The purpose of the Basic Airborne Course is to qualify the volunteer in the use of the parachute as a means of combat deployment and to develop leadership, self-confidence and an aggressive spirit through mental and physical conditioning. Airborne soldiers have a long and distinguished tradition of being an elite body of fighting men and women--people who have always set the example for determination and courage.
The Basic Airborne Course is conducted In Accordance With the authority contained in AR 600-8-22.
The Basic Airborne Course is conducted In Accordance With the authority contained in AR 600-8-22.
During Ground Week, you begin an intensive program of instruction to build individual airborne skills, which will prepare you to make a parachute jump, and land safely. You will train on the mock door, the 34 foot tower, and the lateral drift apparatus (LDA). To go forward to Tower Training Week, you must individually qualify on the 34 foot tower, the LDA, and pass all PT requirements. The Black Hats take every opportunity to dog you out!
The individual skills learned during Ground Week are refined during Tower Week and team effort or "mass exit" concept is added to the training. The apparatuses used this week are the 34-foot towers, the swing landing trainer (SLT), the mock door for mass exit training, the suspended harness, and the 250-foot free tower. Tower Week completes your individual skill training and builds team effort skills. To go forward to Jump Training Week you must qualify on the SLT, master the mass exit procedures from the 34-foot tower, and pass all PT requirements. The Black Hats still dog you out! Successful completion of the previous weeks of training prepares you for Jump Week
PARACHUTISTS BADGES:The wings suggest flight and, together with the open parachute, symbolize individual proficiency and parachute qualifications.
PARACHUTIST: Awarded to any individual who has satisfactorily completed the prescribed proficiency tests while assigned or attached to an airborne unit or the Airborne Department of the Infantry School; or participated in at least one combat parachute jump.
AWARD ELIGIBILITY: Senior and Master Parachutist badges are awarded to individuals rated excellent in character and efficiency who have met the following requirements:
SENIOR Parachutist: Participated in a minimum of 30 jumps to include 15 jumps with combat equipment; two night jumps, one of which is as jumpmaster of a stick; two mass tactical jumps which culminate in an airborne assault problem; graduated from the Jumpmaster Course; and served on jump status with an airborne unit or other organization authorized parachutists for a total of at least 24 months.
AWARD ELIGIBILITY: Senior and Master Parachutist badges are awarded to individuals rated excellent in character and efficiency who have met the following requirements:
SENIOR Parachutist: Participated in a minimum of 30 jumps to include 15 jumps with combat equipment; two night jumps, one of which is as jumpmaster of a stick; two mass tactical jumps which culminate in an airborne assault problem; graduated from the Jumpmaster Course; and served on jump status with an airborne unit or other organization authorized parachutists for a total of at least 24 months.
MASTER Parachutist: Participated in 65 jumps to include 25 jumps with combat equipment; four night jumps, one of which is as a jumpmaster of a stick; five mass tactical jumps which culminate in an airborne assault problem with a unit equivalent to a battalion or larger, a separate company/battery, or organic staff of a regiment size or larger; graduated from the Jumpmaster Course; and served in jump status with an airborne unit or other organization authorized parachutists for a total of at least 36 months.
The mission of the United States Army Jumpmaster School is to train personnel in the skills necessary to jumpmaster a combat-equipped jump and the proper attaching, jumping, and releasing of combat and individual equipment while participating in an actual jump. This is a 2 week course after all this training and many years on Jump Status, your mind is willing but the body is not. This is when you are eligible for Chairborne Wings.