The Vietnam Service Medal is awarded to those of us who served in the Vietnam War Zone. A place where many feared to serve or refused to serve. We too had fear but saddled up and moved out anyway. It represents long, long hours of work at low pay and little reward. It represents missed opportunities and interrupted lives. It represents time away from family, missed birthdays, missed anniversaries, graduations among others. When worn with any of the recognized 18 Campaign Stars, it may represent: 1. Death. 2. Unrecognized (except by fellow brother veterans) heroics. 3. Wounds (combat and otherwise) where a Purple Heart was not awarded. 4. Jungle Rot, being torn by thorns, falling down hills, infected leech bites, accidental discharge of weapons, drowning, bunker cave-ins, snake bites, sickness, Malaria, dysentery and many others. 5. Exposure to Agent Orange or any of the other chemicals used there that have caused health issues these 50+ years later to both the Veteran and their offspring. (Taken from an article written by Robert L. Howard, 101st Airborne, Vietnam 67, 68 and 69.