battalion. Going from an initial force of twelve personnel to a strength of over seven hundred, the 1/502 under the command of LTC Clarence A. Patnode, Jr. looks forward to attaining a full readiness status my mid-year 1973.