24th Annual Reunion, Fort Benning, GA.
August 22-26, 2018
August 22-26, 2018
HOTEL INFORMATION Be sure you advise them you are with the 101st Vietnam Vets Reunion, Aug. 22-26, 2018.
NOTE: Dress code is very casual all weekend, shorts and blue jeans are ok. For the Banquet Saturday night it is business casual. Officers of the organization usually wear slacks and sports coats with a necktie being optional. Others may dress in slacks and dress shirt only. Women usually wear skirts, dresses or pants outfits. Whatever makes you comfortable is ok with us. All are welcome!! Bring your swim wear as there is a pool and it will most likely be hot in August. For those of you flying into Columbus, the hotel has a shuttle service so call upon arrival if you need transportation. The hotel front desk number is 706-327-6868. NO HATS or CAPS at the banquet please! |
Reunion Schedule (subject to change) Wednesday, August 22, 2018 Registration desk open all day to greet our guest. Those not pre-registered can pay at that time. Thursday, August 23, 2018 0700-1700 Bus tour (It's official; we are a GO for the 34' tower jumps) 1200-2300 Azalea Hospitality Room Open 1000-1600 Registration open Friday, August 24, 2018 0900-1000 Welcome by President Barbour-Azalea Hospitality Room. 1030-1230 Board of Governors Meeting-Conference Room 1000-2300 Azalea Hospitality Room open 1100-1800 Free time to do your own thing 1800-1900 Pizza Party in Azalea Hospitality Room 1900-? Fun night Auction & Comedy in Azalea Hospitality Room (items donated by members are auctioned off to raise money for the organization. So, clean out your closets or garage. If you would need to mail an item, contact our secretary, Dave Nesbitt at 803-506-3120.) Saturday, August 25, 2018 0900-1200 Registration Desk Open 1000-1200 General Membership Meeting & Election of Officers; Azalea Room 11:00 - 12:30 Ladies Luncheon, Salon C 1200-1230 Installation of Officers for 2018-2020; Azalea Room 1230-1600 Azalea Hospitality Room Open/Free time; Closes at 1600 until after the Awards Banquet in Somerset Ballroom 1730-1830 Social Hour with cash bar at Somerset Ballroom 1830-2000 Banquet and Awards Ceremony 2000-2030 Guest Speaker: LTC (Ret) John F. Hay (see bio below) Raffle winners announced, hospitality room reopens. Sunday, August 26, 2018 Check out and return home or stay a few more days and enjoy Columbus. |
Martin Madert from the Witness to War Foundation will conduct interviews of men who served in Vietnam at our reunion. This organization is a non-profit charity dedicated to preserving and sharing oral histories of combat veterans. We need volunteers for this program; all participants will be provided 3 DVD copies of their interviews. If you will participate, please contact Martin Madert at 770-628-0024 or by email at: [email protected]. There is no fee involved.
There are several major items that will be raffled off and tickets are sold for these items. Tickets can be purchased in advance by clicking on the link below or purchased at the time of registration or any time prior to the drawing. The drawing will be held on Saturday night at the banquet. You do not have to be present to win.
At each reunion we hold an auction in addition to the raffle. The monies raised at the auction, help fund the operations and activities of the 101st Vietnam Veterans Organization. Attendees are asked to bring an item to donate for this auction. This can be an item of interest specific to your State, a piece of art work or whatever you think might raise funds. The auction time has become a highlight of each reunion as we bid against each other for those items that are of interest to each member.
Martin Madert from the Witness to War Foundation will conduct interviews of men who served in Vietnam at our reunion. This organization is a non-profit charity dedicated to preserving and sharing oral histories of combat veterans. We need volunteers for this program; all participants will be provided 3 DVD copies of their interviews. If you will participate, please contact Martin Madert at 770-628-0024 or by email at: [email protected]. There is no fee involved.
There are several major items that will be raffled off and tickets are sold for these items. Tickets can be purchased in advance by clicking on the link below or purchased at the time of registration or any time prior to the drawing. The drawing will be held on Saturday night at the banquet. You do not have to be present to win.
At each reunion we hold an auction in addition to the raffle. The monies raised at the auction, help fund the operations and activities of the 101st Vietnam Veterans Organization. Attendees are asked to bring an item to donate for this auction. This can be an item of interest specific to your State, a piece of art work or whatever you think might raise funds. The auction time has become a highlight of each reunion as we bid against each other for those items that are of interest to each member.
ATTENDEEsRich and Pat Thorne, HHC & D 2/506, 67-68 John and Jean Walker, HHC, B & D, 2/506, 67-68 Geof and Janet Scanlon, E Co. Recon 1/502, 67-68 Dave and Rosemary Nesbitt, A 1/502, 68-69 Ron Long, D & HHC 1/502, 67-68 Hector Colon-Rios and Ana, A 1/502, 67-68 Rod and Helen Green, A 1/502, 68-69 Mike and Sheila Santure, C 2/502, 66-67 Ryan Niebuhr, Historian, 2nd BDE, 101st Airborne Div. Martin Madert, Witness to War Foundation Wally and Judy Morrow, A 1/502, 68-69 John and Mary Marlowe, B 2/501, 70-71 Mike and Bobbie Sellers, HHC & A 1/502, 67-68 Jack & Katharina Justice, 2nd BDE S-3, HHC, D Commander, 67-68 Ed and Leslie Barbour HHC & A 1/502, 67-68 Stephen Tapia, C 158th AHB, 70-71 Wayne and Carol Dugger, B 1/502, 68-69 Ted and Marilyn Bridges, HHC, D, & E Recon 1/502, 67-68 Rich Coon, HHC 1/501, 67-68 Russ Coon (guest: brother of Rich Coon) Michael & Antoinette Guenette (brother/sister-in-law of Peter Guenette, KIA, 5/18/68, D 2/506, MOH awarded Posthumously) Robert and Sheree Mumblow, HHB 2/320 Arty, 67-68 Bob & Elaine Pino, HHB 2/11 Arty, Liaison Officer, 2/17 Cav, 71-72 John and Patricia Sorge, DMOR, HHC, A 1/502, 68-69 Paul and Diane Console, A 1/502, 67-68 Kara and Tu (Special Vietnam Guests) Barry and Charlotte Hughes, Nephew of Wally Morrow Charles & Cookie Allen, A 1/502, 67-68 Bill & Betty Lux, A 1/502, 67-68 Robert Eppers, HHC 1/502, 68-69 Tom and Linda Barrett, A 1/502, 67-68 Gerald Laird, A 1/502, 67-68 Karen Handley (sister of Gerald Laird) Ginalee Lieder (guest of Gerald Laird) John and Ree Stillman, B 1/502, 67-68 Bob Deese (stepson of Bill Lux) Malcolm Craig, A 1/502, 67-68 Roger Craig (brother of Malcolm Craig) Harlie and Mary Treat, B 1/502 & 160 Avn. Gp. 68-69 Gene Johnson, HHC, Recon 2/502, 66-67 Carl and Ann Morris, D 2/502, 69-70 Leslie Carter, HHC 1/502, 68-69 Bill and Janet Ramsey, 101 MP Co., 67-68 John F. Hay, B & E Co. Recon 1/502, 68-69 Randy Nicholson, A 1/502, 67-68 James and Tracie Holmes, A 1/502, 1968 James and Linda Smith, HHC & D 1/502, 67-68 Johnny and Leslie Owens, Guests of Mike Sellers William and Nancy Bevins, B 1/506, 1971 Dick Weiss, B Btry, 2/320 Arty, 65-66 Don and Cindee Legg, B 1/502, 67-68 Peter Smith, D 1/502, 67-68 Emily Smith, Sister of Peter Smith Mary Cornish, Guest of Peter Smith Billy and Sandra Whitesell, A 1/502, 67-68 Bruce Roshong, C 1/501, 68-69 Edward Reulbach, D 2/502, 69-70 Eddie and Linda Hollingsworth, A 1/327, 68-69 Ray and Peggy Chandler, HHC, C 2/502, 66-67 Donald Singleton, HHC, B 2/502, 67-68 Ralph Kuhen/Shirley Thompson, E 1/502 - 4.2 Mortars & Recon, 68-69 William Cadmus, B 1/327, 66-67 Eugene and Judith Garcia, A Btry, 4/77 Arty Joe & Lynette Miller, Active Duty Apache Pilot, son-in-law & daughter of Mike & Bobbie Sellers Forrest Stephens, A 1/501, 70-71 Earnest Stephens, Associate Member Sigifredo "Fred" and Graciana Ramirez, A 1/502, 68-69 Sigifredo Ramirez, Jr., son of Fred and Graciana Earle and Kathy Prior, D 1/506, 70-71 Tim and Angela Sandberg, D 1/502, 67-68 Kenneth Johnson and Joy Devane, B 2/327, 67-68 Terry Johnson, son of Kenneth Johnson, former USMC Chester Williams, 101 Abn. Div., 67-68 Eddie Kennedy, guest, 82nd Abn. Div. Stephanie Kennedy, daughter of Eddie Kennedy Clifton and Ronda Shepherd, HHC, 1/506, 69-70 Don Murnock and Diane Romano, B 1/502, 68-69 Benjamin and Mary Miles, HHC, E 1/502, 66-69, 70-71 Freddy and Barbara Baker, A 1/502, 68-69 Amy & Tony Krueger, Family of Wally Morrow Charles Cole, A 1/502, 68-69 Julie & Ricky Creighton, Family of Charles Cole Donald Eldred, 326 Combat Engineers Bryan Morrow & Stacy Carson, Family of Wally Morrow Phillip & Shelia Cawthon, A 1/502, 68-69 Paul and Zayne Cousins, C 1/327, 1968 Paul Means, brother of Ronald Means, KIA 2/5/68, B 1/502 Al Sims, A 1/502, 69-70 Douglas Bolton, A 2/506, 67-68 Sonny and Peggy Morrow, B Trp. 2/17 Cav, 67-68 Larry and Linda Greenhill, A 2/502 Daniel and Diana O'Toole, D 1/502, 67-68 Jim Brierly, Recon E, 1/502, 69-70 James and Peggy Roach, B 2/506, 1968; D 3/187, 1970 Todd Ramsey, Son of Bill Ramsey Tony and Mem Dooley, D 1/506, 1971 Michael Donovan, A 1/502, 1969 Greg and Phyllis Gandy, D 2/506, 67-68 Kenneth Walker, A 1/502, 68-69 Kenna and Valerie Walker, Guests of Kenneth Walker |
Fort Benning and National
Infantry Museum Tour
Thursday, August 23, 2018
0700-0730 Meet in front lobby to board buses
0730-0800 Travel to Fort Benning
0800-0900 Move to Airborne Training Brigade Area
0900-1100 Observe Airborne Troops in training
1100-1130 Move to Airborne Dining Facility
1130-1230 Lunch at Airborne Dining Facility (at individual expense)
1230-1300 Move to SIM Center (Bldg. 3247)
1300-1400 Visit Engagement Skills Trainer-Shooting Simulation
1400-1430 Travel to National Infantry Museum
1430-1630 Tour National Infantry Museum
1630-1700 Travel back to Hotel
Note: there will be a minimal charge of $10 per person for bus transportation.
This can be mailed in with your reunion registration or paid prior to boarding the bus.
Also, the lunch at the Airborne Dining Facility will cost $5.55 per person and exact
change is required. This will be paid as we enter the Dining Facility.
Infantry Museum Tour
Thursday, August 23, 2018
0700-0730 Meet in front lobby to board buses
0730-0800 Travel to Fort Benning
0800-0900 Move to Airborne Training Brigade Area
0900-1100 Observe Airborne Troops in training
1100-1130 Move to Airborne Dining Facility
1130-1230 Lunch at Airborne Dining Facility (at individual expense)
1230-1300 Move to SIM Center (Bldg. 3247)
1300-1400 Visit Engagement Skills Trainer-Shooting Simulation
1400-1430 Travel to National Infantry Museum
1430-1630 Tour National Infantry Museum
1630-1700 Travel back to Hotel
Note: there will be a minimal charge of $10 per person for bus transportation.
This can be mailed in with your reunion registration or paid prior to boarding the bus.
Also, the lunch at the Airborne Dining Facility will cost $5.55 per person and exact
change is required. This will be paid as we enter the Dining Facility.